Also that they really start off rocky , bashir and garak are more than friends, but obrian and him besties. Maybe archer with tpol? the og spock and bones?
Another duo I was surprised you didnt mention was The Doctor and Seven of Nine from Voyager. While their pairing isnt forced down our throats as much as Tom and Harry's, it feels a lot more real and heartfelt to me, growing from a mentorship to a true friendship by the end of the series.
@@Anonyomus_commenterwell the only characters who got good arcs. There are several who are good starting points for characters that the show failed to do compelling things with. I’d say Tuvok, Bellona, and Kim all fall into that category.
As much as I agree that Bashir and O'Brian are indeed friendship goals, I do think you gave the short shaft to Jake and Nog. They are the only pair in Star Trek that I can think of that were childhood friends, and had that friendship grow into a life-long thing. Jake taught Nog to read and grow into more than he was, Nog taught Jake that it was ok to push the boundaries and take a risk now and again. Even in a possible future, in the episode The Visitor, they are still portrayed as life-long friends, as Nog worries about his friend. If you still want to give them the silver behind Bashir/O'Brian, I can't argue, but they deserved more than a throw-away mention.
@@ttww1590 The relationship between Ben and Jake is wonderful, but Steve specifically talks about the importance of having friends who aren't related to you while discussing the climax of "Hard Time".
I feel they start to drift apart as Nog gets wiser and Jake stays a bit static. I do love the baseball card episode though. With DS9 you could be here all day. Martok and Worf, Morn and Quark, Dax and Kira, Garak and Bashir, there's just so much to love with this series and it's dynamics
A BFF duo probably overlooked is Bashir and Garak. Another one worth noting, although technically not a duo, would be the very talkative and funny Morn, who seemed to be best friends with everyone he met on DS9.
Bashir and Garak is possibly the most complex. Are they doing intelligence gathering, are they getting it on, just friends, all of the above? Who knows!
There's a moment in series 7 ep 23, where Miles calls Julian 'Jules'. It's only brief, but I can't think of anyone else who'd be allowed to do that. Also I love how when Julian's genetic background is revealed, the thing Miles gets pissy about isn't the fact that his best friend has essentially been lying to him for 5 years, it's that he's been letting Miles win at darts.
I grew up with TNG, and what I wanted to see more than anything was Geordi and Data doing things. I didn't care what they were doing, I just thought that two of the coolest guys (as a kid I kept saying, 'They're the smartest, they get to make the ship fly, and they're funny!') having adventures was the highlight of the show that made me a Trek fan since I was a child.
I understand the impossible task of listing all the friendships, but I really was surprised to see Picard and Guinan's friendship left out. While we see precious little of it, since Whoopi is just a glorified guest star, the friendship is well established as being absolute. I mean, it survived for centuries.
Even in its brevity (only featuring in about 3 episodes, iirc), I really appreciated when the writers would flesh out the Ro X Guinan dynamic. As much as i love Nana Visiter and what we ended up with on DS9, it's hard not to what if about the timeline we missed out on where it was Ro that was written that role instead of Kira.
I would have been so tempted to just make it a list of the DS9 friendships. Thank you for your self control. DS9 nailed the dynamic nature of how people feel, act, and speak. In a less good show, a character like Kira is just an angry badass with a dark past. In DS9, she is a multifacted *person* who loves, laughs, is great at somethings and bad at others. Sometimes she’s confident. Sometimes she’s unsure of herself. Her friendship with Dax is a completely different relationship than her friendship Sisko. Also, she’s a fucking badass.
Kira was first female character with a dark past and traumas that wasn’t depicted as a one-dimensional, shrill, bitchy man-hater. I expected to hate her but she was a triumph of writing and acting.
yes!!!! them playing dressup in the holosuite is my literal favourite thing . I also love that they supported each other instead of competing with one another.
The finale practically opens with Molly being upset that O'Brien hasn't told Bashir yet that they're moving. The entire crew knows that they're pretty much a couple.
Uhura and Hemmer probably deserves mention. I know you weren't going to touch on every relationship, but in one season they really make us care about Hemmer, their relationship, and Uhura's grief feels earned and real. I might be biased, I love SNW, lol.
Nothing wrong with that suggestion, SNW is sooo good! Spoilers ahead, but Hemmer’s departure was like a punch in the gut. Hemmer only appeared in 6 out of 10 episodes, but he already felt like a key character who was meant to be with us for a long time. No offense to Kane’s character, she’s interesting in her own right, but the long-lived centuries-old character who walks among the humans has already been explored and/or developed multiple times. I was looking forward to more Hemmer. Guinen v2.0 is OK and all, but she can not replace Hemmer in my heart.
To add in the Episode Subspace Rhapsody, Uhura's solo song has a line that reinforces the lasting importance of her mentorship/friendship with Hemmer, way after they already told the story of her dealing with her grief.
The actor that played Hemmer even got to come back for Subspace Rhapsody (and I’m not talking about the video Uhura watches). He played the Klingon captain forced to endure the shame of singing something other than opera!
Hemmer is an Andorian, famously an ice world, who "died" on an ice planet, while infected with parasites that die in the cold. Everything is set up for him to return.
One I think is worth mentioning is Tuvok and Janeway. The trust they have in each other, and the respect they have for one another really shows. Their goodbye in Year of Hell gets me every time!
it would of been nice if Tuvok had more friendship moments with Janeway or even hang out time with Balana. Though Lana and Tom do make a better match as friends & romantic lovers.
There's another BFF pair that I think deserves a mention at least, but you completely overlooked them. It was a rocky relationship at first. They were close, some would say inappropriately so, and it often caused problems in episodes where they were featured. But working together they also managed to save the ship in TNG and then again in Voyager. I am of course referring to Barclay and the Holodeck. Anyway here's a small donation to help you change your air filter. There's a lot of dust in that room.
Honourable mention for Disco: Burnham and Tilly. Tilly's there as the one person on the ship who isn't going to let Burnham's reputation define her and instead actually try to get to know her and they end up becoming good friends, maybe not as close as Burnham and Saru, but Tilly believed in Burnham at her lowest, which no one else on the ship really did.
“I have been and always shall be your friend.” "Magnificent desolation." I am truly impressed when someone tops me on trivia. Well done sir. Oh, and regarding Trip? Nobody shot first. Long live Charles Tucker III
I know it won't happen, and that it would be blatant fanservice pandering if it did, but dammit, *I want Connor Trinneer in Michelle Yeoh's **_Section 31_** movie.*
Sisko is Aragorn. Jadzia is Gandalf the Grey. Ezri is Gandalf the White. Worf is Boromir. Odo is Smeagol (Season 6 Odo is Gollum). Nog is Pippin. Weyoun is Mouth of Sauron. Dukat is Saruman. The Female Shapeshifter is the Necromancer.
@@DrLilo Hmmm, now I'm trying to place both Kira and Galadriel. They're definitely *not* each other, though Galadriel is way tougher than she's usually perceived as being. Maybe Kira could be either Eomer or Eowyn? Or even Legolas? Faramir maybe? She's a hard one to place.
As a person who definitely _was_ thinking about that girl and her creepy imaginary friend from the one _TNG_ episode, I appreciate being mentioned in your preamble.
As someone from Northern Ireland, the O'Brien / Bashir friendship probably hit closer to home than it did for most viewers. This was the mid 90's when the peace agreement wasn't a sure thing. Although things were in motion, we still didn't know at that stage if there would ever be a lasting ceasefire. A friend once, at a convention, asked either Colm Meaney or Alexander Siddig (I can't remember which) if the writers and actors knew what they were doing having an Irishmand and an Englishman having a friendship and the answer was very much 'Yes!'. My friend thanked them that day.
There’s another important factor to that I think. If Miles’ friendship had been with a white Englishman, I think the show would have risked falling into Let This Be Your Last Battlefield false equivalency territory, where the friendship comes off as “oh the Irish and English have gotten over their irrational ancestral hatred” as though it was this equivalent thing, and not a case of one side having colonized and oppressed the other. But since Alexander and Julian’s ancestry is ALSO drawing from in a country that survived the British Empire (Sudan), it adds more nuance to that where yes Julian is English, but his ancestors are also survivors of Empire, and if peace and friendship exists at last between the English and Irish it is in part due to a shift in the makeup of who the English are, as people they once ruled become their heirs.
As soon as you skipped right to Voyager, I thought of Odo and Quark and instantly started tearing up, thinking about how brilliantly their friendship was written right to the end.
How are Odo and Quark not on this list? Just because they started as frenemies (and that neither would openly admit it) doesn't change the fact they are clearly BFFs!
I'm surprised , you didn't mention Q and Picard. Q, imagined a world, that his friend Picard deserved to live in, and literally altered time and space, to make it. He helped Picard to forgive himself, and not die alone, like Q was about to. I cried my eyes out, when Q held Picard's face, and said "YOU! matter, to me.". I would even go as far to say that Q, truly loved Picard.
He did, yet it was quite a one-sided bromance as Picard didnt have any of this things toward Q, he just annoyed him. It's a pity I think this is one of the things they could have Picard grow on..
Big shout out to Riker for Troi. Even when they have that romantic history, when they are not romantic, they have a very loving friendship forged. That's how you know that relationship was a good'un. And as the saying goes, marry your best friend.
That scene in Star Trek II is so, so great. It tears at you. It TEARS at you. And the funeral, afterwards, with the bagpipes. You can feel your heart ripping open with the emotion of it. I remember seeing it in the theater as a teenager, back in the day, and you could actually feel the intensity of emotion in the people around you, watching the film. It was palpable. There's never really been another Star Trek film that could come close to it. Anyway, great video all around, and I 100% agree with your picks. Good stuff! 👍
Thank you for including sisko and dax. With O'Brien and Bashir being such an obvious winner, it would have been easy to gloss over them. Possible video idea: best mentor pairs.
I was hoping for a mention of Trip and Malcolm as well. They really rub each other the wrong way to start but then have great episodes in Silent Enemy and Shuttlepod One that see them grow as characters and friends. Trineer and Keating nailed that.
44:17 - Steve says “That actually brings me around to the last set of BFFs” while the Defiant is shown on screen. I thought for a second that he was going to say “Worf and the USS Defiant”.She may have been Sisko’s brainchild, but she was probably Worf’s closest confidant since that Skull creature on the Enterprise D’s holodeck.
As I was watching this, I did wonder how far past Voyager you'd go before you circled back to DS9, and I probably should've known you were saving the best for last. So many beautiful friendships on that station.
I spent like three hours after I got the notification thinking about the BFFs of Star Trek, and a great testament to the writing over the years is that I came up with so many different BFFs that I had no idea who you were gonna talk about.
"The Best Robin Hood Movie." Well, Steve, OBVIOUSLY the best Robin Hood movie is the one where Robin's a fox. Like, a literal fox. Well, a literal cartoon fox. DAMMIT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Prince of Thieves is a very close runner up though. I'm sure many people think Kevin Costner is a fox in that movie. Not a literal fox.
DS9 has so many great friendships, you could even have a villain list. Dukat hanging out with Weyoun and Damar and Kai Winn is all great. Eddington of course XD
For BFFs you didn't mention, I'd add The Doctor and Seven. The Doctor helping Seven rediscover her humanity also led to him discovering his. And while the Doctor definitely had feelings for Seven, he never pressured her into anything and was always willing to help her with whatever facet of humanity she struggled with
“Oh I hate it when Steve brings up politics. I just want to hear him talk about Star Trek. FUCK YOU!” Petition to have that clipped and played at the start of every Trek video on this channel.
Only really followed the Original series in depth but “I have been, and always shall be, your friend” literally defines BFF way before the kids started saying it
Total agree with Bashir and O'Brian best BFF! I do have to say that one of the things I love about Sisko and Dax's relationship is who it changes with each host. Curzon was Sisko's mentor, and helped him to grow and become the man we know. Jadzia and Sisko are equals, friends more at the same point in life, that co-worker you love to hang out with. Then with Ezri Sisko becomes the mentor to help her figure out how everything is going to work now that she is unexpectedly joined. It is a very interesting friendship cycle that is unique and a lovely sci-fi look at how friendships can change as we get older.
Sadly we know that Data und Geordi didn't hook up (at least not during the run of TNG) as Data states to the Borg Queen that the last time he got laid was that one time with Tasha. Well okay, he only tells her how long it has been, so maybe there was more happening in that episode than we saw?
I've been looking forward to this video since you announced it, because I was certain you'd pick Odo and Quark. You're right to pick Miles and Julian, but I had hope. I think Odo and Quark were one more episode away from true greatness, because The Ascent doesn't cut it. However I think of Odo deliberately picking his quarters to be above Quark's, and making noise to annoy him, then later after he loses Kira due to inaction then Quark helps him, he goes ahead and installs soundproofing. That's real.
31:46 - I don’t know why but this is the first one that came to my mind. To me a friend is someone who brings out the best in you and loves you for who you are and Rok and Murf do that over and over. I mean, Rok literally helps Murf become a new… man(?) and Murf brings out the best in Rok.
"Aliens convict you of a crime and sentence you to twenty brutal years and you do those yeaes only to wake up, get kicked in the butt and told 'those years were a simulation in a computer, Daddy!' that's 'Hard Time'!"
A friendship that I love is Malcolm and Trip on Enterprise. They're not BFF's, but they are friends. What makes it special is that Malcolm is a very repressed person emotionally and socially, but Trip is the one person he lets himself open up to. He becomes more casual and relaxed around Trip as the series goes on. Around anyone else, Malcolm is all business. Around Trip, he'll share a meal while talking about how he hopes the movie that night has explosions in it and explore the vent system of an alien repair facility because they're bored.
I love that friendship too, but I wish the show had drawn it out a bit more. They don't like each other in the first few episodes, but they're good friends by the end of "Shuttlepod One", early in the second half of the first season. It would have been more satisfying if that process had taken at least another season. Enterprise never fully exploited what should have been one of its main reasons for existence, being able to feature conflict between human members of Starfleet without departing from Gene Roddenberry's vision of humanity's future because it took place in the 22nd century, when humanity was less "perfected". When Voyager was announced as featuring Starfleet and Maquis personnel forced to work together a couple of years after DS9 debuted with Starfleet personnel on a Bajoran station with a diverse population, I distinctly remember thinking, "Why do they keep coming up with these convoluted series premises in order to justify including conflict? Why don't they just do a show set back in the 22nd century, when there was still conflict among humans?" And by "a show", I meant "a show about the 22nd-century spaceship Enterprise to which the franchise has vaguely alluded". They eventually did it, but arguably too late to maintain the franchise's momentum.
That "Jerusalem" scene from DS9 is the second best duet in the whole series. I think it beats out Sisko and Vic Fontaine singing "The Best is Yet to Come" from the episode "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" but, unfortunately, it can't compete with Martok and Worf harmonizing on a Klingon song in "You Are Cordially Invited."
I would argue that no other friendship in the franchise has an entire movie devoted to one friend risking his career, his ship, and his life to save the other, or a reboot movie where that friendship is one of the focal character arcs, than Kirk and Spock. So for me, that's the objective answer to the question.
As much as I like the Tom/Harry bromance, I can't help but feel Janeway/Tuvok are the stronger BFF pairing in Voyager. They've known each other so long and so well, they can essentially tell what the other is thinking without words. Janeway goes to Tuvok when she needs her moral compass in check, and was devastated by his actions in Prime Factors. Plus let's be honest, Janeway/Tuvok is essentially Kirk/Spock 2.0 but done in such a natural authentic way
in terms of unlikely friendships, if we want to stick with Voyager - how can you go past the Vulcan dancing in the second last episode of the series? long live Tuvix
A good runner up along the Dax thread is her and Kor. You have to be a BFF to put everything on hold to help a drunk old warrior chase down some Klingon nonsense.
Kor was a senile aristocrat, but the way he responds to Jadzia saying that Curzon is her deadname was a piece of progressivism 20 years ahead of its time.
I think Disco’s fave BFF pairing for me is Burnham and Tilly, that friendship, especially in season 1, is vital to the growth of both characters as people. Burnham helped Tilly gain confidence. Tilly helped Burnham open up. And no matter how far away they may be from each other physically, they still always have each other’s back.
It's Miles and Julian. It charts a realistic friendship - indifference, irritation, banter and eventually two friends who would do anything for the other. I see my own best friend in those two. I'm the annoying, opinionated, genetically enhanced one out of us.
Even if it was for one episode, Q and Data. Data, an android, that teaches an immortal, timeless god how to be a human, even saves Q life and in the end, Q gifts Data with the feeling... Probably my favourite episode of all Star Trek saga
The obvious one - Kirk and Spock (Spock: "I have and always will be your friend"). Data and Geordi (Riker: "A blind man, teaching an android how to paint has to be worth a page in somebody's book"). Tom and Harry (Harry: "I don't let people choose my friends for me".)
Data and Geordi always gave that ‘Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Nerds Become Besties’ feels that as an autistic person meant a lot to me. Geordi doesn’t patronise Data, he frequently goes to him for advice on personal matters, he trusts him implicitly and treats him with true dignity and respect. Data does the same for Geordi, he supports him when shit goes down, and helps Geordi to understand and take accountability for himself. True mutual respect and understanding. They both experience the world differently from their peers, and their working relationship is impeccable, they’re in sync when they work on a problem together. They don’t shy away from each other’s differences nor do they stigmatise or downplay them in order to accept one another, they see each other for their differences and their similarities and don’t need to pretend that their friend is anything other than exactly as they are in order to respect and care for them. Geordi won’t let anyone pity or undermine Data, and Data will trust Geordi’s judgment- not blindly and he does challenge him when he feels necessary, he just genuinely thinks highly of Geordi’s perspective professionally and personally. He even had him take care of Spot. Spot doesn’t agree with Data’s assessment of Geordi’s character but we’re not talking about Spot right now. Also Geordi doesn’t interrupt Data unless he’s misunderstood what he was trying to say and so steers him back and reiterates what he wanted to get across. I love all of these friendships and I just wanted to share what makes Data and Geordi resonate with me in particular.
Good one! Other than B and O'B- the obvious one, it was fun to watch the arc of Jake and Nog as they grew up. To me, Nog's character arc by itself is one of the best in the whole catalog. The two of them together got truly artistic by the end.
My pitch for Season 1 of Picard was that Jean Luc had turned Chateau Picard into a rehab location for officers and civilians suffering from war traumas. I wanted Erin to be a regular guest star. The episodes would focus on individual patients making progress through their trauma while the over arching mystery of the season was what was going on with the holographic personnel. I envisioned guest spots for Robert Picardo, Marina Sirtis, Gates Mcfadden, and Dwight Schultz. We could have still used the borg too, but counseling rehabilitated drones. But the majority of the show would focus on the effects of service: the comradery, the choices that have to be made, the loss, and dealing with the emotional & physical damage. No need to lean on your octogenarian star to do stunt work. Just helping people heal from the bad shit that has happened to them. But, no one has yet to green light a mental heath procedural, and I don't see that happening any time soon. So, we get what we got instead.
Here is an essay idea. Storylines that MIGHT have been better served if they weren't episodic. Data's kidnapping, for example. If it went for a few weeks or even part of a season. Much like Nog's injury and recovery took some time.
37:51 I’ve just been _listening_ to this video, rather than watching, as I’ve been making and eating dinner during it, but as soon as he started to say this, I started looking around this new setup going “Where are _his_ models? I know they’re-yep, there they are!” 😆 That was great.
Hi Steve, I have just finished binge watching the entire Trek Actually series, yes it took me several months and yes I even watched the half arsed Q&A's lol, but it was great to listen to whilst I painted my Warhammer 40k miniatures. I just wanted to comment and say, thanks for all the hard work and I really love your approach to the discussions you have done, with the perfect mix of humour, seriousness and intrigue, I hope you continue to do them. I started watching Star Trek in the 70's with my dad (I was born in 1972) and have been a lifelong fan. I'll admit our views of what is good Star Trek, do seem to differ quite a lot, you seem to dislike all the stuff I like, but that's ok, because, you are always objective and appreciative that people like different things and whilst I totally disagree with you regarding Voyager, I do like to hear your views about it regardless, as it's always an interesting take. For reference, I introduced my 15 year old daughter to Star Trek with the first season of Voyager and she loved it, we are currently on season 7. Anyway, keep up the hard work and I look forward to more Trek videos, Nick
Kirk, Spock and McCoy having a threeway? Dont tell Ensign Mary Sue. Worth a mention is also Picard and Guinan. The way they two of them talk sometimes, they almost seem like lovers. She describes them as being 'beyond friendship and family'. The parts of their dynamic we see briefly in places, it comes across as such.
"You have a representation of only one of your crew members in your belongings. Why?" "Tasha was special to me, sir. We were intimate." I remember that scene from "The Measure of a Man" and going, "No picture (let alone hologram) of Geordi, his best friend, but the woman he boned in a strange situation?! What the hell kind of friend is that?" (Also, say what one will about TNG's first season, I do miss when both Data and Geordi were on the bridge together on the helm and conn. They had some fun back and forths. And that alone redeems season one in my eyes.)
Well, after all, Tasha had died, and she had emphasized in her farewell message that the afterlife she believed in was the one where she got to live on in her friends' memories. That would have made it even more important to Data to hold her memory close.
As soon as you claimed Voyager came next after TNG, I knew you were going to choose O'Brien and Bashir as #1! An interesting dimension of O'Brien and Bashir's friendship you didn't mention is that they come from countries which hated each other in the past, but, of course, that history is irrelevant in Star Trek's future. Also, I was surprised that you didn't mention the ultimate test of Data and Geordi's friendship, when Data tortures Geordi while under Lore's influence in "Descent".
You overlooked the two groupings that epitomize friendship. The first is Spock and McCoy, antagonistic at first but you actually got to see them become very close. Remember when Spock parked his mind in McCoy. This was even carried over into the Kelvin timeline, quite admirably as well. The other is the BFF triumvirate of Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Really these are the boys, I refer you to Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. The whole film is about these three heroic misfits and the bond they share.
They're not the best examples of BFFs since their relationship is mostly inferred, but the number of wordless, significant looks that pass between Owo and Detmer on Discovery I feel deserve a mention.
Maybe not the "greatest" but also worth some mention; Disco: Burnham and Tilly. Owo and Detmer. SNW: Chapel and Ortega. Chapel and M'Benga. Movie era relationships probably don't get a lot of screen time to qualify, but: Checkov and Sulu are clearly buds. Not to mention that Scotty and Uhura seem to indicate that they at least hang out.
30:23 My god, this has got to be the most succinctly accurate summary of that _entire show_ I could ever even imagine. This was beautiful. Thank you for this.
I'm quite excited to watch a Steve video about friendship and wholesome relationships in general. It'd be impossible for even Mr. Shives to find a reason to take any jabs or cheap shots at PCD and LDS. Now, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna hold my breath... (Never change Steve, you wonderful, magnificently cranky bastard.)
I wonder if DS9 is able to pull off its characters deeply caring for each other beyond what TNG could BECAUSE the allowance for inter-personal conflict meant their relationships were much more real. Like Data and Geordi could never end an episode the way Julian and Miles did in Hippocratic Oath - but that’s what real friendships are like sometimes.
Random internet people: "I hate it when Steve talks about politics!" Me: "Steve's politics offend you, but you're a fan of Star Trek? ...are we watching the same show?"
As far as the Sisko/Jadzia friendship, you failed to mention a major moment, when she died. How hard Sisko took her death says as much or more about the friendship as the goodbye scene you mentioned. I’m not sure what his banging her mirror universe doppelgänger says though.😂
Kirk/Spock are definitely my favorite. ToS is what I grew up with, so I always prefer it, but I think even beyond it they're the right ones. Rutherford and Tendi are a distant but still very strong second. I don't particularly care for DS9 but.... did the Irish man and the Indian (Pakistani?) man really sing together about how wonderful ENGLAND is?
The true mark of O’Brien’s friendship with Bashir is that he, as an Irishman, will sing a song as painfully English as “Jerusalem” with him.
I also really like the new background, Steve!
Also that they really start off rocky , bashir and garak are more than friends, but obrian and him besties.
Maybe archer with tpol? the og spock and bones?
Did somebody say mattress to Mister Lambert?
@@MWSin1 "And did those feet, in ancient times..."
they where almost certainly more then friends. If DS9 was made today they would have been a couple.
Another duo I was surprised you didnt mention was The Doctor and Seven of Nine from Voyager. While their pairing isnt forced down our throats as much as Tom and Harry's, it feels a lot more real and heartfelt to me, growing from a mentorship to a true friendship by the end of the series.
That’s probably largely become they are the only two good characters from voyager
@@Anonyomus_commenter Other than Tuvix, obviously
@@Anonyomus_commenterwell the only characters who got good arcs. There are several who are good starting points for characters that the show failed to do compelling things with. I’d say Tuvok, Bellona, and Kim all fall into that category.
"We are as one. We are as one!"
As much as I agree that Bashir and O'Brian are indeed friendship goals, I do think you gave the short shaft to Jake and Nog. They are the only pair in Star Trek that I can think of that were childhood friends, and had that friendship grow into a life-long thing. Jake taught Nog to read and grow into more than he was, Nog taught Jake that it was ok to push the boundaries and take a risk now and again. Even in a possible future, in the episode The Visitor, they are still portrayed as life-long friends, as Nog worries about his friend. If you still want to give them the silver behind Bashir/O'Brian, I can't argue, but they deserved more than a throw-away mention.
@@ttww1590 The relationship between Ben and Jake is wonderful, but Steve specifically talks about the importance of having friends who aren't related to you while discussing the climax of "Hard Time".
I feel they start to drift apart as Nog gets wiser and Jake stays a bit static. I do love the baseball card episode though.
With DS9 you could be here all day. Martok and Worf, Morn and Quark, Dax and Kira, Garak and Bashir, there's just so much to love with this series and it's dynamics
Fun episode throughout, but the gong should absolutely go to Jake-Nog.
Edit: I'll let Miles-Jules take second place though.
@@dannymuggleton6019honestly in a weird way.. Maybe not Bff.. But the Odo / Quark relationship is absolutely fascinating.
Odo and Quark are first to my mind, to be honest. Miles/Jules and maybe even Benjamin/Dax may be deeper; but Odo/Quark is the first that I think of.
A BFF duo probably overlooked is Bashir and Garak.
Another one worth noting, although technically not a duo, would be the very talkative and funny Morn, who seemed to be best friends with everyone he met on DS9.
Yay, more Morn love!
Bashir and Garak have definitely become an item in recent years 🤗
@@GrandArchPriestOfTheAlgorithm Isn't "canonically married in fan fiction" an oxymoron?
Bashir and Garak is possibly the most complex. Are they doing intelligence gathering, are they getting it on, just friends, all of the above? Who knows!
@@mistermaumau Excise the word 'just', and all three.
@@GrandArchPriestOfTheAlgorithm Sorry. Sometimes I have as much trouble understanding humor as Data does.
I know Steve hates Voyager, but Seven and the Doctor are close to my heart as a duo.
Star Trek, a political dig, a wrestling reference... all this needed was a MacGuyver reference and it'd be the perfect Steve Shives video
Maybe a reference to Superman and Batman too
@@itsOasusAnd Conan!
...the Barbarian, not the talk show host.
There's best friends, and then there's "they got their own Hallmark Ornament best friends."
There's a moment in series 7 ep 23, where Miles calls Julian 'Jules'. It's only brief, but I can't think of anyone else who'd be allowed to do that.
Also I love how when Julian's genetic background is revealed, the thing Miles gets pissy about isn't the fact that his best friend has essentially been lying to him for 5 years, it's that he's been letting Miles win at darts.
Going from exasperation at being asked to address him by his first name, to calling him by a nickname is fantastic development
I grew up with TNG, and what I wanted to see more than anything was Geordi and Data doing things. I didn't care what they were doing, I just thought that two of the coolest guys (as a kid I kept saying, 'They're the smartest, they get to make the ship fly, and they're funny!') having adventures was the highlight of the show that made me a Trek fan since I was a child.
Miles and Julian felt like real friends
I understand the impossible task of listing all the friendships, but I really was surprised to see Picard and Guinan's friendship left out. While we see precious little of it, since Whoopi is just a glorified guest star, the friendship is well established as being absolute. I mean, it survived for centuries.
Even in its brevity (only featuring in about 3 episodes, iirc), I really appreciated when the writers would flesh out the Ro X Guinan dynamic. As much as i love Nana Visiter and what we ended up with on DS9, it's hard not to what if about the timeline we missed out on where it was Ro that was written that role instead of Kira.
I would have been so tempted to just make it a list of the DS9 friendships. Thank you for your self control.
DS9 nailed the dynamic nature of how people feel, act, and speak. In a less good show, a character like Kira is just an angry badass with a dark past. In DS9, she is a multifacted *person* who loves, laughs, is great at somethings and bad at others. Sometimes she’s confident. Sometimes she’s unsure of herself. Her friendship with Dax is a completely different relationship than her friendship Sisko.
Also, she’s a fucking badass.
It's a testament to both the writing and Nana Visitor's talent that Kira's vulnerable moments make her even *more* of a badass!
Kira was first female character with a dark past and traumas that wasn’t depicted as a one-dimensional, shrill, bitchy man-hater. I expected to hate her but she was a triumph of writing and acting.
Of course DS9 is soooo
Can't deny Paris/Kim
yes!!!! them playing dressup in the holosuite is my literal favourite thing . I also love that they supported each other instead of competing with one another.
I'm pretty fond of Bashir and O'Brien, it's a fun take on the "how guys make friends when they're over 30" thing you see in TV and movies
The finale practically opens with Molly being upset that O'Brien hasn't told Bashir yet that they're moving. The entire crew knows that they're pretty much a couple.
It’s how you know the bible is BS. A guy in his 30’s with 12 friends!! Not likely!
Also the Extrovert forcing friendship on the Introvert.😅
Girlfriend and Goofriend broke me so hard! For a throwaway line I have been laughing for Fifteen solid minutes. God I love this channel so much!
Uhura and Hemmer probably deserves mention. I know you weren't going to touch on every relationship, but in one season they really make us care about Hemmer, their relationship, and Uhura's grief feels earned and real. I might be biased, I love SNW, lol.
Nothing wrong with that suggestion, SNW is sooo good! Spoilers ahead, but Hemmer’s departure was like a punch in the gut. Hemmer only appeared in 6 out of 10 episodes, but he already felt like a key character who was meant to be with us for a long time. No offense to Kane’s character, she’s interesting in her own right, but the long-lived centuries-old character who walks among the humans has already been explored and/or developed multiple times. I was looking forward to more Hemmer. Guinen v2.0 is OK and all, but she can not replace Hemmer in my heart.
To add in the Episode Subspace Rhapsody, Uhura's solo song has a line that reinforces the lasting importance of her mentorship/friendship with Hemmer, way after they already told the story of her dealing with her grief.
The actor that played Hemmer even got to come back for Subspace Rhapsody (and I’m not talking about the video Uhura watches). He played the Klingon captain forced to endure the shame of singing something other than opera!
Hemmer is an Andorian, famously an ice world, who "died" on an ice planet, while infected with parasites that die in the cold. Everything is set up for him to return.
Hemmer is an Aenar, not an Andorian.
One I think is worth mentioning is Tuvok and Janeway. The trust they have in each other, and the respect they have for one another really shows. Their goodbye in Year of Hell gets me every time!
it would of been nice if Tuvok had more friendship moments with Janeway or even hang out time with Balana. Though Lana and Tom do make a better match as friends & romantic lovers.
"Little ship models, can you imagine?" He said sitting next to his models of DS9 and 2 or 3 different Enterprises.. 😂
Honorable mention for Voyager BFF: Seven of Nine and Naomi Wildman.
It's Wildin' Time!
Best Star Trek BFFs full stoo
Fun will now commence.
There's another BFF pair that I think deserves a mention at least, but you completely overlooked them. It was a rocky relationship at first. They were close, some would say inappropriately so, and it often caused problems in episodes where they were featured. But working together they also managed to save the ship in TNG and then again in Voyager.
I am of course referring to Barclay and the Holodeck.
Anyway here's a small donation to help you change your air filter. There's a lot of dust in that room.
Honourable mention for Disco: Burnham and Tilly. Tilly's there as the one person on the ship who isn't going to let Burnham's reputation define her and instead actually try to get to know her and they end up becoming good friends, maybe not as close as Burnham and Saru, but Tilly believed in Burnham at her lowest, which no one else on the ship really did.
“I have been and always shall be your friend.”
"Magnificent desolation." I am truly impressed when someone tops me on trivia. Well done sir.
Oh, and regarding Trip? Nobody shot first. Long live Charles Tucker III
I know it won't happen, and that it would be blatant fanservice pandering if it did, but dammit, *I want Connor Trinneer in Michelle Yeoh's **_Section 31_** movie.*
O'brien and Bashir are the same as Sam and Frodo. A more grounded working class guy and his befuddled upper crust pretty boy.
Sisko is Aragorn. Jadzia is Gandalf the Grey. Ezri is Gandalf the White. Worf is Boromir. Odo is Smeagol (Season 6 Odo is Gollum). Nog is Pippin. Weyoun is Mouth of Sauron. Dukat is Saruman. The Female Shapeshifter is the Necromancer.
@@DrLilo I need this as a Holodeck episode STAT.
@kayleighBourquin, how dare you say something so accurate!?
@@DrLilo Hmmm, now I'm trying to place both Kira and Galadriel. They're definitely *not* each other, though Galadriel is way tougher than she's usually perceived as being. Maybe Kira could be either Eomer or Eowyn? Or even Legolas? Faramir maybe? She's a hard one to place.
As a person who definitely _was_ thinking about that girl and her creepy imaginary friend from the one _TNG_ episode, I appreciate being mentioned in your preamble.
Something I found out rewatching DS9 recently: the same actress that plays Clara in that episode also plays Taya in “Shadowplay”.
As someone from Northern Ireland, the O'Brien / Bashir friendship probably hit closer to home than it did for most viewers. This was the mid 90's when the peace agreement wasn't a sure thing. Although things were in motion, we still didn't know at that stage if there would ever be a lasting ceasefire. A friend once, at a convention, asked either Colm Meaney or Alexander Siddig (I can't remember which) if the writers and actors knew what they were doing having an Irishmand and an Englishman having a friendship and the answer was very much 'Yes!'. My friend thanked them that day.
There’s another important factor to that I think. If Miles’ friendship had been with a white Englishman, I think the show would have risked falling into Let This Be Your Last Battlefield false equivalency territory, where the friendship comes off as “oh the Irish and English have gotten over their irrational ancestral hatred” as though it was this equivalent thing, and not a case of one side having colonized and oppressed the other. But since Alexander and Julian’s ancestry is ALSO drawing from in a country that survived the British Empire (Sudan), it adds more nuance to that where yes Julian is English, but his ancestors are also survivors of Empire, and if peace and friendship exists at last between the English and Irish it is in part due to a shift in the makeup of who the English are, as people they once ruled become their heirs.
As soon as you skipped right to Voyager, I thought of Odo and Quark and instantly started tearing up, thinking about how brilliantly their friendship was written right to the end.
"I don't know what you mean. That man loves me! It was written all over his back." *raises glass*
How are Odo and Quark not on this list? Just because they started as frenemies (and that neither would openly admit it) doesn't change the fact they are clearly BFFs!
Low key (and y'all may not have noticed this), Steve is one of the best content creators on the platform.
I'm surprised , you didn't mention Q and Picard. Q, imagined a world, that his friend Picard deserved to live in, and literally altered time and space, to make it. He helped Picard to forgive himself, and not die alone, like Q was about to. I cried my eyes out, when Q held Picard's face, and said "YOU! matter, to me.". I would even go as far to say that Q, truly loved Picard.
He did, yet it was quite a one-sided bromance as Picard didnt have any of this things toward Q, he just annoyed him. It's a pity I think this is one of the things they could have Picard grow on..
Picard was probably more like Q's favorite golden retriever.
@@EdwardBIlI've said this for years but you are the first person who I've ever seen agree.😂😂
Sadly, no amount of amazing bromance can save "These Are The Voyages" from being a bad series finale.
But legend has it that Trip’s death was staged and he became a Section 31 agent.
@@CarbideSix I'm convinced S31 saved Ro Laren myself
Steve, It's okay to cry on camera. Be who you are, proudly.
Big shout out to Riker for Troi. Even when they have that romantic history, when they are not romantic, they have a very loving friendship forged. That's how you know that relationship was a good'un. And as the saying goes, marry your best friend.
I did! BTW her favorite pairing in Trek was Dax & Worf!
As soon as I saw the title, I said, "Oh! Miles and Julian!" Of course, you took forever to get there. I should have known you'd do that.
That scene in Star Trek II is so, so great. It tears at you. It TEARS at you. And the funeral, afterwards, with the bagpipes. You can feel your heart ripping open with the emotion of it. I remember seeing it in the theater as a teenager, back in the day, and you could actually feel the intensity of emotion in the people around you, watching the film. It was palpable. There's never really been another Star Trek film that could come close to it.
Anyway, great video all around, and I 100% agree with your picks. Good stuff! 👍
Thank you for including sisko and dax. With O'Brien and Bashir being such an obvious winner, it would have been easy to gloss over them. Possible video idea: best mentor pairs.
I was hoping for a mention of Trip and Malcolm as well. They really rub each other the wrong way to start but then have great episodes in Silent Enemy and Shuttlepod One that see them grow as characters and friends. Trineer and Keating nailed that.
And the two actors have become great friends, even after all of these years.
@@gogreen7794I came here to say just that.
I actually think Enterprise would have benefited from more friendships among the crew.
44:17 - Steve says “That actually brings me around to the last set of BFFs” while the Defiant is shown on screen. I thought for a second that he was going to say “Worf and the USS Defiant”.She may have been Sisko’s brainchild, but she was probably Worf’s closest confidant since that Skull creature on the Enterprise D’s holodeck.
As I was watching this, I did wonder how far past Voyager you'd go before you circled back to DS9, and I probably should've known you were saving the best for last. So many beautiful friendships on that station.
I spent like three hours after I got the notification thinking about the BFFs of Star Trek, and a great testament to the writing over the years is that I came up with so many different BFFs that I had no idea who you were gonna talk about.
"The Best Robin Hood Movie." Well, Steve, OBVIOUSLY the best Robin Hood movie is the one where Robin's a fox. Like, a literal fox. Well, a literal cartoon fox. DAMMIT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Prince of Thieves is a very close runner up though. I'm sure many people think Kevin Costner is a fox in that movie. Not a literal fox.
Two words about what made that movie the best: Alan Rickman.
@@thing_under_the_stairs Never looked at spoons the same way again...
Men in Tights is the best non-animated Robin Hood movie.
DS9 has so many great friendships, you could even have a villain list. Dukat hanging out with Weyoun and Damar and Kai Winn is all great. Eddington of course XD
For BFFs you didn't mention, I'd add The Doctor and Seven. The Doctor helping Seven rediscover her humanity also led to him discovering his. And while the Doctor definitely had feelings for Seven, he never pressured her into anything and was always willing to help her with whatever facet of humanity she struggled with
“Oh I hate it when Steve brings up politics. I just want to hear him talk about Star Trek. FUCK YOU!”
Petition to have that clipped and played at the start of every Trek video on this channel.
Proposed, seconded. Does this pass?
Only really followed the Original series in depth but “I have been, and always shall be, your friend” literally defines BFF way before the kids started saying it
You can't tunnel through space.
John Critchon: correction, you dont want me to.
Total agree with Bashir and O'Brian best BFF! I do have to say that one of the things I love about Sisko and Dax's relationship is who it changes with each host. Curzon was Sisko's mentor, and helped him to grow and become the man we know. Jadzia and Sisko are equals, friends more at the same point in life, that co-worker you love to hang out with. Then with Ezri Sisko becomes the mentor to help her figure out how everything is going to work now that she is unexpectedly joined. It is a very interesting friendship cycle that is unique and a lovely sci-fi look at how friendships can change as we get older.
Sadly we know that Data und Geordi didn't hook up (at least not during the run of TNG) as Data states to the Borg Queen that the last time he got laid was that one time with Tasha. Well okay, he only tells her how long it has been, so maybe there was more happening in that episode than we saw?
I've been looking forward to this video since you announced it, because I was certain you'd pick Odo and Quark. You're right to pick Miles and Julian, but I had hope. I think Odo and Quark were one more episode away from true greatness, because The Ascent doesn't cut it. However I think of Odo deliberately picking his quarters to be above Quark's, and making noise to annoy him, then later after he loses Kira due to inaction then Quark helps him, he goes ahead and installs soundproofing. That's real.
31:46 - I don’t know why but this is the first one that came to my mind. To me a friend is someone who brings out the best in you and loves you for who you are and Rok and Murf do that over and over.
I mean, Rok literally helps Murf become a new… man(?) and Murf brings out the best in Rok.
As soon as he skipped over DS9 earlier in the vid, we all knew the fix was in 😂
Why you do Tilly/Bernam dirty like that. That's some real BFF energy there!
The absolute best orphaned-child-and-socially-awkward-adult friendship in all of Star Trek has to be Naomi Wildman and Seven of Nine.
I thought McCoy and Kirk toasting with Chekov's liqueur was a nod to the death of Anton Yelchin. thanks for the Netflix heads up..
One of my favorite friendships in Star Trek was the friendship between Kira and jadzia.
Absolutely! That was a very consistent friendship.
"Aliens convict you of a crime and sentence you to twenty brutal years and you do those yeaes only to wake up, get kicked in the butt and told 'those years were a simulation in a computer, Daddy!' that's 'Hard Time'!"
A friendship that I love is Malcolm and Trip on Enterprise. They're not BFF's, but they are friends. What makes it special is that Malcolm is a very repressed person emotionally and socially, but Trip is the one person he lets himself open up to. He becomes more casual and relaxed around Trip as the series goes on. Around anyone else, Malcolm is all business. Around Trip, he'll share a meal while talking about how he hopes the movie that night has explosions in it and explore the vent system of an alien repair facility because they're bored.
I love that friendship too, but I wish the show had drawn it out a bit more. They don't like each other in the first few episodes, but they're good friends by the end of "Shuttlepod One", early in the second half of the first season. It would have been more satisfying if that process had taken at least another season.
Enterprise never fully exploited what should have been one of its main reasons for existence, being able to feature conflict between human members of Starfleet without departing from Gene Roddenberry's vision of humanity's future because it took place in the 22nd century, when humanity was less "perfected".
When Voyager was announced as featuring Starfleet and Maquis personnel forced to work together a couple of years after DS9 debuted with Starfleet personnel on a Bajoran station with a diverse population, I distinctly remember thinking, "Why do they keep coming up with these convoluted series premises in order to justify including conflict? Why don't they just do a show set back in the 22nd century, when there was still conflict among humans?" And by "a show", I meant "a show about the 22nd-century spaceship Enterprise to which the franchise has vaguely alluded". They eventually did it, but arguably too late to maintain the franchise's momentum.
I love that episode when they are stranded on the shuttle together
FYI, the two actors have a podcast which explores many facets of Trek and the making of shows and movies. Called The Shuttlepod Show @@zyme4569
That "Jerusalem" scene from DS9 is the second best duet in the whole series. I think it beats out Sisko and Vic Fontaine singing "The Best is Yet to Come" from the episode "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" but, unfortunately, it can't compete with Martok and Worf harmonizing on a Klingon song in "You Are Cordially Invited."
I would argue that no other friendship in the franchise has an entire movie devoted to one friend risking his career, his ship, and his life to save the other, or a reboot movie where that friendship is one of the focal character arcs, than Kirk and Spock. So for me, that's the objective answer to the question.
As much as I like the Tom/Harry bromance, I can't help but feel Janeway/Tuvok are the stronger BFF pairing in Voyager. They've known each other so long and so well, they can essentially tell what the other is thinking without words. Janeway goes to Tuvok when she needs her moral compass in check, and was devastated by his actions in Prime Factors. Plus let's be honest, Janeway/Tuvok is essentially Kirk/Spock 2.0 but done in such a natural authentic way
in terms of unlikely friendships, if we want to stick with Voyager - how can you go past the Vulcan dancing in the second last episode of the series? long live Tuvix
I always felt like Tom was patronizing to Harry.
A good runner up along the Dax thread is her and Kor. You have to be a BFF to put everything on hold to help a drunk old warrior chase down some Klingon nonsense.
Kor was a senile aristocrat, but the way he responds to Jadzia saying that Curzon is her deadname was a piece of progressivism 20 years ahead of its time.
@@GSBarlev Kor did seem like the kind of Klingon you'd want to have your back in any kind of scrape.
I think Disco’s fave BFF pairing for me is Burnham and Tilly, that friendship, especially in season 1, is vital to the growth of both characters as people. Burnham helped Tilly gain confidence. Tilly helped Burnham open up. And no matter how far away they may be from each other physically, they still always have each other’s back.
It's Miles and Julian.
It charts a realistic friendship - indifference, irritation, banter and eventually two friends who would do anything for the other.
I see my own best friend in those two. I'm the annoying, opinionated, genetically enhanced one out of us.
This makes me think of my own BFF. Except that we're both annoying, opinionated, and genetically enhanced.
Thank you very much, Steve! An old (born 1969) TOS fan who also greatly appreciates DS9 and SNW.
Steve you pulled off that segue into Bashir and O'Brien so well that I actually shed a tear
Even if it was for one episode, Q and Data. Data, an android, that teaches an immortal, timeless god how to be a human, even saves Q life and in the end, Q gifts Data with the feeling... Probably my favourite episode of all Star Trek saga
The obvious one - Kirk and Spock (Spock: "I have and always will be your friend").
Data and Geordi (Riker: "A blind man, teaching an android how to paint has to be worth a page in somebody's book").
Tom and Harry (Harry: "I don't let people choose my friends for me".)
Started watching and even though Data and Gourdi are the thumbnail, it is Jake and Nogg. Yes more than Sisko and Daxx
"They have a bit of a three-way friend thing going on."
Ah, I see you've read my fan-fic...
Data and Geordi always gave that ‘Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Nerds Become Besties’ feels that as an autistic person meant a lot to me. Geordi doesn’t patronise Data, he frequently goes to him for advice on personal matters, he trusts him implicitly and treats him with true dignity and respect. Data does the same for Geordi, he supports him when shit goes down, and helps Geordi to understand and take accountability for himself. True mutual respect and understanding. They both experience the world differently from their peers, and their working relationship is impeccable, they’re in sync when they work on a problem together. They don’t shy away from each other’s differences nor do they stigmatise or downplay them in order to accept one another, they see each other for their differences and their similarities and don’t need to pretend that their friend is anything other than exactly as they are in order to respect and care for them. Geordi won’t let anyone pity or undermine Data, and Data will trust Geordi’s judgment- not blindly and he does challenge him when he feels necessary, he just genuinely thinks highly of Geordi’s perspective professionally and personally. He even had him take care of Spot. Spot doesn’t agree with Data’s assessment of Geordi’s character but we’re not talking about Spot right now. Also Geordi doesn’t interrupt Data unless he’s misunderstood what he was trying to say and so steers him back and reiterates what he wanted to get across. I love all of these friendships and I just wanted to share what makes Data and Geordi resonate with me in particular.
Good one! Other than B and O'B- the obvious one, it was fun to watch the arc of Jake and Nog as they grew up. To me, Nog's character arc by itself is one of the best in the whole catalog. The two of them together got truly artistic by the end.
My pitch for Season 1 of Picard was that Jean Luc had turned Chateau Picard into a rehab location for officers and civilians suffering from war traumas. I wanted Erin to be a regular guest star. The episodes would focus on individual patients making progress through their trauma while the over arching mystery of the season was what was going on with the holographic personnel.
I envisioned guest spots for Robert Picardo, Marina Sirtis, Gates Mcfadden, and Dwight Schultz. We could have still used the borg too, but counseling rehabilitated drones. But the majority of the show would focus on the effects of service: the comradery, the choices that have to be made, the loss, and dealing with the emotional & physical damage. No need to lean on your octogenarian star to do stunt work. Just helping people heal from the bad shit that has happened to them.
But, no one has yet to green light a mental heath procedural, and I don't see that happening any time soon. So, we get what we got instead.
Here is an essay idea. Storylines that MIGHT have been better served if they weren't episodic. Data's kidnapping, for example. If it went for a few weeks or even part of a season. Much like Nog's injury and recovery took some time.
"litttle model starships" That made me laugh. One of these days, I'd love to visit your place and see all of the cool stuff in person 🙂
37:51 I’ve just been _listening_ to this video, rather than watching, as I’ve been making and eating dinner during it, but as soon as he started to say this, I started looking around this new setup going “Where are _his_ models? I know they’re-yep, there they are!” 😆 That was great.
Doctor Beshear’s death at the hands of the Sand Snakes gutted me. I just wish he’d have beamed out of there….
Hi Steve, I have just finished binge watching the entire Trek Actually series, yes it took me several months and yes I even watched the half arsed Q&A's lol, but it was great to listen to whilst I painted my Warhammer 40k miniatures. I just wanted to comment and say, thanks for all the hard work and I really love your approach to the discussions you have done, with the perfect mix of humour, seriousness and intrigue, I hope you continue to do them. I started watching Star Trek in the 70's with my dad (I was born in 1972) and have been a lifelong fan. I'll admit our views of what is good Star Trek, do seem to differ quite a lot, you seem to dislike all the stuff I like, but that's ok, because, you are always objective and appreciative that people like different things and whilst I totally disagree with you regarding Voyager, I do like to hear your views about it regardless, as it's always an interesting take. For reference, I introduced my 15 year old daughter to Star Trek with the first season of Voyager and she loved it, we are currently on season 7. Anyway, keep up the hard work and I look forward to more Trek videos, Nick
My favorite episode of Voyager is the one where Paris and Kim get a bad case of the clamps and almost end their relationship over it.
Anyone willing to risk getting struck by lightning by being too close to O'Brien is clearly the best of friends.
Archer and Porthos are clearly the greatest BFFs. Who is Mans greatest friend is not in fact Dog?
MBFF: Man's Best Friend Forever.
He was a Good Boy.
Inside of dog, it's too dark to read!
An hour! This is for Saturday morning. I'll be back.
hi! I'm back!
"Imagine the world your BFF deserves to live in, and do what you can to build that world." Oh, that was beautiful!!!
Kirk, Spock and McCoy having a threeway? Dont tell Ensign Mary Sue. Worth a mention is also Picard and Guinan. The way they two of them talk sometimes, they almost seem like lovers. She describes them as being 'beyond friendship and family'. The parts of their dynamic we see briefly in places, it comes across as such.
I always had the impression that at one point in the past Picard's and Guinan's relationship had been more than platonic.
"You have a representation of only one of your crew members in your belongings. Why?"
"Tasha was special to me, sir. We were intimate."
I remember that scene from "The Measure of a Man" and going, "No picture (let alone hologram) of Geordi, his best friend, but the woman he boned in a strange situation?! What the hell kind of friend is that?"
(Also, say what one will about TNG's first season, I do miss when both Data and Geordi were on the bridge together on the helm and conn. They had some fun back and forths. And that alone redeems season one in my eyes.)
Well, after all, Tasha had died, and she had emphasized in her farewell message that the afterlife she believed in was the one where she got to live on in her friends' memories. That would have made it even more important to Data to hold her memory close.
As soon as you claimed Voyager came next after TNG, I knew you were going to choose O'Brien and Bashir as #1!
An interesting dimension of O'Brien and Bashir's friendship you didn't mention is that they come from countries which hated each other in the past, but, of course, that history is irrelevant in Star Trek's future. Also, I was surprised that you didn't mention the ultimate test of Data and Geordi's friendship, when Data tortures Geordi while under Lore's influence in "Descent".
Not a honorable tear of mention for the Neelix leaving the ship moment where Tuvok dances for him?
You overlooked the two groupings that epitomize friendship. The first is Spock and McCoy, antagonistic at first but you actually got to see them become very close. Remember when Spock parked his mind in McCoy. This was even carried over into the Kelvin timeline, quite admirably as well.
The other is the BFF triumvirate of Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Really these are the boys, I refer you to Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. The whole film is about these three heroic misfits and the bond they share.
Michael and Tilly deserved a mention in my opinion. Roomies and besties.
Unfortunately, the female friendships were largely ignored in this video.
Tom's emotionally torn up every time Harry dies!
They're not the best examples of BFFs since their relationship is mostly inferred, but the number of wordless, significant looks that pass between Owo and Detmer on Discovery I feel deserve a mention.
Thanks, Steve!
Maybe not the "greatest" but also worth some mention; Disco: Burnham and Tilly. Owo and Detmer. SNW: Chapel and Ortega. Chapel and M'Benga. Movie era relationships probably don't get a lot of screen time to qualify, but: Checkov and Sulu are clearly buds. Not to mention that Scotty and Uhura seem to indicate that they at least hang out.
Scotty and Uhura were clearly banging in _Trek V._ Just saying.
The chute is one of my favorite episodes of Stargate SG1
I thought we all agreed never to bring up "these are the voyage's" ever again an just call the end of the series "Terra Prime"
30:23 My god, this has got to be the most succinctly accurate summary of that _entire show_ I could ever even imagine. This was beautiful. Thank you for this.
Excellent, you almost got me. I was yelling, HOW COULD YOU IGNORE. MILES AND JULIAN!! 😁
The first pair that came to mind for me was Tom Paris and Harry Kim, but I look forward to seeing who else you say.
I'm quite excited to watch a Steve video about friendship and wholesome relationships in general. It'd be impossible for even Mr. Shives to find a reason to take any jabs or cheap shots at PCD and LDS.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna hold my breath...
(Never change Steve, you wonderful, magnificently cranky bastard.)
I wonder if DS9 is able to pull off its characters deeply caring for each other beyond what TNG could BECAUSE the allowance for inter-personal conflict meant their relationships were much more real. Like Data and Geordi could never end an episode the way Julian and Miles did in Hippocratic Oath - but that’s what real friendships are like sometimes.
Random internet people: "I hate it when Steve talks about politics!"
Me: "Steve's politics offend you, but you're a fan of Star Trek? ...are we watching the same show?"
As far as the Sisko/Jadzia friendship, you failed to mention a major moment, when she died. How hard Sisko took her death says as much or more about the friendship as the goodbye scene you mentioned. I’m not sure what his banging her mirror universe doppelgänger says though.😂
I've always thought that was super-awkward. I don't remember if he gets to bang evil Kira too
watching again in 2025. thanks Steve. Excellent
Kirk/Spock are definitely my favorite. ToS is what I grew up with, so I always prefer it, but I think even beyond it they're the right ones. Rutherford and Tendi are a distant but still very strong second. I don't particularly care for DS9 but.... did the Irish man and the Indian (Pakistani?) man really sing together about how wonderful ENGLAND is?
Agree with you 1000% that the friendship between Kirk and Spock is the most definitive as the later big screen incarnations testify!!!