- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- We love dinosaur horror. YOU KNEW WE HAD TO DO IT.
Hope you enjoy!
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35:00 “picture, okay”
famous last words😂
after getting absolutely obliterated by my physics exam i really needed this rn
I was obliterating the toilet.. my toes were curling it was that bad!!! Idk where I woulda been without this video
@@splzyyI feel that
@@splzyytype shi
@@splzyy type shi bro
Physics blows lol hope you passed!
I recently discovered your channel while looking for Dinosaur horror games. I really like what you're doing. Your videos are fun to watch especially at night. Keep up the good work.
Same bro I found him cuz dinosaur horror😂😂❤❤
Bro unloaded 10 rounds in 1 second on that raptor 😂 im freekin crying dude. That was awesome
LOVING this explosion of Dino Horror! 🔥🔥🔥
I laughed so danm hard when buddy got crushed under the sea container
RIP Timothy. I remember him doing a keg stand at the wedding, legend
Bro i’m stationed in Alaska and my name is Timothy… AM I COOKED CHAT??
You might be…
I seen some shit about a Siberian tiger in alaska
"Elon musk has adopted a bloodthirsty protocol" in and out of context is hilarious 🤣
I’ve been watching these videos passed couple days and hearing him say “I’m a Star Wars nerd” made me hit the subscribe button so fast lol
“What are you taking about.”
*scary monster gets flushed into game*
Bro causally catches squad wipe on some raptors like it’s a regular Tuesday 😂
I’m a Star Wars nerd too! Going to see revenge of the sith when they put it back in Theater!!!
7:57 there are “dinosaur fish” coelacanth’s are still in existence and date back to 410 million years ago, they are found in waters around 200 meters from what I can recall.
RIP Timothy
When is this big, strong man gonna play Subnautica? The most terrifying horror game
“Dinosaur expert” has to be one of my favorite oxymorons ever 😂
Making a mutated dinosaur with regenerative abilities was genius...said no one ever
Cretaceous 🚫
Not a surprise I fell asleep on stream and missed this so it will be my pleasure to watch this right about nowww 😁😁
I just found you through looking for streams of dino horror games, and I've gotta stick around!!! You're so fun!!!
Love your channel so much. You’re so funny. Oh my gosh the Meg. I love the ocean but I have a horrible Thalassophobia and fear of being swallowed whole by a freaking sea monster!
loved this game play sooo much was definitely entertaining and creepy 🤣
love the music in that game
44:14 was the greatest moment! Come at me....AHHHHHHHHH - Just subbed cuz of that Hahahahahahahahahaha
Hey Chat! I love to watch people being scared especially when they do it to themselves! 😂
Paused it at exactly 52:57 and got the best screenshot ever! 😂 Love it!
35:03 Well someone is camera shy
And its friend took that personally lmao
Timothy was let off lightly i feel 🤣🤣
I just got back from a long day of work, and the first thing I see on instagram is your post of this game. When I tell you I switched to RUclips in a milisecond cant wait to watch this with my dinner ready dudeee
I like how they have the v-raptor as the correct dinosaur.
Just discovered your channel! Man you are entertaining bro and love the jump scares aha. Subscribed for more. Keep em coming!
This was awesome to watch on strem and now on RUclips thanks woolz please keep them coming
your my fav youtuber and streamer, I watch you on twitch and love your videos, keep up the great work man❤
Haha your videos are actually funny man. Glad I found your channel
Awesome entertainment thank u so much❤😊 cant wait for part2😊
27:05 I just know that's gonna be on tiktok 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bro you broke me every single horror gameplay AHAHAHAH 🤣 You have all my respect from Italy broooo
Woolz loves the word Horrifying 😂
3:15 obviously someone skimmed over their OSHA handbook
watching this instead of studying for exams 😻
You and Caseoh are my go to
Homoerectus Rex is hilarious lmaooo
Why are you so funnyyyyy thanks for making me laugh!!
hey you are so funny man, keep up the good work!!!
Love Star wars and love dinosaurs so I mean you might as well call me a nerd for both of them lol
WE NEED A PART 2 😭😭😭✋🏻
It cracked me up when you spent all your money buying ammo for the wrong gun. Lol
Oh bro, I have the same fear! I hate the ocean! 😬
Velociraptor hunting in group.. so tht might be the reason they keep on coming for you🤣🤣🤣
With the intro words of the game, on its last two sentences I had a short vision, this one somehow could be a gread co-op multyplayer game, a team with 4 or 5 (...) people who have to team work themselves through...
Dude you need to play Among Ashes it’s probably one of the best Indie horror games I’ve ever seen. It’s so very well made and also it’s something new for a change. The concept is so fucking awesome!
Absolutely love it how you have a game on Steam called CUCKOLD SIMULATOR but you've not released a video about it yet. Is that one of your private games?
Damn not Tim, that guy owes me $200 from poker night
Bro, That zoochosis has 23 endings, I quest you to plz play the exact ending the game is supposed to be. The actual end is where u poison the mother using live female parasite poison. Hint: Cure the infected animals instead of killing them with lethal dose. Please try again, Would love to see u play it. thanks
there definitely were some dinosaur fish, what you saw was a Megalodon shark (not a fish lol) but there was also a species called the dunkleosteus
lmfao I scream so bad in this game and alt F4
Buddy got folded like a party chair.
i know over 20 dinos flyin reptiles marine reptiles and even before the dinos and ice age i even watch alot of documentaries on prehistoric life
I found your channel from Instagram definitely going to follow u on twitch
definitely need a vods channel 🫶
Love your reaction 😂
I need a full video bro
My man I am both a Star Wars nerd and a Dino nerd
22:57 that my friend is an Anglerfish they usually chill deep in the pitch black parts of the ocean where light doesn’t reach that one was on some kind of steroids they generally aren’t that big usually 18cm females 100cm
21:31 I was scared a Dunkleosteus was gonna jump out they scare me more than any shark
You must have had a GREAT time about 15 minutes later.. same lol
Love your channel! You should play “Silent Hill Homecoming” I never made it through bc I got stuck mid game trying to fight a boss so I could get past them lol I tried like 20 times and gave up.
The Museum is giving bioshock vibes
This was so hype
I love dino
Technically woolz a shark is a dinosaur they’ve lived longer than the T rex
58 SECONDS 🗣🗣🗣🗣
No such thing as a dinosaur fish? Mate Dunkleosteus was a dinosaur fish and a very big one
27:00 bro light that thing up
ninja turtles 😳
I'm your subscriber from Morocco 🇲🇦❤️
I am a dinosaur nerd and a Star Wars nerd as well
i am a video gamer nerd. 14:05 wow i live in utah
31:38 sniper mode
vader alive again
30:45 it's a random time
Love from India ❤🇮🇳
Correct me If i say Something Wrong but isnt the Line ,,Science finds a way" Not a innuendo to Ian Mallcoms Jurassic Park Line Life finds a way?😅
Can you play a deep ocean game
Bro… idk…
u r very funny buddy
Where's part two?!??!!?
Jesus Christ there are so many ads on here
Hi twitch
Overacting at its best 😏
Dawg you’re horrible at this game bro