I definitely don't want to take credit away from the fact that this has been the best original anime in a long time, I have not watched them all but if I had to put it on a time scale, I would say the last one was Zankyou no Terror, thought "Terror" definitely had a more impactful, memorable, ending to me, than Vivy.
ALSO, I m not considering Violet Evergardeen is an original since it was based on an LN at the end of the day.
My biggest complaint towards this show would be that I was the most emotionally invested during the sister's mini-arcs, at their respective climaxes than these final episodes (even though the beginning of episode 11 was quite memorable itself).
Not that I did not enjoy Vivy character, but it is how I feel about it, again, credit has to be given to this ending, it did NOT suck, and the music was definitely very enjoyable (when you think about it a bit predictable the subtitle would be the song's name, but no problem with me).
I think the narrative this anime was going for raised quite a lot of flags, being a topic already explored plenty that some can be tired of, but for sure Vivy managed to dodge any troublesome bullets ahead its way.
The music was really great for the most part, being Wit Studio also plenty of well-executed scenes and great action when it was needed.
My opinions are of course very biased, but if I had to add to it, I have this certain wish that we could see an alternative reality or another ending to all those sisters, putting Vivy back in time only a few hours managed to dodge that cliche, but I think it would have putten a bigger smile on my face if I could see Estella, Grace, and Ophelia getting a better resolution!
Outside that, I m still not a fan of the ending of episode 2, but minor complaints apart, this show managed to surprise, keeping it very engaging, the audience invested, a very cohesive journey that ended in an ending that managed to be satisfying at least, props for that for an original all the more.
And let me say, I don't mind if Wit Studios dropped out of AoT, for reasons already made public, so they could pursue ventures such as this, create and deliver new and engaging original storytelling in the anime medium is something I m all for.
8.9/10 = 9
(this anime and 86 generated quite some rivalry, that I mostly avoided, cuz wasting my time too much on these forums is dumb, BUT, knowing the source material of 86, if they did vol1 justice, I could see myself enjoying 86 even more... Vivy was great itself and was very needed to the medium IMO, thank you Wit Studios!)
mczprk said:There's 1 more special episode next week, I hope it's an epilogue showing her slowly getting her memories back. She was humming her song at the end of it, so there's still hope/room to cope.
Sorry to ruin your fun, but it seems to be a recap. :/
tsukki1104 said:could someone explain to me how vivy's last song was related to stopping archive??
I will indulge you for a bit, my interpretation is that Vivy discovering creativity, something though only for humans showed Archive that maybe there could be a different path and that both AI and humanity could both evolve together, learn with each other, I mean, Vivy creating that song was a culmination of many years of living among humans and earning to know what putting her heart into something was, feelings you could relate to those of a human being.
Really, when it comes to it, don't try to think too much being this, it is what makes sense for me at least, could be something else, but I don't really have a wish to go extra thinking and reflecting about it, since there are other priorities in life, and an anime needs to EXCELL in making me interesting questions and relate to deep topics, so I can give a real fuck about it.
Vivy didn't fully succeed but neither failed. |