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Just watched this again for the first time in 20 years. It was better than I remember, but I thought the ending was a little too "Hollywood" with the dramatic action sequence and rescue. Up until then it had been a quiet chill movie and then suddenly shifted tone. The theme seems to be about her growing up, but she didn't really grow as a person. She lost her powers and instead of working hard to get them back she just... got them back all at once because of the emergency. I guess it felt rushed because I'm used to characters doing a training montage or something to overcome their problem and she just kinda skipped over that. That artist girl tried giving her advice right before but it didn't seem to apply, or I just misread it? She basically just said "don't worry about it'll come back on its own", and yeah it did, but I feel in most stories the character would've had to work to achieve that but Kiki didn't. Though it was funny to see the little girl in the end credits in a Kiki costume, like now she's the town hero and celebrity.
It makes me wonder how much of this movie is original material and how much is based on the book. Just looking at the Wikipedia article and comparing chapters it seems only the cat toy delivery is the same, though maybe it's not a full list. It mentions stuff like fixing the clock tower, taking a delivery out to a ship at sea, recovering her stolen broom, etc. Just seems like this a very loose adaptation with mostly original content, but that's fine.
8/10!! Just didn't feel much progress but I loved the climax, it was sweet and realistic in a way where it shows how you can sometimes lose spirit on something you love doing but you can always find inspiration and get back on track
Definitely one of the best anime movies ever. The subtlety with which it develops themes such as not belonging, finding a place to call home and coming of age is just astounding.
Watched the English dub two weeks ago as part as Ghibli Fest, though I would've like to watch the original Japanese version with subtitles, just to poke on seiyuu jokes on characters Minami Takayama would later eventually voice years later like Conan Edogawa in Detective Conan, Dark Pretty in Heartcatch Pretty Cure and Pit from the Kid Icarus series.
Anyways, this is the greatest witch of all time.
Such a cute coming of age movie, made me happy and that's what counts :) (as usual, the animation is splendid, so many drawings that looked like they had to be made with cgi but there's no way, so detailed...)
I mighty be blinded by nostalgia since this is the first ever Studio Ghibli movie i watched but this is an actual masterpiece. It is a fun story, with interesting and compelling characters, But underneath this is social commentary whether intentional or not i do not know. But the journey Kiki goes through in the movie is a impactful one that many will most likely relate too in some way shape or form.
I actually really love this movie (despite the fact it is probably mostly aimed at young girls and I am a guy in my 20s). It is just a really happy, enjoyable film all around, and is probably one of if not my favourite Studio Ghibli film.
I have watched both the dub and sub and liked them both. I actually liked Jiji's voice for some odd reason xD.
I know there is some controversy over some early dub edits, namely Jiji speaking at the end when Miyazaki never intended it to be that way, but I actually preferred the way the dub ended, if for no other reason than it was happier. I think the whole message of her becoming mature that Miyazaki was trying to get across with making Kiki lose the ability to speak with Jiji was clear enough without it.
In fact I enjoyed this movie enough to research the original book, which I found had been translated several years back. Turns out istis rather rare and expensive but I was lucky and found a 2nd hand library copy for £5-£10.
The book is for those interested a far more basic story (not that the movie was complex, the simplicity is part of why I like it :P). The book starts off in the same way as the movie, and many of her adventures are the same or similar, but whereas the movie goes off into the story of her losing her powers, the book merely follows her adventures from start to end. She never loses her powers and always has the ability to speak to Jiji (The book says a witch and her cat stay together until she finds a partner, at which time they go off to live their own lives separably). Although the end message is more or less the same in just showing how Kiki has grown up and matured over the time of her journey.
The movie shows how she has grown through her regaining her powers etc and losing her ability to talk to Jiji is suppose to symbolize it too. The book simply ends with her visiting her mother, who Kiki realizes she eagerly wants to here her praise and she tells her she has matured a lot. She then, satisfied that she had matured and choosing to become a witch was the right choice, despite being home only a few days is eager to return, and the book finishes as she makes her way back to 'her town'.
The movie takes the general idea and puts more emphasis on the characters and specific elements of Kiki's journey, whereas the book had far less focus on any single characters other than Kiki or Jiji (Tombo had far less importance in the book for example). Only a few of the adventures in the book were used in the movie, but they were expanded and given more impact to the overall story.
I think the movie was overall very good and I would choose it over the original book. However when people debate about the dub edits, keep in mind that Miyazaki changed the story from the book far more than those changes in the dub.
@TehWhiteTiger I am a man almost in my 30s and I enjoyed it quite much. Age and gender should not determine how good a movie can be. A
Foi o primeiro filme do Estúdio Ghibli que assisti, tenho orgulho que tenha sido esse filme. É muito recomendado para quem nunca assistiu e para quem já assistiu deve saber que é um bom filme para ser a introdução aos filmes do Estúdio Ghibli por ser leve e de fácil entendimento. Um abraço a todos. <3
just a nice and fun movie. first time watching it in japanese. i wanted to watch the finnish dub but the audio i ripped from my dvd kept going off sync with the bluray encode
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I finished this movie today on October 5, 2024. Amazing movie! I felt so immersed in the movie. This is a masterpiece for me. I enjoyed it so much! I love Ghibli Studios!
The animation was so good, voice acting, and sound effects. Every aspect of this anime film is the best.
very wholesome and enjoyable movie. watched it with my family. they thought it was a kids movie but i really had fun watching it. 9/10. yeah and didn't understand why jiji stopped talking. no explanation.
The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.