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Zeni Geba add
Gamagoori Fuutaro (蒲郡 風太郎) has been poor since the day he was born. As a child his recklessly wasteful and abusive father sunk the family into debt and disappeared, leaving Futaro and his sick more.
Manga 5 -
Zettai Karen Children add
In the future, as people with ESP increase in numbers, so does the possible good and evil they can cause to society. The Japanese government establishes the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory (B.A.B.E.L.) more.
Manga 63 7.64
Zubaban add
The adventures of Zubaban, a rogue samurai who meets some friends along the way, including a African man named Golongo who has a pet lion named Shingo, and the French heroine Jeanne d'Arc, who join more.
Manga 3 -
[1] 2 3 ... 13

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