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Finished with this series yesterday as well. Every evening I watched 2-3 episodes after work for the past 2 months, so it went to a routine quickly.
The final episode was pretty good, although somehow I hoped for an even more emotional ending, not only with the big reunion of Yusuke and Keiko but everyone. Still I'm ok with the end.
The last arc though was extremely rushed, I mean really rushed and really can't be called good like that except some excellent backstory (esp Hiei). But one of the strongest points of the series was the connection between the characters and also the amazing OST from Yusuke Honma. It helped building the special magic feeling of this Anime.
When we talk about arcs I felt the most tension for an antagonist at the dark tournament arc and also am one of those who think it`s the best arc of the series although I've read many criticism here. But to me the young Toguro was the best villain of the series though.
The Sensui/Chapter Black Arc was not bad and Sensui was a very interesting character but even there a few things already seemed a bit rushed/aka came out of nowhere to me.
Also some single very emotional episodes like when Pu was saving Yusuke clearly made this series shine.
Of course I watched only the japanese original version and as usual am impressed by the amazing cast. The english one fails totally in comparison if you ask me, only sterotypical english talking people there without substance. The japanese one fits perfectly pretty much for every character.
At episode 110 I was thinking of at least still 12 episodes, but no 2 more after that concluding the last chapter of this anime, and well compared to the others this chapter felt rather rushed to the point of like another a fighting tournament but instead of training and overcoming strengths by all kind of triggers we suddenly are like months in the beginning of this chapter to years near the end where all have trained so much more that the first chapters are peanuts compared to this, which makes it even worse as the overall finish felt rather lackluster compared to the dark/shadow tournament if you'd ask me. The match ups were pretty amazing though!
This anime did had two great things pacing and multiple characters voiced by Wakamoto Norio which just makes me quite biased but tbh quite nice to have.
The pacing of this last chapter just felt of place compared with the time they all trained/where in the Demon realm.
That said the overall ending as all 4 chapters have are pretty solidly closed and properly flowed into the next, and while even though I was a bit taken back by the sudden time duration and pacing shift, in the end they closed this last chapter off properly as well.
This anime really changed my life, it is definitely in my top 5 favorite of all time. Such a manly and beautiful anime. God damn am I gonna miss Kuwabara, my new favorite anime character.
Es bueno ver que todos terminaron bien, y Keiko y Yusuke mantuvieron sus palabras y se reencontraron. Al fin pude terminar Yu Yu Hakusho. Cuando lo daban en la tele nunca emitieron el final, y solo faltaban pocos capítulos (que desperdicio no transmitir la serie hasta el final). Bueno, ahora a ver el especial de 2018 y las películas cuando pueda.
This may have been the gateway anime for many fans, or a show that you watched during your early childhood, much like Pokemon, but for better or worse this show was a massive product of it's era and leaves a quite a bit to be desired IMO.
It's probably the purest battle shounen that I've ever seen (never watched DBZ), relentless with it's linear story progression and fight after fight, tournament after tournament, etc, there's little to no breathing room for anything else, whether it be a good romantic sub plot (Keiko and Yusuke's was pretty lame), everyday slice of life moments, side stories, etc. In other words, incredibly one-dimensional. This also means there are no fillers, which will go well with some fans, personally I don't mind a good character filler every now and then. It's not bad, just not what it was cracked out to be.
The emotional peaks I felt were few and far between, because everything was either too predictable or the stakes weren't meaningful enough. Plus the aesthetics, this might have been the shit back in 92, but it obviously doesn't pack the raw punch that new school animation has going for it. Comedy wise, it was good, especially in the first half of the show. Kuwabara turned out to be my fav character in this series. Glad I switched to sub, his dubbed voice is atrocious.
6/10, very average in the end. Too many rose tinted glasses affecting the 8.4 overall score here. I much prefer something like Kenichi Mightiest Disciple to this, at least that had good ecchi scenes lol...
Such a thrill ride the whole way through! Great story, greater fights, and not a single unlikeable character in the bunch. Definitely going to miss my boy Kuwabara and his Yuusuke bromance.
This was my first time watching, so I didn't grow up with this or watch this on tv back in the day, so I might have some "experience bias," but my arc rankings are:
1. Spirit Detective - just the initial story and cast meeting
2. Dark Tournament - great but I didn't think it lived up to the hype
3. Three Kings - I liked the concept, and although I would've liked some more fights, I didn't consider it rushed exactly. I thought it did what needed to be done in enough episodes. Didn't like so many humanoid demons, needed some variety.
4. Chapter Black - Sensui was a good villain but I thought the rest of it was underwhelming, especially with the underutilized extra characters. Kamiya's section was the highlight for me.
The ending was a little too quiet for my taste, but a nice conclusion seeing everyone together. Disappointing that Kuwabara got sidelined and Yuusuke's mom vanished into thin air (Did she even know he was gone? Did she ever clean up?).
And although this was more consistent, I still give the edge to DBZ.
Short-haired Keiko Forever
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz
What a nice conclusion I just kept smiling throughout the episode it’s really a hart warming feeling of sadness that it’s over but also really happy how everything ended FOREVER FORNEVER Bang
It was average, but overall good quality, I just wasn't really invested in the characters, I get where Dragon ball and all the other shonen are coming from now but with no nostalgic memories of Yuyu Hakusho it's simply average for me.
WHat a great way to end a series.. Such a fun watch and a great adventure. Words cant describe how much I enjoyed this series and I now know why its one of the godfathers of anime. 11/10, Yu Yu Hakusho is a MUST WATCH anime oat.
wholesome last ep actually emotional to finally finish this series, it's been such a long journey for me... I started watching this with my now ex-gf years ago and so stopped and started pretty sporadically. Seeing the live action spurred me on to finish the last 30ish eps I had to watch!
I think I will always have a fondness in my heart for YYH now
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Honestly, the ending was sweet and all. But uh... Keiko waiting 3 years? Hell nah, they couldn't be me. And tbh, I hate to say it... But I blame Togashi for the trash state of romance in Shonen. A lot of Shonen writers looked up to him. He popularized the time skip relationship just ending up as a couple.
Though to be fair to Togashi, Keiko and Yusuke do have a history together. It was obvious that they were canon. Though it would've made things a bit more complicated and interesting, if Keiko had a boyfriend during that time. Undying loyalty for years? Yeah, no. Once again, I blame Togashi for the trash state of romance in most battle Shonen.
Though this anime had a strong first half with plenty of amazing moments, it kinda fell short in the second half for me. Throughout the show i always enjoyed the action but it kinda fell short in this last arc but they may just be me.
The animation throughout the show was always great, old anime and the old style of anime has always been something i enjoyed and im glad this show had solid animation throughout.
The best part of Yuu Yuu Hakusho was defintely the dark tournaments arc with Toguro. (best villain in my opinion.) I personally thought Yusuke would win the last fight but i guess he was never gonna be the one to win and become demon king.
Overall this anime has had plenty of great moments along with plenty of bad moments and i would say its worth the watch though some characters can get annoying or are just outright unlikeable.
Man, I love this show so much. The Three Kings arc is definitely not as fleshed out as it could be and is basically just an extended tribute to Dragon Ball but its never bad. And the ending in the anime is a bit more focused than the manga one (which I think I like a little more) and honestly choked me up for a second. Everyone gets pushed off into new full lives without trying to extract every possible thread of content and close off all possible lines of sequel bait content. I mean, I'd love more Yu Yu Hakusho but the fact that Togashi chose to wrap it up pretty cleanly without sucking all possible life force it had and turning it into a disgusting zombie franchise like what Dragon Ball has become is a big part of why its so good.
We have finally Yu Yu Hakusho, I didn't think the ending itself was going to be a very low-key episode, it's everyone apart from Hiei on earth just hanging out, chilling out, catching up on stuff that they have missed it's nice. To think I didn't finish this show until much recently. It was such a stellar show with a memorable cast, awesome fights and a cracking soundtrack, though if I have to quibble, the ending arc was very rushed and Togashi had run out of ideas at that point and wanted it finished.
I'd say my favourite arc was definitely the Dark Tournament which possibly the best dynamics between Genkai and Toguro but tons of great fights as well as having Toguro, Young Toguro that is be one of the most badass villains in Anime history. Most of the stuff past the Saint Beasts was pretty much new territory for me but even then I wasn't ever bored of this show well for the most part that is.
This show was that awesome, it was so engaging as a whole and at this I regard as one of my personal favourite animes and for that I give Yu Yu Hakusho a 9/10.
I was kinda iffy on the beginning of the series; Dark Tournament and the Sensui arcs were peak; the last arc had so much potential and overall it was good, but I think it could've been even better if it was 30-40 episodes longer - the Demon World felt underdeveloped and rushed