Nov 11, 2023
This is an underrated slice-of-life manga that follows the carefree relationship between a nine-year-old boy and his 21-year-old sister-in-law. The story starts with the Honjou Mitsuba having to move from Tokyo to a small seaside town to live with his older brother, due to having asthma. Once Mitsuba arrives at his brothers' home he finds that his sister-in-law is the one who will be caring for him because his brother is rarely home and works long hours.
let's start the actual review:
Story: 8
I feel that the storyline is very believable and is based on the premise that a young couple after college gets married and finds
work in a small town. It is not uncommon to find relatives living together for medical needs. There are some small holes in the plot such as Mitsuba playing soccer even though he has asthma and is now living in a small town if the asthma was serious enough to cause him not to live with his parents then this could be an inconsistency in the storyline. This story is easy to follow and the flow of things isn't too fast, or too slow, which is rather nice.
Plot overall an 8, I rated it slightly higher as it is written well.
Art: 8
I feel that the artwork is done well. More specifically, the characters are designed in a modern way and the backgrounds are done with a clear and meticulous amount of detail.
Art overall an 8, I rated it slightly higher as it is there were few frames without a background.
Character: 9
Now, this is the majority of my focus in this review:
Mitsuba (main character): A 9-year-old boy who moves from Tokyo to live with his older brother because Mitsuba has asthma. The character is well drawn as a typical youth and his personality is that of a slightly shy 9-year-old boy. In school, he is outgoing makes friends easily, and enjoys playing with his friends.
Hinako (main character): Mitsuba's sister-in-law who is 21 years old. She is an outgoing person who doesn’t seem to have any social boundaries. The lack of social boundaries could stem from being lonely while her husband is at work and Mitsuba seems to ease that pain of loneliness and wanting to be close with people.
Yusuke: Mitsuba's older brother who is 21 years old. He is married to Hinako and tends to leave her home while he works late into the evening.
Yoshioka Kanami: is a popular female classmate who is smart pretty and interesting to talk with but she is also a blunt and bossy girl at times, and she quickly becomes one of Mitsuba and Daisuke’s friends.
Daisuke: is a male classmate who loves soccer and his parents own a restaurant. He is also a friend of the school of Mitsuba and Kanami.
Character development overall a 9, I rated it slightly higher as even the minor characters tend to be given personalities and somewhat of a life background.
Overall: 8
This story is quite interesting in that at first I thought that the story would have some sinister twist or downside (i.e. turn pornographic or the sister-in-law doing mean things to the boy), but I was pleasantly surprised that it was just a story about family and relying on family to get through some personal tough times.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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