wayv xiaojun having no filter and kun trying to stop him for 10 minutes

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Translations from
    ​‪@bunbun2359‬ and faith
    [ENG] 210618 WayV KUN & XIAOJUN Weibo Live
    • [ENG] 210618 WayV KUN ...
    [ENG] 210611 WayV KUN & XIAOJUN Vlive
    • [ENG] 210611 WayV KUN ...
    [ENG] 210620 WayV Xiaojun INSTAGRAM LIVE ft.Kun
    • [ENG] 210620 WayV Xiao...

Комментарии • 399

  • @coat5729
    @coat5729 3 года назад +7677

    Kuns job is to make sure everyone still has a job

  • @Yucherry07
    @Yucherry07 3 года назад +4040

    KUN and XIAOJUN is basically the older version of CHENJI
    Kun is the Jisung who's trying his level best to stop Chenle's older version Xiaojun from creating more mess

    • @ramisaqn3759
      @ramisaqn3759 3 года назад +80

      Wow 😳 never thought of it but yeah

    • @freakyshashagirl
      @freakyshashagirl 3 года назад +21

      Hahahahahahahahahhaha yess kinda

    • @beatricep103
      @beatricep103 3 года назад +183

      What's funny and sweet about this comparison is that it explains why Kun-Chenle also works, because they have the same dynamic, they balance each other out

    • @leedongwok86
      @leedongwok86 3 года назад +66

      technically since both Xiaojun and Kun are older than baby Jisung and Chenle, ChenJi could be the younger version of XiaoKun too lol
      ChenJi might pick up from XiaoKun (or whoever Kun is taking care of) although Dream debuted earlier, especially since Chenle is close with his Kun ge and Kun has always tried to contain Chenle

    • @KASSCali
      @KASSCali 3 года назад

      @@freakyshashagirl kku ugh v Kyungsoo
      lol m

  • @nikizist
    @nikizist 3 года назад +2574

    istg when Xiaojun said that it was mite control day, Kun’s life flashed before his eyes that’s why he paused for a moment. It’s almost as if he dissociated 😭HAHAHAHAHAHHA

    • @yothiga
      @yothiga 3 года назад +20

      Can someone explain why it can be controversial?

    • @sk8ergalx
      @sk8ergalx 3 года назад +467

      @@yothiga the Chinese name for the day is "chu man" day, which means mite ("man") extermination/control day. The "man" has the same pronunciation as lee sooman's name in Chinese. So it's a pun where you can read as "Lee soo man extermination day". Not exactly the kind of joke you wanna make on your boss's birthday.

    • @kenmakozume6212
      @kenmakozume6212 3 года назад +178


    • @livinginncity7870
      @livinginncity7870 3 года назад +44

      @@sk8ergalx now I got it! Ur last sentence made me laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @m0nami
      @m0nami 3 года назад +89


  • @DebZava
    @DebZava 3 года назад +2810

    Not at Xiaojun talking about mites during Lee Soman's birthday and then Kun and Yangyang said they were looking for a new main vocal for wayv. This family is just another level

    • @ryung5256
      @ryung5256 3 года назад +26

      I'm in tears 😭🤚 he wants his a$$ whooped so bad

    • @insertskullemoji9056
      @insertskullemoji9056 3 года назад +41

      they’re on the næxt levæl

    • @Cherry-mb7th
      @Cherry-mb7th 2 года назад

      when did kun and yangyang say that? is there a vid?

    • @DebZava
      @DebZava 2 года назад +1

      @@Cherry-mb7th I think it was in a live back in 2021

    • @DebZava
      @DebZava 2 года назад +5

      @@Cherry-mb7th I found the live subbed ruclips.net/video/iKAOE2rAWA4/видео.html they start talking about Xiaojun at 13:54 They mention a new vocal less than a minute later. This live is amazing, they spoil Yangyang would have a subunit and sing a bit of Phantom as well

  • @MyssBlewm
    @MyssBlewm 3 года назад +2080

    Every Live with Bella: No-nono-NO-NoNOOonooNONONO-nooo!

    • @rumadas7597
      @rumadas7597 3 года назад +63

      Thats why Bella ran off lol

    • @rrrifna2185
      @rrrifna2185 3 года назад +7

      But can I know what Bella was trying to do!?!..I really didn't get that!!..🤐

    • @bdhnbt345_56
      @bdhnbt345_56 3 года назад +12

      @@rrrifna2185 I think she was trying to jump Xiaojun's leg 💀

    • @sgoose4951
      @sgoose4951 3 года назад +21

      @@rrrifna2185 she was humping his leg. dogs do that to assert dominance and let the person know she is the boss. it could also mean overexcitement, or underlying medical issues.
      im sorry for the extra info lol

  • @elanw4973
    @elanw4973 3 года назад +4002

    As someone who knows the language...you don't know how scared I was when Xiaojun talked about the world mite control day lmao.. the man was about to get himself fired

    • @jenny-tk4xi
      @jenny-tk4xi 3 года назад +507

      RIGHT i was like dejun wha- when he started the topic but it was way too funny i just laughed my way through it 😭

    • @elanw4973
      @elanw4973 3 года назад +571

      Also Yangyang says they're hiring a new main vocal 😉anyone who can sing high notes hit them up loll

    • @ekafilms1225
      @ekafilms1225 3 года назад +19


    • @baakojernigan7095
      @baakojernigan7095 3 года назад +31

      @@elanw4973wait, when? I did not hear abt this? lol pls let me know

    • @elanw4973
      @elanw4973 3 года назад +147

      @@baakojernigan7095 He said it on his weibo live with Kun like yesterday or the day before, it's a joke though

  • @icequeen8994
    @icequeen8994 3 года назад +1942

    I swear Kun was ready to hit him when he started talking about world mite day lol. If the cameras weren't rolling I swear Xiaojun was gonna get a beating. They should really give Kun that raise for keeping all WayV members in check.

    • @rsyed6517
      @rsyed6517 3 года назад +17

      True lol

    • @KlaraL-_-
      @KlaraL-_- 3 года назад +49

      Maybe without the cameras Kun wouldn´t care so much? Lee Sooman as a mite that´s pretty funny :D

    • @u-kisslover9921
      @u-kisslover9921 3 месяца назад

      ​@@KlaraL-_-why kun love lee soman

  • @soehoe16
    @soehoe16 3 года назад +1386

    ALTERNATIVE TITLE- Dejunnie having no control over his mouth and Kun panicking/suffering for 10 minutes.

  • @ddzgdt
    @ddzgdt 3 года назад +1158

    xiaojun really taking advantage of the fact that 5/7 wayv aren't there to make his life a living hell...by making kun's life a living hell LOL

    • @wy7526
      @wy7526 3 года назад +33

      Good for him

  • @purplemanatee
    @purplemanatee 3 года назад +842

    Kun is a stressed single dad having to hold onto his son's metaphorical child leash as he goes buckwild in McDonald's

  • @holostarzennie4434
    @holostarzennie4434 3 года назад +670

    Xiaojun talking about how Lee sooman’s birthday is on the same day as anti-mites day killed me 😂

  • @racheleli64
    @racheleli64 3 года назад +447

    Lmao this whole thing is just kun trying to not get xiaojun fired from sm I swear

  • @felix_a_fiend
    @felix_a_fiend 3 года назад +714

    Just when you think they’ll be the mature and well behaved ones, they start to say shit like this and I love it.

  • @shroffaparna1498
    @shroffaparna1498 3 года назад +336

    xiaojun has got a face of an angel but he is one of the most savage members of nct..... boy is really stressing out kun mum...

  • @henderyoungk
    @henderyoungk 3 года назад +420

    "WHERE IS THE EFFICIENCY?" 😂 Lord, that's too funny.

  • @gyyusct
    @gyyusct 3 года назад +264


  • @cqycharline
    @cqycharline 3 года назад +646

    7:18 the fact that xiaojun actually said “don’t speak to me like that” 💀

    • @jaehyunthepeach721
      @jaehyunthepeach721  3 года назад +57

      It gets better 😳

    • @CE-mm2xe
      @CE-mm2xe 3 года назад +67

      actually he said this for Kun's cute "it's right there", he can't stand aegyos ahjsdaw but Kun is natural cutie heheh

  • @micheller.9808
    @micheller.9808 3 года назад +380

    Never underestimate the power of Kun’s “I’m done with you” vibe. He can take you out with just a one-second eye roll. I’ve seen him do it before too.
    Poor Xiaojun LOL 😂

    • @leedongwok86
      @leedongwok86 3 года назад +27

      Kun eye-rolling is a powerful one

    • @oliviazhu3739
      @oliviazhu3739 3 года назад +11

      lol the capricorn vibes this is giving off

  • @jenny-tk4xi
    @jenny-tk4xi 3 года назад +295

    this is just kun being done with xiaojun's shit for 10 minutes straight 😭

  • @chansrubberduckie6127
    @chansrubberduckie6127 3 года назад +327

    3:28 kun saw his contract flash before his eyes lmaooo
    edit: actually most of this video is just kun trying to stop xiaojun from saying things that could get them fired 💀

  • @Isa-zt6rn
    @Isa-zt6rn 3 года назад +226

    as per usual, save kun.

  • @Weeping-Angel
    @Weeping-Angel 3 года назад +273

    For those of you who don’t know, "mite control day" in Chinese sounds like "get rid of [lee soo] man day" 🤭

    • @missbelletrist
      @missbelletrist 3 года назад +52

      now i understand why kun is reacting like that 😭 not the kind of joke you can make on your boss's birthday lol

  • @wayvee6345
    @wayvee6345 3 года назад +322

    SM, I beg you, please buy WayV a house next, so that Xiaojun can sing whenever he likes without the neighbors calling the cops on them (Poor Henry btw)...

  • @jenny-tk4xi
    @jenny-tk4xi 3 года назад +191

    3:28 I LAUGHED SO HARD AT THIS PART THIS IS SO HILARIOUS not at xiaojun literally be like idgaf and kun trying to save the situation

  • @PermataAz25
    @PermataAz25 3 года назад +164

    to think that it’s only xiaojun and there’s this much headache T-T sm give kun a raise please xD

  • @justsomegirlwithoutamousta3173
    @justsomegirlwithoutamousta3173 3 года назад +169

    This gives the same energy as Baekhyun and Suho lol
    ESP the first clip

  • @tishpayne5368
    @tishpayne5368 3 года назад +169

    I so love these two as they promote together. XiaoJun is that lil brother that’s naturally sincere, innocently funny yet ALWAYS uncensored in action in speech..🤣🤣 #BluntAndCute

  • @stutinagrare8578
    @stutinagrare8578 2 года назад +8

    xiaojun took the concept of "CAN I B HONEST I SO HATE TO B CONTROLLED..." too seriously
    and kun is suffering bcoz of that...

  • @areebarazzaq7619
    @areebarazzaq7619 3 года назад +72

    Basically Xiaojun being chaotic and Kun tryna save their careers

  • @angelily95
    @angelily95 3 года назад +160

    Xiaojun is like the most daring neo i would say. Man got no fear! Can you make a compilation of xiaojun shading sm lmaoo i think i saw a clip where he ranted to renjun about his stage name to renjun during a live.

    • @jaehyunthepeach721
      @jaehyunthepeach721  3 года назад +18

      I was actually thinking about this while making this video, but i think it would be very short

    • @racheljohnson7177
      @racheljohnson7177 3 года назад +2

      What did he say?

    • @saynab087
      @saynab087 3 года назад +41

      @@racheljohnson7177 he just talked about why SM uses Xiaojun as his stage name instead of his full name (Xiao Dejun) because the company said that the word “De” is hard to pronounce even though he didn’t understand why it’s so hard and he thinks that Xiaojun is harder to pronounce than Xiao Dejun but he just went along with it anyways

  • @wayvee6345
    @wayvee6345 3 года назад +59

    Xiaokun being WILD on lives these days and I'm not complaining xD

  • @sennsenn8278
    @sennsenn8278 3 года назад +46

    Xiaojun putting stickers on SM tables and worrying that they'll deduct it from his pay to this.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dude likes living on the edge hahahahhahaa

  • @priyadazzle
    @priyadazzle 3 года назад +111

    Last time dejun was openly discussing about beyond live tickets, ten literally shut him up and kun said to shut up
    Now he talking about mite control dayy is hilarious
    He didnt not even stop he again said its good day...... To control mites

  • @user-ro4rs2cg1t
    @user-ro4rs2cg1t 2 года назад +6

    4:06 bro xiaojun doesn't care anymore😭💀 but kuns like i ain't letting you get fired

  • @CE-mm2xe
    @CE-mm2xe 3 года назад +84

    i love them so muchhhh, stan wayv stream "kick 'back' to you"

  • @chameleonrose16
    @chameleonrose16 3 года назад +20

    Xiaojun: Trying to get fired
    Kun: Desperately trying to save them both

  • @Yucherry07
    @Yucherry07 3 года назад +106

    Their songs: calm, peaceful
    them promoting it :CHAOS

  • @allanhuang8851
    @allanhuang8851 3 года назад +17

    8:17 Who would file a noise complaint when they get to hear Xiaojun’s beautiful voice, especially when it’s for their unreleased song

  • @alaykasptra
    @alaykasptra 3 года назад +14


    @LUMI_MBB_STAY 3 года назад +103

    WayV is the best. In all ways. Period.

  • @endlesslearning2457
    @endlesslearning2457 3 года назад +52

    Xiaojun, that man is fearless, yangyang said they are looking for a new member who can sing high notes 😂

    • @kelp2243
      @kelp2243 3 года назад +1

      where did yangyang say that lmao

  • @seljaemahay2064
    @seljaemahay2064 3 года назад +39

    They didn’t paid Kun enough for doing live with Xiaojun 😭

  • @kelp2243
    @kelp2243 3 года назад +26

    ok so to explain the mite control day joke: in chinese its called 'chu man' day, and the man in chu man is pronounced the same as the man in lee soo man. since 'chu' means control/extermination/get rid of, it sounds like exterminating/getting rid of (lee soo) man day, thats why kun was panicky and xj cldnt stop laughing lmao- its his clever wordplay/a pun

  • @baakojernigan7095
    @baakojernigan7095 3 года назад +49

    1:26 he literally mouthed "trash" in korean 💀 but did he lie th0

  • @aeriwayzenni1308
    @aeriwayzenni1308 3 года назад +21

    Alternative title
    "Xiao Dejun getting brave
    r 👁👄👁"

  • @sikesoup
    @sikesoup 3 года назад +46

    kun's eye rolls will always be funny LOLL

  • @henderyoungk
    @henderyoungk 3 года назад +47

    It's a good day to eliminate mites HAHAHAHAHAH man's about to get himself fired.

  • @asahisanerojakdla6466
    @asahisanerojakdla6466 3 года назад +54

    If they keep getting complaints from neigbours, it’s highly possible they move to another new house before Lucas Winwin arrive to this current dorm 💀

    • @leedongwok86
      @leedongwok86 3 года назад +7

      SM should have gotten them a proper house with 7 rooms, or 4 big rooms
      and proper home fiber internet

    • @leedongwok86
      @leedongwok86 3 года назад

      SM should have gotten them a proper house with 7 rooms, or 4 big rooms
      and proper home fiber internet

    • @wmwvc
      @wmwvc 3 года назад +4

      update lmao: they did moved before Lucas and Winwin arrive 😂💀

  • @sseracom
    @sseracom 3 года назад +34

    they talking freely is what we need for every unit

  • @isabellatan785
    @isabellatan785 3 года назад +4


  • @unluckypuppy9287
    @unluckypuppy9287 3 года назад +28

    Dang imagine being XIAOJUNS neighbor and hearing randomly him sing
    Id probably be complaining if I DIDNT hear him singing ha hahaha

  • @misty894
    @misty894 3 года назад +12

    xiaojun rlly trying his best to get both him and kun fired huh 😃

  • @Ca-yr2rz
    @Ca-yr2rz 3 года назад +92

    I know i can trust this channel for wayv quality content~
    I love this new idgaf attitude of many sm idols, especially on nct. Their jobs are stressful enough, i'm glad they're trying to change the strict rules they have to obey, and i hope the administration is also doing its part 😤

  • @nisya.8924
    @nisya.8924 3 года назад +76

    The way Kun glanced at whoever's there or whatever's being pointed at them during 4:14 😂🤧🤧

  • @markleeiscool
    @markleeiscool 3 года назад +9

    4:22 kun kept on looking behind the camera😭

  • @gunwooklvr
    @gunwooklvr 3 года назад +12

    xiaojun and that Instagram filter had me cracking up LMAOOOOOOO

  • @Lunyx58
    @Lunyx58 3 года назад +34

    3:29 Omg did he just roasted Lee Sooman 😂😂😂

  • @Avi.joyyy12
    @Avi.joyyy12 3 года назад +11

    Xiaojun really risking it all just for a mite joke🤣🤣. Sometimes I wonder why he’s my bias.

  • @isabellatan785
    @isabellatan785 3 года назад +3


  • @ceecee910
    @ceecee910 3 года назад +10

    I love how kun rolls his eyes at every dumb thing his members do 🤣🤣

  • @zlkh2475
    @zlkh2475 3 года назад +6

    Kun: Mr Lee Soo Man's birthday 🤗
    Xiaojun: MITES 😌

  • @woshiten
    @woshiten 3 года назад +163

    Friendly reminder, around 2:30 ish, Kun said he named his drone “KFC”. Kentucky is a bit misleading imo but it’s not a big deal. Thank you for the quality content!

    • @jaehyunthepeach721
      @jaehyunthepeach721  3 года назад +8

      Thanks for letting everyone know!

    • @machaerie
      @machaerie 3 года назад +8

      I think bec it's from the official subtitles and they can't actually say brand names

    • @kelp2243
      @kelp2243 3 года назад

      isnt 肯德基 kendeji the kfc brand tho like in chinese it means the fast food brand

  • @MiddleNamePetty
    @MiddleNamePetty 3 года назад +12

    Xiaojun free of being the middle child for 5 min has decided to have a great time just talking and saying anything lol

  • @Blah-Blah-Blah143
    @Blah-Blah-Blah143 3 года назад +10

    I just love Xiaojun's mischief, chaos and sense of humour so much. It's so like my own.

  • @iamacaratstayingonapurpleg6059
    @iamacaratstayingonapurpleg6059 3 года назад +17

    I'm sure those who knew Chinese while watching that live had a blast when the mites control day part came😂

  • @shaneclairegelbert2019
    @shaneclairegelbert2019 3 года назад +4

    probably kun in his head during the sm congress w lsm : do not think of mites. do not think of mites. do not think of mites

  • @aeilouissiere9368
    @aeilouissiere9368 3 года назад +8

    with how unpredictable xiaojun is, i can only imagine kun's fear whenever he's told that they're gonna have to do live together

  • @haniseokchan
    @haniseokchan 3 года назад +8

    Xiaojun is just like Doyoung and Renjun, they hold no grudges lmao

  • @exois9223
    @exois9223 3 года назад +12

    After that I will not be surprised if Xiaojun's line will decrease on their next comeback. Man was ready to lose his job 😭

  • @al4nn4
    @al4nn4 3 года назад +8

    I love kun’s smile so much

  • @csml4519
    @csml4519 3 года назад +28

    So once again kun had to turn on his mom mode .
    I wish I was living in that neighbourflat . I would have got free exclusive disclosing of music they are about to release

  • @beatricep103
    @beatricep103 3 года назад +8

    6:05 because that's just how it is Kun, we don't make the rules bebe, I'm sorry.. there is no room for, say, Hendery or Xiaojun aegyo. However there will always be acceptance for Kun aegyo, because you simply are adorable

  • @Spideymania
    @Spideymania 3 года назад +4

    Bruh. Xiaojun's Adam's apple is so damn strong.

  • @rukia1117
    @rukia1117 3 года назад +4

    1:18 POV of you being kidnapped by two randoms and being held hostage to the SM dance practice room floor as they try to calm you down

  • @zeldifyy2736
    @zeldifyy2736 3 года назад +4

    when your names bella and he's wearing a tshirt with ur name on it. Even if it is a dog.

  • @O-sa-car
    @O-sa-car 3 года назад +7

    I lost it at the zoom in on Xiaojun thinking about the mites joke

  • @Saachi97
    @Saachi97 3 года назад +7

    These two in a subunit is the best thing to happen 😭😂 Loved their promotions so much. And omg their voices are just so beautiful

  • @liunidas6
    @liunidas6 3 года назад +31

    xiaojun is publicly sabotaging his career and kun is just trying his best to maintain wayv as 7 members 😭😭😭

  • @e.1067
    @e.1067 3 года назад +26

    Xiaojun: *says/does something chaotic*
    Kun: oh my god stop
    Kun, a second later: *does/says something even more chaotic*
    I'm telling you, kun lived with yangyang and xiaojun for a year. There's no way any of them would come out alive if he wasn't chaotic as well

  • @ella5276
    @ella5276 3 года назад +9

    Imagine being their neighbour, getting to hear The Xiaojun singing for free😪

  • @pinkpawnterr
    @pinkpawnterr 3 года назад +5

    No one talk about Xiaojun's "wewewewe" ? 6:30

  • @storage2268
    @storage2268 3 года назад +3

    felt stressed for kun for 10mins

  • @isabellatan785
    @isabellatan785 3 года назад +3


  • @sarahl.3160
    @sarahl.3160 3 года назад +4

    xiaojun was like : the thing about being foreigner is you can talk sht about your boss

  • @-faith
    @-faith 3 года назад +8

    oh trust me, I tried and failed to rationalize Xiaojun’s logic while translating these lives 💀🖐 sorry bro can’t help you this time

  • @masterbeater3754
    @masterbeater3754 3 года назад +2

    yoooooooo I love xiaojun for this, mans isn't afraid of dissing his company

  • @kelseypp3023
    @kelseypp3023 3 года назад +8

    Kun need to be paid more for this :) He keep WayV from being fired by SM, and also keep them from spoiling everything each era

  • @islandsicedtea
    @islandsicedtea 3 года назад +4

    Some of these seem more like “Xiaojun havign no filter and Kun enabling him” 😂😂😂

  • @yangnrich1134
    @yangnrich1134 3 года назад +12

    3:58 I thought xiaojun was going to reflect-

  • @liunidas6
    @liunidas6 3 года назад +12

    world mite elimination day is literally so funny 😭😭

  • @dahlia9073
    @dahlia9073 3 года назад +11

    0:43 also vocal king

  • @powerandre.99
    @powerandre.99 3 года назад +7

    Kun is saving this man from unemployment

  • @noni107
    @noni107 3 года назад +162

    2:05 xiaojun has an only fans confirmed

    • @racheljohnson7177
      @racheljohnson7177 3 года назад +24

      I can't with y'all-

    • @pretend_we_re_dead1554
      @pretend_we_re_dead1554 3 года назад +4

      money eopseo mr xiao de jun

    • @ikaru5089
      @ikaru5089 3 года назад +6

      How dare him?? It's so disrespectful with us, fans, having an account in this dirty site...
      But do you know the name of his account?

    • @Danielle14..6
      @Danielle14..6 3 года назад +9

      @@ikaru5089 yeah it’s bigbootyXiaojun ☝️😬

    • @kpopyaoiII
      @kpopyaoiII 2 года назад

      Why not

  • @dahlia9073
    @dahlia9073 3 года назад +7

    0:51 vocal king

  • @storage2268
    @storage2268 3 года назад +4

    current fave wayv edit vid to go back to 🥺

  • @alicemornie2303
    @alicemornie2303 3 года назад +2

    No but Dejun with that instagram filter almost had me collapsing from laughing, I swear my sense of humor is so broken💀💀

  • @aesaphyr
    @aesaphyr 3 года назад +12

    They are professional comedians

  • @lulu-44
    @lulu-44 3 года назад +3

    xiaojun really love that filter help 😭😂😂

  • @meeraelayaperumal9631
    @meeraelayaperumal9631 3 года назад +3


  • @peisijing
    @peisijing 3 года назад +2