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Zaregoto Series
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Nov 23, 2017 12:02 AM

Jul 2012
Gotta say, the real identity of the murderer and her motive threw me off. Interesting how things turned out at the end.
Nov 23, 2017 8:05 PM

Jan 2017
If I remember correctly, Shaft didn't adapt this scene

Or is my memory just fuzzy?

Overall, it was a fine adaptation. I'm really hoping that they will adapt the whole series. The 2nd volume is the best (I stopped there tho XD)

Edit: I just confirmed it, my memory serves right after all XD. They didn't adapt the scene with Himena Maki. Is this a hint that there's no future adaptations? I hope it's not.
Shineee_Nov 23, 2017 8:26 PM
Nov 25, 2017 8:07 PM

Jun 2013
Well I guess it was okay. I like the first half of the show but the revelations didn't really surprise me that much. It's like the protagonist won the battle but the antagonists won the war. At least Jun Aikawa's insight answered many of the questions the conflicted and lazy MC didn't bother with because he was too busy with his ramblings about death, life, and Tomo. And seriously what's up with Maki's absurd power of mind reading and her condescending attitude towards the protagonist?

In the end it just felt pointless with nothing really being achieved as the MC was just a tool to trigger the whole murder mystery with characters like Maki who was seemingly aware of the whole thing thanks to her telepathic powers but didn't care and a fake Ilia who under the command of real Ilia wanted a detective mystery without police intervention. It's like everyone were going with the flow and subtly mocking the wannabe detective MC with their secrets. And it's also strange how most characters were completely fine with someone being brutally murdered and their murderers who also tried to kill others are now walk free to possibly repeat the same cycle again once they get bored of Sonoyama's identity.

Either way I feel the show was alright but not as good as some of the other murder mysteries I have seen. I felt like the whole mystery would've been solved before it even began if there were surveillance cameras and police intervention.
I-JitsuNov 25, 2017 10:42 PM
Jan 1, 2018 2:12 PM

Dec 2015
Remember at the end of episode 7 when Akane turns up at the dinner table?
The revealed murderer finally turning up in front of everyone.
I was so excited to watch the next episode and see what happens.
So unsurprisingly I feel completely ripped off by this finale.

Seriously, what the fuck?
Instead of actually showing us what happened they simply have a character turn up out of the blue and tell us what happened through an absurd amount of tedious exposition. This is not a good way to end a mystery show. It's lazy, stupid and I can't believe anybody actually thought this was a decent way to wrap things up. Honestly I found the whole thing insulting. It's been a long time since a final episode of an anime pissed me off as much as this did.
Jan 6, 2018 2:54 AM

Dec 2010
What a bunch of nonsense. Or was it? Personally I'm pretty satisfied with this finale wrapping up all of it. I love Jun.
Jan 9, 2018 7:09 PM
Oct 2008
I'm mixed about this show, it had nice aspects to it but as the title of the show, it was just nonsense in the end. My disappointment was that it just sort of ended "I'm doing this murder scheme to steal an identity...and I'm done." then that was it, I felt there would have been a follow up to expose it and not let the murder just ... be. But in the end it was just that "Oh yea, this person got murdered and they got away with it. Well it's got nothing to do with me." and that's it, that's how it just ends. Then at the end I was just bored with Ii's apathy; thinking nothing is really interesting about this character, since I'm bored of him I wouldn't be interested if there was a sequel.
Jan 11, 2018 2:44 PM

Oct 2015
That was great series and Jun totally wrecked and took apart "Me"s investigation, totally expected from the world's greatest consultant.
I loved this OVA so much that I'm adding it to my favorite list. I loved every character except Akane/Ibuki and Shinya, I believed they got away with it pretty easily with no punishment for them. In the end they were the winners and I hated that. Overall I liked how plot twisted the ova was and the animation was great too. The mystery was so entertaining that I never wanted anything to interrupt me.

Great ova even though it had 8 episodes, they managed to kill it with precision.

9/10 from me.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 26, 2018 12:43 PM
Jan 2018
That was a great watch, except for one thing that is annoying me. So the fake Akane/Ibuki and Shinya got banished from the island and that was it? They weren't brought to justice because Iria doesn't want the police involved and nobody seems to care that someone was killed. The fact that Aikawa is a consultant and not a detective, makes it also seems that she won't lockup the killers.
Jan 28, 2018 11:18 AM

Jan 2015
well...boring episode
40 minutes of talking on an auto. Some dialogues were good but the rest...meh

Still a good series overall
Jan 31, 2018 8:59 PM

Dec 2012
They left the island?
Rei so fine.
Rei is actually Ilia? Ilia so fine.
I'll let you hug me. I want to feel that oppai.
Dat beautiful Ilia smile.
Dat arm.
Akane got away. Yes!
Is that the woman from the start? I recognize that fine body.
Dem legs. Dat kick.
She's Aikawa?
Humanity's strongest consultant. lol
Kanami didn't do the painting?
lol at Ii now confused.
Kanami was a fake and the real one is alive.
WTF! The real Akane was murdered? Then who is my waifu? Don't tell me she's really...
Dem Jun lips.
Akane is Kanami.
lol at Jun kicking him out the car.
Dat Kanami booty.
Ii feels nothing.
He said the name of the episode.
Ii goes to Tomo's side.

And that was the end. Great series. My waifu, Aka- I mean, Kanami still lives. She is perfection. Wish she was in this episode. I'll miss her and Re-I mean Ilia.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Feb 6, 2018 8:25 PM

Dec 2016
Wait a minute, wait a minute, WAIT A MINUTE! A show that was seemingly predictable pulling something like that out of the bag in the last episode, calling back to pretty much every unanswered question from throughout the show!? I LIKE IT!!!
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Feb 24, 2018 6:04 AM

Sep 2013
Ha.. peeps calling real Ibuki a psychopathic should really learn a new word.

The finale was fantastic and never in my wildest dreams would I come to this twist. Ii-chan was showed his place as a half-assed apathetic MC. One of the best mystery shows I've seen. 9/10
Apr 23, 2018 5:12 AM

Mar 2015
Hmm this episod was almost 100% MC, which I didn't like very much..

I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Sep 2, 2018 3:37 PM
Dec 2015
Such a nonsense ending for a Nonsense series.


Sep 18, 2018 12:01 AM

May 2015
What a nonsensical series.
In li-chan's words: "I feel robbed."
Nov 10, 2018 4:10 AM

Mar 2012
Looks like some part of my initial guesses were right. Overall wasn't bad but wasn't good either. The weird unique animation by shaft was honesty annoying, and this isn't the first time, maybe I should just avoid shaft in the future, it just isn't my thing.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Apr 29, 2019 3:36 AM

Jan 2013
that was more pretentiously stupid and lackluster than i wanted it to be. i'm a genius loser at heart so it didn't hit home all too hard. moral of the story, don't kill lol. k thx.
Jul 10, 2019 3:43 PM
Mar 2019
I just wanna say that Aikawa Jun is a great character. Wow, truly impressed of her
Aug 12, 2019 1:32 AM

Oct 2012
The background while she's driving is so wild xD

I guess it's right Genius and Crazy is separated by thin line of thread
If people knew they're doing bad things, they're crazy
But if not, they're genius

Morally grey ending, not sure if I'm satisfied with the killer still loose and unpunished
But I kinda like it, truly nonsense anime xD
"Signature removed"
Sep 2, 2019 5:13 AM

May 2018
Well, another unexpected thing has been revealed. Rei is the real Ilia, and Ilia that we know is the fake Ilia, didn't expect that at all and I don't even pay attention on it. Okay what just happened, why did they let the killer live like that? They act like nothing happened at all. Aikawa or should I say Jun looks cool, if I would explain her she is a girl who knows everything. Basically this is about body swap and prank story, and here I thought it was all real. I love this show and I was completely fooled by this anime, without this episode I will be confused about what is real and what is not. I enjoyed this a lot, and I hope there will be a second season.
Sep 7, 2019 10:34 AM

Nov 2009
Last episode felt really abrupt. I understand what happened with the case but I was expecting the finale to be about Kunagisa yet she wasn't even in it. Was expecting some big developments regarding her character and their relationship but it just ended up resolving the murder mystery instead.
Jan 24, 2020 2:58 AM

Nov 2013
Damn that was pretty great!
I wasn’t convinced by the penultimate episode... with the unlikely partnership of Akane and Sakaki, and the motive being the brain eating thing, so I’m glad there was a twist to the story.

Ibuki impersonating Akane so perfectly (and vice versa) was definitely unexpected, and her motive of wanting to be reborn as someone else was pretty interesting. Aikawa’s words were very insightful... “photos don’t move, reality does.” Just like how the geniuses were played into believing Akane and Ibuki were their real selves, the viewers also accepted it as a part of the narrative, and in both cases, we willingly believed it as the truth. Now looking in hindsight though, the story dropped subtle hints that the person swaps are the main crux to the story... first with Teruko “lying” about how the triplets interchange bodies, then with the swap of Ilia and Rei, and then finally with Ibuki and Sonoyama.

One point I wish they focused on more would definitely be Maki’s point of view on the story. She is the equivalent of Gaen Izuko in Monogatari with how she knows everything. I’m interested to see why she was so critical of the MC. It was likely one and the same with what Aikawa said at the end....How he is content with the way things are and doesn’t seek out the truth, in favour of things not making sense, which then evolved into an apathy towards all things. At the end, when he turns back towards the apartment and resolves to visit Kunagisa is likely his first step in trying to change his empty self. Likely, Kunagisa is the one who is able to help change him and he recognizes this.

All in all, the final episode was definitely the best one and redeemed some of the contentions I had initially. In actuality, the story is an in-depth look at MC and the steps he goes through in order to make sense of who he is/wants to be.... all disguised as a refreshing take on the locked room mystery. This series would definitely benefit from a rewatch. 8/10
Feb 12, 2020 3:55 PM

Aug 2013
One of the worst anime in detective genre ever. "They just used old body and represented it as a new!", yeah sure, like it won't decompose on next day already when MC at last decided to check it and room for evidences. Everything else is pretentious garbage which is filling holes of uninteresting script. "Hey, people just look different on photos in comparison with real life!", yeah sure, only in your broken mind, retarded author. Most boring cringe-fest I ever seen and listen. Author should have been to read Conan Doyle or at least play in Ace Attorney, Danganronpa or Zero Escape to know what logic looks like or at least close to believable. Pathetic.
Jun 25, 2020 5:51 PM

Sep 2014
Well that was weird. But reading some comments apparently there is more to this story than just this part, so I guess it will make sense at some point in the future.

Its all a lot of pretentious nonsense indeed, especially the explanation Aikawa Jun gave.
This doesnt really work well standalone for me.

There is only one truth which matters

Comander-07Jun 25, 2020 5:57 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Nov 11, 2020 4:18 PM

Jul 2011
I'm pretty happy about the fhe final twist about "Kanami" having switch with Akane explaing many of the missing pieces.
Overall, it's a decent show even if there are some parts that are just meaningless pseudo philosophical ramblings.
Dec 9, 2020 10:07 AM

Jul 2017
Jun Aikawa was great. Easily the best character in the entire series right for the very end, and she has some genuine personality to enjoy too (plus easily my favorite design too, just awesome in every way). Liked the really long car ride too and the conversation when piecing everything together. The final parts was all nonsense but that's what the show is... nonsense, and not as an insult. I still feel underwhelmed by how stretched out this adaptation was while cutting monologues and details that would have made it even better. Was an odd one really. Visuals underwhelmed me as well despite some glimpses of promise with the final few episodes, especially on the imagery side with the great car ride.
animejasDec 9, 2020 10:11 AM
Dec 24, 2020 11:48 PM
Jul 2019
ExTemplar said:
This might be the worst Shaft show I saw in recent years.. what a let down.

I have to agree with you. Just finished monogatari about a year ago and heard of this show somne months ago and now that i finished its so bad. I understand that this was write at the beginning of Nisio's carrer, but its so f* bad. And all of this shaftness direction didnt suit the show as in monogatari.
Feb 21, 2021 5:00 PM

Jul 2010
Lawgun said:
One of the worst anime in detective genre ever. "They just used old body and represented it as a new!", yeah sure, like it won't decompose on next day already when MC at last decided to check it and room for evidences. Everything else is pretentious garbage which is filling holes of uninteresting script. "Hey, people just look different on photos in comparison with real life!", yeah sure, only in your broken mind, retarded author. Most boring cringe-fest I ever seen and listen. Author should have been to read Conan Doyle or at least play in Ace Attorney, Danganronpa or Zero Escape to know what logic looks like or at least close to believable. Pathetic.

Dude... reading all this makes me think this anime murdered your family and your cat or smth like that. I've never seen someone so angry over something in my entire life. And I could have agreed with you over some aspects of Zaregoto being kinda unrealistic but... are you sure you even played any of these games? Like at least ONE of this list? You must be a troll, I refuse to believe someone actually presents DanganRonpa (where, if you fail to deduct a murder weapon, everybody say YOU are the murderer), Zero Escape (I don't even want to talk about "twist" from ZTD, because it was greatest ass-pull I've seen in my life) and Ace Attorney.... Ace Attorney. Ace. Attorney. Putting Ace Attorney next to "close to believable"... well, that's an interesting world, that's for sure. Now excuse me, I have to rethink my life priorities...
Feb 22, 2021 8:31 AM

Aug 2013
TheMangaManiac said:
Dude... reading all this makes me think this anime murdered your family and your cat or smth like that. I've never seen someone so angry over something in my entire life. And I could have agreed with you over some aspects of Zaregoto being kinda unrealistic but... are you sure you even played any of these games? Like at least ONE of this list? You must be a troll, I refuse to believe someone actually presents DanganRonpa (where, if you fail to deduct a murder weapon, everybody say YOU are the murderer), Zero Escape (I don't even want to talk about "twist" from ZTD, because it was greatest ass-pull I've seen in my life) and Ace Attorney.... Ace Attorney. Ace. Attorney. Putting Ace Attorney next to "close to believable"... well, that's an interesting world, that's for sure. Now excuse me, I have to rethink my life priorities...

Yeah, you definitely should to rethink your life priorities if you think that such a lame excuse will work somehow. All of three game series have several games each of it has many episodes which are pretty different and most of time are irrelevant to a main story. Yes, all of them have its flaws which are mostly forgettable or excusable because of story scale and many strong points including a tend to adequacy and plausibility, when Kubikiri Cycle is a crap on unbelievable level in each aspect of story or mystery so pretty much anything else looks better and more adequate in a comparison.
I recommend you to use "everything is known by comparison" more often in your life since you totally ignored such an important factor with your "this anime isn't so crappy because cons are in everything". Do I need to explain such obvious things like in Danganronpa people are stressed and ready to kill anyone for their own safety, there is a GAMEPLAY aspect when MC accused in a murder by everyone else if player failed because it's a GAME.
Your nitpicking is on par with "Hey, blood is pink in Danganronpa! Totally not plausible!" which is nothing in comparison with "let's use the same body for several days since everyone is retarded (geniuses by plot somehow)".
Zero time dilemma was made by dying company so it's an equivalent to MGS5, the whole game was a nonsense especially with "deus ex machina" ending in comparison with previous two games but still it had some interesting moments and was good in overall which is still much better than a total disaster - Kubikiri Cycle.
Ace Attorney is about "logic within the case" and couldn't be measured by skeptical "but it's just a comedy most of time since there is a spirit channeling! Totally not plausible!". What next? If I took as an example some fantasy anime with elfs you'll say it's not plausible because elfs aren't exist. If I took as an example some old sci-fi anime you'll say that it's non-plausible too since there are visible lasers in space what is impossible (even though it was made for more interesting action scenes).
Do you see any difference between your nitpicking and actual logic failure in terms of story itself? Danganronpa, Ace Attorney, Zero Escape and pretty much everything else are functioning in terms of stories and inside of their worlds with their own rules and conditions which are based on our reality if opposite wasn't noted. Kubikiri Cycle should be about a world full of blind cretins where corpse decomposition doesn't exist to be any plausible and since such conditions weren't noted this anime is officially crap.
LawgunFeb 22, 2021 9:34 AM
Jun 2, 2021 7:36 PM

Oct 2020
Lawgun said:
One of the worst anime in detective genre ever. "They just used old body and represented it as a new!", yeah sure, like it won't decompose on next day already when MC at last decided to check it and room for evidences. Everything else is pretentious garbage which is filling holes of uninteresting script. "Hey, people just look different on photos in comparison with real life!", yeah sure, only in your broken mind, retarded author. Most boring cringe-fest I ever seen and listen. Author should have been to read Conan Doyle or at least play in Ace Attorney, Danganronpa or Zero Escape to know what logic looks like or at least close to believable. Pathetic.
The mystery here ended up being more of a secondary thing. I was more interested in the characters especially the MC. It just didn't suit your taste , That's pretty much okay , This type of works by Nisio isn't going to appeal to everyone. It's just not your typical mystery , "Absurd" is definitely something that comes to mind when reading. As for your claim , I'm not sure , But given the amount of time are the bodies really bound to decompose so quickly to a very noticeable extent? If so , It could play into Akane's game , Li-chan had to notice something , She wanted him to solve the mystery before Jun comes
Jun 3, 2021 2:43 AM

Apr 2020
trippy anime done right

Jul 7, 2021 9:31 PM
Dec 2017
It was a really lot of fun watching this show overall.

Oct 3, 2021 3:59 PM
Oct 2021
What about the line: you don't close your eyes/ you still don't close your eyes. Both ibuki/akame and Jun said it.?? 🤔
Jan 7, 2022 4:54 PM
Feb 2014
Most comments are from years back but as it's a Shaft work, i had to finally watch it now and despite for me it's 10/10 show (nothing really hitting me wrongly, i devoured the episodes and simply enjoyed it alot!), i could still understand some people pointing its flaws.... but seeing one of top review being "1/10"... really? and then i see how shows like himouto gets high scores... i guess we all have different tastes, huh?

About the episode and the anime. In this discussion i see a lot of funny comments about show being "too complicated" with 'crazy plot'. Like seriously? I'm pretty sure whole mystery was the point of it... And i'm sure it's going to be different for each person, depending especially on how much you focus and give a thought stuff you are watching, if you are mindlessly just recieving informations happening in front of your eyes or actually you try to solve the mystery as well, but until up until 7th episode i solved most of it. I didn't know it was "Akane". But i figuired out it most like was (at least) 2 people and obviously Shinya was one of them... pretty much from start. I don't know what was your thought but since the call and "not to go there" after earthquake, followed by MC not going there instead to make sure she is fine like in any cliche anime, this was pretty much obvious.

If i had to point out one thing i didn't like is how some of the mystery shows don't follow what normal person would do and like in this case, MC didn't call out Shinya or just simply didn't ask about it more later during dinner... But removing the body, being the only one witness of MC together with his cute geniuss taking pictures of the scene and the body with PC later being destroyed, it was simply obvious he was on it.

From other proofs there was of course the missing watch which was screaming that someone else painted it. But i must say like MC i kinda.. maybe not forgot but assumed it wasn't that big deal in anything else as anime moved forward....

From other smaller details... i believe during meeting after second murder, Iria AGAIN right away protected her maids saying they have the alibi, naming each of them but second later right away she accused Hikari saying she is the only one that could do it and how we know later MC protected her.
That was huge red flag for me, though i couldn't connect them, thinking its impossible they all were on it, it kinda mixed my thoughts and i was trying to figuire this out, even after hearing about Iria's left arm with it's image in mind... what we learned later was just yet another 'plot' of bored lady.

Episode 8 was a big suprise because even that i have some of the proofs in front of me, something like that didn't even come trough my head... that's what you call solving a solved crime.

Overall it was really fun and nice anime. It surely was well spent time.
I only wish we would see Boku meeting with Tomo. There was more info about story of Iris, if she really even killed her sister because i am not sure even at this point and well.. i'm a happy end type of guy so the fact they were living their best lifes after doing sucha crime was a little unsatysfying for me...
Feb 22, 2022 7:32 AM
Jan 2020
In the end, it was all, nonsense.

Or some shit, but yeah, I'd definitely want Shaft to animate all the remaining volumes.

10/10 finale
Feb 25, 2022 1:21 AM
Feb 2021
i didn't understand the ending can someone sum it up for me?Thanks
Mar 31, 2022 6:33 AM
May 2021
Oh this last episode was best Aikawa jun is interesting characters.
May 20, 2022 6:36 PM
Jul 2013
This entire anime felt like a fever dream to me. Also, something has been bothering me, was the head ever found/recovered?
Oct 27, 2022 7:55 PM
Nov 2019
Why does the ending feel kind of sad?

Many people complain about how long the series was. I think it had the right length considering the explanations and deep reflections that took place.

I want to know more about the relationship between Boku and Kunagisa. If they knew each other for that long and even they did it, I think it would be interesting to know more about their history.
Apr 4, 2023 12:38 AM

Jul 2020
this show should be called "how to tell a nonsensical 20-minute story in 4 hours"
Jan 9, 2024 11:24 AM
Aug 2021
Aaaaaah incredible, it got me super into Nisio Isin once again
Jun 1, 2024 10:24 AM

May 2021
could've showed them together at the end instead of him just entering the building
but this such a perfect finale
pretty much wrapped up the entire mystery the missing points and deeper into the characters
I wouldn't say everything he did was meaningless in the end as he himself changed a bit seeing how to he turned back to kunagisa instead of just leaving
9/10 if there was more

Karva1Jun 1, 2024 10:31 AM
Inhales oxygen
Jul 11, 2024 2:21 AM
Mar 2019
Way late but is it just me or does it seem like the last episode also implies himena maki and jun aizawa are the same person. Both have ridiculous deductive skills, read Ii-tan's mind, and are fascinated with him despite being dissatisfied with his current state. Seems on brand given everything else
Jan 19, 11:47 PM

Aug 2013
I am glad that this crap is dead and pretty much nobody remembers about it anymore despite a bunch of fanatics in past which used meme-tier copium - 'what a nonsensical ending! 10/10'. It's not a surprise that weak willed and plainly stupid people tend to ignore obvious failures and plot holes by referencing to 'just people have different tastes' as excuse.
Feb 14, 11:26 PM
May 2023
simplemente arte, Jun se hizo desear y realmente cumplió. aparte de que Li-chan parece menospreciarse pero de verdad es un personaje fácil para que uno mismo pueda identificarse o por lo menos en la parte en donde no sabe que realmente es lo que quiere y no en la parte de lo que realmente es y realmente es un genio
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