Using Tensegrity To Make an I-Beam Coffee Table With No Legs.

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 940

  • @Wreckz_Tea
    @Wreckz_Tea Год назад +736

    Only thing cooler than the table is the fact it was done in just 1 video. I, for one, want to see more tensegrity projects. And more single vid projects

    • @DMalek
      @DMalek Год назад +8

      Yeah Alec is always very good with this. He have a good reputation of never making part series videos.

    • @Wreckz_Tea
      @Wreckz_Tea Год назад +3

      @@DMalek *chuckling casually as if to say "there's nobody better at handling a big project and slamming every bit if it into 1 legendary video, and not leave us with cliffhangers and 24hrs+ of time tp watch other stuff and not really worry about it anymore. It turns into a "if I get around to watching it then that's cool but I've got all the hours left in the day to make sure things are handled or not handled depending on what I'm told and It just hits different to get it all wrapped up like a sophomore in highschool who took Std Education classes in freshman year and was forced to see pics of what mens and women's "unfortunate situations" looked like after having sex for the first time and told which STD caused the pictured Man or woman junk that was just shown and told that it's incurable and makes you never able to use your penis again if you ever mess around and let it touch skin to skin with you're girlfriend.

    • @alltheeasynamesweregone
      @alltheeasynamesweregone Год назад +4

      Yeah same. Part videos was the reason I stopped watching this channel regularly. Maximising profit across videos is not good content imo

    • @Megatholis
      @Megatholis Год назад +5

      ​@Tea_Wreckz please never comment on youtube again😂

    • @DMalek
      @DMalek Год назад +1

      @@Megatholis clearly a bot

  • @theowainwright7406
    @theowainwright7406 Год назад +120

    As someone who used to work at a steel supplier the way that Alec just picked up that beam is insanely impressive. That’s that blacksmith strength.

    • @eamh2002
      @eamh2002 Год назад +4

      I really want to see him try Captains of Crush grippers from #1 onwards 😎

    • @jef777
      @jef777 Год назад +8

      Hope he does not injure his back. A lot of smith I know had to change job around 30-40...

    • @anonony9081
      @anonony9081 Месяц назад +7

      Which is why I was impressed as hell that Jamie seemed to be stronger than Alec when trying to bend the beam out. Maybe because of his height but a guy who films video for a living srong arming a blacksmith is impressive

    • @freescape08
      @freescape08 День назад

      ​@@anonony9081pretty sure Alec just didn't have traction because of the plasma torch dust. Unless all he works out are the muscles needed for lifting and dropping.

  • @Seraph318
    @Seraph318 Год назад +143

    As someone that is.... the reason for a lot of new protocols at my past workplaces... it is really refreshing watching someone that -seems- as lost as I feel sometimes lol. Just the little things like your item falling off the lathe and the nervous laughter lmao. SO relatable

  • @efrandom5472
    @efrandom5472 Год назад +400

    The synergy between Alec and Jamie is just so amazing

    • @davidbreitwieser3591
      @davidbreitwieser3591 Год назад +1

      Between man and beast 🤙 them bending the beam was hilarious

    • @F14Goose37
      @F14Goose37 Год назад +1

      Honestly, I was just watching one of Will's videos and missing the Will and Alec days.

    • @lake258
      @lake258 Год назад +1

      But it will never be better than with Sam. And I mean the REAL Sam!

    • @sjv6598
      @sjv6598 Год назад

      @@lake258 Sam brought nothing to the channel. Jamie is 100 times better.

    • @lake258
      @lake258 Год назад

      @@sjv6598 burn the heretic!

  • @Dr.Niboshi
    @Dr.Niboshi Год назад +12

    the radiant heat 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @JerryRigEverything
    @JerryRigEverything Год назад +335

    awesome table!

    • @cheesecrumbs380
      @cheesecrumbs380 Год назад +12

      Scratch test it? 🤣🤣

    • @bontasama4920
      @bontasama4920 Год назад +3

      He will put wheel on it and call it Not a table 😁

    • @paulthompson3304
      @paulthompson3304 Год назад +3

      Terrible design, a wobbly, glass topped table that weighs about 100 kg, just what every home needs.

    • @benslater4997
      @benslater4997 Год назад

      no you cant tear it down

    • @Snyde91
      @Snyde91 Год назад +4

      @@cheesecrumbs380’we can see light scratches at a level 6 and deeper grooves at a level 7, this tells us Alec is using Gorilla glass 5’

  • @garethbaus5471
    @garethbaus5471 Год назад +360

    The part about the radiant heat being a crotch cooker was unexpected yet hilarious. It makes sense, being near small hot objects is already uncomfortable due to the radiation.

    • @nathanmiller9381
      @nathanmiller9381 Год назад +24

      its not nice to call alec small, lol

    • @artor9175
      @artor9175 Год назад +14

      I learned not to wear jeans with metal rivets when working around my foundry.

    • @TrackpadProductions
      @TrackpadProductions Год назад +17

      That was not aomething I was _ever_ expecting to come out of Alec's mouth

    • @neuralwarp
      @neuralwarp Год назад +4

      Heheheh Alec has a small hot object

    • @AdrienRochereau
      @AdrienRochereau Год назад +5

      needs a t shirt version like right now

  • @inventiveowl395
    @inventiveowl395 Год назад +90

    This is the most fun I've seen you have on a project in a long while.. Way to go Alec!

  • @totoasak6702
    @totoasak6702 Год назад +34

    Hello! Huge fan from France and wood worker, just here to tell you a tip, if you make à V or X shape with the external wires you can supress almost all the wiggleling and you can make it very stable in all directions, almost like a regular table

    • @Doomquill
      @Doomquill 3 месяца назад +1

      This is really good to know, thanks for the tip

  • @travisa6311
    @travisa6311 Год назад +74

    -10 points Alec never stood on it and proved it could hold his weight

    • @senshi-knives
      @senshi-knives Год назад +10

      I doubt it could. The bent pieces that hold all the weight look like they have too many weakpoints where they would start to bent really slowly to the point where the tension on the outside wires isn't enough anymore. It would not fail right away of course.

    • @omaristephens2143
      @omaristephens2143 Год назад +7

      Yeah, given all the wobble (which indicates that the outside stabilization cables couldn't be tightened very much), I'm pretty sure this table wouldn't hold his weight.
      At the end of the day, the entire weight of the top is being supported by the central compressive element of the base, and what's essentially an off-vertical flat bar isn't going to be particularly robust under compression (and will tend fail by twisting and then buckling).

    • @marvinhaagsma9177
      @marvinhaagsma9177 3 часа назад

      I almost went hypoxic waiting for the ‘stand on it’ test…. which never came. Darn. C’mon Alec, prove that it is REALLY strong enough to stand on!

  • @allanridesbikes5856
    @allanridesbikes5856 Год назад +8

    Safety Third is for sure the theme of this episode

  • @tomim7187
    @tomim7187 Год назад +13

    This is a total CLASSIC Steele video! Love it! The expression on Alec's face when the chuck falls out of the lathe's tailstock is hysterical!

  • @DasVERMiT
    @DasVERMiT Год назад +18

    Steve Mould's videos are wonderful!

  • @usernamewastaken17
    @usernamewastaken17 Год назад +18

    Love the nervous laughter when the tap falls out on the lathe! I think everyone who ever used those machines can relate to that in one way or another XD

    • @eamh2002
      @eamh2002 Год назад +4

      That was pretty quick reaction to hit the e-switch though :) First your like "WTF" then "PANIC" then "OH RIGHT KILLSWITCH QUICK!"

  • @CraveMayhem
    @CraveMayhem Год назад +29

    I love Jamie almost got instant karma from scaring you with the coil of wire and nearly lost his manhood in the process hahah.

  • @stenzeliron
    @stenzeliron Год назад +1

    Don’t burn you shwartz off!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 love it Alec!!! You’re a frickin mad man!!!

  • @sheldonhammargren7162
    @sheldonhammargren7162 Год назад +14

    Anyone else impressed by how strong this lad is. Holding out that I beam a lot easier than probably 80% of people could. Madness. Tradey strength

  • @smctunes
    @smctunes Год назад +54

    Hey hey, just had a thought…why not shape those smaller bits of the frame, in the middle, to look like the “S” in your logo? You’d have to cut it perfectly in half, horizontally. But, when seen from the side it would align perfectly.

  • @johnsmead5096
    @johnsmead5096 Год назад +489

    alex, mate, if you want to destroy your shins and toes so badly, just get a razor scooter

    • @Rsama60
      @Rsama60 Год назад +45

      Remember in the US he built a bed out of solid steel tubes. He must be used to hurt shins. And also his name is Steele not Woode.

    • @orkin2525
      @orkin2525 Год назад +12

      His bed in Montana gave him immunity to shin strikes.

    • @rustybstuff3082
      @rustybstuff3082 Год назад +12

      If you look back you'll find he made a bed frame in Montana that was so dangerous that Will got him shin guards for Christmas.

    • @kermitthefragg
      @kermitthefragg Год назад +10

      Who's alex

    • @zyesteve5858
      @zyesteve5858 Год назад +2

      Damascus razer scooter?

  • @chingscott00
    @chingscott00 7 месяцев назад +1

    This is THE FIRST RUclips ad that I'm genuinely going to use! I've been unhappy in my current career, need to find a change! Thank you for this ad! Really

  • @CalebCarterFilm
    @CalebCarterFilm Год назад +26

    This is amazing! Well done!
    Please make more behind the scenes content too!

  • @robertjames8220
    @robertjames8220 Год назад +2

    I've said this before, and I mean it: it is *astounding* that you still have all of your body parts. And I can now add Jaime to that statement. The fact that the wire spool almost got him -- that did make me laugh!

  • @Oggydoggy1989
    @Oggydoggy1989 Год назад +3

    Anybody else diggin’ those biceps?

  • @daviniusb6798
    @daviniusb6798 3 месяца назад +1

    The only channel with propper music :=)

  • @jakecox1398
    @jakecox1398 Год назад +3

    I just wanted to say that one this is mind melting. And 2 i started welding school not to long ago and just wanted to say thank you for being an inspiration that helped me get into metal working. Its hot and heavy but it makes me feel like im doing something thats worth doing.

  • @peterbusch4880
    @peterbusch4880 Год назад

    Man, I have watched your videos from almost the beginning and your antics are still as entertaining as ever!!!

  • @fredrichardson9761
    @fredrichardson9761 Год назад +3

    Really impressive result! Initially I wasn't a fan of bolts going through that nice glass table top, but given the wobbly nature of the table that seems like a really good idea! 🤣 Excellent video, awesome work and a really nice design!

  • @hunterchandler3855
    @hunterchandler3855 Год назад

    I’ve been watching you for years as a 25 year old now. Love seeing your projects come to life, no matter the size

  • @jacojoubert979
    @jacojoubert979 Год назад +5

    Hey Alec I just want to say I love to watch your videos and it always makes my day

  • @Glitchtheplanet
    @Glitchtheplanet Год назад +2

    Two episodes in a week? I’m excited for that

  • @xero110
    @xero110 Год назад +303

    Funny how 100+ years after the bicycle was invented, tensegrity design is becoming popular now.

    • @danbowes
      @danbowes Год назад +4

      I need to look into this but I'm pretty sure tensegral forse is not the primary force in a bicycle. Are you talking about spokes? If anything centrifugal force overcomes that at even low speeds, unless you're using rope or something.

    • @xero110
      @xero110 Год назад +48

      @@danbowes Yes, the spokes. The bike 'hangs' from the hub to the top of the rim when someone is sitting on it. You might be thinking of a bike without a rider, keeping itself upright when pushed.

    • @ALoadOfOldScrap
      @ALoadOfOldScrap Год назад +16

      Have you ever seen rope spokes? I saw a video a while back of someone who made them for a trials bicycle so they were under some crazy stresses and worked great

    • @asdqwe4468
      @asdqwe4468 Год назад +10

      @@danbowes Any idea how big the forces on spokes are? Centrifugal forces in a bicycle wheel are no where close to that. And how would that overcome the preload? Bicycle spokes are always in tension. Obviosly thin wires like that can't be loaded in compression very much before they buckle. Most important is that the spokes are preloaded in a way that the weight of the rider doesn't get the lower spokes out of tension (or the upper spokes to stretch too much or yield). And yes you could use rope or string or chain but I guess it's not very practical. Just try to hang your weight on a single spoke and then try to stand that weight on a single spoke. 100kg will stand on a single spoke about as much as it will stand on a string.

    • @TheDevilWAH
      @TheDevilWAH Год назад +4

      This is one of those things that when I thought about it after I saw it mentioned when I was in my 20's I was so obvious.
      But for some reason even though the physics is clear to see, I never though of a rim as "hanging".
      Strictly it is not hanging it is balanced of tension, but the hub is being "pulled" by the spokes against the external force, not pushing back under compression.
      If you watch bikes in slow motion hitting hard edges like a kerb it's surprising how much flex it can absorb and shows what a brillent design a flexible spoked wheel is.

  • @Buntos101
    @Buntos101 Год назад +1

    The music is one of the best parts of the channel. Not the same royalty free shiz every video keep it up mate 🙏🏻

  • @Lukas-sv1rp
    @Lukas-sv1rp Год назад +6

    nice build, i think it will also look interesting with chains

  • @brettfontaine4681
    @brettfontaine4681 Год назад +1

    It was the nervous laughter using the lathe and Jamie’s squeal for me. Hilarious and awesome video.

  • @scott1armedcarpenter
    @scott1armedcarpenter Год назад +5

    That’s an epic table. I’ve seen a few timber versions but that’s a different level.

  • @Mr-Blitz
    @Mr-Blitz Год назад

    OMG the editing to the metal breakdown with the plasma cutter was pure genius

  • @MeriaDuck
    @MeriaDuck Год назад +3

    3:43 how did Jamie keep the camera steady and not burst out in laughter 😂

  • @hazeltollz5695
    @hazeltollz5695 Год назад +2

    This episode was absolutely hysterical!! Love seeing more of Jamie!!

  • @scotadam
    @scotadam Год назад +32

    We learned today that Jamie is outside Alec's weight class.

    • @neuralwarp
      @neuralwarp Год назад +2

      Also that Alec has a p3n1s, and despite his various accidents, it remains uncircumcised.

  • @backtoobasics
    @backtoobasics Год назад +2

    I love those tables. Shows just how critical planning is into a project!!

  • @virtual_masters2839
    @virtual_masters2839 Год назад +13

    Ah yes, that old Steele Motto. “Safety third”
    That must mean the following are the 3 rules of the workshop.
    Rule 1: if you need a tool, make a tool.
    Rule 2: if in doubt, grind it out.
    Rule 3: content first, safety third.
    Have I missed any?

    • @johnsmead5096
      @johnsmead5096 Год назад +2

      buy once cry once

    • @aarbee_
      @aarbee_ Год назад +3

      a grinder and paint,
      makes me the welder I aint 😉

    • @ravencrovax
      @ravencrovax Год назад +2

      Measure once, cut twice.

    • @drthmik
      @drthmik Год назад +2

      That is the real metric of ALL industry
      My welding instructor ALWAYS said "Safety third"
      After all it is _ALL_ dangerous, you're working with explosive chemicals in proximity to molten steel and fire, and often lightning powerful enough to stop your heart while touching an electrically conductive material! So if safety was ACTUALLY first, none of it would be done at all so: first, the Job needs doing
      You could build a system where the worker uses waldos to operate robot arms in another room to do the job, that would be the safest option if safety was second
      but that would cost MILLIONS for even a small job, so Second is economics
      that leaves safety being third

  • @ReneGaytan-i9y
    @ReneGaytan-i9y Год назад +1

    I gotta say this express a lot about your work! Simple, yet awesome!
    You said it right... It's a sculpture, but a usable one. You became an architect today

  • @pleasetakemynamenow
    @pleasetakemynamenow Год назад +3

    I wonder if it will stabilise if the outside cables moved from corner to corner diagonally. Awesome table!

  • @gamercs21
    @gamercs21 Год назад +1

    At first I was trying to figure out how this wasn't a pt 1. Ther ewas no way for Alec to put on the normal amount of artistic detail and craft in just 1 episode. Then, I really started to like the industrial finish and it's absolutely stunning with the raw(ish steel, the smooth and refined glass without the primal cuts and the black hardware bridging the gap between the industrial and modern. It's a stunning piece, well done.

  • @dabj9546
    @dabj9546 Год назад +3

    There's no way that would hold you sitting on it. Those "dangly boys" look like they'll bend any second from the weight of the table itself.

  • @jrobie8375
    @jrobie8375 Год назад +1

    Love watching you make great art, tools and swords. You should make a forged sculpted garden gate for your house!

  • @kita1318
    @kita1318 Год назад +9

    They are quite simple but look amazing I wonder how well they hold up

  • @Micreathonn
    @Micreathonn Год назад +2

    i like how you showed the dust made by the plasma cutter, literally no one else has done that

    • @artor9175
      @artor9175 Год назад

      First time I used a plasma cutter in my shop, it completely clogged the brand new air filters. A lot of that steel from the cut is vaporized, and it condenses on the first thing it touches.

  • @tylerist8
    @tylerist8 2 месяца назад +3

    3:46 we are taking this out of context

  • @thetrashgoblin
    @thetrashgoblin Год назад

    I gotta say it really is a pleasure to watch you with exspensive equipment make the same mistakes I do with my harbor freight equipment.

  • @JoelBomfim
    @JoelBomfim Год назад +3

    Muito bacana e belo projeto. É algo que buga a mente

  • @acolize8883
    @acolize8883 Год назад

    Glad to see the boys having so much fun

  • @Deverouxe
    @Deverouxe Год назад +177

    The table looks like a giant zipper…

    • @kryptonicloser
      @kryptonicloser 6 месяцев назад +3

      Nooooo why did you have to say thar

    • @jeandremarais2951
      @jeandremarais2951 5 месяцев назад

      Great now I see it too 😂

    • @aofthefielde1305
      @aofthefielde1305 3 месяца назад


    • @freescape08
      @freescape08 День назад

      Honestly thought they were going for that. Keeping onlookers on the Edge of their seats.

  • @karljohnson953
    @karljohnson953 Год назад +2

    That is a pretty awesome as a first attempt. As a industrial piece it may be one of he coolest things you have built. With smoother lines, sanded and polished cuts you could make a good profit producing these for fiurniture stores.

  • @The_Smith
    @The_Smith Год назад +3

    3:45 one reason I wear a leather apron

  • @SpartanBuilds75
    @SpartanBuilds75 Год назад +1

    I distinctly remember Alec promising that he could stand on it by the end, but DID HE?
    Otherwise, brilliant video and I dig the table too! 😎😜

  • @functionSam
    @functionSam Год назад +3

    "My penis is on fire!"
    In ANY other context, this would be taken the wrong way..

  • @sbellock5
    @sbellock5 Год назад +1

    I find these tables very interesting, I love when you do art.

  • @justinbanks2380
    @justinbanks2380 Год назад

    11:20 I love that even people with more knowledge and experience, from time to time do things like this too

  • @akselbering291
    @akselbering291 Год назад +2

    All that warping is from the heat your introducing as your cutting Alec!
    As the material cools back down it shrinks back down, but because the nearby metal that hasn't been heated up resists this shrinking it ends up shrinking less overall creating lots of interal stresses.

    • @artor9175
      @artor9175 Год назад

      A lot of it is, but I-beams also have a tremendous amount of internal stresses just from the way they are made.

  • @Ferruccio001
    @Ferruccio001 Месяц назад

    The boots & shorts combo can't be beaten!!

  • @xxhellspawnedxx
    @xxhellspawnedxx Год назад

    Great build, and the hot dog moment was like *chef's kiss* xD

  • @buidelrat132
    @buidelrat132 Год назад

    Cool! I love it when you are able to include the start and end of a project in one video. Came out nice!

  • @robertjohnston1920
    @robertjohnston1920 Год назад

    I love how far this channel has come over the tears. Great job Alec!

  • @brandonboulton2776
    @brandonboulton2776 Год назад

    Respect. Buckminster Fuller is a hero of mine. And the Father of Tensegrity.

  • @enox3547
    @enox3547 Год назад +1

    The laugh of terror at the end was my favorite

  • @torquilh
    @torquilh 2 месяца назад +1

    can you have a second channel with longer videos? i would be very happy to have your videos on in the background while i work. they are great to watch and listen to

  • @iceunicorn3707
    @iceunicorn3707 Год назад

    The fact that Jamie is wearing shorts and safety boots is amazing. Making me confident in wearing anything ❤

  • @matloo
    @matloo Год назад

    Love the proper blacksmithing going on

  • @reddblackjack
    @reddblackjack 4 месяца назад

    I find tensegrity fascinating.
    My first experience with it was a video shown to me by a friend of a barstool made by a welder. It had a base, a seat, and no legs. Just five chains. The seat part hung from the base by a short chain and was tethered by four long chains. It kinda floated there, wobbling around and it looked very comfortable. I could build one out of Lego now that I got back into that, but making one with wood and rope would also be easy. I even have a good base already made. Using some scrap from another project I made a couple of one legged stools that didn't work out. Too weird for use, just a square plank on a piece of post, but I could use it as a base for a tensegrity stool. If I do It, I'll upload a video to show that it's not hard. But it does take some skills.

  • @Zman98
    @Zman98 3 месяца назад

    The end product is beautiful, what a great idea and piece to have in your crib.

  • @stevenbergom3415
    @stevenbergom3415 Год назад

    Circumcisions: just one of the free perks when you work for Alec Steele!

  • @coreycharmley
    @coreycharmley Год назад

    I loved this. The comedy in this video was awesome. Thanks for the laughs!

  • @ashleytaylor4207
    @ashleytaylor4207 Год назад

    Alec little tip with a drill bit spinning in the chuck is to tighten it all the way and then go one click back and that should lock the chuck till you adjust it. Great content btw been a fan for a while now. Keep up the great stuff

  • @garycsfunlife
    @garycsfunlife 18 дней назад

    That laugh at 14:12 is just absolutely killing me. I can't stop laughing 😆 The facial expression just adds to it 😆😆

  • @ModernCookingEurope
    @ModernCookingEurope 3 месяца назад

    Watched a lot of your stuff, but this is certainly my favorite project so far 👌🏻

  • @johnbradford9235
    @johnbradford9235 Год назад

    The cable explosion was brilliant 😁😁😁. 😎

  • @rafaelkayatt
    @rafaelkayatt Год назад

    Man oh man, what would Alec do without Jamieee?

  • @timothy5480
    @timothy5480 18 дней назад

    Everyone needs a Jamie to bounce ideas of off as you would say "brilliant"

  • @itsamindgame9198
    @itsamindgame9198 Год назад

    I used to work about 1/2 a block away from the Kurilpa Bridge in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. A great example of a large scale complex tensegrity structure.

  • @bryan1422
    @bryan1422 Год назад +1

    Now that you’re back in the UK, a video with colinfurze would be super cool.

  • @mikelastname
    @mikelastname Год назад +1

    Fabulous - I am looking forwards to seeing a "everything I know in one project" tensegrity table made of damascus bladed machetes and fancy hammers.

  • @HaecEsneLegas
    @HaecEsneLegas Год назад

    I enjoy these 1 video projects. I love all your projects but prefer seeing it all in one sitting.

  • @EitanTsur
    @EitanTsur Год назад +1

    I enjoy seeing your mistakes along with your successes. Here's a thought, do a video on mistakes you've made and learned from. I bet others could learn from your hard lessons, and honestly failing and learning should be embraced more. Also, you can likely improve the stability of the table by angling the perimeter cables.

  • @philkugler2429
    @philkugler2429 Год назад

    This has been your best video in a while. Really enjoyed it.

  • @franksinatra2530
    @franksinatra2530 Год назад

    Best project in a while. Love it.

  • @FXJunky
    @FXJunky Год назад

    Loving this kind of project. Physics for dummies like me .

  • @sillyentz
    @sillyentz Год назад

    It stirs your coffee! XD love it. Great build.

  • @Cargohold
    @Cargohold Год назад

    The perfect woopsie @11:19 made my day lol

  • @Lordragoneye
    @Lordragoneye Год назад

    American structural steel fabricator here...I don't envy you working that steel in the way you choose to do. Great video nonetheless, keep up the good work

  • @karlhogan7505
    @karlhogan7505 4 дня назад

    As an apprentice metal fabricator I think you just gave me an idea for a new challenge

  • @Leo99929
    @Leo99929 Год назад

    Well done on immediately hitting the stop rather than panicking 👍

  • @robert.brokaw3829
    @robert.brokaw3829 Год назад

    Made a tensegrity wood plant stand for my in-laws several years ago and they loved it. Yours looks cooler made from steel. Stay safe.

  • @bballplayer5555
    @bballplayer5555 Год назад

    You can eliminate the wobble by making your external or stabilizer cables angled from top to bottom. When they are straight verticals what happens is that small angular displacements in the top surface of the table (ie wobble) result in almost zero length change in the cable (ie no compensating tension force generated. If your cables are angled you increase the tension force in the cable with those small angular displacements of the surface. What you can do is replace the single verticals with v’s or w’s or simply have a zigzag all the way around the table by staggering the upper and lower supports. Many RUclipsrs just copy the examples as well as manufacturers without looking for improvements. Simply applying this small change should make it dramatically more stable. Hopefully this helps

  • @dedrxbbit7549
    @dedrxbbit7549 Год назад

    Nice cut, G 😎😉

  • @PiedPiperfly
    @PiedPiperfly Год назад

    He's inadvertently made one of the coolest things he's ever made

  • @aaronperkins4654
    @aaronperkins4654 Год назад

    That's an original Alex take on the project...just love how u put your self on a Great idea ... nothing wrong with user

  • @TheGarbageGhillie
    @TheGarbageGhillie Год назад

    This is incredible and mindblowing. If I could just drop everything and work for you and learn this craft, I would.

  • @aaron-johnmaclean5450
    @aaron-johnmaclean5450 Год назад

    love how much fun you guys are having though

  • @markhignett7671
    @markhignett7671 Год назад

    Best video for a while guys 👍 really enjoyed it