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Apr 19, 2019 12:04 AM

Feb 2017
this ep is the peak of bad directing in this anime.
give a 5 atm

MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate
Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald
Apr 19, 2019 12:49 AM

Nov 2011
papsoshea said:
katsucats said:
Is the entire party mentally 12?
Raphtalia is mentally 10.

Naofumi is a major hypocrite in this episode, and could be even more so in a future event - it's contradictory to what he told Raphtalia here.

Cyborg_Icarus29 said:
They managed to cram so many cliches into one episode. I'm honestly impressed.
That's pretty much every episode, but this one was special.
Something that I don't get, is that people are saying this was the worst episode. Are we all forgetting that episodes 7 and 8 exist?

I'm not saying that this week's episode was some golden globe winner in terms of production/entertainment, but in my opinion it wasn't as bad as the previously mentioned episodes of 7 and 8.
Apr 19, 2019 2:15 AM

May 2014
To be honest... I thought it would be worse. I mean, yes, Raph backstory was your typical traumatic past for victimization purposes as I said it would be, but it wasn't so over the top and was handled pretty well actually, just the necessary scenes in the correct moments (Rifana's body part was completely out of place imo, not the scene by itself, just the shot to her body). Even so it was so obviously emotional manipulative that I couldn't feel anything. I fail to see the "heartbreaking" part here.

The real problem is other, though. As others have pointed out, the "I won't kill you because I'm not like you" trope is stupid, not because is an overused cliche, but in this context it goes against all sense, killing a slaver and sadistic man won't make you a sadistic too. Not only that, but Raph was about to kill him until Naofumi said that reply (hypocritical coming from him) and then she just remembered she is supposed to be "pure" and stopped. Honestly that would have been a good oportunity to have an interesting development for Raphtalia (to see how she handles with her actions), but no, writers just decided to go for the cliche route for the sake of keeping their waifu bait as "pure and innocent" (plain and with barely a personality) as weebs want her.

And the rest of the chapter was... pretty much the same as previous chapters: questionable writing, forced and contrived situations, one dimensional cartoonishly evil guys, bad CG and free sucks to almighty Shield Hero (really, they are expert in making everyone and everything revolves around Naofumi dick). But again, it could be worse, and at least we didn't get the "RApHaLiA bEsT wAiFu Of ThE yEaR!!!" weebs horde... yet.
Rhapsody-Apr 19, 2019 2:13 PM
Apr 19, 2019 6:08 AM

Sep 2017
Overall decent episode but holy shit kill someone already. Don't want any of that "I don't want to be like them".

Apr 19, 2019 8:30 AM

Sep 2018
Rhapsody- said:
The real problem is other, though. As others have pointed out, the "I won't kill you because I'm not like you" trope is stupid, not because is an overused cliche, but in this context it goes against all sense, killing a slaver and sadistic man won't make you a sadistic too. Not only that, but Raph was about to kill him until Naofumi said that reply (hypocritical coming from him) and then she just remembered she is supposed to be "pure" and stopped. Honestly that would have been a good oportunity to have an interesting development for Raphtalia (to see how she handles with her actions), but no, writers just decided to go for the cliche route for the sake to keep their waifu bait as "pure and innocent" (plain and with barely a personality) as weebs want her.

Not to mention that in Ep 10, he mocked someone else for using a cliche: Itsuki saying "With great power comes great responsibility". It's frustrating that this inconsistency could've been easily avoided since the director simply didn't have to change the scene in the LN/manga.
Apr 19, 2019 9:22 AM
Apr 2015
The metal bars in the Wagon holding Raphtalia where so far apart she couldve EASILY just slipped through and left, nothing major but i see this so often in anime its starting to get to me.
Apr 19, 2019 10:38 AM

Dec 2016
The feels :( Poor Raphalia...

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that scumbag alive after falling from the building. Unbelievable! Raphtalia should had stabbed him with her sword (not the magic one she used) when she got the chance. Now's too late... New mission: Defeat the T-Rex.

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Apr 19, 2019 12:11 PM
May 2014
mary_zervou said:
Daamn.. The feels in this episode. Raphthalia-chan's cry was heartbreaking. Also I have a question. Keel-kun is the same age as Raphtalia, right? When they were kids they seemed like they had the same age. But now Raphtalia looks a lot older than him. Is it because he was malnutritioned and depressed that his growth was delayed, whereas Raphtalia had the chance to eat and train and be happy? That helped her grow faster?

You are absolutely right! Raphthalia mentioned it briefly in the anime that demi-humans grow faster than humans and that is why they are seen as monsters. But the more food the demi-human is given the faster they grow. Raphthalia should be at the same age as Naofumi, possibly just a few years younger now.
Apr 19, 2019 12:43 PM

Oct 2017
Why do we always try to take the high road instead of giving proper punishment (death) to characters that have done so many atrocities. Naofumi talking Raphtalia out of killing him was a huge disappointment and doesn't seem to fit how he himself acts at all. Can you also explain to me how Idol falls what seems to be three or more stories and all he has is blood dripping from his head from what I assume is the initial glass breaking when he fell through the window?

I will say I did enjoy the use of the Swedish song used for the emotional scene.
Apr 19, 2019 1:09 PM
Aug 2009
That asswipe of an episode is not even slightly representative of the in every way superior manga version...
This piece of shit fucks over and ruins all the character and story involved and makes a mockery of
everyone dumb enough to still accept this episode.

Just freakin go compare it to the manga version not only is it better in everyway...
Apr 19, 2019 2:20 PM

Sep 2016

How to ruin an episode but saving money on a T-Rex... must be a good milk they squeezed outta there.

Apr 19, 2019 2:56 PM

Feb 2018
I'm too tired to write something about this episode at this point.
Let me speak through this emoji: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Apr 19, 2019 3:30 PM

Oct 2012
papsoshea said:
katsucats said:
Is the entire party mentally 12?
Raphtalia is mentally 10.

Naofumi is a major hypocrite in this episode, and could be even more so in a future event - it's contradictory to what he told Raphtalia here.
lol well...

Naofumi shouldn't have been mentally 12, and certainly not Melty (actually, how old is she?) and the other lord guy, who were just hanging around as if it's another day in the park. The only reasonable reaction was, "What the fuck are you talking about?" And then Melty was all surprised when she entered the underground dungeon, as if she just spaced out during this whole exchange with Idol.

Now Raphtalia being 10 has other disturbing implications, besides the fact that she's a slave, and the main love interest in Naofumi's pedophile harem. Not sure if 10 year olds act like Raphtalia in real life since I haven't talked to any in like 20 years, but just imagine if Raphtalia actually had a 10 year old's body, and how the sequence of events played out.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 19, 2019 4:41 PM

Sep 2018
Demyx_IX said:
Something that I don't get, is that people are saying this was the worst episode. Are we all forgetting that episodes 7 and 8 exist?

I'm not saying that this week's episode was some golden globe winner in terms of production/entertainment, but in my opinion it wasn't as bad as the previously mentioned episodes of 7 and 8.

I think this episode isn't even close to being as bad as Ep 7 and 8. The two episodes you mentioned have more glaring flaws. This episode was mostly good outside of the botched scene as a result of the director trying to fix what wasn't broken, in my opinion.
Apr 19, 2019 5:04 PM

Dec 2016
Demyx_IX said:
Something that I don't get, is that people are saying this was the worst episode. Are we all forgetting that episodes 7 and 8 exist?

I'm not saying that this week's episode was some golden globe winner in terms of production/entertainment, but in my opinion it wasn't as bad as the previously mentioned episodes of 7 and 8.

This is worse in my opinion. Episodes 7 and 8 were mostly just goofy, this episode made far worse infractions.
Apr 19, 2019 5:40 PM

May 2016
Oh, boy. I absolutely hate it when I have to do this. I see so many people are mad at this episode because of all the changes that were made especially with Raphtalia on the subject of her not actually killing Idol herself. Personally I'm not really bothered by the changes, in fact I actually liked them.

Now before you guys start calling me an idiot let me start off by a SERIOUS question. Have any of you ever tried to kill someone before? No, seriously. Have any of you ever killed someone before?

Taking another life, no matter how much they deserve it, isn't as easy as it looks. Ask any soldier, especially ones who served in WW2, Korea, or Vietnam and they will tell you that it stills affects them to this day.

You people say that Raphtalia wouldn't be effected by it if she killed Idol. Well, no, it wouldn't... at least not immediately. However, if she did kill him in cold blood it would slowly start to affect and change her. Once she starts killing, who's to say she won't keep killing until she ends up becoming a monster like Idol? I mean, look at Anakin Skywalker and the path he went down the moment his mother died after being tortured for so long by the Sand People. Every life you take further desensitizes your respect for life not matter how much you want to justify it. It's one thing to kill in self-defense(which is kind of what happened here) but it's another thing to kill someone in cold blood especially if that person is unarmed and no longer a threat.

And here's another thing, if Raphtalia had killed Idol in front of many witnesses it would have caused even more problems for both Naofumi and his party and for the Demi-Humans because the Kingdom would used this event as another excuse to destroy the Shield Hero, massacre all of the Demi-Humans, prevent Melty from ever reaching her mother, and Idol would have been made into a martyr.

Did Idol deserve to die? Definitely, but it didn't have to come from Raphtalia's hand.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Apr 19, 2019 6:00 PM

Oct 2008
A true solid emotional episode for Raphtalia!
bwahahaha Idol got squashed by that T-Rex monstah!
I hope that monstah has a lot of exp reward! lolz!

Apr 19, 2019 6:14 PM

Oct 2015
Raphtalia's past and backstory were a bit emotional, too bad for her friend!

That bastard being alive was a shocker, wonder who resurrected him? Anyways things will be interesting with that giant shield monster, I sense a new power up for Naofumi!
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 19, 2019 6:54 PM

May 2018
Oh that Raphtalia backstory, but wtf that fat noble man is still alive and was able to release the monster that the past heroes locked up.........??????
Apr 19, 2019 7:09 PM
Jan 2015
As of this episode i'm giving the series a 10, Shield Hero for me gets better each episode and Episode 15 blew it away.
Apr 19, 2019 7:25 PM
Dec 2018
DirectorK said:
Oh, boy. I absolutely hate it when I have to do this. I see so many people are mad at this episode because of all the changes that were made especially with Raphtalia on the subject of her not actually killing Idol herself. Personally I'm not really bothered by the changes, in fact I actually liked them.

Now before you guys start calling me an idiot let me start off by a SERIOUS question. Have any of you ever tried to kill someone before? No, seriously. Have any of you ever killed someone before?

Taking another life, no matter how much they deserve it, isn't as easy as it looks. Ask any soldier, especially ones who served in WW2, Korea, or Vietnam and they will tell you that it stills affects them to this day.

You people say that Raphtalia wouldn't be effected by it if she killed Idol. Well, no, it wouldn't... at least not immediately. However, if she did kill him in cold blood it would slowly start to affect and change her. Once she starts killing, who's to say she won't keep killing until she ends up becoming a monster like Idol? I mean, look at Anakin Skywalker and the path he went down the moment his mother died after being tortured for so long by the Sand People. Every life you take further desensitizes your respect for life not matter how much you want to justify it. It's one thing to kill in self-defense(which is kind of what happened here) but it's another thing to kill someone in cold blood especially if that person is unarmed and no longer a threat.

And here's another thing, if Raphtalia had killed Idol in front of many witnesses it would have caused even more problems for both Naofumi and his party and for the Demi-Humans because the Kingdom would used this event as another excuse to destroy the Shield Hero, massacre all of the Demi-Humans, prevent Melty from ever reaching her mother, and Idol would have been made into a martyr.

Did Idol deserve to die? Definitely, but it didn't have to come from Raphtalia's hand.
i think most are just worrie about myne payback since naofumi told raph thouse words but people cant see naofumi see raph has a pure girl and he wants her to continue to be good. Naofumi still thinks his no hero or nice guy so i think it wont affect his attitude to myne punishment.

On the other side it dint matter if she killed him or not crits and haters would just find something else to hate on

This show has skiped and avoid a lot from the sorce material but i actually still enjoying it a lot but it may be mostly becouse im happy to see this characters come to live has a big fan of the LN. I just hope they do a season 2
Apr 19, 2019 8:25 PM

May 2014
Aniteku said:
On the other side it dint matter if she killed him or not crits and haters would just find something else to hate on

Man, do you really think anyone with minimal criticism is a hater? It is so hard to accept people may not like something in this chapter even when some of them are giving arguments about their claims without actually disliking the serie? Because even fans and LN readers are complaining about the same, in your eyes are they haters too?

Devaluing opinions just because they are not the same as yours. At the end you're not so different from the people you are criticizing.
Apr 19, 2019 8:45 PM

Oct 2012
DirectorK said:
Now before you guys start calling me an idiot let me start off by a SERIOUS question. Have any of you ever tried to kill someone before? No, seriously. Have any of you ever killed someone before?

Taking another life, no matter how much they deserve it, isn't as easy as it looks. Ask any soldier, especially ones who served in WW2, Korea, or Vietnam and they will tell you that it stills affects them to this day.
No, but Raphtalia has. And she's killed countless animals in the wild just to gain some exp. And in the real world, people don't just "repent" because someone roughed them up a bit. The most likely thing that will happen if Idol was let go and survived is that he would get revenge. He would probably start by capturing a bunch of demi-humans, maybe not just 1 town, but 5. Then slowly torture them to death to satisfy his anger. He would probably rape a few cat girls, who knows. Then you, Naofumi, and Raphtalia will smile and love the fact that cat girls have been raped, I'm sure, because you would have knowingly let off a sadistic murderer/racist on some unrealistic ideal of pacifism. From that point on, anything Idol does is Raphtalia's direct responsibility. It's like a manager being responsible for the workers under him.

So I'm not going to call you an idiot or anything, but you must really hate Raphtalia not to hold her up to the standard of a decent human being.

DirectorK said:
You people say that Raphtalia wouldn't be effected by it if she killed Idol. Well, no, it wouldn't... at least not immediately. However, if she did kill him in cold blood it would slowly start to affect and change her. Once she starts killing, who's to say she won't keep killing until she ends up becoming a monster like Idol? I mean, look at Anakin Skywalker and the path he went down the moment his mother died after being tortured for so long by the Sand People. Every life you take further desensitizes your respect for life not matter how much you want to justify it. It's one thing to kill in self-defense(which is kind of what happened here) but it's another thing to kill someone in cold blood especially if that person is unarmed and no longer a threat.
Kill thousands of animals and monsters and don't bat an eye, but kill one shitty murderer, and you start going down a slippery slope. If that affects her, then she has the weakest character, because she'd rather be directly responsible for the death of countless demi-humans, as long as she doesn't have to dirty her own hands. Then again, apparently she's 10, so if she can't take that responsibility, then Naofumi should have, as the guardian of the family.

DirectorK said:
And here's another thing, if Raphtalia had killed Idol in front of many witnesses it would have caused even more problems for both Naofumi and his party and for the Demi-Humans because the Kingdom would used this event as another excuse to destroy the Shield Hero, massacre all of the Demi-Humans, prevent Melty from ever reaching her mother, and Idol would have been made into a martyr.
That's a funny one. She would have killed Idol in front of exactly 4 people: Naofumi, Melty, the bird, and the other lord ally. I'm sure if the evil murderer villain was alive, he would not massacre any demi-humans. He would only massacre demi-humans if he was dead.

DirectorK said:
Did Idol deserve to die? Definitely, but it didn't have to come from Raphtalia's hand.
Then it would have come from Naofumi's hand, or Melty's, or the other lord's. All 3 of them have just motivation of kill him. Naofumi because his child has been harmed and she lacks the moral character to take responsibility. Melty because Idol has ruined the name of her kingdom. The other lord because he was beat up and tortured even though they're of similar rank. But the most offensive thing about this is that all 3 of them just sat there and watched passively, and Naofumi even actively convinced Raphtalia to let him go.

Unlike in the real world, Idol isn't going to be put to trial and imprisoned. He would have been let go, scot-free. Imagine if all the murderers, rapists, mass shooters were let go scot-free, because we don't want any police to be affected and start changing. Who's to say policemen won't become like Anakin Skywalker? What do you imagine the rapists and mass shooters would do? Turn a new leaf and start over, become an upstanding citizen overnight? Or might some or most go kill and rape another person? And you'd think that the kind of society that lets that happen is a just one and you'd rate it 10/10! I mean like I'm not going to call you an idiot, but I'm glad you're on MAL and not the President.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 19, 2019 9:18 PM

May 2016
katsucats said:
DirectorK said:
Now before you guys start calling me an idiot let me start off by a SERIOUS question. Have any of you ever tried to kill someone before? No, seriously. Have any of you ever killed someone before?

Taking another life, no matter how much they deserve it, isn't as easy as it looks. Ask any soldier, especially ones who served in WW2, Korea, or Vietnam and they will tell you that it stills affects them to this day.
No, but Raphtalia has. And she's killed countless animals in the wild just to gain some exp. And in the real world, people don't just "repent" because someone roughed them up a bit. The most likely thing that will happen if Idol was let go and survived is that he would get revenge. He would probably start by capturing a bunch of demi-humans, maybe not just 1 town, but 5. Then slowly torture them to death to satisfy his anger. He would probably rape a few cat girls, who knows. Then you, Naofumi, and Raphtalia will smile and love the fact that cat girls have been raped, I'm sure, because you would have knowingly let off a sadistic murderer/racist on some unrealistic ideal of pacifism. From that point on, anything Idol does is Raphtalia's direct responsibility. It's like a manager being responsible for the workers under him.

So I'm not going to call you an idiot or anything, but you must really hate Raphtalia not to hold her up to the standard of a decent human being.

DirectorK said:
You people say that Raphtalia wouldn't be effected by it if she killed Idol. Well, no, it wouldn't... at least not immediately. However, if she did kill him in cold blood it would slowly start to affect and change her. Once she starts killing, who's to say she won't keep killing until she ends up becoming a monster like Idol? I mean, look at Anakin Skywalker and the path he went down the moment his mother died after being tortured for so long by the Sand People. Every life you take further desensitizes your respect for life not matter how much you want to justify it. It's one thing to kill in self-defense(which is kind of what happened here) but it's another thing to kill someone in cold blood especially if that person is unarmed and no longer a threat.
Kill thousands of animals and monsters and don't bat an eye, but kill one shitty murderer, and you start going down a slippery slope. If that affects her, then she has the weakest character, because she'd rather be directly responsible for the death of countless demi-humans, as long as she doesn't have to dirty her own hands. Then again, apparently she's 10, so if she can't take that responsibility, then Naofumi should have, as the guardian of the family.

DirectorK said:
And here's another thing, if Raphtalia had killed Idol in front of many witnesses it would have caused even more problems for both Naofumi and his party and for the Demi-Humans because the Kingdom would used this event as another excuse to destroy the Shield Hero, massacre all of the Demi-Humans, prevent Melty from ever reaching her mother, and Idol would have been made into a martyr.
That's a funny one. She would have killed Idol in front of exactly 4 people: Naofumi, Melty, the bird, and the other lord ally. I'm sure if the evil murderer villain was alive, he would not massacre any demi-humans. He would only massacre demi-humans if he was dead.

DirectorK said:
Did Idol deserve to die? Definitely, but it didn't have to come from Raphtalia's hand.
Then it would have come from Naofumi's hand, or Melty's, or the other lord's. All 3 of them have just motivation of kill him. Naofumi because his child has been harmed and she lacks the moral character to take responsibility. Melty because Idol has ruined the name of her kingdom. The other lord because he was beat up and tortured even though they're of similar rank. But the most offensive thing about this is that all 3 of them just sat there and watched passively, and Naofumi even actively convinced Raphtalia to let him go.

Unlike in the real world, Idol isn't going to be put to trial and imprisoned. He would have been let go, scot-free. Imagine if all the murderers, rapists, mass shooters were let go scot-free, because we don't want any police to be affected and start changing. Who's to say policemen won't become like Anakin Skywalker? What do you imagine the rapists and mass shooters would do? Turn a new leaf and start over, become an upstanding citizen overnight? Or might some or most go kill and rape another person? And you'd think that the kind of society that lets that happen is a just one and you'd rate it 10/10! I mean like I'm not going to call you an idiot, but I'm glad you're on MAL and not the President.

Killing an animal isn't the same as killing an human being. An animal only knows how to survive which is why they will attack anyone they think is a threat. A human being has the ability to think and to speak. They can make decisions that can have consequences. Don't try to confuse two completely different things into one.

Also, if Idol survived that encounter the last thing he's going to do is seek revenge by massacring other demi-humans because now that Melty and her noble friend knows his secret he would either have to keep his mouth shut and go into hiding or go after them to shut them up. Once word got out about his evil deeds it would give Melty's mother the perfect excuse to invade the Kingdom. It was only fortunate that he killed by the T-Rex before he could do anything. You could say the hand of God played a role in that. Idol was definitely evil but he wasn't stupid. Seeking revenge would only draw attention to himself.

And no, I actually love Raphtalia because she's simply a good-hearted person who hasn't given in to temptation. And what the hell is me not being the "President" suppose to mean? Are you trying to pick a fight or something?
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Apr 19, 2019 9:20 PM

May 2015
I haven't cried like this in a while. This show has a good spot in my heart now.
Apr 19, 2019 9:43 PM

Sep 2018
SSL443 said:
This is worse in my opinion. Episodes 7 and 8 were mostly just goofy, this episode made far worse infractions.

The second half of Ep. 7 hardly contributed to the story which would've been better suited for an OVA. Ep. 8's execution of the zombie dragon fight was very meh in comparison to how it was handled in the manga (e.g. Filo getting distracted vs. getting shocked by the slave seal; the rage shield design was better in the manga; the dragon's generic design vs. its goopy appearance in the manga; the manga doing a better job depicting the direness of the situation and Naofumi's struggle at controlling the rage shield's power, etc.).
Apr 19, 2019 9:45 PM

Nov 2011
SSL443 said:
Demyx_IX said:
Something that I don't get, is that people are saying this was the worst episode. Are we all forgetting that episodes 7 and 8 exist?

I'm not saying that this week's episode was some golden globe winner in terms of production/entertainment, but in my opinion it wasn't as bad as the previously mentioned episodes of 7 and 8.

This is worse in my opinion. Episodes 7 and 8 were mostly just goofy, this episode made far worse infractions.

I dunno, I feel like the changes from the source material that were covered in 7 and 8 were just as egregious as the changes made in this episode. Having said that, this episode and the other two are easily in my top 3 worst episodes for the series, hopefully for the rest of the show. But given how things have gone, I'm sure at least one or two more will vie for that top spot.

VeryLTTP said:
SSL443 said:
This is worse in my opinion. Episodes 7 and 8 were mostly just goofy, this episode made far worse infractions.

The second half of Ep. 7 hardly contributed to the story which would've been better suited for an OVA. Ep. 8's execution of the zombie dragon fight was very meh in comparison to how it was handled in the manga (e.g. Filo getting distracted vs. getting shocked by the slave seal; the rage shield design was better in the manga; the dragon's generic design vs. its goopy appearance in the manga; the manga doing a better job depicting the direness of the situation and Naofumi's struggle at controlling the rage shield's power, etc.).

Pretty much sums up my sentiment on the matter.
Demyx_IXApr 19, 2019 9:48 PM
Apr 19, 2019 9:59 PM

Sep 2018
Demyx_IX said:
I dunno, I feel like the changes from the source material that were covered in 7 and 8 were just as egregious as the changes made in this episode. Having said that, this episode and the other two are easily in my top 3 worst episodes for the series, hopefully for the rest of the show. But given how things have gone, I'm sure at least one or two more will vie for that top spot.

Had this episode not changed Raphtalia's confrontation with Idol, would it not be among your 3 worst episodes? For me, that was the only change I had problems with. I was fine with the anime keeping Rifana's status up in the air till the end.
Apr 19, 2019 10:03 PM

Oct 2012
DirectorK said:
katsucats said:
No, but Raphtalia has. And she's killed countless animals in the wild just to gain some exp. And in the real world, people don't just "repent" because someone roughed them up a bit. The most likely thing that will happen if Idol was let go and survived is that he would get revenge. He would probably start by capturing a bunch of demi-humans, maybe not just 1 town, but 5. Then slowly torture them to death to satisfy his anger. He would probably rape a few cat girls, who knows. Then you, Naofumi, and Raphtalia will smile and love the fact that cat girls have been raped, I'm sure, because you would have knowingly let off a sadistic murderer/racist on some unrealistic ideal of pacifism. From that point on, anything Idol does is Raphtalia's direct responsibility. It's like a manager being responsible for the workers under him.

So I'm not going to call you an idiot or anything, but you must really hate Raphtalia not to hold her up to the standard of a decent human being.

Kill thousands of animals and monsters and don't bat an eye, but kill one shitty murderer, and you start going down a slippery slope. If that affects her, then she has the weakest character, because she'd rather be directly responsible for the death of countless demi-humans, as long as she doesn't have to dirty her own hands. Then again, apparently she's 10, so if she can't take that responsibility, then Naofumi should have, as the guardian of the family.

That's a funny one. She would have killed Idol in front of exactly 4 people: Naofumi, Melty, the bird, and the other lord ally. I'm sure if the evil murderer villain was alive, he would not massacre any demi-humans. He would only massacre demi-humans if he was dead.

Then it would have come from Naofumi's hand, or Melty's, or the other lord's. All 3 of them have just motivation of kill him. Naofumi because his child has been harmed and she lacks the moral character to take responsibility. Melty because Idol has ruined the name of her kingdom. The other lord because he was beat up and tortured even though they're of similar rank. But the most offensive thing about this is that all 3 of them just sat there and watched passively, and Naofumi even actively convinced Raphtalia to let him go.

Unlike in the real world, Idol isn't going to be put to trial and imprisoned. He would have been let go, scot-free. Imagine if all the murderers, rapists, mass shooters were let go scot-free, because we don't want any police to be affected and start changing. Who's to say policemen won't become like Anakin Skywalker? What do you imagine the rapists and mass shooters would do? Turn a new leaf and start over, become an upstanding citizen overnight? Or might some or most go kill and rape another person? And you'd think that the kind of society that lets that happen is a just one and you'd rate it 10/10! I mean like I'm not going to call you an idiot, but I'm glad you're on MAL and not the President.

Killing an animal isn't the same as killing an human being. An animal only knows how to survive which is why they will attack anyone they think is a threat. A human being has the ability to think and to speak. They can make decisions that can have consequences. Don't try to confuse two completely different things into one.

Also, if Idol survived that encounter the last thing he's going to do is seek revenge by massacring other demi-humans because now that Melty and her noble friend knows his secret he would either have to keep his mouth shut and go into hiding or go after them to shut them up. Once word got out about his evil deeds it would give Melty's mother the perfect excuse to invade the Kingdom. It was only fortunate that he killed by the T-Rex before he could do anything. You could say the hand of God played a role in that. Idol was definitely evil but he wasn't stupid. Seeking revenge would only draw attention to himself.

And no, I actually love Raphtalia because she's simply a good-hearted person who hasn't given in to temptation. And what the hell is me not being the "President" suppose to mean? Are you trying to pick a fight or something?
Yeah, because Melty, who's on the run and checkpoints are being set out for her, is definitely the one in power, and she'll definitely convince her mother to take over the kingdom, after sitting aside idly while Idol whipped her friend, and pretended nothing happened. Idol isn't stupid, maybe (he seems pretty stupid to me). But if I look at it your way, the whole cast is stupid.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 19, 2019 10:28 PM

May 2016
katsucats said:
Yeah, because Melty, who's on the run and checkpoints are being set out for her, is definitely the one in power, and she'll definitely convince her mother to take over the kingdom, after sitting aside idly while Idol whipped her friend, and pretended nothing happened. Idol isn't stupid, maybe (he seems pretty stupid to me). But if I look at it your way, the whole cast is stupid.

Oh, I see. You basically hate this anime because it's not written accordingly to your standards, whatever that's suppose to be.
DirectorKApr 19, 2019 11:19 PM
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Apr 19, 2019 11:02 PM

Apr 2012
jrShark said:
Janethan23 said:
The zombie dragon looked cooler than the t-rex.

Agree. The zombie dragon looks a lot more threatening and powerful too. But I'm interested to see what kind of power the dinosaur holds that the past heroes had to seal it instead of killing it.

I guessing it's more like the magical type with maxed out resistances to go with its highly developed brain utilizing psychic attacks. That's a hard boss to beat for heroes who uses physical attacks.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
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Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Apr 19, 2019 11:35 PM

Nov 2011
VeryLTTP said:
Demyx_IX said:
I dunno, I feel like the changes from the source material that were covered in 7 and 8 were just as egregious as the changes made in this episode. Having said that, this episode and the other two are easily in my top 3 worst episodes for the series, hopefully for the rest of the show. But given how things have gone, I'm sure at least one or two more will vie for that top spot.

Had this episode not changed Raphtalia's confrontation with Idol, would it not be among your 3 worst episodes? For me, that was the only change I had problems with. I was fine with the anime keeping Rifana's status up in the air till the end.

I think it would be only in my top 5 if they hadn't changed things up, episode 5 would probably have kept it's spot in the top 3.
Apr 20, 2019 11:09 AM
Oct 2017
You've gotta love it when a villain gets karmic punishment and everyone calls it bad writing because the good guys didn't personally push in the knife.
Apr 20, 2019 11:41 AM

Nov 2011
CadenGallic said:
You've gotta love it when a villain gets karmic punishment and everyone calls it bad writing because the good guys didn't personally push in the knife.
It's not that they didn't push in the knife, it's the reasoning/justification of why they chose not to.
Apr 20, 2019 11:51 AM
Oct 2017
Demyx_IX said:
It's not that they didn't push in the knife, it's the reasoning/justification of why they chose not to.

Naofumi allowed Raphtalia to say her piece, didn't tell her to stop and only asked her a question about if she wanted to do it. Raphtalia chose not to because that's not the kind of person she is or wants to be. It's simple and emotional enough to understand considering this whole episode is about Raphtalia coming to terms with her past and suffering.

There's no problem other than people trying to be overly critical and a clash of viewpoints because seeing things from Raph's perspective is hard I suppose.
Apr 20, 2019 12:08 PM

Nov 2011
CadenGallic said:
Demyx_IX said:
It's not that they didn't push in the knife, it's the reasoning/justification of why they chose not to.

Naofumi allowed Raphtalia to say her piece, didn't tell her to stop and only asked her a question about if she wanted to do it. Raphtalia chose not to because that's not the kind of person she is or wants to be. It's simple and emotional enough to understand considering this whole episode is about Raphtalia coming to terms with her past and suffering.

There's no problem other than people trying to be overly critical and a clash of viewpoints because seeing things from Raph's perspective is hard I suppose.
Except Naofumi was incredibly hypocritical about it, dude legitimately has a hate/revenge boner for Myne and the King. But when Raphtalia is close to getting revenge on the person that abused her and her friends, he sticks his nose in. Thus leading to her choosing not to kill FUB, because she doesn't want to be like him. Which makes no sense given that FUB harmed killed the demihumans because he's racist as fuck and gets off on torture, while her killing him would be revenge and putting an end to his evil deeds.
Apr 20, 2019 12:25 PM
Oct 2017
Demyx_IX said:
Except Naofumi was incredibly hypocritical about it, dude legitimately has a hate/revenge boner for Myne and the King. But when Raphtalia is close to getting revenge on the person that abused her and her friends, he sticks his nose in. Thus leading to her choosing not to kill FUB, because she doesn't want to be like him. Which makes no sense given that FUB harmed killed the demihumans because he's racist as fuck and gets off on torture, while her killing him would be revenge and putting an end to his evil deeds.

Stick his nose in? The guy stood back and let Raphtalia take lead, all he did was ask her one question to think about it further and she made the choice not to kill him. It's not like he ordered her to stop or took her sword away, even when Idol pulled his sword on her he let Raphtalia handle it.

Naofumi himself is after vindication more than revenge, if he wanted revenge he could've done any number of things to kill Myne and the King by now. So there's a core difference in him asking that question in the first place to boot.
Apr 20, 2019 12:44 PM

Nov 2011
CadenGallic said:
Demyx_IX said:
Except Naofumi was incredibly hypocritical about it, dude legitimately has a hate/revenge boner for Myne and the King. But when Raphtalia is close to getting revenge on the person that abused her and her friends, he sticks his nose in. Thus leading to her choosing not to kill FUB, because she doesn't want to be like him. Which makes no sense given that FUB harmed killed the demihumans because he's racist as fuck and gets off on torture, while her killing him would be revenge and putting an end to his evil deeds.

Stick his nose in? The guy stood back and let Raphtalia take lead, all he did was ask her one question to think about it further and she made the choice not to kill him. It's not like he ordered her to stop or took her sword away, even when Idol pulled his sword on her he let Raphtalia handle it.
It wasn't any of his business on whether or not she stopped to think about killing him or not. So yeah, he stuck his nose in.

Also he is only seeking vindication for "kidnapping" Melty. Not the rape accusation.
Apr 20, 2019 1:22 PM
Oct 2017
Demyx_IX said:
It wasn't any of his business on whether or not she stopped to think about killing him or not. So yeah, he stuck his nose in.

Also he is only seeking vindication for "kidnapping" Melty. Not the rape accusation.

You're vastly overestimating his influence on the scene with a single question. If he did anything more I might be inclined to agree, but he didn't.

No, it's always been vindication. Why do you think he demanded the King bow to him and beg for forgiveness just two episodes ago, before the Melty situation began? People just call it revenge because understanding narrative themes is apparently difficult for some people.
Apr 20, 2019 1:37 PM

Nov 2011
CadenGallic said:
Demyx_IX said:
It wasn't any of his business on whether or not she stopped to think about killing him or not. So yeah, he stuck his nose in.

Also he is only seeking vindication for "kidnapping" Melty. Not the rape accusation.

No, it's always been vindication. Why do you think he demanded the King bow to him and beg for forgiveness just two episodes ago, before the Melty situation began? People just call it revenge because understanding narrative themes is apparently difficult for some people.
This is false in every single definition of the word. If he was after vindication of the rape, he would have gone about gathering proof that he didn't.

And telling the king to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness has nothing to do with that. That is without a doubt him trying to get the king to humiliate himself. And he knew full well that the king would not do it.

And you took it completely out of context. Naofumi tells him to do that, as "payment" for giving up information on how he was able to beat the boss and hold his own against Glass.
Apr 20, 2019 1:56 PM
Oct 2017
Demyx_IX said:
This is false in every single definition of the word. If he was after vindication of the rape, he would have gone about gathering proof that he didn't.

And telling the king to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness has nothing to do with that. That is without a doubt him trying to get the king to humiliate himself. And he knew full well that the king would not do it.

And you took it completely out of context. Naofumi tells him to do that, as "payment" for giving up information on how he was able to beat the boss and hold his own against Glass.

Gathering proof? When would he have had time for that? He got a handicap thanks to Myne and had to get a partner to even be ready for the first wave, when would he have time to get proof?

And who's he going to present that proof to? The King whose daughter accused him of rape in the first place? The three heroes who immediately turned on him? The peasants whom the King silenced with his influence in the duel?

Yes I did take that section out of context, specifically to emphasise my point that if Naofumi wanted, he could've taken the King's guards and killed him by now. Instead he wants him to beg for forgiveness, to vindicate his own innocence. Humiliating the King is part of that, no King who knows he's truly innocent would do that.
Apr 20, 2019 2:53 PM
Mar 2018
I hate how on the one hand it's amongst the best episodes thus far in some parts, but on the other hand has some of the worst scenes when it comes to the characters. Some parts of this episode are a five, some are a one.

Specifically the non-killing of the fat guy made me kinda mad.
I mean why should she spare him? Of course some rage induced stabbing would feel out of character, but that guy would continue to harm and kill Demis. What would be wrong with getting rid of him?

And I was so dissapointed that they followed exactly the cliché of "Bad guy gets spared, but nearly dies anyway and triggers an event during which he dies (or the child friendly equivalent) and the "good guys" (tm) have to run or fight".

Also it gets too much into the direction of black and white characters. It gets too much into the direction of these dumb "insert yourself" Isekais. Those are often dumb fun, but this show shouldn't be dumb fun in my opinion.

It began so good and still isn't bad by any means, but it makes me kinda mad that it has so many parts which feel forced. Because for some reasons the "good guys" have to always be morally perfect.

For me it doesn't ruin the experience. I still like this show. I like the characters, I like the setting, I like the design, I like the story, but nevertheless in my opinion it has some deep flaws which are simply unnessecary.
Apr 20, 2019 3:27 PM

Nov 2011
CadenGallic said:
Demyx_IX said:
This is false in every single definition of the word. If he was after vindication of the rape, he would have gone about gathering proof that he didn't.

And telling the king to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness has nothing to do with that. That is without a doubt him trying to get the king to humiliate himself. And he knew full well that the king would not do it.

And you took it completely out of context. Naofumi tells him to do that, as "payment" for giving up information on how he was able to beat the boss and hold his own against Glass.

Gathering proof? When would he have had time for that? He got a handicap thanks to Myne and had to get a partner to even be ready for the first wave, when would he have time to get proof?
Two weeks went buy between the day he was accused of rape, and the day he ended up buying Raphtalia. And the 'scene of the crime' was all of two rooms. It would not take more than a day or two to look over every thing.

And it took 2 weeks to get both of them at a high enough level to survive the first wave. And in the books, they did more than just go about leveling. So it's not like they couldn't take time off to go about looking into the whole thing.

So you're wrong about that.

CadenGallic said:
And who's he going to present that proof to? The King whose daughter accused him of rape in the first place? The three heroes who immediately turned on him? The peasants whom the King silenced with his influence in the duel?
How about the other nobles? Maybe if they saw the evidence of him being innocent, they could come to the king or even the Queen with the evidence when she got back. Hell, show the public that he was innocent, so that way the ones that weren't under the King's thumb, or criminals themselves, would not discriminate against him.

CadenGallic said:
Yes I did take that section out of context, specifically to emphasise my point that if Naofumi wanted, he could've taken the King's guards and killed him by now. Instead he wants him to beg for forgiveness, to vindicate his own innocence. Humiliating the King is part of that, no King who knows he's truly innocent would do that.
Humiliating the King is a case of him being petty and going with the age old adage; "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." The king and Malty have wronged him several times and caused him to suffer more than any supposed savior of the world should. And he's just paying him back for it.
Also the King refused to do as Naofumi said, not because he knew that Naofumi was innocent, but because he knew it was meant to put himself through the humiliation of looking weak. Also, the King hates the Shield Hero for reasons that won't be revealed in the show.
Demyx_IXApr 20, 2019 6:47 PM
Apr 20, 2019 3:56 PM

Feb 2014
If you kill him, you will be just like him and revenge is bad have to be the worst tropes
Apr 20, 2019 6:20 PM

May 2013

"You'll be just as bad as them"

Can this logic just fuck off already? Why can't we just have a good Inigo Montoya moment where somebody revels in revenge?

Apr 20, 2019 6:23 PM
Jan 2016
DirectorK said:
katsucats said:
Yeah, because Melty, who's on the run and checkpoints are being set out for her, is definitely the one in power, and she'll definitely convince her mother to take over the kingdom, after sitting aside idly while Idol whipped her friend, and pretended nothing happened. Idol isn't stupid, maybe (he seems pretty stupid to me). But if I look at it your way, the whole cast is stupid.

Oh, I see. You basically hate this anime because it's not written accordingly to your standards, whatever that's suppose to be.

God this sentence is dumb, "I see you don't like this series because of your opinion of it" like no duh thats for everyone who likes/dislikes a show
Apr 20, 2019 8:40 PM

May 2016
Yourmom53 said:
DirectorK said:

Oh, I see. You basically hate this anime because it's not written accordingly to your standards, whatever that's suppose to be.

God this sentence is dumb, "I see you don't like this series because of your opinion of it" like no duh thats for everyone who likes/dislikes a show

I don't mind people criticizing a show that I actually like. What I don't like is when these kind of people bring on these angry rants, saying these characters are stupid, the anime is boring, predicable, and full of cliches and whatever else without ever going into exact detail why and when someone tries to explain it to them they brush it off and treat those people like they're inferior to them.

A bigger problem that I have is when we have a story that features serious issue such as slavery and morals and these same people unfairly criticize the show without ever about why certain events happened the way they did or why certain characters make a crucial decisions and when someone tries to explain it to them the same thing happens. These are just emotional knee-jerk reactions, negative criticism to be specific, not constructive.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Apr 20, 2019 11:50 PM
Jan 2013
A great episode giving raphtalia resolution.She did kill him on the end when he did not listen,so calling her a mindless pacifist is dumb.Giant dino arc next.

Apr 21, 2019 9:27 AM
Jan 2016
DirectorK said:
Yourmom53 said:

God this sentence is dumb, "I see you don't like this series because of your opinion of it" like no duh thats for everyone who likes/dislikes a show

I don't mind people criticizing a show that I actually like. What I don't like is when these kind of people bring on these angry rants, saying these characters are stupid, the anime is boring, predicable, and full of cliches and whatever else without ever going into exact detail why and when someone tries to explain it to them they brush it off and treat those people like they're inferior to them.

A bigger problem that I have is when we have a story that features serious issue such as slavery and morals and these same people unfairly criticize the show without ever about why certain events happened the way they did or why certain characters make a crucial decisions and when someone tries to explain it to them the same thing happens. These are just emotional knee-jerk reactions, negative criticism to be specific, not constructive.

There are literally tons of times where people got into detail when it comes to criticism to the show, you're just mad because they have a different opinion than you.
Apr 21, 2019 9:35 AM

Sep 2018
Why a dinosaur though.
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