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Jul 1, 2012 7:16 PM
Feb 2012
Synthetic bread murder :O

You have to be higher than a kite to fully understand everything here lmao.
Jul 1, 2012 7:23 PM

Sep 2011
The art style is very nice.
That piece of toast was also very nice.
Jul 1, 2012 7:29 PM

Oct 2010
Begining of episode -> :D
End of Episode -> OoO
Jul 1, 2012 7:54 PM
Apr 2012
Heh, this has potential.
Jul 1, 2012 8:01 PM

Jun 2010
I did not find this boring but instead unique. I like the surrealism, along the philosophy elements. The peaceful atmosphere reminded me a bit of Aria with some Haibane Renmei.

I like it already.
Jul 1, 2012 8:01 PM

Jan 2012
I love the colorful art and weirdness and the topics that the show has touched on. Will keep watching.
Jul 1, 2012 8:22 PM

Feb 2012
3/5 for this ep. Started off okay, kinda bored me, then the bread came and his name was Loaf and I'm like "hell yeah, i like this guy" and then he rips himself apart and bleeds all over the place and I'm incredibly confused. Art looks like Tsuritama, but that's the only similarity. Well, if Campione! had the best first ep I've ever seen, then this was the worst. Looking forward to more - I hated Tsuritama for the first 7 eps, now it's one of my favorites. Will this be my comeback show of the season? I certainly hope so.

"In both love and octopus-hunting, you have to take the initiative!" - Gintoki Sakata
Jul 1, 2012 8:45 PM

Feb 2012
The show's humor seems to not be everyone cup of tea (it might have gone over some of your heads actually) judging by the amounts of "WTF"s I've seen so far lololol.

I thought that bread was hilarious.
Jul 1, 2012 9:02 PM

May 2010
SO kawaii. >_<

And LOVED the OP! <3
Done by the same (awesome) band that did Hanasaku Iroha OP and Sankarea OP. =D

Can't wait for the next episode. ^__^
Jul 1, 2012 9:19 PM
Oct 2011
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. People who thinks going vegetarian / vegan gives them moral high ground. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting. Men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. People who have NO SHAME at all to admit their failure to honor their duty. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about. He is all like "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Twisted Advertising techniques. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY, because they WANT YOU TO REMEMBER IT.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.

jimjimexJul 1, 2012 9:56 PM
Jul 1, 2012 9:25 PM

Dec 2011
Bread is murder.
Jul 1, 2012 9:29 PM

Nov 2010
It seems like this anime is going to be about the jacked up shits that happens in our world.
Jul 1, 2012 9:37 PM

Aug 2010
Ummmmm.... LOL?
5/5 just because it was a lot better than I thought it would be.
Jul 1, 2012 9:38 PM

Jan 2011
Ok, you've earned yourself another couple of episodes of watching, but only because loaf-san sacrificed himself at the end.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jul 1, 2012 9:47 PM
Jan 2011
When i started watching the episode i thought it was going to be a shoujo because of all the cutesy characters and the art style but then i kept watching it and got really confused. I really have no words to describe WTF I JUST SAW but my face went like this O____________O
lol i really hope this turns out to be good because its such an interesting concept even though right now i don't particularly understand it.
Jul 1, 2012 9:53 PM

Mar 2012
jimjimex said:
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting, in which men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about, and has NO SHAME at all to admit his failure to honor his duty. "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.


Excellent post, dude. You definitely caught a few things I did not, but this is exactly why this show rocks.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Jul 1, 2012 10:00 PM

Mar 2011
My first comment about the series is "too much narration". It took almost 3/4 of the episode. I can't blame anyone since the series is adapted from a light novel but I think they could have done better. The narration also made it kinda boring BUT they did a good job on making it comedic using the weirdness of the story. The voice acting is good, I actually loved how the main character reacts on various stuff. The character design and animation is good as well, it fits the story and balances the comedic fantasy feel. I'll look forward to the next episodes but for the first episode, I'll only give a 3 out of 5. :)
Jul 1, 2012 10:11 PM

May 2012
jimjimex said:
Post-Josh said:

Excellent post, dude. You definitely caught a few things I did not, but this is exactly why this show rocks.

Some factory tours are DESIGNED to be CREEPY so that you REMEMBER it.

You can't forget that image of bloody exploding bread now, can you? LOL

I highly recommend you going to the Hershey Chocolate Factory and their tour. Beside the out-of-this-world sound and sight, constantly blasting music, and creepy automated mascots, the creepiest thing is that, by the end of the tour when your little cart roll into their shop, you realized that the tour was SO FREAKING STREAMLINED that YOU, YOU in the tour cart were actually the item on a rolling assembly line.

Unless you're like me and get lost and end up not being with the group for a bit xD

But, yeah, it's nice for someone to lay out a few of the things that went on in this show.
Jul 1, 2012 10:14 PM
Sep 2010
Terrible show, but its funny and wtf did I really just watch honestly I can't say rather I'm going to complete this series or not. Talking and bleeding bread......... REALLY?!!!
Jul 1, 2012 10:34 PM
May 2011
Post-Josh said:
jimjimex said:
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting, in which men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about, and has NO SHAME at all to admit his failure to honor his duty. "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.


Excellent post, dude. You definitely caught a few things I did not, but this is exactly why this show rocks.

Agreed. I got the same references and it's great to see some others did to. This brings the story line to a whole new level in my opinion. Otherwise than that, great animation and art. Definitely going to keep watching this series.

The series is for sure unique to any other series that I watched before, and the social references actually made me laugh.
Jul 1, 2012 10:34 PM
Aug 2009
So Tsuritama-like drawing :O

Well, I'll watch it <3
Jul 1, 2012 10:40 PM
Jul 2018
It's filled with great dark humor, and has a LOT of potential. Also, was anyone else kind of reminded of Azazel-san? It has that same sort of merciless going for it, IMO - it's just covered up with glitter rather than **** jokes. This show is a gem; we don't get nearly enough black humor from glorious nippon. And That ED is amazing (The vocals kind of remind me of Raspberry Heaven. EDIT: my 5 seconds on google leads me to believe they both have the same singer.)

So far this feels like almost like a comedy equivalent of Kino no Tabi ( This show's actually pretty deep and there's a lot you can miss if you underestimate it.). I like it.

Also, I love the Main Character (I'm really enjoying the MC's VA. The way she said "Why is the bread bleeding?" was especially humorous.). I could sit and watch a whole episode of her just sitting at a desk with the fairies, her playing with her hair while she talks about her day-to-day life in that world.
Jul 1, 2012 10:46 PM

Apr 2009
Interesting to say the least, will keep watching to see just how crazy this gets.
Jul 1, 2012 10:48 PM

Jun 2007
this was too epic

cute art, with a cute character, with a very lovable personality (imo)

i don't know. this episode didn't really make me rofl, buuuut. it did make me laugh out loud. a lot.

every character was just pure awesomeness. and the slightly dark comedy. that was the icing. it's sold. i'm watching the whole thing. specially since the op is <3
Jul 1, 2012 11:00 PM

Dec 2011
It has been a long time since I have seen an anime as surreal as Mawaru Penguindrum.
And the only one named in this episode is the compass fairy. Ahahaha.

The surreal-ness of this show got me hooked! Ahahaha.

The ED so reminded me of Azumanga Daioh, been a long time since I have heard her.
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Jul 1, 2012 11:03 PM

Aug 2010
O-o Woah.

That was...amazing. Finally something different to watch.
I like this. If they keep up with this style of humor, I might give it a 10.
Definitely keep watching.
Jul 1, 2012 11:12 PM

Jan 2011
I knew this was going to be the best thing this season, hell this is the only thing I've watched of the new season so far, and now I know for sure it is!

A very welcome break from the generic highschool anime.
Jul 1, 2012 11:16 PM

Mar 2008
Neane1993 said:
It's filled with great dark humor, and has a LOT of potential. Also, was anyone else kind of reminded of Azazel-san? It has that same sort of merciless going for it, IMO - it's just covered up with glitter rather than **** jokes. This show is a gem; we don't get nearly enough black humor from glorious nippon. And That ED is amazing (The vocals kind of remind me of Raspberry Heaven. EDIT: my 5 seconds on google leads me to believe they both have the same singer.)

So far this feels like almost like a comedy equivalent of Kino no Tabi ( This show's actually pretty deep and there's a lot you can miss if you underestimate it.). I like it.

Also, I love the Main Character (I'm really enjoying the MC's VA. The way she said "Why is the bread bleeding?" was especially humorous.). I could sit and watch a whole episode of her just sitting at a desk with the fairies, her playing with her hair while she talks about her day-to-day life in that world.

Glad that someone else thought it was similar to Kino no Tabi :D
And yes, the VA is awesome! Such a pleasure to listen to, I also like the voice of the grandpa.

All of the references are great, has potential to actually be my favorite for this season xD
Jul 1, 2012 11:35 PM

Aug 2009
Azuman ED man you know somethings goin down with this show.

Jul 1, 2012 11:52 PM

Oct 2011
I will give it a chance about 3 episodes as Fractale for the first time didn't catch my attention as well.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines.
Jul 1, 2012 11:54 PM

Jul 2008
This looks promising.
Jul 2, 2012 12:03 AM

Jul 2009
good so far~
also, nice ed
Jul 2, 2012 12:07 AM

Jan 2011
i dunno i found this pretty strange and awesome if you go in with the right expectations, i knew from all the comments the mediator were making that despite it's fluffy blight art that it had a darker side to it lol like with the end with Mr.loaf i'm on board to see were this goes plus it has nano.RIPE for it's op :P!
Jul 2, 2012 12:14 AM

Jan 2011
wenchance said:
Post-Josh said:
jimjimex said:
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting, in which men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about, and has NO SHAME at all to admit his failure to honor his duty. "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.


Excellent post, dude. You definitely caught a few things I did not, but this is exactly why this show rocks.

Agreed. I got the same references and it's great to see some others did to. This brings the story line to a whole new level in my opinion. Otherwise than that, great animation and art. Definitely going to keep watching this series.

The series is for sure unique to any other series that I watched before, and the social references actually made me laugh.
good job noticing all that man on top of already enjoying it this makes it even better haha i only caught on to a few things like the meeting and how the guy had no clue what he was doing and letting the machines do the work.
Jul 2, 2012 12:49 AM

Oct 2011
It had this feeling of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - ok minus being as briliant as that series
with end of humanity, someone who will take it's place, culture of waste turning into more natural one
people not knowing what is happening

and than it mixes it with all that bizare stuff of bread, chicken and whatnot

it has potential and I hope only it won't go into some "ecologic" propaganda - that would be awfull
Jul 2, 2012 12:51 AM

Oct 2010
Jul 2, 2012 1:04 AM

Jul 2010
I found this show strangely amusing. Those fairies stare right into your soul. That smile...
also RIP carrot juice bread. Although you were only alive for 2 minutes, you already became my favorite character
Jul 2, 2012 1:47 AM

May 2011
Can someone make the GIF for the Bread? I want to try and use it. XDD
Jul 2, 2012 1:52 AM

Jan 2012
Awful, will probably drop after episode 3 which is my standard.
Jul 2, 2012 1:55 AM
Aug 2011
I had enough sleep. Got highly excited during Tari Tari and then almost fell asleep during this.

I hate seeing humanity looking so pathetic.
And those fairies pissed me off. (Just keep them stuffed inside those boxes)


The only thing that's keeping me from dropping this, is the bleeding robot bread. LOL (and the weird headless chicken)
Jul 2, 2012 2:12 AM

Nov 2010
I like it. kinda weird but it was really fun.
Jul 2, 2012 3:07 AM
Oct 2010
LOLWUT was that?

Weird sequence of random surreal nonsense. I still found it funny, though I might get fed up with this very fast. I'll stick around for a bit.

Reminds me of Zetsubou Sensei.
AjunkyJul 2, 2012 3:12 AM
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Jul 2, 2012 3:17 AM

Jan 2011

Holy shit nigga
Jul 2, 2012 3:29 AM
Dec 2009
Wtf did I just watch ;;
Jul 2, 2012 3:46 AM

Dec 2009
Weird off-beat pacing with even weirder story elements. Only watching it further for now to see if this will veer into the direction of crazy goodness or utterly horrible chaos.
Ara ara.
Jul 2, 2012 3:54 AM

Feb 2008
This is funny thought

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jul 2, 2012 4:09 AM

Oct 2009
LOL? O_O the bread!
Jul 2, 2012 4:37 AM

Feb 2012
It's weird and that's why I'm going to watch it, I like that kind of anime.

The female lead is great, she is kind but also has a dark side, loved her face when the bread started to bleed.
Jul 2, 2012 5:02 AM

Aug 2009

Never forget 2012/07/02

Sticking to this 'cause of the :D creepy fairies
Jul 2, 2012 5:10 AM

Aug 2009
Excellent. This is how you pick the viewers interest.
Nice socail critisicm throughout the ep, hope the series maintains its quality!
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