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# Manga Title Chapters Volumes Type Tags Days
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"Kare" First Love
31/58 -/10 Manga
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#000000: Ultra Black
noblesse - ch195?

S.I.D. - ch55
3/46 -/7 Manga supernatural, shoujo, mystery, dark 4833
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10 Dance Publishing
shinya sugiki(standard)
shinya suzuki(latin)
fusako yagami(standard)
tajima aki(latin)

"It's in my blood to move when I hear music." -Suzuki to Sugiki
"I wasn't mistaken. You admiration." -Sugiki to Suzuki
6/- -/- Manga bl, dance, haha shit those dicks, latino dance 4659
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105-goushitsu no Inu Publishing
2/- -/- Manga 4477
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12-ji kara Hajimaru
3/7 -/1 Manga sakyo aya
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13th Boy
4/45 -/12 Manhwa 4665
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19-sai no Hisoka na Yabou
Read chapter 1-2&6
There's no 3-5
3/6 -/1 Manga bl, sports, one shot
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27-ji ni Koi wo Sasayaite
1.19: lol DAMN!! Shut them niggas down real quick! | 27: His hair?! So that's exhaustion hair?! | 39: Put those glasses back on him. He looks 12 without 'em. | 46: Covers can be deceiving...
2.13: "The less confidence the person has, the more they want you to express your feelings using words." -Coworker, VERY true.
3.3: Amnesia or nahh? | 33: I don't even know what to say about this...I like it but it's something else too | Song: The Writer - Goulding, had me feeling some type of way at the end of this chapter. | I love this chapter so damn much. It was so freaking cute, with Junpei's honesty & Keita's scariness. | Campari: The drink of love

5: This chapter surprised me.

6.25: Another one who sleeps like a weirdo. Opposite of the one from the child's clinic & candy store manga who slept face down into the pillow.

7.5: What?! That's the cutest grin tho!
7/7 -/1 Manga keiko tachibana, bl, salarymen, work colleagues, drama 1576
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360° Material

ootaka mio
taki sunao
marui yuuki
mochizuki yuni
shimizu runa
ebihara akane

ch11 - you've got a girl who can't do anything for herself & a guy who can't do anything right...what a bad combination. -_-'
17/33 4/8 Manga minami touko, shoujo, romance, marui 4640
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-/16 -/4 Manga
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Absolute Witch
8/83 -/12 Manhwa
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kazuma fuji
sanada takatou
utsunomiya sayoko(nurse)

ch2 pg6 -gtfo sanada !
ch3 p26 - & it just gets crazier...
3/12 -/2 Manga supernatural, sci-fi, shounen, comedy, josei 4604
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Acid Flower
ch.6 pg.21
8/15 1/2 Manga yaoi, supernatural, romance, drama 5211
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Acid Town Publishing

seidoukai vs kawaguchi
hyoudou kazutaka
reiji AKA rei nakamoto
ryuuji sanada(37)


ch5 p18: Masatsugu definitely changed compared to before...his father too.
ch10 p23: Oh hell nahh, this Chinese dude bout to get his ass beat!!! Sold who? | p37: With all the shit Yukio has been through all his life, you almost forget that he's too almost forget that he's only sixteen. He's so young, so gentle, but so damaged.
ch12 p19: Oh man, oh man! What is he doing with this Chinese fucker!? Sleeping w/him? Leaking info from Hyoudou to him? TF? Your parents didn't pass on & wish you nothing but happiness for THIS SHIT!!! | p24: Reiji too bro? I knew he was obviously up to no good too?
ch13 p2: 'Yukio...for my sake...keep on living in disgrace.' -Ashiei | p22-23: Where it begins...
ch15: Well Yuki is probably with the Heilong guys...let's see what they want with him.
ch16: The infamous burn scar.
p15-16: & this why I love Hyoudou!
ch18-26: Reiji's story
ch22 p18-19: FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!! Did little toddler Yuki just walk outta that room? Are mf telling me that Ryuuji is Yuki's father??!! Rei's childhood friend Ryuuji? Don't you just love when everybody is intertwined by fate's cruel red ribbon?
p26: So that's how it started
c24 p12: Are you goddang serious?? Ryuuji is the young talented tattoo artist Masatsugu was talking about??? Again I repeat 'fate's cruel ribbon'. |
p13: The foreshadowing is ridiculous!!! Oh, how wrong he was... | Sidenote: That right tattoo sleeve that Ryuuji has is so damn sexy bro!
p24: My heart is broken. | I don't want to know what was in that fuckin package..
c25 p17: They're blood brothers!!! Rei did always say he felt like Ryuuji was a big brother to him anyway sooo...
p18: My heart broke...again. | "Are you going to age with grace? Are you going to age without mistakes?" -Oblivion by Bastille

quote: "Anger gives me the strength to walk, hatred makes my heart beat." -Rei ch17 pg23
"It's precisely because we hold them dear that day or another, we must cut all ties with them" -masatsugu's thoughts ch19 pg22
26/- 4/- Manga kyuugou, action, shounen-ai, bl 5185
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Adarshan no Hanayome
1/9 -/2 Manga
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Ade-iro Yuugi
1/6 -/1 Manga 4765
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Adekan Publishing
Shiro yoshiwara
kojiro yamada

2-26: (when shiro made him try out
the 'umbrella') "What's this coming out of my crotch, huh? A rising dragon? What do you plan on making me release?" -Kojiro to Shiro

On vol2 ch3
6/- 1/- Manga historical, action, shoujo, comedy 4271
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Advent of Snow White of the Hell
2/- -/10 Manhwa
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Adventure and Trouble Diary

ch.20 -KISS!
ch.22,36 -the truth will set you free
ch.23,44 -tell her what!?

quotes:"The feeling of being betrayed by the person you trusted most."-Prince Kayan
"Who in the world glares at their dance partner while they dance?! I can do whatever I want!"-Yohan&Saeju
"It's almost to the point where I want to dress her up right now and take her to a real ballroom..."-yohan(about saeju)
"Those who bother me, those who think lighly of me, those who show malice against me...they will all die!"- Kayan

Like. Love. More~?
24/35 6/9 Manhwa Yoo Ha Jin, shoujo, fantasy, romance, school life 5032
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Ai Death Gun
3/6 -/1 Manga
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Ai ga Matteru
2/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Ai to Kairaku no Jouken

1.9: He ain't playin' no games!

masamune (30)
pretty boy (17)

2.23: "Right, Uke-chan. Saying that will definetly stop him from doing something to you" -RT | 28: Damn!! That little nigga got us all!! 17?!! Does Masa know he just slept w/some jailbait!!?? He going straight to jail!! No stop, no pass, no go!! Straight to jail! I don't think anybody saw that shit coming!


3.8: Tamaki from the 1st story?! | 35: I definitely know Kei is a minor. Taka going to be sitting right next to Masa in jail!
3/6 -/1 Manga kanda neko, bl, need scans 3861
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Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de
(director, secretary
ion sakuragawa
asagi takaji

(chains, pierced nips)
katayama haru
rokuhara gii(20)

(political, megane)
yoru kyougi(20)
ebihara muga(18)

li long ji
wiles a. guile

kai kunitomo

c21 p19: What is this fuckery? This bitch popped outta the woodworks with a butcher knife? TF? Dramatic ass females bruh...
30/72 -/12 Manga bl, romance, drama, academy 5066
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Ai wo Choudai!
8/16 1/4 Manga josei, reverse harem, show-biz 5142
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Aiso Tsukashi
3/7 -/1 Manga bl, yakuza, drama
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Aka no Theatre
DAMN CHISE!! Back at it again with the twisted bl!
1/6 -/1 Manga ogawa chise 3174
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Publishing
Watching the anime 8/1/15
6/- -/- Manga shoujo, romance, fantasy, comedy
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shiba daisuke
akiyama yuuji
sano tomomi
3/28 -/4 Manga Nobara Aiko, bl 4659
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Akuma de Sourou
-/42 -/11 Manga
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Akuma ni Kiss wo
1/11 -/1 Manga 3849
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Akuma to Love Song

ch70 - They have got to be the cutest couple EVER!!! They work so well together when everything is understood. Its even better since Kawaii can't talk, she expresses everything better through her body language.
ch71 - Anna has the same name & looks like Maria's mom?? Hell nahh, something ain't right. | Maria has such a tragic backstory. | Kurosu what do you have to do w/all this?
72.4-5: I'm with Maria here, this atmosphere makes no damn sense for the situation that is happening here. | 7: Explain soon, Kurosu?? No nigga, explain NOW!! | 24: The name of the church tho..."'Marianna' Gospel Church"...hmm? Maria + Anna = Marianna....or nah? | This was one intense chapter brooo...& mixed up pages too....Song: Red - Pieces
73.5-6: Meguro learned his lesson real quick huh? | 9: LOL! Natural reflex! | 13: I am so confused!! Obviously there's a 'true' story that we don't know about. | 17-19: Megu is too damn cute & knows Papa John is over crying his eyes out and shit... | 22: Please let Megu be able to play with BOTH of his hands again soon!!
74.13: Megu is like he better keep his lips to himself | 14: Uh-oh. Warning not heeded. | Can he at least get her out that freezing water before he does his fake CPR on her? | 15: That saliva line tho... | 17: He's basically saying Mama wasn't trying to kill you, but save you. | 21: He wanted to punish THEM by tossing Papa John's precious letters that he's kept all this time? ...Ooookay | 23: Doesn't seem like revenge to me... | 24: Mama loves you | 29: Damn!!! We don't know if Megu will ever be able to play the piano with both hands, & now Maria can't sing anymore?!!?
75.11: Remember 'Lovely Transformation'? | 13: What a coinkidink!! | 19: Cuties. | 27: Didn't I comment about the name of the church earlier....?

shirubaa - silver
shuiro - scarlet
shiranai - I don't know
75/91 10/13 Manga school, romance, drama, shoujo
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2/9 -/2 Manga 4270
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Amaiyo Maiyo
1/8 -/1 Manga
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Ameiro Paradox Publishing
motoharu kaburagi

read 4.5
4/- -/- Manga natsume isaku, bl, shounen ai 4477
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Ani no Chuukoku
3/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Ano Ko to Issho
11/56 2/13 Manga 4762
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Ao Haru Ride
futaba yoshioka
kou mabuchi(or tanaka)
shuuko murao
yuuri makita
kominato aya
tanaka sensei(25)
kikuchi touma

ch20 pg44 -they kissed!
ch21 p37 - & again!
ch25 p44 - h-h-h-h-holy shit!
ch27 p36 - this nigga is sneaky as shit
ch28 p9 - how do both brothers manage to be heartbreakers?
ch34 p36 - Brooo, I can't even feel sorry for Kou 'cause this is his fuckin' fault! Like he fucked up, there's nothing else I can say other than he fucked up!! Now he's got Kikuchi showin' HIM how you're suppose to treat the girl you like & he's doing a damn good job of it!! I can't even sympathize with Kou!
ch35 - LOL!! That chapter was ridiculous, especially with all the tsukkomus!
36.4: Ao Haru Ride is getting an anime? Whaaaaa? | 29: Murao is so fuckin' right! Yeah, Kou has feelings for Futaba but he would never full-blown-out fight for her so what's the point!! Why not let Touma, who would give his absolute all to be with Futaba, make her happy!! | 37-40: LMAOOOO! I'm sorry but that shit was funny as FAAAAKKKK! Touma is not happy! OOOO FIGHTTTTT! Lol This nigga came & beat Kou w/a pillow & this nigga came & ate their chips...They just came to fuck shit up not to check what the noise was about lol!!! | LOL! The revolution starts!!
37.11-12: Damn, that even made me sad. | 33: The fact that she's always worried about stepping on his toes annoys tf outta me... | 39: I swear LOL everytime I see people assume Murao wants Kou. It's like they're so damn wrong it's fuckin' hilarious & they're just wasting their time hating for nothing! Like can't nobody believe that she's just a good friend and wants nothing but Yoshioka's happiness. Noooo, she's just gotta be a boy stealing bitch & is just putting up a front... | 40: "I'll provide the slap, since she's so nicely providing the bitch." -random tsukkomer, I had to quote this hate comment since it was just too damn funny to pass up! | 42: This chapter ended on a sad note... ): | Boom, son!
38.6: LOL!!! Kominato, brooo! I like how the seed is no where near his mouth so you just sit there and think "How'd he get food all the way up there?" | 7: Ooooohhh! Now the seed makes | 8: Oh goodness!! "Pffft, oh boy, the fun I'd have if my best friend asked me this..." -random tsukkomer, talkin' about Kominato's question to Kou. | 10: Cutest fuckin' shit EVER!! I'm guessing by hero, he means she saved him in some way or form. | 13: Lol @ "It's Yoshioka-san and friends." 'AND FRIENDS'? | 14: I love how everybody thinks they're 'love experts'. Pffft! Tsukkomers & manga characters. | 17-18: Damn. If in some 'random' turn of events, Yoshioka ends up breaking up w/him it's gonna sting like a MUTHER bro! I see this breakup being DISASTEROUS. | 21: Lord, help this couple! I can't take it anymore... | 25: The tsukkomus make the story so much more funner & LONGER to read. Lol @ "Dem lips." "Maybe it's Maybelline!" | 26: Fuckin' finally!! Shut everybody up! | 30: Damn...She shut that shit down REAL quick!| 34-36: ...I think I'm gonna cry... | 40-42: ....& then I teared the fuck up.. | "That one guy who ruins everybody's day..." -Random tsukkomer, LOL!! | 43: Tsukkomu's about Kominato's mouth ruined the moment. Now instead of tearing up I can't stop snickering. | Song: Lego House cover
39.26: Ogmgezy!! Kominato was the CUTEST little kid!! Lol Everybodys like 'what happened to him now?' but he's still adorable to me! | 27: He's gonna make me tear up... | 31: Well he bounced back fast! | 32: <3 | I seriously like how down to earth Kou is <3
*lost everything*

quotes:"The scent of air after the rain...
I heard your pulse, I saw the light.."
"Eh...I was joking." "Then you don't have any sense of humor, got it?"-Kominato to a nerd
*There's no official spelling in Romaji, it was written in Kanji originally so as long as they sound the same it doesn't matter* (Remember this.)

fix you - coldplay
shingeki - attack
read 35.5
41/53 7/13 Manga Sakisaka Io, shoujo, romance, comedy, school 5044
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Aozora Yell
Ono Tsubasa
Daisuke Yamada
Himari Wakita

Quotes:"I've always looked down at my shoes. Forever. Always. But because you believed in me..."- thoughts
'I grow stronger, because you're there.'
1/76 -/19 Manga kawahara kazune, drama, romance, shoujo 4968
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Apothecarius Argentum
ch.5 pg.5
4/44 -/11 Manga fantasy, shoujo, romance, historical 5033
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30/57 -/10 Manga
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1/- -/12 Manhua 5101
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Asa mo, Hiru mo, Yoru mo.
1/11 -/2 Manga
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Asa to Mitya
3/11 -/2 Manga 3173
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Asanaga Fuugetsu, Shodouka desu.
3/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Asanaga Ryuutarou no Midara na Nichijou
2/5 -/1 Manga 3232
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Ashita wa Docchi da! Publishing

2: It just kinda makes me mad that all of a sudden their dad becomes some kinda stranger to his sons because his preferences are a little different. Like nigga he still the dude that gave your ass life! | Oh, I already know this is gonna be a trip of a manga!
6/- -/- Manga yamamoto kotetsuko 3532
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Ato Hitoiki de Ai
A guy who lasted 3yrs to w/o doing it & another guy who was willing to have a sex change to make his lover happy? Yup. They definitely deserve each other 'cause they do the utmost.
1/7 -/1 Manga bl 4110
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Auto Focus
photo...-measures the amount of light
tadaima-I'm home
okaeri-welcome home
2/18 1/5 Manga photography 4763
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AV Gokko
2.21: LMAO!!! @ the tsukkomu in the bottom right corner!! You fucked up! It is though!!

3: Yaoi logic.
3/8 -/1 Manga kitazawa kyou, bl 4146
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Baka de Guzu wa Daikirai
6/8 -/1 Manga 3232
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Bamford Koushakuke no Shitsuji
2/6 -/1 Manga
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Barairo My Honey
10/15 -/3 Manga ohmi tomu
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1/35 -/6 Manga
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Become Habituated to Kiss
17/75 4/15 Manhwa romance, school life, rescue
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Before Daylight Love
4/7 -/1 Manga 3165
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Between the Sheets

Guy frequents his favorite bar because of handsome bartender. Always ask bartender but he never says yes until one day because it is an expensive restaurant. Go out to eat, then go home to have passionate sex. One of 'em gets addicted (not sure which one, Ichise or Taka?). Next morning Taka leaves early & leaves just a note behind. Ichise doesn't see 'em for 3 WEEKS, finally goes back & Taka is real familiar w/someone else. Does Taka like new guy *smack* or nah?

Update: Reread in May of 2016, still only updated at one chapter...le sigh.
1/6 -/1 Manga 3960
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Bi no Kyoujin
kabu nariaki
nirasawa shuu

(4 years after Bi no Isu)
1.12: LOL! 'Fucking hell..' | 20: He better not act like that's not what he insinuating!

2.19: Mmm, he's yummy! | 34: Smack the shit out of him & then pat him affectionately on the head...what a method. | 35: Had his eye on him from the get go!!

3.7: 0 fucks were givin' in that car at that moment. | 12: Oh, I thought he already knew. The driver look like he wanna be anywhere else but there.

4.9: He knows him too well! | 12: WTH??! He starts choking him??!! The look in this nigga's eyes!!! | 13: What the fuck is going on??!! This nigga is PSYCHO!!! Hell nah, I tapout!! | 14: But you wasn't this psycho last time! | 15-18: This nigga on another type of crazy!! | 19: Damn. Now that's an emotional breakdown. | 20: I have no doubt that you will Kabu. | 21: Damn, Kabu still look good as shit tho! | 22: *Epic fucking jaw drop* He better watch out for ol' nigga get his ass again. | Howl & Over the Love - Florence

5.7: After last chapter...hell I believe it! | 28: Makeover!

(Before he gave Shuu away..)
5.5,18: LOL!! | 20: I'm droolin'. | 22: A chess piece? No! | 24: Oh, he gonna find out soon enough how he would feel about that...almost got his dick lopped off fuckin' around lol jk Shuu wouldn't do that but still. | This mangaka is shady as hell! Why would she put this extra after that crazy ass chapter we witnessed!! All I could think about was how the craziness about Kabu in Shuu was evident but then not at the same time lol!
5/14 -/2 Manga ike reibun, bl, ♥ ★ sequel to bi no isu 4379
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Billion Dogs
ichiru mizunuma
kyosuke hino
ayaha onodera

1: This nigga gets stabbed & decides he wants to give a heroic speech to the school? If this nigga REALLY got stabbed, the last thing he would be doing is talking!! This shit definitely doesn't sit right with me... | Y'all took him to the infirmary with a stab wound but not the hospital...? He patched up himself? He's fine...? The infirmary nurse just let him be like that....? FUCK NO!!! | Knew this nigga was fake as hell! | Song: Sleepsong - Bastille
2.10: Nigga that's not a bedroom, that's a studio apartment!!! | 12: I don't think the dad is so innocent either! | 16: This Kyosuke guy looks grown as hell! What's he still doing in high school? Don't he got some taxes to file or some other grown shit to do?
3.3: He's saying all of this shit while steadily trying to punch the shit outta him...I wouldn't pay shit attention to ANYTHING he's saying right now! | 7: He's counting in...French...I think? | 14: I don't even know anymore...
4.3: WHATTT?? TF is going on??? Knife is fake? Ichiru didn't get stabbed did he?! These 2 are in on a plan that nobody but them know about...Kyosuke fooled the shit outta me! I should of known too...Ichiru wasn't what he seemd to be, so Kyosuke wouldn't be either right? Shit, I bow down! | 4: LMAO! They're so ugly! | 8-9: ...Well shit, your whole family is triflin'!! | 11: I don't think these guys have a clean goal in mind...
5.9: They hatched this plan before Kyosuke even had anything to do with the Student Council!! These niggas are dead serious about this damn plan!
6.5: Wait. He's JUST finding out what the full plan is...? Maybe their goal isn't BAD bad, but I still don't think it's completely clean...
7.5-6: Your dad might not be in the right mind...Definitely not in the right mind | Songs: Sevin Devils & And the world was Gone
9.5: FUUUUCCCKKK! He was almost home free too!!
10.2: Damn..This nigga can beat some ass bruh!! | 3: LOL!! Kyosuke's nickname for the giant guy! & he corrects him like his real name is any better...
11.4: They know each other so well! | 6: Bitch, the fact that YOU remember him from 2nd grade is... | 7-8: Uhhhh....? WTf? What's THIS backstory?!! | Song: Raise your weapon
12.8: This guy who is supposedly in charge of the money!
13.2-4: ...I see what he did there!~ Ol' Slick ass!!! | 8: ...That's creepy af. | Song: Who, Are You Really?
15.2: Did he just swallow his throw up...? | 6: He's sooo gonna notice... | 8: See.
16.3: Jump? Nigga got people fuuuucked up!
17.7: Bottom right box. lol!
17/70 -/4 Manga interesting, 3 billion yen, corrupt, yakuza 4059
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Billion Girl
8/41 -/10 Manga
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Billion Princess
20/21 3/3 Manhua 5050
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Binetsu no Karte
5/8 1/2 Manga 5066
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Binkan Kiss
1/4 -/1 Manga 5010
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Bitch na Neko wa Koukishin ni Katenai
3/7 -/1 Manga 3232
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Bitou Lollipop
madoka gotou
ono wataru
tomoyo asagi(july baby!!)

12.17 - "Shut up Ono! You're the one who has a fetish for bad circumstances." -Madoka, yup
13.17: I. Can't. Madoka is one crazy hoe!!! | 19: Her dad is ridiculously stupid...but she will always love him anyway <3 | 21-22: Madoka brooo...! lol | What is this Lily-Bitch talking about?! | 25: Their idea of pda is weird as hell.... | 26: The hell he got to worry about? | 27: Why does her face look like a tomato? Oh, &....awkward.... | 36-37: Oh, lordy.... | Song: Drumming Song(perfect song for here) | 38: Lily-Bitch?!!
13/34 2/7 Manga romance, shoujo, comedy, slice of life 5035
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Black Bird
20/84 -/18 Manga
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Black Sun Doreiou
jemaru jan
francis de la tour

7.21: I NKOW!! I was like who he tryna fool? | 26: Uh-oh...

8.4: Yummm. | 10: ....How does he know that...? | 27: Well this nigga just signed his death wish. | 34: Oh shit! I didn't know there was an audience! | 38: Please rip this nigga's ass to shreds Jemaru. | 41: Did this idiot just basically admit Leonard was still alive?

8/12 1/2 Manga uki ogasawara, bl, historical, fantasy, medieval 4835
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Blood Soul
2/6 -/1 Manga 5238
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Bloody Cross
1/72 -/12 Manga 5011
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Bloody Kiss
1/5 -/1 Manga 4855
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Blue Sky Complex Publishing
-/- 1/- Manga 3232
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Body Talk Paradox
5/6 -/1 Manga panco, bl, drama
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Boku wa Subete wo Shitteiru Publishing
1/- -/- Manga 4477
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Bokura ga Ita
-/70 -/16 Manga
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Border Publishing
yamato su'ou (detective agency boss)
tamaki shinonome (hair designer)
kippei yaotome (programmer)
sougo kitaohji (engineer)

1: I really can't believe his fine ass is an uke bruh... | 6: Bitch where? | 19: Sougo really is fina as hell tho... | 28: Shhiiiit, they my type! | 35: I wonder what those dog tags mean to him...? | 41: Oh, they all better stop!!

2.10: Sometimes I really can't tell the difference between Yamato & Tamaki. | 23: Yamato looks too good. | 25: I have a feeling we're going to find out... | 32: Yamato's heart is so big. | 36: LMAO! The tsukkomu!! 'Accept your fate.'

3: & here comes the pain. | 21: Sandra is so strong. | 30: & into the rabbit's hole he fell...

4.5: Seriously? Why can't people talk shit AFTER they see what you can do?! | 14: Yooo, Yamato looks so done with this shit!! lol | 18: Goddang!! How the heck? | 35: I think I have a pretty good idea of where he's headed... | 37: He just HAD to trail him, huh? One question tho. Why is he doing it with this fugler? | 38: Betrayal? Of who? What ever the fuck he does off the clock honestly doesn't concern any of yall. Will brought himself into this situation.

5.1.7: This is so damn dumb. | 10: Wish the nigga would think about this at LEAST 2 more minutes before making the decision. | 13: So we see where velvet came from huh? I'm sorry but this is in no way just screwing for the hell of it or for the sake of anyone. That nigga is enjoying this. He wants this. | 14: Bet you neither of them thought this shit was gonna happen... | 19: I really want to know what is going through Will's head... | 22: How can he be both selfish & selfless at the same time... | 25: The foreshadow hurts. | 29: AHHHH!!! Yall are fuckin' up!! Dammit Yamato!!

5.2.9: Man, my heart is aching already... | 12: I can't. | 13: & then my heart broke. | 18: & then it broke again. | 21-24: So this is his light huh? | 22: LOL! Kippei! | 26-27: These tears are for you Will. | 27: Sad, but absolutely beautiful. | 29: It's so weird seeing how he was back then and comparing it to now. So much growth.

5.3.12: That determination is killing me lol! | 14: Bruh, they was tryna to get found out!! What the fuck is this?! | 16: No big deal, just Yamato lookin' hella fine.

6.19: Tamaki kills me!! 'It wasn't serious or anything...' | 21: When it all makes sense now! His Type: the Will type | 33: All this insinuation!!

9.23: Yamato really would be a sexy ass seme. Shame that he's an uke. He still sexy tho! Maybe he could reverse? | 24: Another sad backstory in the making for another time. | 29: Shut up? Nigga that's yo brother that's about to get drugged up over there! | 32: That has to be the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard. Nigga if you actually ever made good on your word and let Luka go, then you'd have no leverage over Ukai thus losing your safe cracker and source of money...who tf he think he foolin'? But dumbass Ukai is probably gonna hang onto the slight chance of you letting Luka go and listen. Coward. & even if he did let him go, he ain't gonna wanna leave cause he's his plug!

10.6: Did he just do a tilt kick? | 10: When you don't know what they tlkin' about because you don't even remember what this manga is about's been TOO long! 7/16/15 | 15: But what does Yamato mean by punishment hmmm? | 16: Bitch, I'm baaaackkk! 19: This mangaka loves legs huh? | 29-30: Damn...That nigga got me! I hope that's a bullet proof vest he got on! | 34: The tsukkomus!! lol, oss! Did anybody see him put that shit on? | 36: These niggas need to learn how to not take your eyes off the damn enemy!!

11.4: That nigga is hella right!! Yamato would legit die for one of yall! Let's tally up the injuries. Sougo & Kippei: not a scratch on 'em. Tamaki: couple of stitches. Yamato: a dislocated shoulder, torn muscle, and 3 bigass welts from bullets that were ment to go through him. Hmm? | 5: Yamato's hair in the bottom left panel! <3 | 6: & then Yamato opened the flood gates! He better take responsibility for this shit! | Maybe it's because his hair is down and not slicked back outta his face. He looks just like when he was younger! | 7: This is hella hot!! | 8: Yamato seriously only thinks with his dick sometimes! | 12: I hope that didn't foreshadow something... | 18: Please keep Yamato's hair like this!!!

11.5.4: I can't. These niggas play too damn much! lol
12/- 2/- Manga action, bl, kodaka kazuma 4837
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Boy of the Female Wolf
43/- 6/17 Manhwa gender bender, shoujo, romance, comedy
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Boys Break
1/- -/2 Manhwa 5065
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natsu oginome
takahiro haba
kazumi ninomiya(vice)(17)
hajime takaoka(prez)(16)
kyou kakei(16)
yuriko tsuge(15)
5/34 -/6 Manga seinen, dance 4602
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Calling Series
nishiki jun(shiki)(20)
asoaka shino (19)
takano mikoto(TJ)(36)
12/17 2/3 Manga miyamoto kano, bl, drama 4659
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Canis Series Publishing
kutsuna satoru (29)
kashiba ryou (19)

1.26: This news cast makes me suspicious about Ryou...What the hell was this nigga involved in before this? | 32-33: Is that an American joke? lol We don't say any shit like that here! He really is weird.
2.7: This nigga bold as hell!! Like do you know him like that?! He could of been straight as a toothpick along with the the sharps ends & stabbed the shit outta you with his words for doing that! | 8: Okay, when they be chill as fuck after some shit like that happens it be so fake to me! Like in reality, that nigga would of punched the fuck out for that not 'that's not funny.' wth? | 16: I love this!! <3 | 25: What did this nigga do...? | 27: An umbrella? I wonder who put that there...hmmm? | 32: Please tell me that isn't blood!!!
3.13: ...Omg. | 16: Umm... | 29: The inspiration behind his hat making is so breathtaking. | 34: This page & the song Wake me up (Madilyn Bailey cover) - Avicii just pulled the shit outta my heart strings. It was perfect. | Ryou & Satoru's backstories are just...Wow.
4.11: I love them so much! | 14: The feels are killing me! I can't stop crying!! Dangit Avicii!! Your song mayne! | 29: "There's someone who wants...a hat instead of a halo." - Satoru | 33-34: These pictures though...I love them.
5.23: "He looks all grown up...yet so childish. He looks really strong...but his smile is fragile." -Satoru about Ryou
6.26: Too damn cute! |27: See! You can't joke with this kid. Never know what the hell he'll do!
6.5, 11: LMAO!! That cigarette up his nose!! lol!

Shelter - Birdy
Wake Me Up (Madilyn Bailey cover) - Avicii
6/- -/- Manga Zakk 4087
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40/49 10/12 Manga demons, drama, historical, shoujo 4904
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Canvas ni Kuchizuke wo
1/7 -/1 Manga
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Caste Heaven
Azusa yuuya (new joker) (old king)
karino kouhei (new king!)
kuse (old jack) (new prep = 8)
kusakabe(last joker) (new jack)

1.14: Holy your back kid...that was so chill inducing... | 18-19: This son of a bitch here! He's a straight up ass!! Using whoever the fuck he wants so he can get whatever he wants!! | 20: "Queen? joker? is there a 'you my bitch' card?" -random, oss this is so damn accurate!! lol I love it! | 24-25: Oh shit!! Here we go. | 28: Exploit others huh? Well it looks like YOU'VE just been exploited yourself!! | 30-33: DAAAAZZZZZZAAAAAMMMMNNNN! KARINO?!!!? | He was not kidding! | 34: I wonder if that whole 'groveling' act was just a charade?! Did he fuckin' hate Azusa guts from the very start or what? Or did he finally just get sick of him? Shit...he sho did get his ass back tho, believe that!!

2.2: The Ranks | 4: Transformation Sexy or nah? | 10: Fuuuhrrreaaal! That's what all of this is for?! Then who tf was the dude from last chapter?!! | 12: Lmao! Right in his face!! "Nigga....Shut the fuck up!" | 14: What DOES he give a damn about? It seem like he don't care about shit but himself. | 18: You mad Karino? *smack* Or Nah?? | 20: Foreal tho? Fake as hell!! | 21: "You always look like you want it!" -ugly kid. This line always gets on my damn nerves!! How you look like you 'want' anything when you minding your own damn business!??? | 26: That look could kill. | 28: ....Kawai...He might be in some serious trouble now... | 35: Bow down bitches!! This is hot as SHIT!! | 37: Woooo!!!! Let the games begin!!! <333

3.1: Oh mayneee! | 6: Thank you for replying what I would of said to that stupid comment! | 7: What a situation... | 10: "This is the face of a man who ran out of fscks to give" -RT. LMAO! Why would you do this to me!!!!? | 20: I think he's finally hit the cold, hard rock bottom floor at this point... | 25: </3 | 31: His definition of nice is a lot different from mine... | 32: The last page made no damn sense to me... | Break Me Down - Seether

4-7: Yooooo, the look in Azusa's eyes when he said he was gonna bring Karino down gave me fuckin' chills bro!!! I can't wait to see what this kid does!! | & then we get stuck with this weak ass couple -___- | I take that shit back. Kuzo is hella creepy w/that poker face of his, you never know what that nigga is thinking'!!! Then Kusakabe is COMPLETELY obsessed with his ass on top of that?! I need see how this ends!
11/48 -/8 Manga chise ogawa, bl, caste system, Is it just me or does ogawa chise have a lot of asshole characters?, school, drama, ogawa never fails! 3960
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Cheap Chase
1/2 -/1 Manga
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Cheon Gi dot com
14/- -/8 Manhwa hot blooded girl 5032
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Cherry Juice
14/21 -/4 Manga
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Chiisana Koi no Melody
1/18 -/3 Manga 4588
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Chronos: Deep
nanasawa io(chronos)
hatsuki togawa(clay)
meguru fukamachi(oceanus/cean)
kei takato
matsukura shizune
kiriki(deputy division director)
7/26 -/3 Manga Aikawa Yu, fantasy, drama, supernatural, josei 4659
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Chuchun ga Chun
5/12 -/2 Manga 5114
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yuuki yasufumi
ishikura tsuyoshi(inspector)
kuchiki naomi
akiho maya
tamaki kazuo
takumi onda?

4,44: He's suppose to be an inspector?...
,14: Yuuki? ...WTH...?
9/12 -/4 Manga melodrama, josei, mystery, psychological 5033
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endou hiroshi
yamai kouhei <3

2,5: I've never heard it worded that way. 'Carry a torch?'
3,12-14: Welp, he's screwed! pun intended
4,31: 'I've found it, real love." -Endou...This is the only time where I'll let a bl with no hotass love making slide! The story was way to good to ruin it with random screwing. It was so fuckin' sweet, not that sickly sweet shit some mangakas try to give us but 'squeeze your heart' sweet.
5,21: *uncle jesse voice* Have mercy!!! *faint* | 27-28: These niggas be foolin'!!!
5/7 -/1 Manga junko, bl, fav, sweet af 4103
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Coy - Crush On You
5/17 -/5 Manhwa
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Crimson Empire: Circumstances to Serve a Noble
prince justin

8/17 -/3 Manga shoujo, drama 4659
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1/7 -/1 Manga
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Crowded Yeonaesa
1/- -/12 Manhwa 5081
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Crown Craze
aruma (friend to everyone)
yukito (big bro)

1.24: No.6 taught me that it's never just a "Goodnight kiss."
3.8: Damn Enishi grew a bajillion centimeters fast as hell! | 23-24: Huh? That's it? | 30-31: ...Damn
4.17: Enishi grew up & said he ain't taking that shit no more! | 25: Yukito? Tf is wrong with this guy? Killing cats? Why the hell would he do that to Kuruto? The bruises, the cliff, never looking at him...? What does this all mean?

5.27: Ah. | Noooooo, this fuckin' cliff hanger!!! | "Awwww i like this chapter it was sooo kawaii ~ ♥ "........ F*** THAT S*** !! Who ends a chapter in the middle of red and blue making purple ?! if i have to wait another 6 months for the chapter , i'd rather watch boku no piko while listening to what does the fox say on repeat....i can't take it anymore TT^TT *sobbing* -RC.
5/7 -/1 Manga hal suzukura, bl, Yukito is interesting 4053
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D.Gray-man Publishing
215/- 21/- Manga
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Danchi Zuma Kansatsu

soukanou Azusa
kota yuushin (been awhile since I heard that name)
Kuroki ryuuga

1.3: Damn! Horny ass mf! | 11: Well shit!! He already knows what's up!
1/- -/1 Manga bl 3958
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Danshi Hanayakanare
nozomu (noomu)(princess)
ootori kazatora (prince)
toki kiara (princess' eldest brother)
suzu kana (prince's chamberlain)
ootori zero juuro (chairman)

1.25: & my jaw fuckin' hit the floor. So that's why he called out to him... | 28: Damn. Justice never tasted so good! | 28-30: OH DAMNNN!!! | 34-36: So I'm guessing this was all Kaza's doing! <3 Toki damn near had a heart attack! | 37: Damn. So good they had to change the script! | 38: He's probably gonna be "...for the time being that is"
1/10 -/2 Manga aoi levin, bl, the art =__= 3927
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Darenimo Naisho de.
1/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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"It must have been tough doing nothing but study all day.
Sure was. Especially math! I don't think I'll ever get along with that bitch!
Get along with it." -Aki&Saitou&Oka
"With the what I want." -Aki about Saitou

LMFAO - 12:00-13:15
4/7 -/1 Manga bl, romance, school 4561
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Datte Maou-sama wa Kare ga Kirai Publishing
1.31: Dirty ass fingers
1/- -/- Manga yamada nichoume, bl 3848
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yuuto lennix(28)
matthew cane(21)
dick burnford(29)
michele rollini(mickey)
nathan clark
bob trankler(BB)

paul mclane

need to read ch.1 pg.15
2/19 -/4 Manga Aida Saki, drama, bl, prison, they look too innocent to be convicts, gorgeous art 4659
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Dear My Girls
24/33 5/9 Manhwa 5238
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Delinquent Cinderella
24/- 6/10 Manhwa 5143
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Delinquent Lesson
lee young won
kang haru
son myung woo
soo jung oh
ji won lee

"I don't need a quack doctor who carelessly pokes at my scars!" -haru to bora-sempai
23/- 4/5 Manhwa manwha, shoujo, romance, comedy 4665
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Dengeki Daisy
kurosaki tasuku
kurebayashi teru
onizuka riko
hasegawa kiyoshi
kurebayashi souichirou
masuda "master"
rena ichinose(teru's bestfriend)
haruka(teru's friend)
kazumasa andou "headmaster"
mori chiharu

pics: ch.27 pg.3, 39, 41, 42
my fav. chapters: 37-39(kuro&sou's past)&43
"Justice without strength becomes weak"-teru
51/80 10/16 Manga motomi kyousuke, shoujo, romance, comedy, drama
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Die or Like Me
4/- -/10 Manhwa 5185
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9/43 1/6 Manga 4832
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Do Da Dancin'!

taiko sakuraba(22)
mikami akira
kiryuu ayako

6,17: She turned a 32 pirouette sequence into 35...on
8: Oh? It's starting to heat up!
8/43 1/9 Manga Makimura Satoru, ballet, josei, sports, romance, drama, shojo 4671
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Do Not Fight
7/32 -/6 Manhwa 5025
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Do You Remember, Mogwa?
baek sun jong
moo kae/seo tae ha?
jo min hee
lee ho jol
jun mok

quote:"I want to keep this scene for myself only, and let nobody know." -Moo Kae(about Sun Jong)

*updated start date late
44/- 8/15 Manhwa mask, manhwa, love, shoujo 4680
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Docchi mo Docchi Publishing
finally something sexayy
1/- -/- Manga bl, bussines men 4377
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Doko e mo Yukenai Ki ga Shiteta
2.21: The way he fell into the water though...
3.6: Oh boo boo, he ain't looking at the view. Trust me (; | 16: WTF was it!?? We never got to see!!
3/3 -/- Manga ogura muku, bl, romance 4478
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Doko ga Ikenai!?
ikusa hanamura

1.12-13: Damn. He looks badass! Oh my damn, that was funny AF!! That's proof enough!! | 16: I can't with this manga!!! lol It's gonna be on the news: "Little brother rapes older brother and gets beaten to death by him."
2.10: This nigga's face did a 180 degree change!! | 25-27: LOl! Mikado's reaction>>
2/14 -/2 Manga comedy, family, bl, incest 4509
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Elite-sama Koi Shiyou
-/5 -/1 Manga 5143
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1.23: Is it what I think it is....? | 24: ...I thought so | 25: That face.... | 28: I'm sorry but that's nasty as hell to me!! (Notes)
3.9-13: This is...weird as mf hell!! Could this be considered beastiality??? Random fucking NORMAL horse at the end..."And I came to pick him up..." LOL okayyy...What does the horse say!!!?
4.23: (:
4/8 -/1 Manga est em, bl, fantasy 4045
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Eroman: Kami to Pen to Sex to!!
3/9 -/1 Manga 4086
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Fallen Angels
18/- 3/15 Manhwa 5108
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Far East Love Mission
2/- -/1 Manga romance, action, bl 4588
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Film Girl
nakamura mei(15)

quote: "Believing in this tiny bit of self-confidence inside of me and this undeniable passion I have right now, I'll continue to move forward. In doing so, the vision I have reflected in these eyes will definitely not be just a dream, but my future someday."-mei's thoughts(my motivation) scan reading)
4/10 -/2 Manga shoujo, romance, comedy 5022
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Finder Series Publishing
Akihito takaba(23?)
asami ryouichi
fei long liu (27)

1.14: LOL! This nigga looked you dead in that viewfinder! | 33: The look on his face said it all...betrayal hurts the most. | & this is where their journey begins!!! Whoooo!
3.9: When Takaba started 'falling slowly' for Asami.
4.17: & then THIS fateful encounter.
5.19: Kicking ass & keeping up a buzz. That takes talent. | 23-4: Asami is dangerous bro! | Oblivion - Bastille
6.15: Asami took that stab like an OG! That knife is at least 3 inches into his hand! | 28: What is this nigga doing kissing Fei Long?!
7.3: Wait, whaaa? | 15: Toh is Fei's REAL father. | 19: You're gonna believe the same trifling brother who just threw you into a cell? TF is up with your logic Fei? | 36: Now that is a mf backstory!! Asami & Fei!!!
9.21: You don't really make it seem you like you're not.... No shit they're gonna think you're lovers!!! | 32: I will never understand these two!!! Asami is a sneaky ass bastard though! Lol 3rd times the charm?! "I don't want it like this. Like falling into a trap, I'm beginning to sucked into this man's darkness." -Akihito about Asami
10.5-6: Damn, this IS bad. He's in a literal sex haze. Like this nigga forgot how his own ringtone on his phone sounds like, he's getting it so good!! Lol & Asami's just an insatiable beast. | 11-14: I know he honestly didn't think he would be able to walk 2ft after all "that" right? The aftermath, huh?
11.2: "Wherever, in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening, the scents or the memories that he left me never disappear." -Akihito about... | 14-15: Oooo, well that's embarrassing...LMAO! That's EXACTLY what he did!!
12.2: Nobody can ever say Fei Long ISN'T fine as fuck! | LOL!! Takaba!!! He really needs to learn how to defend himself better!! | 4-5: This nigga is trying to get his ass shot up!! Takaba plays too damn much lol!! Yup, he wants to die. | 10-11: Broooo...Asami's face just froze hell over. Takaba about to learn today! | 14: Uuuumph! Asami bro..mmm! (; | 16: Aww, you can tell they're the best of friends.
13.17-21: Hell no! That's not hot at all. Fei Long really disgusted me here. | 33: Best believe he will! You know damn well Asami HATES losing.
14: |Love Surprise| I love this sidestory! It's so damn funny!! | 12: LOL!!! He's piss drunk at this point!! He just blamed Asami for Japan being shaped like a wtf? | 17: You asked for it Takaba! 4 calls?
16.24-25: I love this (:
17.3: "In my dreams, with all my heart...I pray that this warmth is a reality..." -Akihito about Asami | 15-16: Damnnnn!!! You would be a dumbass to ever underestimate Asami bro!! You don't know what this nigga can do!!
18.16: Takaba really does look good in Chinese clothes! | 22: He just described himself perfectly. | 28-29: Damn, Asami has some pull over Takaba huh? & Yoh listening in! lol Shh! Don't tell Asami! ^_--
19.4: "No matter what happens to me, my heart won't bend. Because that is my way of living." -Akihito | 6: If I have ever understood what they meant when they said that Takaba has striking eyes, it would be on this page on the bottom right.
20.17-18: Asami do you...? *smirk*
21.23: Wooo! Definitely believe he will blow your head off!!
25.12-13: Asami is too badass for these little shits bro! | 16-17: Thank you for clearing that up Asami!! Shit, when he gets mad, he gets MAD. I know Asami is probably the only one who can get Fei this riled up. | 21: If Takaba saw this he would blow a gasket.
26.5: Takaba is only a fuckin' teenager?!? This nigga be doin' grown men things for being only 17/18! | 7: Takaba is so confused! He's wondering how tf he got twisted up with these random ass foreigners!! | 9: LMAO!!! No fucking clue what he said but beats him up 'cause he's pissed off?! Tf is up with these people?? | 15: Uh-oh, he's seen the booty! That perfectly round booty!!! | 19: Nigga you crying to the wrong damn person... | 21: ...& it begins.
27.15: I love them!!! | 17-19: ...Oh shit...These niggas about to die bro, Asami is PISSED!! | " 'Something was wrong with him...' *bam bam bam* O_O Man his love is scary..." -Random commentor, my sentiments exactly.
28.9-12: Mikhail & Fei are having this conversation about lovers & shit, then there's Asami is just sitting there chilling thinking in his mind like "I'm blowing a hole through his head, this niggas head, that niggas head..." lol broooo! | 19: Well, well, well! Asami has got him dumbstruck! | "My mind is telling me nooooo, but my body, MY BODYYYYS telling me yeeeeheeesss!!" ...In the words of R. Kelly, Yuri wants Takaba's dick!! lol | 31: ....and this is where Takaba snaps! | 32: I think this Asami has to be the most dangerous. He pissed outta his mind, BUT he's still rational. I mean he pointed that gun at Mikhail's head but he didn't blow a hole through it. | 34-35: This nigga gone die today!
29.12: Yoh!! We missed you! | 14: Lol! Nigga move!! Asami is not fucking around today! | 15: No shit he's shooting at you dipshit! He shot at yo ass earlier thinking you died then. & Please tell me Yoh isn't dead! | 18-22 Too many feels I'm feeling to pick just one...
30: Man, I love these two...! | 9-14:I love this so much, nobody can get between this. "I didn't think I made it on time...don't toss my heart around any more than this." -Asami to Akihito, |15: Bro,Asami is not having it today!! lol I'm looking at that tattoo on Takaba's wrist & I'm like... | 25: AHHHHH! He's seen the tattoo!!! | 26: Shiiiit, think twice before he shoots another picture of a random. Ass might end up in another fucked up situation! | 27-40: I can't take these two!!! They're too much!! ...the blood though..eww "He's come Akihito...This time for sure...I'll have to keep him tied he will only love me..." -Asami about Akihito, ASAMIIIIIII! | Favorite chapter!!
30.1,17: Takaba is so simply cute!!! | 26: The food he likes?? He knows 'em already? | 33: Oh, my! | 35: AAAAHHHH! My favorite scene!!! | 40: I think this is my favorite page of all time... | 43: "He'll realize soon enough...that there is really only one place he can return to." -Asami about Akihito
30.2,22: Lol! This story was so damn hilarious!!! Never wanna see a damn tomato again after 'that'!!
31.6: Asami plays too damn much!!! lol | Funny ass chapter!!!
32.9: This nigga purposefully crashed himself into a wall to get himself admitted into the hospital to stalk this celebrity?! These stalkers getting crazy on bitches now! | 19: That's one sexy ass kiss!!
34.13: Asami is going to blow this nigga's penis off bro! | 15: lol Mention Asami's name & niggas go runnin'! He asked who his lover was & he got it! | 27-28: Tell him Takaba!
35.7: "You're mine and you can't resist me. You can pretend you don't like it. That you don't want this, but it's all just an act." -Asami to Akihito, Asami & Akihito knows he's damn right! | 11: "I'll be gentle today. You should savor it." -Asami, I could not stop laughing at this 'cause he's basically saying it probably won't happen again for awhile! | 14: Damn!!! When we get to see Asami feeling it, you know it was some good ass love-making!!! | 15: "I love your stubborn will." -Asami, He basically just admitted he loves a way... | 30: I can't bro!! That smirk lmao!!! Asami's like yeeeeaaa bitch better stay here.
35.1, 5: This secretary is too much lol! "Before I leave I must do something for the boss that will be of the highest caliber of consideration and detail..." *Cue Takaba walking into the apartment* LMAO! Really?! Calling in your boss' lover is of the 'highest caliber of consideration'!?
35.2,3: This is one hot ass picture!!
35.3,13: WTF? Where did Fei Long come from?! How long has it been since we've seen him? | 14: I'm feeling just like Asami in the top left panel. Email? Tf you emailing him for? ...Fei Long's junk just dangling for everybody to see! | 15: Back-scrubbing services? Bitch, I would acted like Fei Long hadn't even spoken & went on with my business! Asami about to blow this damn onsen up if Fei Long keep playin' bro!! lol | 16-27: This shit was ridiculous... | 28: "I'm not going home with your perverted ass!" (Takaba)*Mikhail & posy walks in* "JK!! I'll be ready in 3 minutes, don't leave me!" (Takaba) LMAO!! Is this the onsen all dark underlords come to kickback & relax??? &....ummm I thought Yuri was dead...? Welp, we know what Fei & Mikhail are gonna be doing here... | "They turned him into a chinese finger torture!" -random commentor, couldn't of said it any better.
35.4,4: Why kinda atmosphere is this?? This little lovey-dovey married love-in-the-air atmosphere? | 7: CUTE!!
36.11: Asami randomally walking in the background...random or nah???
37.9: Takaba really sucks at keeping secrets...he just basically called you a prostitute & you blush..?? | 11: Remember the last time you got involved in one of Asami's lover quarrels...Definitely not fun. | 16: What the fuck does Asami do with his life?? Like can we finally know what this nigga does that he is always somehow associated in everything bad or illegal!!!? | 18: LOLOL!! What in the hell? Did he just shoot up that lock so he could get in the room?! Was that really necessary?! | 20: Asami: Get turned on by Takaba's rudeness, denial, & attitude since that fateful day that Takaba first found Asami in his viewfinder...<3 | 26-27: You should know just by the way Asami looks at you that he cares about you a lot more than you think...Gosh, they're so damn cute together!
38.16: Uuumph! Takaba working out in work out clothes...he looks too damn hot!! That bottom left panel...*fans self* | 19: Brooo, this nigga is a repeated offender!! Asami is gonna rip this nigga up when he catches's only a matter of time.. | 23: Damnnnn! Anybody who nows Asami knows he's got a lover named Takaba. You're famous Akihito!! | 26: & That is why I love you Takaba. Top 2 panels.
39.5: Asami looking at him like '...if you don't get out my face with that random ass shit..' lol! | 15: I love these moments <3 | 23: Hmmmm <3 'Akihito' | 27: What does he mean by betray exactly?
40.14: This shit is so routine for Takaba now. Beat him up, delete his data, & he's back the next day. | 17-21: Fuck this Suou whatever his name is!! Making him choose! & he chose the camera...what does this mean?
41.11: Asami is so damn sexy when he's mad...yumm (;
42.1: What a great way to open the chapter!! (; | 5: Takaba is honest as hell tonight!! | 7: Can we count how many times Asami has thrown Akihito on a bed right before he ravished him?? The number is probably off the walls... | 9: Fei Long is still fine & dandy while you mention that at this moment...
43.7: His face thooo.... | 11: Situations like these make me laugh so much! Like this is some awkward shit!
43.1,10: LOL! His eyes say he's imagining ripping off your clothes later whiles he punishing the mess outta you...Good Luck!! | 15: 'Cause he can't untie himself with his other FREE hand? Takaba wth? | 17: OMG!! I CAN'T!! Asami's face is like 'Damn nigga! Hold up!' lol!! Bottom left panel. | 20-21: Oh my! I'm dying!! LOLOLOL! He said he reflected on his actions!!
44.2: He fucking gave his own damn self away! | 5-6: Just fucking make it official already!!! | 8: Did he just say a potted plant can't kill you? Nigga if it's falling from a tall ass skyscraper you're dead in an instant! | 15-22: I can't wait til the day Asami rips this nigga throat out! Repeat offender strikes again! "He went to Fei Long Academy."(tsukkomu)(tlkin' about giving Fei bjs on a constant before)...DEAD. This guy is gonna die a slow, slow death.. | 20: I don't know why but the fact that that's how everybody found out about Takaba makes me crack the hell up. Like someone was having a little 'private time' to get some info & then they threw in "Asami's new little boy-toy" gossip in & then along the sex grapevine it went!
45.1: I don't even really remember when Takaba took that picture of Asami! | That warning at the bottom of the page...Ugggghhhh.... | 6: Where them clothes come from tho...? | 10: Damn. Just acquaintances, huh? | 17: Takaba, please don't drink whatever she's mixing. There's warning signs all over the place. Me & tsukkomu person agree. | 18: Takaba gotta do better bruh!! He drank that hoe like he had no care in the world! | 19: These tsukkomu people feel my pain: "TAKABA! FOR THE FIFTH TIME ! DONT SMELL,DRINK, LICK, SNIFF, SWALLOW, OR HAVE ANYTHING INSERTED INTO YOU ! ITS CALLED SELF-AWARENESS!"(my fav) "Damn it, Takaba, you had one job... ONE JOB!" "So much for not causing trouble..." | With how many times he's been in situations like these you would think he would of learned by now what TO do & what NOT to do! A person can only be captured so many time before you're not even worth being saved anymore...js

46.9: Oss. He is deadass bitch. | 11: "boy. let me tell you. Asami. is gona fuck. you. up.. just you wait" -RT. About Shuu capturing Akihito.

46.5,4: Pink Gold 4 | "oh thank goodness I almost missed this picture the last two time it was shown" -RT. I fuckin' hate when they do that shit. Just taking up pages! | 12: He's totally on cloud 9 right now! | 13: He sure is talkative when he's high! | 14: He's just realizing that? When does Akihito ever come to YOU willingly? No shit he's under the influence!! | 15: "oh... akihito... you are so cute high and horny..." -RT. Well this should be fun! | 18: "he's going to be so embarrassed when he "wakes up." The secondhand embarrassment is already burning through me." -RT. It's gonna be brutal.. | 21: The tsukkomus <3 | 23: Oh, god! *Big Sean voice* They about to be at it all NIGHT...& morning, & evening! Takaba did this to himself tho! He deadass ain't gonna be able to use that ass for at least a week!! | I have never seen Asami so damn dangerously sexy!! <33 | 24: Asami's ridiculous sexiness is so damn overwhelming!!! | 25: I was so totally expecting complete & utter embarrassment for Akihito...but this nigga wants it to happen AGAIN!! He can't get enough of that feeling from that night!! He had Asami TIRED of SEX!! Once you've hit that point, you've been doing it too goddamn much!!! | HOTTEST SIDE STORY EVER!!!! <333

47.7: Realization at it's finest! | 11: "ARE YOU DEADASS?! NOPE! STOP IT! YADA YAMETO!! HANASE!" "For once, somebody is actually planning on just murdering Takaba, rather than raping then murdering." -RTs. That's how you know we've seen Takaba hit in the booty by some random one too many times!

Already read 44.2

quotes: "You should know it only gets more dangerous the farther you go down the rabbit hole." -Asami to Takaba
"Don't forget the pain I give you..and the pleasure.." -asami to akihito
"Even if my body responds to the pleasure, I'll never give you my heart"-Akihito

"Anta Dare?" - Who are you?
47/- 7/- Manga ayano yamane, drama, yakuza, bl, action 5023
Add - More
17/77 -/15 Manga
Add - More
Flower Man
1/7 -/7 Manhwa 5025
Add - More
4/5 -/1 Manga 4376
Add - More
Forbidden Kiss
25/- -/10 Manhwa shoujo, romance, school life
Add - More
Fruits Basket
20/136 -/23 Manga
Add - More
Fudanshi-kun no Honey Days
arima kouhei
shiiba kazuomi
arima Kanata
mimasaka kyougo
amakura kaname
takamine hiroki
arima ichika

1.10: Uh-oh! | 17: Huh? Bleach? (the tsukkomu) Shadow society? | 19: Wait!! WHAT happened though? | 20: ...oh. | 22: I am!!! | 30: Damn. That was fast!

2.4: Older brother...? hmm? | 11: He is truly a perve. | 21: ...I don't even want to know what dessert was... | 30: 'Cause you do!~

3.6: *Sigh* If only....(top left) | 9: Way too much of a coincidence...Schoolmates who happen to be seeing 2 brothers...? | 10: Eww...I know he's a fundanshi & everything but does he really want to know details about his little brother and that pedo...? | 14: "Dude. You're a fundashi. Don't you know that's the exact OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do?!" -RT. That tsukkomu is so on point! Nigga should know exactly what's gonna happen if they put those outfits on! | 18: Edward Elric look-alike is sooo fuckin' dirty!! | 26: Kanata is funny & everything but Arima totally wins in my book!! | This chapter....
3/7 -/1 Manga yodogawa yuo, school, awesome art, bl, comedy 4051
Add - More
Funny Money
2/- -/5 Manhwa 4971
Add - More
10/27 -/5 Manga 5034
Add - More
Futari no Musuko ni Nerawareteimasu
1/26 -/4 Manga 4266
Add - More
Fuuki no Okite
kunie kirakawa? hokuto
shissa yachigusa
zento zenzen yachigusa
kunie sakuya
kirakawa nanase (hokuto's twin)
7/17 -/3 Manga koujima naduki, bl 4995
Add - More
Gakuen Deka Love♥Mission
1/6 -/1 Manga 4339
Add - More
Gakuen Ouji
18/48 -/12 Manga 5234
Add - More
Gangsta. Publishing
10/- 1/- Manga deafness, mafia, mature 5033
Add - More
Gangster Hero
5/- -/13 Manhwa
Add - More
118/383 -/37 Manga
Add - More
Genshoku Tsundere Danshi. Ikenai Sensei
2/5 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Gesu BL


1.7: Wait. Hold up. Did we miss something? Weren't they JUST tlkin' about girls? Wasn't he just makin' out w/one last night?! | 10: He's the BOTTOM tho? | 12: Dang. *fans self* | 17: He's fine when he gets mad. | 18: What Ryou is saying and the way he lookin' really don't match. He look fuckin' crazy. | 21-26: Cute af!
1/10 -/1 Manga bl, ogeretsu tanaka 3540
Add - More
1/- -/16 Manhwa 5043
Add - More
5/58 -/9 Manga 3232
Add - More
tanaka hajime

1.37: AHAHAHA! I knew he would find out just not this fast tho! What he based it on tho!

2.31: Harada look good as shit here tho!! Yumm!

4.18: <3 | 19: Oh, he will (; | 22: Nooo!! | 29-30: who tf is telling the truth?! | 32: I am so fuckin' lost. | 33: Oh, he's remembering now. | 35: Hold tf up...Is he saying what I think he's saying...?

5.6: Broooo, is that Hajime? | 13-14: His family sounds nice. | 23: He really does though. | 'Cause he has eyes...? Tf he care so much for? | 30: Damnnn. | 33: Wow. | 34: No one had ever seen him cry til then.

6.13-14: Oh no. | 23: For fuckin' real...? That's it...? No way in hell! | Waiting for that next chapter 'cause there better fuckin' be one!
6/7 -/1 Manga yamanaka hiko, yakuza, bl 3886
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Go! Go! Heaven!: Jiketsu Shoujo-tai
6/28 -/3 Manga 5046
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Gokudou Darling
2/7 -/1 Manga fujikawa ruri, bl 4281
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Gokuraku Seishun Hockey Club
"instead of a flower, you're grass"~Izumi-senpai;;ch.14 pg.18 LMFAO
14/54 3/14 Manga comedy, shoujo 5198
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6/58 -/8 Manga josei, romance 5025
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Golden Eyes
Kaichi owns a bookstore, has a senpei(Anan), & now has to take care of his cousin, Tatsuya.
3/6 -/1 Manga bl 4436
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Good Morning Call
kindaa boring and dumbb
37/57 -/11 Manga romance, shoujo, comedy, school 5241
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Gouin Sakka to Makeinu no Hatsukoi
4/6 -/1 Manga nekono mariko
Add - More
Green Peace
5/8 -/1 Manga 4103
Add - More
Hachimitsu Ouji wa Shitsuji ni Madou


1.8: Uh, personal space? | 36: Did he just set him up?
2.6: Wonder what that book about..
best, most beautiful-looking BJ I've ever seen
those pointed toes tho!
2/6 -/1 Manga bl, josei, butler, nobility, on hold due to slow/stopped scanlations 4339
Add - More
Hadashi de Bara wo Fume
re-reading from start
-/57 -/9 Manga shoujo, historical, romance, drama
Add - More
Haisha nante Kirai da!
4/6 -/1 Manga
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Hajimari wa Sayonara
1/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Hakushaku to Yousei
-/16 -/4 Manga
Add - More
Hana to Ryuu
19/23 4/5 Doujinshi kodama 3232
Add - More
Hana wa Saku ka
sakurai kazuaki(38)
youichi (you-chan) minagawa(19)
shouta minagawa
takeo minagawa
fujimoto kouki (19) (colleague)
kashiwagi masafumi
yoshitomi kippei
inoue (28) (sakurai's coworker)

10.5,7-8: So this is where he realizes....
V02 Ch.11-omgeeeezy!!
V02 Ch.12-omgeeee!
15.26: mmm, that kiss!
19.9: Trust me, we know! | Damn, you know Sakurai is barely holding back now! | lol! Shouichi(shouta's dad) didn't even know who Sakurai was but even he could tell there was something going on between him & Youichi! Now he wants to talk to him!? Oh geezus! | 30: They chillin' in this dark ass room holding hands? They are so weird but so damn awkwardly cute! lmbo!!
20: 3 years?! Goohhhlleee!
21: Damn. Youichi is pissed off!!! I don't think I've ever seen him this mad!
22.11: Take's worrisome thoughts lol!!! |16: Some of the shit Shouta be saying...I be like 'Where does he get it from?' it be elaborate as hell...| But yeah even I have to admit that Sakurai is slackin'!
25.38: LOL! I swear Sakurai always manages to stick his foot in his mouth when he's tlking to Youichi. It never fails! | 41: ....It's hard to think about but it would make everything make sense though. The will at his age, the way he made it so Youichi would have a place to live with people that his father trust...
26.33: Wow. I didn't expect that. I really do wanna now Youichi's true feelings about his father.
28.4: LOL!!! Shouichi always wants to talk to his ass! He has to know what's up! | 11: The hell is Sakurai tlkin' about....? & fuckin' Shoutas 'ol loud ass!! Look at the situation! Of course it's gonna be tense!! | 15: Look at Kippei throwing secret slugs! | Why was this chapter so damn short??

read 10.5
28/35 2/5 Manga Hidaka Shoko, shounen ai, slice of life 4650
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Hana yori Dango
-/244 -/37 Manga shoujo, romance, drama, comedy
Add - More
Hanabatake to Wakarebanashi
2/6 -/1 Manga 4126
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Hanagaya Eigyousho no Kare
akae yasuaki

1.17: Hmm? Weird scene. | 29: Oooo, now everything makes sense... | This bitch is A-nnoying! | 31: Really? He could of made this so easy on himself, been upfront, & just told the chief what was up! No, he wanna sit here cause all these damn misunderstandings! | 35: Forced him to see! lol | 36: Hotness Overload! | 37: Aww.
1/5 -/1 Manga bl, tenzen momoko, work 3902
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Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
111/148 -/23 Manga
Add - More
Hapi Mari: Happy Marriage!?
18/40 4/10 Manga
Add - More
Haru wo Daiteita
"Kato:The rain is getting heavy..
At times like this, the dryer is such a convenient item. And what's more, if we hung our clothes to dry outside, it'd be a disaster if Iwaki's underwear got stolen..!
Iwaki:(huh? face) Who in the world would want my underwear, except you?!"

"Sawa: Do you think I can ask Yukihito to take me, a big man? Of course he's becoming more haughty and handsome everyday, to the point where I'm having trouble resisting the idea...
Kato:...err...(whisper)Sawa-san, Do you mean you want to f**ked by Yukihito?
32/78 6/14 Manga 4933
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Hatsukoi no Kanata
3/4 -/1 Manga sequel 3232
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He was Cool
3/18 -/3 Manhwa
Add - More
Heart no Kakurega

Downloaded Chapters: 6
6/24 -/4 Manga 4267
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Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World
24/36 -/6 Manga
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Heart no Ousama
2/5 -/1 Manga 5031
Add - More
Higouhou Junai
"prosecuter-eater"?, pfffft
anzai-senpai likes tokihara?
read 8.5
8/15 2/3 Manga bl, unrequited love 5009
Add - More
Hima nanode Hajimete Mimasu.
amano rintarou
nakatsugawa nozomi

0.13: The look on Nozo's face... | 14: Once I saw Nozo's serious face I knew who the uke would be.. | 18: Dayyyuuumm! The way Nozo be looking at her! You'd think the bitch killed his 1st born or something! | 28: BROOOO...Rin should definitely feel like total shit right now
2.11-12: Awww, Naka-chan. | 15-16: Naka looks at Rin & just lights up! | 24: bottom left: Got 'em!!! | 26-27: AHHHHHHHHH! <3 | 30: That tsukkomu is so on point! Nobody ever learns!! | & down the rabbit hole we go!! | 34: Knew from the start that Naka would be seme. | Songs: Fix You - Avenue cover & Find Me - Grimmie

3.5-6: Staahhhp being sooo darn cute!!! | 14: Shy little thing.....yeah, he'll get over that real soon! | 16: FML. Like who the fuck?? | 17: Oh. "GODDAMN COCK-BLOCKING PREGGO SISTER!!! D:" -RT. Damn, damn, damn! | 28: Whoa, baby!! | 29: & she takes the crown for cock-block queen of the year!

4.7: They make it so obvious that there's something going on between them! | 19: Oh my... | 24-25: Awhh, my baby Rin </3 | 27: Nandeeeeeeeee?
4/5 -/1 Manga sakyo aya, romance, bl, cuuuuuuuute, childhood friends 4053
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Himegimi to Sanbiki no Kemono

1.15: Even though all you can see are his eyes, you can just tell by those that he's an intriguing person. I like them. | 21: Her & her father were so cute together. So fascinated by everything! | 26: This nigga here is sexy AFFFFFF!! Well, hello Crow babeeee! | 28: Definitely not the usual reaction! LOL! I love her already!!! | 33: Oh shit!! He got me! But I had a feeling... | 35: LOL! They might as well live here the way they just strolling around her house & shit! | 39: Crow is a BOSS! | 48: Poor baby! | The great royal heist!! & the adventure begins!!! | Songs: Raise your weapon - Deadmau5 & Hallelujah - Paramore
1/12 -/4 Manga adventure, romance, fantasy, shoujo 4067
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Himitsu Nandakedo
1/5 -/1 Manga 4476
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Hinekure Chaser
2: It's almost scary how much this guy loves Yamato but then it's also funny how he tries to play it off like ain't nobody noticed by now. What I REALLY want to know is what Yamato is thinking. Like does he know this guy has the biggest crush on him or nah? But by some of the shit he be pullin'...I think he don't mind.

finished or nah?
...@ ch5.5
5/6 -/1 Manga school, bl 3532
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Hito wa Naze Hatarakanakereba Naranai no ka

1.15: Okay, well this chapter is full of surprises!! The out of nowhere confession & now the mistaken roles! | 20: Oh, shit. I think he's serious! | 21: Oh. I thought they legit did it.

2.6: Fate absolutely hates your ass! | 7: LOL! I can't! | 10: Woah. I didn't expect that. | 13: Welp, I would feel hella played! | 15: That ending absolutely killed me!! LMAO! | 17-18: His logic is absolutely flawless isn't it. | 19: LMAOKFJLDEHSDD!! I love this so much!

4.8: One of the 7 wonders of the world. | 11: Aww! | 25: Give an inch, take a mile. | 28: Miss Jackson - P!ATD "Are you nasty?" | 30: Goddamn!! It never fails!!

5.1: YAAAASSSS!!! Totally captivated!! | 4: What is he looking for? Gold?
5/10 -/1 Manga 3901
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Hitotsu Futatsu Himitsu
ishigami (28)
hanai teru
1.13: Cue droolpool! | 16: Yeeea, a method...*winkwink* | 18: Yup. This isn't sketchy at all. Not at all. | 19: If sensei doesn't get hard first that is... | 20: Oh shit. It actually worked!! | Cliffhangered my ass like a motherfucker!!!
1/8 -/1 Manga sasamaru yuuge, noooooooooo. discontinued. why. this reminds me of harapeko usagi to koisuru ookami. funny and hot., bl 4037
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Honey Bitter
shuri otokawa
youta kubo

10.27: I understand that she has these wall up for her own personal reasons but there has to come a time when she realizes that every nigga in the world isn't a psycho like the dude she 1st dated. | 29: What in the fuck is wrong w/this nigga bro? Like what the fuck was wrong with his fuckin' head?? How fucked up are you that you used to act like THAT & then you have the audacity to come back like ain't shit happen & act like a totally different person? He got a evil twin that nobody but him knows about? How the hell does he have the balls to face this girl everyday at work knowing the shit he has done to her?! How is he even working at this detective agency when they ALL know he's a criminal?! That's how you know this is a shoddy ass agency! ON TOP OF THAT, we have her bitch ass boss who fuckin' knows about their past, knows damn well he raped her but fuckin' tells her to DEAL WITH IT 'cause he works there now....Bish whet?! His rapist ass has given no explanation, practically acts like it never happened, & should be locked up while she's tortured by the memories and hates the male species.....what. in. the. fuck? | Let me tack on possessive & emotionally/physically abusive to his resume... | 34: So you're gonna let that piece of shit ruin your life?
10/63 2/14 Manga obana miho, romance, shoujo, action, comedy 4990
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Honey Hunt
21/30 -/6 Manga
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41/56 -/11 Manhwa comedy, romance, shoujo, manhwa
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Honto Yajuu Publishing
gotouda aki(25)
ueda tomoharu(24)
jyoudoji kei
natsuki ueda(14)
yasuyuki yamase(26)
gotouda akira(50)

ch1 p17 -
ch2 p34 -ahhh, ueda!!lol
ch6 p28 -I LOVE HIM!!!
ch10 p17-18 -oi motherfucker!
"It's true boss, even we'd push aki down.
Who the hell'd do wrinkles like you!?"-Aki&Subortinates
"*after ueda's mood gets worse* Don't drop into any shops on your way, they'll think you're robbing the place."-yamase&ueda
ch21 pg39 -& I thought i was crazy for thinkng the same; lol nasty juices though?>>>

*on ch22.5
21/- 4/- Manga yamamoto kotetsuko, yakuza, bl, ueda's mad face(: 4648
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Hoosamguk High
-/- 5/10 Manhwa 5030
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Hoshi wa Utau
On chapter 21
20/66 -/11 Manga Stars 4842
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Hoshigari Love Dollar
-/9 -/3 Manga
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Hotaru no Hikari
2/90 -/15 Manga
Add - More
Houyou Jikken
miya takahashi
kanou rei

2.35: They're cousins 6 or 7 yrs apart!? Cousin?...mmkay.
3.20 - hmm, this is getting interesting...
4.9-10: I hate the way the author gives the seme absolutely no facial expressions, except like one & that one is practical expressionless! They look so awkward in bed together! | 10: Like him?? Already? I don't care if you already knew him before this is too damn fast! | 11: He says Miya is the only one for him & all that shit, but in this flashback he looks scared shitless of him! lol | 19: What in the flying fuck?!! That nigga would of been thrown against a wall for pulling that shit on me! I don't care if there was a needle in my vein!! | 32: This nigga just took your blood sample & you think he's lying...? This kid really is stupid... | I don't know if I like this manga yet....
4/7 -/1 Manga ogasawara uki, bl, underground, related 4548
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I do I do
6/31 -/15 Manhwa 5081
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I Like a Beautiful Guy
24/- 3/10 Manhwa
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I'm at End of Your Sight Publishing
9/- -/- Manhwa 5016
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I'm Looking for the Princess
6/- 1/10 Manhwa 5203
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Ibérico Buta Series
irie 'iberiko'

1.34: So. Damn. CUTE!!!!
"Irie...I-I'm a guy." "I know, cause something hard is hitting me." -Tsubak&Irie lol
"Ah, Our first time is a hand job under the blue skies." -Irie LMAO

2.14: Soooo, is 'nice day' code for something | 17: OMG! Kuni from Bokura no Mitsudomoe Sensou!!! | 22: The fact that they tried to save him from his impending doom...smh | Animal tranq.? Really?

yoshimune yuuma
genji saeki

3.6: I can't deal with these tsukkomus right now! lol | 25: On the cool tho, that tsukkomu is right. They really are doing the most. | 27: & it's over.

4.35: I thought so. | I legitimately hate Iga.

5.33: Wild animals tho?

chapter 6 is an extra.
5/- 1/3 Manga shoowa, bl, comedy, awesome 4297
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Ice Eagle Fire Hawk Publishing
-/- 1/- Manga 4847
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Ice Forest
suzu yukino(17)
kouga itsuki(27)
roman 'maron' gilbert(19)
julia pyanova(26)
mashita koko
kurohime natsuki

ch5 p30,43,44,45 - too good to be true!
ch6.7 - HYFR!

yuki - snow
14/- 3/12 Manga chiho saito, sports, shoujo, romance, ice skating 4645
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Ikezu Kareshi no Otoshikata
gotou yukio

ch2 p18 - I've never seen a ballsy ass nigga like him! It was so sudden and thrown in so fast, I thought it was a accident & that he was gonna play it off.
p34 - I finally get it! He's saying all these weird & heartless things because he's trying to justify the feelings that he has for his coworker. Things like 'sex w/you is part of the job'...pshhh BS!!!
ch3 - This whole damn chapter the pheromones were just rippling off of Tanaka!!
3/6 -/1 Manga bl 4148
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Ilegenes: Kokuyou no Kiseki
29/30 4/5 Manga sci-fi, school, drama, shoujo, military 5237
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Imitation Love
-/- -/13 Manhwa 5030
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Interval Zero
tasuku kadokura
kima (2nd yr)
koshiba (1st yr)
toda (2nd yr)
suechi (3rd yr)

1.17: Would of seen me on the news that night if I was him. | 21: & now I see a similarity. It's a crossover!!! | 23: & Kadokura!!!!? | 38: Uhh, okay...?
2.8-9: Is this chapter in order...? | 11: "wow. this fool agreed to that?" -RT, y'all crack me up! | 14-15: You gonna let this happen again? | 20: But when they get home it's a different story...he should at least ask for an explanation! | 24: OOoooh he wanted to touch THAT... | 30: Nigga, get outta his shit!! | Oh crap! I just realized that's the medicine you gave him a long time ago! | 31: Is this nigga mad?! | 5: Duhh! He wants to get far away from this hell hole! | 13: But why'd they make Tasuku look so damn good here? | 19: If y'all really want to know, I can tell you...*Stevie J face* | 28: Uhh, so what exactly did he hear...? | 29: Aww, he didn't hear any of the good stuff!!

Hmm, how is it linked to Junketsu Drop..?
3/6 -/1 Manga bl, romance, watarumi naho 4305
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Intoxicated East Wind Publishing
1/- -/- Manhua 5026
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It's Love
6/42 -/7 Manhwa manhwa, shoujo, drama, comedy 5031
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Itoshii Akuma
3/8 -/1 Manga bl, comedy, school 4373
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Itoshii, to Iu Koto
tomoaki kayama
2/6 -/1 Manga 4111
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Jibun Katte.
3/6 -/1 Manga 3173
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Joou-sama no Tamago
sadogashima mia
kana takanashi
5/6 -/1 Manga komura ayumi, shoujo 5011
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Joushi to Ore no Himitsu

1: Ha! You thought he wouldn't remember yo ass!
1/5 -/1 Manga 3532
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Junai Ero-ki
2/8 -/1 Manga bl 4675
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K: Memory of Red
totsuka tatara
suoh mikoto
kusanagi izumo
yata masaki
bandou 'san-chan' saburouta
akagi shouhei
chitose you
masaomi dewa
eric surt
fujishima kosuke

"I can never get tired of being able to keep the memories alive." -Totsuka
"Even though...there are lots of videos Tatara isn't in any." -Anna
7/16 -/3 Manga supernatural, action, adventure 4266
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
28/98 -/18 Manga
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Kamisama Hajimemashita
29/154 -/25 Manga
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Kamisama no Iutoori.
midori (yatagarasu)

2.17: Hell yeah!! Tell 'em Hinata!! You about to get your ass kicked, but tell 'em anyway!! | 19: Shiiiiet!! I def wouldn't fuck with him, not with those eyes!!! | 24: These tsukkomus are lyfe!! LMAO!! | 29: Lol He would just help himself while Hinata was asleep!! LMAO! Like he's a midnight snack or something! | 30: LOL!! I can't take it!! Hinata's love life has all been a lie up 'til now!! Midori is all flippant about it! Funniest fuckin' page!

3.6: Who he think he foolin'? | 9: He is extra gorgeous in the top left panel! | 11: Kawaiii!! <333 | 13: GHDFYNBSD!! I love them so effin much!! | 18: But why Hinata gotta call him out like that tho? lol!!! | 19: Midori's default face is absolutely hilarious to me!! It's a droopy smiley face & then his random prominent mole. | 21: Random...whatever he is say whaaaa???? | 22: Midori said he gotta get!!! | 23: "seriously ? that's what bothers you out of everything that the fox said ?" -RT. He also mentioned you might be part CROW!

4.9: How this shit get so serious so fast? | 10: Umm...yeeeeaa, that's as blunt they get. | 11: Uh-ohhhhh... | 12: Midori's mouth is absolutely naughty...nuff said. LOL! Everybodys tlkin' about his long as fingernails! | 14: Midori don't take that shit bruh! | 16-21: My poor Midori.. | 20: LOL! This nigga is WIDE awake & he don't even know it! | 22: That legitimately shocked expression that crossed his face tho... | 24: Yup. Classic Midori. | 26-27: The sound of my heart breaking is unbearable...</333 | 28: I could of sworn crows were usually long & slender so why Midori end up so damn fat? | The answer to the sex question: "Lol, cloaca time" -RT. LMAO! | Midori had my heartstrings singing bro...

"XD The mangaka is so witty~" -RT.
when looking up make sure to put the slash between kamisama. ex: 'kami-sama'
4/14 -/- Manga bl, moegi yuu, fantasy 4127
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Kamitoki no Resist
1/15 -/3 Manga supernatural, shoujo, school, webtoon 4737
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru
11/94 -/22 Manga 5009
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Karada Meate de Warui ka
2/6 -/1 Manga koizumi kiyo, bl, super art 4646
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Karakuri Odette
24/35 4/6 Manga
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Karasu ni Diamond
-/5 -/1 Manga ootsuki miu, bl
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Kare no Shousou to Koi ni Tsuite
7/18 1/3 Manga 3232
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Kare no Tokubetsu na Kare
ch3 p9 & 10 - DAMN! WTF did she do to you Louis!??

4.21: Holy Moly <333 | 22: Nigga turn off the tv! Problem solved.

5.16: Don't fuck with the monk yo! lol | 22: He's got to be the worst liar on Earth!! He probably would've of never guessed anything happened if you hadn't said all that!!

5.5,4: This isn't the 1st time I've fuckin' heard that phrase. What does a dog bite have anything in common w/'that'? | 8: Oh shit! That was too good!!! | 14: That was a fuckin' troll chapter!
5/17 -/2 Manga narusaka rin, school, bl, comedy 4251
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Kare wa Diablo!

meiko yamada(16)
rui AKA lui (demon king Lucifer)

1,35: You know what? He's fucking right!! That bitch knew damn well that guy had a girlfriend & she still made the wish!! Tf you acting all innocent for now?! | "You've just become my personal witch." -Rui, & UOENO!
3,37: For the longest I kept wondering why his hair all of sudden wasn't black anymore...when he lets out his wings his hair gets lighter! | Check "Rose of Versailles"
4,11: This manga reminds me of a certain anime( maki no ouji:devil to realist). I really think they should make this an anime, it would be funny as hell. | 34: I love it!!! | 39: He did all that for her...
5/12 1/3 Manga comedy, shoujo, akuma 4110
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Kareo ni Mizu wo
izumi midorikawa(27)
ishikura yoshiaki(33)
chouno wataru(27)

3: Song: Say Something
5.31: Izumi can talk dirty!!!!
6.26-28: Hmm, harvesting them? Otaaaay. Tasty sap? The way he talks...

song: because of you - ne-yo
6/8 1/2 Manga aria sachi, bl, yoshiaki, izumi 4121
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5/163 -/28 Manga fantasy, shoujo, sci-fi, josei 4659
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Keishichou Tokuhanka 007
Fuyuki Ichikawa (17)
Kuze Kyouichirou (26)
Dr. Yuu
Director Kounogi

ch6.2 - he did not just kiss her did he?
ch9.2 p20 - we know. its painfully obvious that you like him, now we just have to wait for him to realize...if he hasn't already
ch12.1 p9 - I knew there was gonna be something weird about the little brother too...I was just waiting for it to happen & it did
ch14.2 p22 - Dr. Yuu is a bitch!!! ROFL! He knew that mess would scare her shitless, but that was comedy gold!! | p29 "kuze...showing a third party your 'spring time hobby' is a little..." -Dr. Yuu
20.2,33: Wakui Satoshi, you deserve to suffer for the rest of your pathetic life. This fuckbag killed an innocent little girl who was somebody's sister & daughter because he was envious of her big brother. He hated how much Kuze was love, respected, & successful so he decided to take the person he cared about the most to even things out. He killed a 5 year old because he couldn't handle his downfalls. After I heard his fuckass reason, I would of shot him on the spot because anything he had to say after that wasn't worth listening to. If I was Kuze who had spent years trying to find this murderer & I heard that, that's what I would've done. But then I thought it wasnt' enough. I had never thought killing the bad guy wasn't enough to suffice but I thought it at that moment. I thought he needs to suffer for the rest of his life, rot away in a jail cell & then get the death penalty at the end of his pathetic life. Then maybe he would of paid for at least half the pain he caused. | 37: Can I just cry for the rest of my life? Goodness that was sad. | 40: Cutest kiss EVER! | Don't forget she's always watching over you Kuze...
21: Song: Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift (Bailey cover) | 35: ....& then walk away like you didn't just confess your whole heart to I love Kuze so much!

read 20.2
21/43 7/11 Manga Kaji Eiri, shoujo, supernatural, police, mystery 4273
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Kichiku, Encount
6/7 -/1 Manga 3232
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Kigurumi Guardians
miyamori nobara

1.13: If I came home to THAT, 1st thing I would do is shit my pants lol! or this: " run...just close the door slowly and run..." -random tsukkomu | LMAO!! She was like: "It moves!!?" | 14: LOL! Bruhhhh, what is this?! | "Now at this point... I would realize it isn't my Mom and run..." -random, like FOREAL! | 16: Slapped the shit outchea actually! lol | 18: I love how everybody is taking the random 'entity' so damn lightly! Like how is everybody not the least bit concerned!? | 19-20: lol! Well join the party!!! | 22: Lol!! Her kigurumi is fuckin' hilarious!! | 26: Ecchi lady? lol | 28-29: Well hello! Who are you fine mfs? | Sooo, did he kiss her or nah? I'm confused about what the hell is going on right now.... | & why he look legit mad right now? | 30-31: It was all just a dream. Time to go back to sleep now.......*Zoom* 'It wasn't a dream!' Lol!!! Lets scare the pee outta her!! | 33: I was just thinking why they couldn't make his kigurumi a female! LOL! You tellin' me he's gonna have to be kissing this male kigurumi all the time??? lmao!! Have fun!
1/29 -/3 Manga fantasy, romance 3961
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Kiken na Otonarisan
read everything except chapter won't work.
3/8 -/1 Manga bl, drama 3538
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Kimi ga Suki
1/12 -/3 Manga shoujo, romance, drama, slice of life
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Kinkyori Renai
kururugi uni(17)
sakurai haruka(24)
kou minefuji

on p10, 12
9/45 2/10 Manga 5199
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Kiss & Never Cry
michiru kuroki
haruna leon
lena ayuhara
yuuya(childhood friend)
yomota hikaru(her partner)
yomota kakeru(leon & michiru's coach; hikaru brother; RIP)
miyuki Kuroki(michiru's mom)
takeshi gouda(leon's boss?)
sergei georgeff (RIP)

ch.20 -....
25/65 4/11 Manga ogawa yayoi, josei, romance, ice skating, sports 4643
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Kiss Ariki.
"I wonder just how far he'll fall"-tooru's father
1/11 -/3 Manga nitta youka, bl, romance 4436
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Kiss in Darkness
2/3 -/1 Manga 4764
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Kiss yori mo Hayaku
20/58 -/12 Manga
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5/14 -/3 Manga
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Kitchen no Ohimesama
13/53 -/10 Manga
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Kitto Kiss wo Suru Toki
5/10 -/1 Manga 3232
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Kodoku na Taka wa Hitokoishikute
1: That ending!
4/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Koi Cha No Osahou
12/17 2/4 Manga yaoi, tea, comedy 4764
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Koi dano Ai dano
2/46 -/11 Manga Tsujita Ririko, school life, comedy, romance, shoujo 5001
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Koi Shitemasen!
3/- -/1 Manga 4269
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Koi to Yobu ni wa Hayasugiru
1/7 -/1 Manga 3232
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Koi Tomo!?
3/7 -/1 Manga moegi yuu, god this was so cute and good, bl 4339
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Koibana!: Koiseyo Hanabi
17/70 2/10 Manga shoujo, romance, comedy, school life 5022
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2/5 -/1 Manga 4269
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Koisuru Futari no Taion
1/7 -/1 Manga 3956
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Koizora: Setsunai Koimonogatari
-/30 -/10 Manga
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Konya, Mister de


3.8: LOL! He got no acknowledgment whatsoever! | 9: ....Uh, tf is wrong w/this nigga?! My reflexes would of kicked in so damn fast, I woulda been fired that night! | 10: Oh, & who he tlkin' to? A bum ass owner that do shit, that's who!!! This the bum ass owner who abandoned his own establishment & left his fuckin' debt to the master! Lol that's who that death smile was aimed at... | Momo I completely disapprove. Tf you see in that piece of shit anyway? | 16: The hell kinda relationship y'all got going on? 4 years? Hell nah. Fuck the bullshit. | 18: When he said he got punched for saying that in head I'm like "...not surprised" | 21: I'm w/Chika. Tf the owner be doing? | 22: "Despair. How many times have I tasted it these past years?" -Momo's thoughts. The fact that that bum ass owner makes Momo feel this way makes me so mad! That nigga don't deserve none of Momo's attention! | My heart just dropped... | 24: He wore him out. | 25: Oh shit! This random nigga is gonna lose his life tonight! | 26: This poor little kid. He didn't know!! | 27: The look in his eyes, bruh!! | 28: He did that shit on PURPOSE!?! Tf??!! If you know for a fact this nigga is crazy on a regular basis, why tf would you wanna make him crazier??!! | 32: Crazy bastard. | 33: It makes me so mad 'cause it's like he should have to feel this way! It hurts. | 34: It hurts so much... | Over the Love - Florence, perfection<3

Instead of giving advice for Chika & Kyouhei's relationship, he should of been working on whatever the hell he had going on in his personal life! Like not trying to throw any slugs or nothing but DAMN! His shit was INTENSE!! It's not like he really let anyone privy to the details, so he didn't have anyone to get advice from.
3/6 -/1 Manga shimaji, bl, second hurts, goodbye mister 4086
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Kooru Shakunetsu
17/- 3/7 Manga 4995
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Kore wa Koi no Hanashi
quotes:"I...want to stay here"
16/45 3/11 Manga funny 5043
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Koukou Debut
6/62 1/15 Manga
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Kouryaku Syndrome
Hina Ayane (18)
Kusunoki Shori (18)
Natsushiro Ryusei (18)
Kisei Natsushiro
Katsuki Yoshiryu

1.4: I think I just fainted...They look damn good! | 9: His face XD | 23: He just asked you if he can meet with your SISTER! Obviously he doesn't know what you're getting at.... -___- | 25: lol 'Game language' | Hell yeah!! That tsukkomu is hella right! Why would you want the sister, when you can have HIS fine ahh!? | 26: Ayane? How does this GUY have the girliest name on earth....but he's a dude?

2.12: lol! PAUSE! | 16: Y'all see how fast he just switched it off? | 20: He's baaaack! | 21: Damn! 1 word & he figured that shit out! | 24: EHHH! Wrong answer forehead!!! He just fucked up the mood so badly... | 25: This nigga basically said he doesn't like hina or anything, ain't tryna figure nothing out, he just bored & thinks Hina's reactions to him molesting him are interesting...I would of slapped the taste outta his mouth too! | 27: Poor baby.

3.7: Giving up on Kisei too?! He serious, even though it never went anywhere anyway... | 12: Hina is so adorable in this panel! | 14: Woot! Shori!!! | 15: "fuk you and yo sister" -RT. LOL! I can't! | 18: Were they a 'thing' before to be 'over'? | 21: "that's not what you said before" -RT, I'm sayin'! | 28-29: LOL!
3/7 -/1 Manga kozaki yone, bl, gamer, video games 4048
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Kuchizuke wa Uso no Aji Publishing
8/- 1/- Manga conman 3232
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Kujaku no Kyoushitsu
kiyota mariho
maasa kido
rin amamiya <3
yamada kanae

1.13: Look at this nigga twisting the story & shit! | Rin, what in the fuck does have to do with shit? | 31: Brooo, you know he's salty as hell! He just won't leave this girl alone! | 40: Kido had me rolling at this part!! Her under that piano! | 45: Ahaaa, I love it!! She didn't say shit about being friends w/Shitara!
2.2: They are hella outta place, especially for a hiking trip!!? | 3: Nigga, who the hell told you that was gonna happen? Rin, please. | 10-11: Rin's about to be a bitch huh? | Yup. | 13: Rin is killing me with this trip tho!! He said he's retiring! | 19: Tf? How do they know they ain't hanging around HER?! | 24: 'Cause they already know that their ratings are gonna be bad. Move along bitches. | 29: I swear it's the little funny trivial things that Rin does that makes him awesome!!! He knows doing that isn't gonna stop him from getting soaked right? | I love Shitara broo!
3.7: I cannot deal with Rin's random stunts bruhhh! | 27: Now y'all know damn well this is impossible! | 35-38: Bitches, I don't like y'all! Move around! | She over tellin' them to read the situation hen she can't even take a hint? | 39-42: <3
4.6: They look so damn good in glasses. | 27: Oh Rin, my Rin. | 29: lol Why though? Gosh I love them! | 47-48: Why does it have to be this way? Don't take advice from the superficial.
5.5: Tell me that's not the face of a girl with a crush? | 17-19: Damn, Rin! Bullseye or nah? Seeing through her like she's bathing in Windex! | 20: Hmmm? | 27: She's adorable!!! Then Rin opened his mouth...he needs to be bapped! | 35: Rinnnnn!!! lol | 38: I HATE when girls with long silky hair decide to cut their shit! I CAN'T!!! ...GirlCode
6.14-15: This nigga again? He just doesn't participate in anything that involves physical activity huh? Bruhh he kills me!! | 21: Shitara probably broke her leg if it wasn't already!! lol! | 25: Bingo Shitara!! Rin is so cute! | 27: Who tf put that shit in there? Other ppl get normal shit & she gets THIS!? Looks like something Rin would plot. | 29: Her friends think they're helping but they're really not! | 30-32: Oh My!!! Go Mariho!!! He's blushing!!! | 34: I woulda kept my eyes closed bro!! She popped them hoes open real quick! | 35-36: He's gonna force this confession outta her huh? This is so damn cute!!! | 41: & that's how Rin ended up participating against his will. | 43: I can't with Rin. Acting like he's on his deathbed... | "Can we just talk about Rin and his blank expressions and casual sarcasm." -Random, yes we can!!! | Song: The Writer - Goulding
6/11 1/3 Manga Takanashi Mitsuba, shoujo, romance, comedy, school 4596
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Kurayami ni Strobe
3,29 - kissu so cute, just to shut him up!

"This is a beautiful manga. The characters are so cute. It is one of the few shounen ai that actually talks about their fear of not being accepted by society."

song: My Love - Sia
4/7 -/1 Manga shounen ai, school, bl 4251
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3/55 -/10 Manga
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Kuro no Kishi
5/- -/5 Manga yaoi, romance, drama, historical 4896
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Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata

1.18: Ain't no relaxin' bih! | 20: These tsukkomus!! "If you pose like that it will never be 'just taking a bath'." "If he breathes it's never gonna be 'just taking a bath'. " Frfr, it's Kagami. | 28: Damn Rio!! Shingo ain't here!!

2.25: Shingo's...face. | 32: Gohlee!! That nigga moves like lightning!! Where he come from with his fine ass & who is he? | 33: Kagami look mad as hell.
2/18 -/3 Manga bl 3540
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Kusari ni Kiss
2/5 -/1 Manga bl 4269
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Kyou mo Ashita mo.
3/63 -/11 Manga 5033
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Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu
54/100 7/15 Manga romance, shoujo, school life, smut
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Kyoudai Gentei!: Brother x Brother
missing ch.17-20
16/26 -/5 Manga bl, drama, romance 4875
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Kyoudai no Rule.

1: His cheering is priceless!!

2: Mikage is my favorite uke!! & their facial expressions are giving meh LYFE!!
2/5 -/1 Manga 3532
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kouta (20)
tetsurou (24)

1.33: Dripping?? This nigga leg is TORE UP!! How does he not notice that shit til now?? How his leg even end up like that? It's not like he went tumbling down that cliff or anything! | 35: That is so unnecessary! Hot af! But unnecessary. | 39: Been a long time comin'! | Tasted like BLOOD!
1/6 -/1 Manga tsuge amayo, bl 3861
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Kyouju to Shitsuji no Shizuka na Seikatsu
1/13 -/2 Manga 4339
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Kyoushi mo Iroiro Aru Wake de
komori tadamichi (25)
takigawa kyou (25)

1.5: I can already tell these gonna be some devil kids!! | 7: 'As usual?' Fuck you ho! | 9: Did this little kid just call him a bastard...? | 10: If y'all weren't so damn bad... | 16: He's digging himself a grave & doesn't even know it... | 19: Goddamn!! This nigga was goin' INNNN!! | 20: That nigga LYIN'!! My bullshit radar is off the charts right now!! | 24: He's gay, not a child molester dude... | 25: Wow. I feel so ashamed of this guy, like that is some real disrespectful ass shit. | 27: Hell yeah! That's a good ass point Takigawa! | 28: Oh shit! I know you mad Taki but hold up!! Ain't got to take it that far! | 29: Is this nigga STUPID?! What you mean why?? You're overreacting over NOTHING!! | 31: Some of the shit that goes through these kids head... | 33: Understand WHAT tho? He just prefers guy over women! It's not that big a deal!! | 35: I think they would be cute together, but things never go as smoothly now do they? | 37: Damn Taki is real touchy ain't he! & for a straight guy Komori is real complacent about this... | 38: That one observantly sharp kid you've to watch out for lol!!!

2.6: That joke went so far over their heads! LMAO! | 10: LMFAO!! I can't stand him!! He got dying over here!!! | 18: The Himalayas!! These kids are too much lol! | 23-24: You don't have to be perfect Komori. | 30: No prep. No nothing, just dives right in! | 31: Taki does know Komori doesn't like him like that...RIGHT? | 33: Komori is totally captivated....(Shout Out!!) | 34: Taki & Komori's ass | This is heating up!! | 37: Did that really just go down like that...? | 39: Lol!! Maybe that shit backfired on him... | Bruh, Komori is like putty in Taki's hand!!

3.9: lol Them kids all bad!! | 12: This can't be good... | 16: This shit is gonna follow him FOREVER!! I don't get why his personal life has to be such a big nuisance for his professional life!! | 18: That nigga is a hypocrite!! Wanna say he's dangerous 'cause he's gay buuut he is too? And he's in denial?! | 24: Hmm?? | 25: Uhh...? But why is Komori making that hilarious face...? | 26: Damn. He ain't wrong tho!! | 27: CAUGHT! | 29: "i love how his students bully him but care about him all the same >.<" -RT. I love this! | 33: LOL!! He screwed himself w/that one! | 34: Cutest fuckin' page!! | 38: "We shan't." -Komori. Did we all of sudden change eras...?

4.8: KYS for not clearing your history!! lol! | 12: These little kids are devious for some 2nd graders! | 15: He would put his students before everything! Including himself & also including you Taki. You knows this better than anyone. | 23: This nigga just blew my muthafuckin' mind... | 27-28: I hope he knows he has the best 2nd grade class in the world! I can't stand the cute little feels this is giving me!! | 49: These little babies are breaking my heart! </3

5.18: He always asks to be accompanied to the station...? | Cute.
5/20 1/4 Manga yamato nase, bl, comedy 3889
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aoi nishimori(16)
shuusei kugayama(16)
sanjou wataru(neighbor)
moe shibuya(friend)
komine shouta(little boy)

quote:"if it's with you, I don't mind if people find out about this"- shuusei to aoi.
"Just for now...I want to be the one closest to you. Is it okay to think that way..?"-aoi
" be able to laugh&play with you...that is what makes me very happy.."-shuusei
36/98 6/24 Manga ayu watanabe, romance, comedy, school life, shoujo 5032
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Leopard Hakusho Publishing
3/- -/- Manga 4890
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Liar x Liar
21/70 -/10 Manga 4281
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Life, Love
jack Lawrence (26)
takahiro shinkai (36)

1.16: OOOh, now shit makes sense... | 17: He looking at him like " motherfucker..." | 24: Lol! Trust me he understands! | 25-26: They sit here & call him all types of names & shit!! Fuck these fuckers!! He don't owe them shit! | 28: LMAO! Dumbasses! All of 'em! | 30: Fuckin'. Ew. | 36: That is so awkward...He is looking this butt-ass naked dude up & down, dude looks him dead in his eye & he doesn't even flinch...!

2.8: (center panel) The fact that that is the most facial expression I've seen in this whole manga is pretty sad... | 11: Hmmm, that makes sense.. | 16: They've got to be the worst criminals ever...He literally snatched that phone right out of his hand...& he didn't do SHIT about it!! They treat Jack worse than the hostage!! | 24: Ummm...what? | 26: Lol About the couch!

3.3: No hoe!! He didn't want to call your ass! | 4: He makes me LOL w/that shit bro! | 23: He doesn't even realize what his own body does? | 25-28: Welp, shit just got real. | Thank you! Please put the brakes on this! | 29: Um, after all that, I'm not convinced Jack. | I just wanna know who's gonna top?

4.5: LOL!!!! I can't!! It's too much! | I can't take Takahiro serious 'cause he's the one who jerked him off!! He fuckin' initiated it!! | 7: Bruh, tf? How you sit there say all that stuff then go & tempt him...? He's just playing dirty now!! | 8: But either way he's gay...? The hell kinda deal is this? | 10: LMAO! He said rub it against something! | 15-16: Are you serious...? Hoes will be hoes. | 18: </3 | 24-25: Nooooo!!! | 31: .....Yes.

5.1: KHR!!! | 7-8: Errr?! Where did that come from?? Y'all see Jack just call her a bitch!? Bruh, I'm dying lol!!! | 9: I can't do it w/this manga!!! This page is just fuckery!! I'm reading along you know, I read the top first panels & I'm like okay Jack is pissed that Taka didn't escape & know they're in this situation where he's supposedly suppose to shoot him now. I go down to the the middle most right panel & I see him pointing the gun at Taka & I'm thinking oh shit it's about to get real serious & then I read over to the panel next to it & I see him....grab his hard junk & say he wants to mess him up...? What in the hell...? Lmao! This manga need to chill out! | 11: Both of them are just bad! Jack & Taka! Just all bad! Just bad! Taka look good as shit here tho! | 15: Thank you GEEZUS she got the hint! | 16: Umm...why would he feel the need to tell her that...? | 17: He looked damn good from afar...but then we got closer... | 18: Was now really a good time tho?... | 21: I fuckin' knew he was gonna do that shit! | 25: They're so frank about this shit lol!! & what I've gathered so far is...Taka is the uke!! | 27: Wooooooooo!! | 28: Hittin' it so good, making him speak Japanese!

6.2: Cutaaayys! | 9: Is this really a timeskip? Yup! Not a far one tho...maybe a month.. | 11: I really don't think he looks way too normal. | 18: I know this nigga did not just say 'Lawrence who?' ....? Nigga tf? This better be some kinda act or something 'cause that shit is not about to fly! | 20: Jack's eyes say he's not playin' no games! | 29: A smile from Jack? That's new. | 32: Bet he felt dumb as hell after that... | 33-34: ...So he mad? | 35: Can she just go? Ain't even nobody payin' attention to her ass! | 36: Confused as always, huh, Jack? | 37: She sure? 'Cause his actions say otherwise.

7.12: Ooo, I like the haircut. | 14: Tf did that nigga just say? | 17: "wouldn't that hurt his penis....dragging him like that..." -RT. LOL! His dick is literally scraping the concrete!! | 18-22: I knew it!! He was way too damn creepy!! | 23: I don't even really understand wtf is goin' on anymore... | 28: What is w/all the random laughing... | 29: Massages are dangerous!

'Kohi wo nomu.' - I am drinking coffee.
'Mizu wo nomu.' - I am drinking water.
'Watashi no namae wa...' - My name is...
'Anata no namae wa...' - Your name is..
'Arigatou gozaimasu.' - Thank you very much. (proper)
'Sumi-masen.' - I'm sorry/Excuse me.
'{Name} desu.' - I am {name}.
'Nihongo ha mada...' - My Japanese is still...
'Mada wakaranai desu.' - I still don't know.
'Kuso!' - Shit! (literally feces)
'Chikusho! or Kusotare!' - Shit! or Goddamit!
7/11 -/2 Manga nishida higashi, bl, funny 3956
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2/4 -/1 Manga drama, monden akiko, meh art, bl 4589
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Sekiya masahito

1: This story looks like it's gonna be so beautiful. & I'm not just saying that because of the art! Sekiya, Sekiya.

Akiha (Owner)

2: Yo, Nakajou was laughing his ass off! Like he's getting too much entertainment outta this! & we meet the owner of the shop. | The owner tlkin' about his first love bruh...'He looked kind but he was totally trash..' Uh...huh? lol | Damn he was so bad you refer to him as scum?! Gohhleee! | Radio, huh? Sekiya to the rescue! | LMAO!! Their faces!! What is up with those two? | Oh, God. I really did not expect that. I really don't like death man. It gets me every time. Wow. I really didn't expect that. | He breaks my heart.


3: Does he have I didn't expect that. | He just keeps on popping up huh. | but the way he answered that door tho!! Like I can't lol | This dude is connected to EVERYBODY! | His handcuff pose lol | Did this nigga just say boss...? | This is so damn cute, I can't take it.

~ Let's take our time, and love each other peacefully.
They should live, pass the days together, and love each other. This is the 'everyday' that God created. ~

Nakajou Shinobu
Sado Takaaki

4: Finally, I've been waiting for these twos story! | Blood? What the hell has he been doing? | Ah, they were caught by Shibata-kun. | Dang, since high school? | Wait. He's yakuza? Didn't somebody say he was a business man or something? & didn't Kameda call him 'boss'?! Well at the blood makes sense now.. | What the heck? What does he mean?

5: No effing way? Now it makes sense why he had flowers and that both of them were standing in front of his grave. Yoooo, there are connections EVERYWHERE!! | Uh, his big bro was kinda... | The irony is stifling... | Oh my goodness

6.1: Damn. It never even crossed my mind. He has to know who he is. Dude frequents the shop. There's no way he doesn't know! How does Akiha feel about it?! | Akiha is sick of your shit man. | ...Surprise who? Why?

6.2: Damn, this dude is getting personal! | Yo, he look so good he make me wanna lick my screen! | Oh shit-take mushrooms...

6.3: Well. I didn't expect that. | I really think he told him in full detail exactly what was on his mind. | Hold up. Question. Why the hell is he straddling him..? | God, I love Kameda! | *Sigh* One, two, and Three here confuse the shit out of me? What the hell are you guys? Are all three of the associated with the yakuza? I know Shinobu is the son of some yakuza boss and apparently this yakuza boss took in Sado & now apparently Kameda guards Shinobu? | Kameda was not playing!! He was straight up about that kiss! | Akiha's eyes. I used to think they look like that because of age but nah, it's just the way his eyes are. | I honestly do not understand this at all. | 10 years & nothing? Neither of you? | I repeat. I will never get these two. | What the hell kinda weird ass relationship have these had up until now that him saying that is that much of a surprise to him? | I'm betting that throughout his entire life he hasn't told anyone that he's loved them. | Marriage?!

I usually never read shounen ai. Never enough hot scenes. It would have to have a DAMN good story for me to read it and goddangit this is one of 'em! I'm hooked! Hook, line, & sinker!
8/9 -/1 Manga kizu-natsuki, shounen ai 3538
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Lollipop Dragoon
ikeguchi wataru
ikeguchi tayuu
yun shinchi
bram van erotic
1/7 -/1 Manga 4547
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Love All!
hano kiyori(15)
hano kiyoi
biyuu (byuu) yagata
ozawa tenchi

"When it's time to face the outside world, whether it hails, rains, or snows, strengthen your core and stand firm." -Kiyo quoting Cho-san
3/12 -/3 Manga shoujo 4598
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Love Bullet
5/- -/12 Manhwa 5135
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Love Flicker
2/7 -/1 Manga
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Love Like Crazy
11/- -/11 Manhwa romance, shoujo, سلومه ..مكسات
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Love Me Baby
3/5 -/1 Manga 4469
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Love SOS
27/60 4/10 Manhwa
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Love Stage!!
8/40 -/7 Manga 4891
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45/82 -/12 Manga romance, shoujo, fantasy, comedy, mature, school life, supernatural
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Loved Circus
3/7 -/1 Manga 3232
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Lovely Everywhere
8/18 1/3 Manhua comedy, shoujo
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-/68 -/17 Manga
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Lover Puzzle
13/- 1/11 Manhwa
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Lucky Dog 1 Blast
Boss: Alessandro del Sarto
1st Captain: Tonio Cavalli(oldman)
New 1st: Bernardo Ortolani(31)
2nd: Luchino Gregoretti(27)
3rd: Giulio Di Bondone(24)
4th: Ivan Fiore(22)
5th Captain: Gian Carlo Bourbon del Monte(25)

Buon Giorno:Good morning in italian
Taci!:Shush! in italian
capo:boss in italian
infatti:in fact
cazzo!: shit/fuck!
prego:you're welcome
grazie-thank you
vattene!:get lost!
8/49 -/9 Manga giulio you creepy awkward bastard you, he is a bro though, haha ivan wow, things based on games 4877
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Mahoutsukai no Koi
4/7 -/1 Manga miike romuko, bl 4659
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kinoshita mairu(16)
tenyuu kumada(16)
futou "fuwari" (26)
kudou narutarou(16)
kinoshita airu(big brother)
ayano matsumaru
rikara tamai
nanase misaki

ch11 pg27-28 -somebody isn't telling the truth...
ch18 p12 - there goes that sore spot that hurts like a mofo but you keep touching anyway because you just can't help it...(tenyuu)
24:25 - Tenyuu who in the fuck are you creepin' around with? The Shadow people? Like tf?
26:28 - This whole chapter all I've been thinking is that Mairu is one Dumb. Ass. Idiot. This bitch has no fuckin' clue what she's doing & her logic makes no sense! Since when does avoiding your boyfriend for a month w/no physical contact constitute into showing you care about him? You got this kid thinking you don't even wanna be his gf anymore. You know what? I want that girl to steal him away from Mairu 'cause her ass definitely DOES NOT deserve him! In the words of a random commenter: "Stop hating on Naru for how stupid she is."
All the people that are shipping TenyuuXMairu....what the fuck for? What makes him better than Naru? 'Cause he knew her 1st? 'Cause he did her makeup a few times? They were close friends & yes she was a dipshit for cutting off all ties w/him but why did he just let it go down like that? If he honestly cared for Mairu he would at least check up on her every once in a while. But no, he decides to pull the ultimate magic trick & disappear off the face of the earth? I say fuck the hell outta him! (rant over)
Random funny comment of the day: "Someone please shoot the midget... "IF IT Was me..." if it was me I would have busted your ass the second I saw you making googly eyes" (about hiyama when she told naru if it was her she wouldn't have refused to hang out with him) LOL

27.25 - I stick up for this shithead & he goes and does this!? All that shit about Tenyuu you gave her & you're sitting here handing out pity kisses? Just break up w/Mairu already & save you both the trouble. Yall didn't mesh well together anyway.. |" *me talking to hiyama* bitch im calling sharkiesha." -Random, why did I just see this on mangahere thoooo?

28: Thank goodness! This story was a mess w/o Tenyuu. | 30: 83 tsukkomis!!!!??? Damn bitches! It's just Tenyuu, it's not THAT big of a deal!!
29,14: It's so ironic for that guy to say that considering somebody's tsukkomu on page 10 just asked if Tenyuu might turn out to bat for the other the irony is killing me! | 20: Woah, slow down there!! | 23: Can we all just admit that Tenyuu is perfect? Like he has no flaws!!! She needs to snatch his ass up already 'cause he is definitely husband material!!! | 24: Damn girl. Way to ruin a moment. You can tell she's broken inside & Tenyuu's face broke my heart. He's gonna blame himself even more now...The tsukkomis on this page are perfect! | 27: Ohooo, it's about to go down! | The tsukkomis on this chapter are killing me, lmao!!! | I like Tenyuu & all but where the fuck did this shit come from? All this 'take care of girl who seems broken & it's all my fault' bullshit seems so damn fake to me. Like if it was before, he would of never went & done all that stuff for her or taken her sadness straight to heart like that. I feel like the mangaka is trying way too hard to make Tenyuu seem all perfect & flawless.
30,8: I can't take it!!!! lol That was so damn funny!!! They're just watching from next door you know thinking 'Oh there goes Mairu's boyfriend.' then 'POW!' that nigga gets bapped!!! | 15: They're blowing this shit so outta proportion! It was just a kiss that was under circumstances that nobody but Naru knows!! Mairu needs to grow a pair & go fix this her own damn self!!
31,13: A cold? You get this chance to explain yourself & you wanna start off with you having a cold? Uh-Uh, you gonna have to do better than that! | 14: What did I fucking say!!! I fucking called it!!! Bitch, no way in hell is your boyfriend gonna appreciate you avoiding him for a month! You left this nigga to the greedy claws of his co-worker & shit popped off!! NEVER EVER leave yo man to a female co-worker 'cause it's the fastest way to lose him. Learned that shit in 'Heroine Shikkaku'!!! | 21: LMFAO!!! "LOVE-D" Don't forget the D Mairu! | 25-26: My heart is breaking for Naru. Please break up. I can't even stand it anymore, it's too sad. | "I don't hate him, he is a good guy who made a BIG mistake..." -Exactly. I can't hate Naru 'cause he's not a bad person, he just fucked up. EVERYBODY fucks up at some point. | "The sad thing is that Mairu was making Naru anxious, by avoiding him in a since, and Mairu's so inexperienced with relationships in general that she wouldn't ever of stop to think how her actions would make Naru feel. But I'm sure if it was Tenyuu, he would of gotten straight to the point and bluntly asked her something like, "Baka, you avoiding me on purpose?" And she would've told him like it is." -Random, pretty much | I have to admit I was pissed as hell at Mairu when she refused to talk to Naru when he came to her house to apologize & instead decided to not face her problems. I hated how childish she acted. But then she redeemed herself by texting Naru & telling him they needed to talk. She's growing stronger....hopefully? | Naru & Mairu are officially over. Goooohlee, that was a painful breakup.
32.5-6: Tf you shaking your head no for?? There is literally no other better alternative than to break up! She better unshake her head!!! If you can't even stand looking at him, how in the flying fuck was this relationship suppose to keep going...this bitch dumber than I thought.. | 13: "...this break up scene is already 13 pages too long..." -Random Tsukkomuer, I'M FUCKIN' SAYING!!!! | 20: "He's not a dick. I agree with him: going out with Mairu made him look like a dick" (when he said he felt like trash being with her)-Random Tsukkomuer, THANK YOU! Naru isn't a fuckin' dick whatsoever! He's just a regular teenage guy! His mistake was thinking he would have a good relationship with Mairu, a girl who honestly doesn't get how a relationship should work! Think about it. The littlest things would get blown out of proportion & would always have their relationship sitting on edge. She just told him she can never get the image of him & Hiyama out of her head...wouldn't you think that would call for a break-up? Naru really does like her & everything but he obviously knows it will NEVER be the same. This is Mairu's 1st REAL bf, she doesn't know wtf she's doing!! Now she might think she's so in love with him, but later on she's gonna look back & realize how much of a mess this was! | & of course Tenyuu is just CONVENIENTLY there for some random ass reason! | 26: This page doeeee, they acting like he died or something! Plus they got it set up like some kinda thot checklist! Like her hoescapades aren't gonna end here...oh shit... Lol! But the tsukkomus are killing me!! 'It was only 3 months, bitch acting like it was a year!' | Song: Diamonds - Bailey cover

33.8: Damn!!! On her birthday too!?? | 9: You've got to be fucking kidding me?? Like this is no joke? Who in their right fuckin' mind skips school for 3 DAMN MONTHS over a stupid ass relationship that only lasted 3 DAMN MONTHS???? "obviously this girl is more than a little unstable." "who the fuck misses three months of school for a break up. weak ass crybaby." -random tsuus. I have absolutely no sympathy for this bitch!!!Bitch it was never that damn serious that you needed to miss almost a semester of school over it!! It's not like this bitch stayed home, cried, finally pulled herself together, got over it & went out and got a job or bettered herself or did something productive with her time off!! NO!!!! This bitch chilled in bed, drowning in her river of pointless ass tears, probably staring at her ugly ass white walls while starving herself EVERY.DAMN.DAY! Oh, & let me guess what Naru was doing with his time on the other side....Probably moped about it for like a day, tlked to his friends about, got the fuck over it, and went about his damn business!!! Bruhhhh, I would understand MAYBE (about a 10% chance maybe) a month, but fuckin' 3 of those hoes!! Hell the fuck no!! What's even more fucked up is that her family & friends let her do it!!! Shit,Tenyuu brought her food that she probably didn't even fuckin eat anyway!! What they need to do is get this bitch to a shrink & fuck all that crybaby bullshit! | 10: I officially quit life. This shit done turned into 5 months. She added 2 more months on top of the already pathetic 3 she missed. "people need to stop enabling her. like i'm starting to think naru was the sane one of the pair" "what is this, Twilight?" "wow. what is this shit..." -random tsuks. It's obvious she don't need to be no type of relationship w/any guy INCLUDING Tenyuu. Hell, some shit pop off w/Tenyuu she'd probably leap of a bridge or something! You don't go through a break-up, take ALL that time off & come back worse than before. She's nothing but a joke now.... | 11: LMAO! That's not ombre, she just let her roots grow out! Ctfu, don't be fooled!! (The tsukkomus) | 15: At least she did that... | 18: "But did you die ?" -random tsuk. lol But she does have point. If you really think about it, everything she experienced, since it was all new for her, would be magnified on a larger scale. So I kinda understand her blowing everything into this big ass dramatic situation....but I will never understand those 5 months... | 20: I always forget that he's older 'cause he doesn't act like it!!! Why tf is his grown, university attending ass not making his own damn food but instead has his little sister who life is fuckin' mess cooking everyday!? | 24: Ahhh shit....! lol Everybody done forgot about her already! | 39: "Ok... One quick thing, idc HOW pathetic im being you smack me like that im going to beat the shit out of you" -random tsuk. CTFU!! I don't know who typed this but I fuckin' love you!! Like frfr though, smack me like that then you better be ready for the reflex. She broke her glasses & everything!! If that was me, bitch would've lost a hand. | 41: Damn. She ain't lying tho...For there to be bad times there had to be good times, right? So, why is she always lingering on the bad memories...? | 55: IDC!! I love it!!!

34.8: The saved canned milk tea....Dafuq??? | 12: "hear that? that was the sound of the window shattering as I tossed all respect for you out" -random tsuk, this bitch just does not learn.. | "what about your Titan-like 1st boyfriend of 3 mins?" -random tsuk, lol y'all play too much! | 15: Oh shit!! He really DOES look like a titan! | 19-20: This bitch used a picture of a cat as her avi...Wasn't she trying to find a guy....? Not w/that avi!!! | Her special talent basically implies that she's a murderer....? | 23: Oh please, oh please, oh please let there be a Catfish in this arc!!! | 24: This bitch just asked possible Catfish if he's wearing a shirt...this is what I have to say to that..."Stop, just stop, get away from the computer" "A person as naive as her is not ready for the internet...." -RT, like oss frfr. | 26: There's so many tsukkomus that I don't have enough space to put down so I'll just mention the page #. But there all funny as shit (lolling, cheeto-stained, new world~, possible sensei). This arc has so many new possibilities!!!

35.12-13: This nigga sound drunk off his ass lol | 15: "Stay away from cars and karaoke rooms." -Tenyuu. He is too good to her, making sure she doesn't end up on the news and shit... | 18: Why is Tenyuu so cute damnnit!?! Nande????? He was so smooth with it too!! | 19: & it begins! <333 | 21: This is the creepiest shit I have ever seen...This nigga looks like an anteater... | 24: *fingers crossed* Please be fine as hell! PLEASE be fine as hell!!! | 25: YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS! OMFG YAAAAASSSSSS!!!!! | Tenyuu who?! | 27: Nice to meet you Nanase. You just made this manga 100X more interesting!

36.4: She gonna piss me the hell off if she don't get her shit together!! | 7-8: Left something out huh Mairu?...Uhh awkward... | XXXJAILBAITXXX | 9: "no sh*t, they met on a dating site. of course it's not to make baked potatoes together" -RT. Slayed. | 10: "BRUHHH... IS WE RLY GON WAIT? I MEAN REALLY?" -RT. Y'all fuckin' kill me broo!!! | 13: He needs to stop tlkin'!!! Just sit there & look good!!! | 16-17: Bruhhhh, no way....this is not what I think it is, is it....? Yooo, this is not funny!!! Mangaka need to stop playing bruh!! | The tsukkomus are killing me!!! LMAO "He's a hairdresser and a makeup artist, AND YOU EXPECTED HIM TO BE HETERO?" -RT, I had hope!! | 18: The tsukkomus about the 'D' have me slayed!!! | 19: Thank heavens. It's not XX. | 22: Tenyuu, it was not that big of a damn deal... | 24: Hmmm?! | 26: "Master Tenryuu is probably having a heart attack right now."-RT, oss!! | "I swear...the tsukkomis make this manga so much better!!! XD" -RT. So damn true!! The only reason I get through this manga is because the tsukkomus be havin' me crying!!

37.6: He might be a little creepy... | 7: "this is an example of the too stupid to live heroines geesh" -RT, this & the 1st panel tsukkomus!! | 12: 23rd floor!!! Well she ain't escaping out the window that's for sure!! | 13: But uhhh *looking around*, where the cat at bruh? Where the cat? | 14: "Caution: This is something that only happens in manga." -RT, in real life she would've of been tied up by now. | 22: He is too damn fine!!! | 24: <333 | 25: "You guys make a good pair. Mariu's reasoning was gone a loooong time ago." -RT, exactly what I said! | 27: They 'look' so damn good together!!! Kiss her!!!

38.11: Tenyuu sho did tell her not to get into nobody's car, huh? | 14: Dude, please get the girl!!! | 15: "bitch do you know how much work it is to draw a manga and you ask for reflections in glasses?" -RT, response to somebody asking for reflections. Damn that shit was funnay!! | What is this dude's deal? He said he would wait until she's 18, but he wants to start going out after a couple of hours?! & knowing Mairu's dumbass she'll probably say yes! | 26:okay, what she wanted here was support. She got mad b/c she hopes for things to work out and he just trashed it.. i feel bad for her too" -RT. I'm sorry but BS. Why in the hell would he support something he knows is just gonna go down in flames? A good friend tells it to you how it is, so you don't look like an extra mega idiot later. A friend who does that is friend who just doesn't give a shit & could really careless. When he's been nothing but a loyal friend to her even after she pushed him away once already? Came back & was by her side through the whole painful breakup? That baby girl is support. Now here she is again trying to start the cycle all over again? Why tf would he support her desperation? Nah! Fuck that! | From a while back I've been saying Tenyuu can do 10x better than this bitch! Like do y'all really want him to end up w/an airheaded idiot?! He's way too good for that! | 27: "at this point only the power of this manga's storyline is the reason these 2 will end up together" -RT. Realest tsukkomu on the damn page! Like what does anybody see in her?

39: She makes this manga so damn unbearable to read...

40.7: She looks way better. He is too good to her. | 8: He's cool & everything but some of the shit he says... | 12: Umm, they actually look really good on her....but nice try Tenyuu! "all that salt is bad for your health" -RT. Tsk,Tsk. | 16: I thought her idea was actually good too! Nigga you work on construction sites, a little heat isn't gonna kill you!! He really is starting to rub me the wrong way... | 21: Oh HEEEELLLL NAHHH! & this relationship is over. I just died inside...Dazzzzaaaammm! | "this surprised me but she is a minor so it makes sense to me but i can imagine that it would still hurt being referred to as that" -RT. Okay I came back to life. Tis does make sense, I mean nobody wants to go to jail right? But still he could of given her a heads up or something, you know let her know beforehand he wasn't gonna claim her. Shit, I felt played when he said that lol!! | 27: This girl's problem solving skills need some serious fucking work!!! | Maybe if she actually ever took some time to actually get to know any of her love potentials she wouldn't end up w/such disastrous results!

41.10: What is she? A living doll? | 15-16: Nigga wha? Is this nigga in his right mind? Tf does he think this is?! We finally see all of his true colors! This shit done woke me out of my slumber! | 21: She finally gains some common sense compared to before where she'd just fuckin' sit there & make up some lame-ass excuse for him. Buuut she's still wrong. He's not even treating you like a child. At least kids get asked what they want. No hunny, he's treating you like a puppet. You have no choice in anything. When he says move, he expects you to move. | 22: FINALLY! The bitch has grown some balls! | 25-26: YAAAAAASSS! Now retain that shit! | Why did he have turn out to be such a disappointment, bruh? I actually had some hope!
42.9: Why is she just realizing this NOW? | 10: What in the complete fuck is this bitch wearing? | 13: Please don't ask about that bs of a bastard... | 14: Really? REALLY!?? That's how he's gonna do this? This nigga is fuckin' 25, but he's blocking her # like he's in fuckin' high school!! He is so damn childish!! Like I can't get over this, like what is this? | 15: This mangaka play too damn much!! That had to be the most bullshit ass relationship I had ever seen. These niggas went out for 13 days! Not even 2 weeks, 13 DAYS! This is the same fuck-ass who said he would wait a year for her to be legal, didn't even do THAT but ended it by blocking her on his phone....He has to be the closest thing to a Catfish this manga has seen so far! What's even funnier is that I was hoping her ass would be Catfished for trying look for a dude online! That was such a bullshit ass relationship that he was literally an excerpt in the middle of the chapter! It was such a bullshit ass relationship that if this is ever adapted into an anime they should completely cut Nanase's character out completely!! At least w/Naru there was some content to the relationship unlike this joke! Imma just try to act like this nigga never happened. | 17: "You always sacrifice a little too much for love. The first time I can understand, but the second're just being stupid." -Tenyuu. That's the truth if I ever heard it. She's finally done it now... | 19: Yup. She definitely fucked up. | 20: IDK why but this is kinda plucking at the heart strings.. | 22: <333 | 23: Why are they such cuties especially Tenyuu?? | lol she doesn't even care that it ended w/that shit guy | 24: PICTURE EDIT PAGE | 27: Oh Lord!! Here we go!!! But I honestly like Mirai, he genuinely seems like a good guy....for now. I bet she finds some way to reveal a bad side if he has one...If it does happen, no matter what goes down imma just believe its her fault. 'Oh he doesn't walk her home anymore? She must've been annoying to walk home w/then!' <----shit like that. I just don't want her to fuck up Mirai for us!!! | "please no NOT AGAIN" "oh god i'm seriously getting tired of this, i can feel the fatigue" "the last obstacle!" -RTs. & the peanut gallery speaks!! We're all sick of this shit already! | Pieces - Red, perfect song for this chapter!
43.1: Happy Halloween? ...But it's June... "yeah cause the raws are already at chapter 75 almost 76" -RT, you're telling me we're 30 chapters BEHIND?! I see why they had that May Mairuthon! They need to come on w/the come on!!! | 5: ""find someone fast" and there, right there, is your problem, fool" "It's not like I have school and college to worry about. nope. i need a boyfriend who'll probably last for a week if I'M LUCKY" -RT, bitch is tryna find another boyfriend when she need to be finding some friends first! | 37: Can I just ask after 10 yrs why he chooses to confess NOW?! | 48: You better be! You've lived next to him for 10 yrs! | 51: I liked his long hair, it made him look older! But he still cute tho!

"is this turning into her going through all the types of bad boyfriends there could be out there" -RT

"Love is the best makeup artist there is."-tenyuu(self-proclaimed)
Moral of the Manga: "Something won't change by itself unless you start changing yourself."
'Un' is more casual than 'hai'.
read 18.5
late start
43/82 6/12 Manga Sato Zakuri, shoujo, comedy, school life, makeover, poison mushroom 4059
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Majo no Biyaku
koaruko mochizuki(23)
kaname hibiki
yuuichirou hirose

1.10: Umm, booboo you are far from average looking. | 11: hmm? She's doing something she's unaware about.. | 13: Who name's their 'dog & cat' Unicorn & Dragon? What kinda joke is that? | Well, hello tall, dark, & lovely....*q* (drool) | 14: Bitch being 5'5'' ain't shit!!! | 17: That 'bullshit' face tho!! lol | 20: I think I might really like this love story<33 Think about it. Her mother sending her right hand aide to go & protect her daughter because she can't go & do it herself. Him never having the thought of falling for the daughter ever crossing his mind | 21: Hmm...? (^v^) | 23: He took those glasses off real quick! | 24: *dokidoki* | 26: She probably just inflated his head into a balloon w/that comment. | 31: Gahh damnn!! Better put them long sensual locks back into that ponytail guhh! | 34: Uh-oh | 35-36: Ohhh....okay. Just kissin'. | Is this bitch...moaning? | This is just a 'kiss'. This a passionate, 'save me from myself' 'I'm about to die' type kiss! | 37: Save by the suspicious pets! | Hold up...did that cat always have a horn on its head...? | 38:'re telling me he DIDN'T do that on purpose?? I'm over her thinkin' he was doing that shit to calm her ass down, like some Stiles & Lydia shit but he didn't any control over the situation! She did that w/her power!??? Oh shit! This is gonna be fun!!! | Dragon lookin' her up & down lol | & also I see why he wears those glasses now. | 41: This nigga here...
2.5: Trifling ass knight & spirit animals.| 7: The cat is just like him! | 9: This nigga would give me a migraine by the end of the day... | 11: Cue droolpool. | 16: Clearing stuff up. | 22: Backstory coming up? | 23: "Everything has different sides to it depending on the point of view." -grandma | 26: The fucking pendant is talking... | 29: Hibiki looking nice w/o that suit & his hair down. | What triggered it?...uhhh don't ask.. | 30: His hair...<33 | 32: "I have another way to counter it!" He had me thinking it was gonna be this brilliant plan & it was just him making out w/her again... | 33-34: Oh my. <333 | Song: Red - Pieces
3.4-5: He play too damn much! lol | 6: Tell us how you really feel why don't you. | 11-12: Too damn frickin' cute!!! | 14: Probably 'cause it taste like Kaname's saliva! | 28: Way to make an entrance. | 30: I like how he just jump on this random nigga's back lol | 33: <3333333
4.2: Gahhh Damnn!!! Kaname baby!!! >\\\\\< | 4: It should be illegal for him to be that damn sexy | 5: So...he enjoys it huh? | 6: Sexy version of CPR lol | 7: LOL! Competitions here!! Kaname was about go & relax then this nigga comes out of nowhere & blindsides him!!! | 11: How old is he??! | 17: Go Kaname! | 19: LMAO!! Yuu is probably like '2 seconds after I left & they already making out' | 20: I feel like Kaname knows something that we don't... | Kaname a little jelly? lol Another man? | 21: This bitch dumb as hell. What fiancée complains about their fiancé making out with them in public a lot? She sounds suspicious af!!! | 22: You just said she looked sexy & now you're saying she looks sick? Which one is it? | 32: Gosh, I love them so much!! | 33: Go ahead!! That's not a threat to me!!! <3333 | Song: Florence - Falling "I'm not scared to jump, I'm not scared to fall. If there was nowhere to land, I wouldn't be scared at all."~

Author of Midnight Secretary & Barairo My Honey
4/25 -/5 Manga ohmi tomu, supernatural, josei, romance 4037
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Make Me Happy
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Man I'll Always Hate
4/- -/14 Manhwa 4982
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Matsuri Special
20/21 -/4 Manga 5100
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MAX Lovely!
19/26 -/5 Manga
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Mayonaka ni Kiss
3/11 -/2 Manga mochida aki, shoujo, drama 5001
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Mayonaka no Oyatsu
4/4 -/1 Manga 4343
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Mazu wa Ubaiai!
1.11: How you gonna sit there & wanna be the seme but go & pick a partner with a huge build....? Does this nigga even look like he be an uke? Like wth...? | 13: ...'Cause those 2 subjects go hand in hand, right? Lol This dude... | 16: Both of them look like sneaky bastards | 20: !!!! SHIT!!! He gave ME a heart attack! | 21: He chill as hell given the situation | 28: Bruh, he's even in the uke position! | 38: Oooo, he play dirty! | Hmmm, lets see where this goes...
1/5 -/1 Manga bl, semes 3957
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Me de Shireru Yoru no Junjou
4/14 -/3 Manga drama, romance, historical, bl 4716
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Melancholy Melancholic Melancholinist
1/11 -/1 Manga 4305
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Men's Kou
2/38 -/8 Manga 4989
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Merry Checker
4/6 -/1 Manga 4646
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MeruPuri: Märchen☆Prince
2/22 -/4 Manga
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Midare Somenishi
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Mishounen Produce
3/22 -/4 Manga 4758
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Mitsu x Mitsu Drops
15/47 2/8 Manga smut, shoujo, drama, romance 5058
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4/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Momoiro Heaven!
shiina momoko(17)
shiina kouta(11)
ranmaru inui(16)
katsuki touma(16)

ch10 -funny AF
ch14 - '...a fart in the wind...'? Alright Ranmaru..
ch20 - Kouta is the cutest fuckin' thing! lol pro wrestling | "I feel like crushing your balls." -Himemiya lol
21.2: 'Gold-finger?' ...Ranmaru is trifling as hell! | 4: Soooo, are they together? Not together..? | 7: Blunt as FUCK Kouta! 'Cobra-twist!" Ta loca! | 21-22: Ranmaru at the moment <3 | 24-25: I'm about to shoot this bitch in the face, 'cause now she's gone to damn far!! Who the fuck does she think she is telling her mom about her business!? It's not her fucking business to tell!! AND She even throws her own misguided opinions in too!?? My hand is getting heated!! | 26-28: Go Mom!! I see where the kids get it from! | 35-36: Who's a prude? She's a prude!! She needs to get laid ASAP!! | 37-38: Oh shit.
22.3: Damn. The fact that she was home free too... | 6: Did she just pull that book outta of her pants...? | 13-14: Ranmaru will seriously surprise you w/his cuteness. | 19: The fact that she told her all of that & she still wouldn't forgive Momoko.....Does she seriously not get that this isn't something that should be shared? I'm sorry but let this bitch be butthurt! I know this is a manga & the situation is gonna work it's way out somehow but if this was reality I would've been like phuck her AND her feelings!! | 27: Air that dirty landry!!! | 30: The principal tho... | 31-32: I want her life!! I'm so jelly!! | 36: LOL! Ranmaru a hoe!

23.6: I can't take Ranmaru serious. Am I the only one? | 14-15: Piece of advice. Patience is always the key. | 18: When she isn't lit up like a tomato like she is most of the time, she's actually fuckin' pretty! | OSS! (The collapsing tsukkomu) | 23: This bitch here....So she mad at HIM for something his dad/her husband & his mom did? Ranmaru should die on the street for something he had absolutely no control over? If anything she could of controlled her husband going out & cheating on her ass 'cause he obviously ain't happy w/his marriage! It's like be mad at his father, be mad at whoever he cheated w/but don't take it out at Ranmaru who isn't doing anything but being a son. If she can't do that then she needs to question her morals instead of questioning why her husband don't give af about her or her kids! Cut her some slack my ass! | & Ranmaru's dad totally looks like Rin & Yukio's dad from Ao no Exorcist in that flashback in the corner. | 26-32: They're just somethin' special! | 32-34: <333 | 35: Damn! Good Morning to you too! ~_^ | 36: No dramatic changes...other than the fact that you're a women now! | 37: I completely knew this was gonna happen!! I knew once she finally experiences it that it would change the way she writes 'casue now she knows! She can't hyperbolic it like she did before 'cause now she knows half that shit could never happen! | 38: GOOOOO-DAMNNN he fine! Mayuzumi Shinichiro-sensei was it? | 40: Ah hell. What this nigga about to bring w/him? | 41: Ranmaru is too much of a cutie!
24.6: Uh-oh. He's on the character page... | 12: Look at the way Midori is latched on to her! lol! | 20: That nigga need to stfu! lmao! | 23: His eyes say 'no mercy!' but on the outside he's supposedly 'gentle'. FAKE. | 26: What did I say. | 27: Just great. This nigga is nuts. | 35: Is this suppose to be his trump card...? | 37: He's not even cute anymore...If he honestly thinks that that is some kinda foreplay he needs to get laid ASAP. | 43-44: Yaaahh, nigga, yaaaahhh! *stevie j face* | 46: They've got it so good! | 47: Ranmaru makes Mayu-sensei look like shit! | 49: What cracks me up is that Ranmaru doesn't even have a legit reason to dislike him (yet) other than the fact that Momoko admires him.

16.5 was cute as hell!! I want that so bad...
|~love this ishh~|
24/51 6/13 Manga yoshino mari, shoujo, comedy, romance, drama 5191
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Mondaiteiki Sakuhinshu
4/23 2/6 Manga
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Money Virus
5/- -/11 Manhwa
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Monster Petite Panic

4: Koujirou got caught like a jellyfish in a net!! We finally got some action!! <3
4/5 -/1 Manga kanda neko, school, bl 3539
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Mousou Elektel
fumihiro (fumi) motoki
shunpei (shun) yamana
sakurada kazuaki

ch1 pg23 -blunt as fuck fumi, blunt as fuck...
ch3.5 pg6 -spice up the details? lol
ch14 pg19 -show 'em lol cute af

15.8: This that real love! lol | 22: Nekota knows how to draw kisses bro!! <3

16.5: LMAO!! This nigga! | 18: Shun just can't catch a break today! | 22: Fumi was about to eat that bitch alive! | 26: When it come to Shun, Fumi plays no games!

17.21: I love Shun like no other! | 31: His dick is in your ass and yet holding hands surprises you?" -Rt. I've felt this way during so many instances about other situations, like seriously!! | 32: When you're hittin' a little too good.. | 34: That had to be the hottest sex scene of all fuckin' time!!! <3333

17.5,15: Was Maya a delinquent before...?

17.6,4: <333
16/25 1/4 Manga nekota yonezou, bl, comedy 4603
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Muse no Gakuen de Aou
tadafumi hanai
yuu ohtsuki
seiji kinujima
eichi miku
2/12 -/4 Manga tateno makoto, bl, school 4470
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My Boyfriend Is a Vampire
32/48 9/14 Manhwa
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My Life's Tackle
quotes:"A person who chases a dream will never see reality. There will be a time when that person will become crazy trying. If I can't avoid it, then I have to keep fighting it until I die!....So don't ask for anything from me..."-ka ram's thoughts
"Don't hope for anything from anyone. That way you won't get hurt as much.."-thoughts again
39/- 9/14 Manhwa
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My Lovable Fatty
14/25 -/6 Manhwa
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Nakeru BL
Tooi Hi no Atosaki
1/7 -/1 Manga oneshots 3887
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Namaiki na Ryouken no Shitsukekata
3/- -/1 Manga bl, drama 4146
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Machida yuki

1.17: Lol! What tears? | 28: This hits way too close to home... | 29: </3 | 35: Naruse did that shit on purpose!!? | 36: Tf? Didn't he step on the other guy's foot...? | 38: There is no way in hell to close a 10pt gap in 10secs!! | 40: That had to be the weirdest scolding I've ever seen. She hadn't said shit the whole game & the 1st time she does THAT is what comes out of her mouth....? | She would make a perfect coach in the future! | 45: She had to know he would not let that butt smacking comment go! He still brings up the boob grab from like half a year ago! She will never live THIS one down! | 46: DAAAAYYYYYUUUMMM DADDY! This nigga is blunt as a doobie! She looking like she gonna act like that shit didn't even happen & go on w/the rest of her night! | "I hope shes not gonna be those main leads that are only awesome for one chapter, and annoying for the rest." -RT. Frfr rt. | I like her...& him! Ain't that a first! It's usually either or, or neither. | "A heroine that that has a big chest. Finally." -RC. I almost didn't even realize! Like seriously not every shoujo character has to have a washboard flat chest!
1/140 -/23 Manga 3933
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Nawa ga Nakutemo Daijoubu
2/- -/1 Manga shoowa, bl 4267
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Neko no Koi
4/7 -/1 Manga 5204
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Nemuri Hime: Yume Miru You ni Koi Shiteru
2/15 -/3 Manga 5022
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Neon Sign Amber
5/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Nessa no Kusari
2/8 -/1 Manga tamaquis wren, drama, bl 4478
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Never Cry
5/- -/13 Manhwa
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NG Life
2/54 -/9 Manga
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Nikutai Kankei
1/6 -/1 Manga they look like frogs. storys were just plain boring one-shots., bl 4659
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Nirameba Koi
-/23 1/4 Manga 3232
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Nobody Knows
Yu Eun-Jo(the mom?)
to read the manhwa
5/28 -/7 Manhwa lee hyeon-sook, shoujo, mystery, characters need therapy 4896
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Nocturne Publishing
10/- -/- Manhwa
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Nounai Poison Berry
ichiko sakurai(29)
saotome ryouichi(23)
2/28 -/5 Manga 4667
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Oh, Chunja Chunja! High School Bullying
oh chun ja
lee seo lu
sin yu in
seo ji hye
hwang so choen
12/- 3/11 Manhwa 5149
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Okusan no Mousouteki Nichijou
oku yuzuru(26)
sudou riki(23)
8/16 -/1 Manga noboru takatsuki, bl, comedy 4478
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Onigari no Mori de

read 5.5
5/12 1/2 Manga fantasy, bl 4603
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Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
shinohara erika
sata kyouya
tachibana marin
fujikawa atsuma
hibiya takeru

on ch12 pg9
11/67 2/16 Manga hatta ayuko, shoujo, romance, comedy 4631
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Ore ni Koishite Dousunda
kase ryouji (28)
toranosuke teshima (18)

1.6-7: LOL!! Kase is sooo damn rude bro!!! He be having me roling!! He didn't remember his nephew's name AND he criticized it! Swear he be asking for one swift-ass uppercut! | 9: AND he dirty with all them condoms!! lol | 15: The fact he even suggested he could have | 16: She said it was gross that you did chores...? Where tf did you find that trash-bitch at?? What girls ever says it gross that a guy can clean after tf??? | 17: TMI my nigga!! But that explains a lot. Foreshadowing & everything but the fact he still wanted to do it with after he knew says ALOT! LMAO!! He's like "I touched one of his condoms too...". | 27: Shiiiit, I would be feeling just like Tora too!! Have you SEEN Kase?? | 29: LOL! He does frown in his sleep!! Permanent ass scowl! | 30: Tora is bold as hell!! Watch him get caught too! Like where did this come from...? | 31: Foreshadowing & everything but Kase should ask himself that first... | 34: Bro, I swear I can't deal w/Kase & the crazy shit he does!! LMAO!! | 40: No nigga! You just walked into a thirst trap, RUUUUNNN! Kase is gonna murder this nigga bro!! I can't wait!!! | 41: They into some freaky shit!!! Stick what up what?!!??!! Hyodo dies in 5...4...3...2..... | 42: 1!!!!!!!! | 44: Lets see where this goes.... | 48: Lol! I love when Kase gets mad! He's like "What? What you mean wait!!?". | 49: I'm thinking the same thing....What in the hell did y'all just do...? | 52: He might be a perv but he's a sexy perv!!!

2.5: Lol! Did he just he didn't give him permission to??? lol GTF Kase!! | 8: AHAHAHAHA! I can't take it!! "He wasn't kidding..." | 13-14: This nigga tryna get smacked!! Funniest scene of all TIME!! "Say goodbye to your balls!! | 17-18: Kase is crude as hell!! Why would anybody want his really? At least the bitch knows wassup. Everybody thinks the same thing too. "What, you really are an officer? Are you sure you aren't in the wrong career?" He's got that yakuza attitude huh? | 20: Thicker? What in the hell is this kid talking about?? Is he....? LMAO! | 22: SMH...! | 24: Tora if you don't put on a shirt in 3.5 seconds....! | 26: Hirose talks too damn much!!! Bro!!! | 33: BROOOOOOO!!!! Kase's face was PRICELESS. | 34: These two together is like fuckin' amazing, the laughs literally never stop!! AHAHAHA! | 36: Sometimes Kase can be DUMB AS HELL my nigga!!! Like tf did he think Tora was gonna feel if he fuckin' heard this shit?! Nigga you NOT whisperin'!!! | Song: Don't Judge ME - Somo cover, completely describes the situation w/Kase
3.7-8: Oss though....How the hell are they gonna explain this situation to Tora's mom. Like She might as well have let Tora live alone at this point. Obviously Kase thinks with his erect dick & not his mind. Sometimes he REALLY disgusts me... | 13-14: Does ol' dude realize Tora is saying "him" & not "her"? I don't think he does...
4.2: Ryouji is getting kicked out before the day is over. Guarantee it. | 4: 'Negative Nancy' over here... | 16: Wow!!! I see you Ryouji. | Song: Flaws - Bastille

kase is HIGHlarious
4/4 -/- Manga yoneda kou, bl, comedy 5204
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Ore no Mono ni Narinasai.
1/6 -/1 Manga fujikawa ruri, bl 4086
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Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun.
2/5 -/1 Manga 3232
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Oresama Teacher
kurosaki mafuyu
takaomi saeki
okegawa kyoutaro(18)

funnayy; pictures(13,3)

ch24 - what happens when mafuyu & saeki pretend to be a couple... | "Am I really that scary?" -Saeki(YAAASSS, BITCH YAAAASS! What the hell kinda question was that?!) | fuckin' awesome chapter
27/176 4/29 Manga comedy, shoujo, romance, school life, ex-yankee 5130
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Oshioki Gakuen
4/15 -/2 Manga bl, hard, comedy 4659
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Otokokemono desu!
2.17: LOL! | 19: This nigga is 2.5 secs away from getting bapped! | 29: LMAO! This nigga said quick like a wasp!!!

3.24: I love surprise semes!! | 25: GOHHLEEE!! | 29: The moment he realizes he fucked w/the WRONG one!! | 31: Oh shit!! Favorite chapter!!
3/7 -/1 Manga bl 4143
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-/13 -/2 Manga 4680
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Otouto ja Irarenai!!
2/7 -/1 Manga 4086
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Ouroboros: Keisatsu wo Sabaku wa Ware ni Ari
5/144 -/24 Manga 5018
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Oyayubihime Infinity
2/30 -/6 Manga 5191
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3,21: Oh heck no!! She better make sure her ass doesn't get kidnapped 'cause from what I'm seeing, if you get taken you STAY taken!! Ain't nobody savin' yo ass! lol
4/- -/3 Manga reverse harem, amnesia, based on a classic 4105
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Papa's Assassin Publishing
Daniel Gamblin(42)
ryuunosuke akutagawa(16) aka alexander allen
vistel rika (Daniel look-alike)

5.10: How I know she was gonna say that? I bet she lying tho! (top panel) | 12: Damn! & then he walks around shirtless looking like that?! He's not helping the situation even if he doesn't know about it, lmao! | 19: The shoes at the front door has got to be the biggest tattle-tale sign if you have an uninvited guest over. I mean you could fix that by taking your shoes w/you but if you not expecting anyone to come're screwed. | 21: Scene: "Intruding...blah,blah. Gon's cousin...blah,blah,blah. Look like you....blah.." Daniel - "That's nice! Hahahah.....Soooo, why are you in my house?" Daniel does not play that shit! | 22: Define 'bad' for you Daniel. | 25: Did this nigga just try to say that wasn't him....? LMAOOOO!!! That has got to be the weakest & most ridiculous excuse he could of used for this situation! Bruh, it's literally a picture of you AND your friend in a magazine. That excuse could of been a tiny bit more credible if your best friend wasn't standing right next to you! | 31: ...Get away from what? | 32: Heeeelll. Somebody is getting exposed tonight! It's over!

6.7: Daniel is like 'Nigga you ain't gonna like that shit.' | 10: Daniel, you know he lying. | 13: His face went from bored to surprised to grim all in 2.5 seconds! Daniel don't listen!!! | 15: His FACE!! | 17-18: Oh goodness! He's listening to the whole thing!! D'8 | 18: Swear that middle panel on the left w/Daniels face looked like resolve. Like he resolved to have Vis killed very soon! | 20-21: OH. SHIT. Just popped off. | 22: Bruh. | 27: This nigga just got his death wish. lol | I loved this chapter!

6.5,1: Ummm.... | 5: Plz don't tell me Ryuu is... | I didn't need no omake to tell me what I already know!
6/- -/- Manga shoowa, bl, I can't deal lol, so funny!, really good 4297
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Parfait Tic!
10/153 2/22 Manga
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Peppermint: Koi no Wasuremono
2/9 -/1 Manga nomo marino, restaurant, bl 5185
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Personalized Princess
7/- -/10 Manhwa
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"be selfless
treasure your friends
be fair and square"
"average? average compared to who?"-boss
"don't underestimate yourself."-mashako neesan
9/28 2/7 Manga megane, bullies, school life, shoujo 5027
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Plus 20cm no Kyori
2/6 -/1 Manga
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Porno Superstar
yamashita tooru(26)
ryuuichi asazaki
4/6 -/1 Manga bl, misunderstanding, 2011 4548
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Private Magician
3/3 -/- Manga bl, comedy, supernatural 4478
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Private Prince

*the number 4 sounds like death in japanese so people avoid it lol*
song: listen to your heart
19/25 3/5 Manga romance, shoujo, smut, comedy 5107
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9/15 -/3 Manga
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Radical Blood Monster
yuichi sagara
2/11 -/2 Manga supernatural, vampire 3861
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Rain Publishing
rain(25)(general of sunkwoll)
ralphus juriado sunkwoll(25)(general
selva alice sunkwoll(princess)(16)
xenoa amelia easterheart(rain's aide)
leny(rain's aide)
gazaram(OLD friend)
garblake(enemy general)(dead)
luminas(enemy general's aide)
12/- 2/- Manga Yoshino Takumi, fantasy, action, pretty art, knights, shounen 4665
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Rainy Days, Yesterday Publishing
shibazaki takeo
3/- -/- Manga yoneda kou, bl 3540
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Rasetsu no Hana
stopped at c006/p13
5/36 1/9 Manga 5042
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karamaru neneko
kitagawa shinobu
yokana shinobu
5/7 -/1 Manga gl 4625
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-/298 -/35 Manga
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21/- 2/7 Manhwa
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becky lynn lee "red" (17)
jack gallagher

11:24 - WARNING RED! Do not go over to Carlo's place or you will face the consequences!
13 - her past manages to catch up to her
13/- 2/7 Manga 5058
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Reimei no Arcana
11/65 -/13 Manga
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Renai Game
read 2.5
2/6 -/1 Manga bl 4509
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Renai Moratorium
2/2 -/- Manga 4063
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Renai Paradox
5/18 -/3 Manga
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Renai Ruby no Tadashii Furikata
'It's not just my ears.' (OML *ghostface*)
4/6 -/1 Manga 3232
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Renjou Sparkle
2/- -/7 Manga 5081
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Ringo Nikki
1/8 -/2 Manga
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9/36 -/8 Manga
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Rose Hip Zero
Kasumi Kido: kido's dead sister
kasumi asakura: kido's partner(14)
1/34 -/5 Manga action, shounen, comedy, drama 4671
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S Kareshi Joujou
1/27 -/7 Manga 5009
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Sabita Yoru demo Koi wa Sasayaku
2/5 -/1 Manga tanaka ogeretsu, this is getting really sad.. 3540
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Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai Publishing

ch7 pg13 - the fuck kind of analogy is that yashiro?
ch9 p8 - "Guess what his first line was after he woke up...'My balls are fine, right?' "

yoneda kou never fails(:
roku: six
10/- -/- Manga yoneda kou, bl, yakuza 4673
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Sakamichi no Apollon
nishimi kaoru
sentarou kawabuchi
mukae ritsuko
yurika fukahori

might be on chapter 13? Not sure.
9/45 1/9 Manga kodama yuki, josei, drama, slice of life 4645
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Sandwich Girl
4/- -/8 Manhwa
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Say Say Say
5/44 -/7 Manhwa
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Sayonara, Itoshi no My Friend
haga hajime
tatsuo andou

6.16-17: How much does she know...? | 18: She really is a really good friend. | 28: Tell anybody he isn't asking for it?! | 35: Oh my!

7.6: This cover page is the cutest thing I have ever seen <3333 | 9: Damn. He got PISSED!!!! | 10: There's so much shit we don't know! | 17: Gooohhhleee! Nobody matters to him but this nigga here!! | 22: He is so frantic!! Like he is about to lose his shit!! | 30: Woah. | 42: This niggas cuteness level is off the charts!! Where has this been?? How does a personality shift so drastically!? | 45: Haga makes these scenes so perfect!!! | 51: <3333 | 53: "When I said goodbye to my friend, your smile is still right by my side." -Tatsuo. That smile is perfection. This ending was perfection. <3 | Hear You Me - Jimmy Eat World | "I really cried that was the most romantic confession ever ♥ ♥" -RC, exactly.
7/12 -/2 Manga enzou, bl, ♥drama, best friends ♥, *most passionate confession award* 383
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-/20 -/5 Manga
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Scarlet Palace
5/32 -/8 Manhua 4946
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12/- -/10 Manhwa
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Seirei Produce
2/10 -/2 Manga 4904
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Sekai wa Kimi de Mawatteru
2/7 -/1 Manga 4270
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Sengoku Paradise Publishing
2/- -/- Manga sakurai shushushu, bl 4510
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Sensei to Himitsu
2/6 -/1 Manga 4658
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Sensei wa Dummy
kirino shuusuke (28)
yunogi (34)
sasayama asahi
tagami ryo

0.14: Kirino & that cigarette look out of place but sexy as fuck at the same time... | 16: He look damn good for 34!! Discovered what he is...You mean gay? What's so bad about that...? | 17: AHAHAHAHA! 'Now that we've told him everything he can't escape.' | 18: AHAHAHAHA! I can't take this!! 'My grandma told me not to sign white papers!' lol!! Tf? | 18: His type tho... | 21: They got their shit locked & sealed. Finally people who are smart about this stuff! | 22: Levi's cleaning outfit....or nah? | 27-29: You sure he's not your type Kirino...'Cause he's my type. Sexy!!!! Can you say droolpool!!!!! | 30-31: Uhh, my nigga that's gonna be kinda hard... lol! That's why he said that!!! 'Cause he's seen that fine as body too!!! | 32: AHAHAHA! I can't breathe!!

0.6: I like his face in the top right panel the best! | 8: I would've been just like him!!! <3 Nice? No, he has an exquisite body! | 9: Oh, man this is too good!!! LMAO! | 13: Can I know what he was tlkin' about on the phone...? | 15: DAAAAAMMMMNNNN!!!! He looks fine as fuck!!! <3333 | 18: Why're popping outta the dark like that?! | 24: Sometimes I can't even take him seriously... | 27: He said can he taste him a little!!!! Rofl!!! | 29: How drunk is this kid? Both of 'em!! | 31: WAIT!!! Did you touch him??? LOL! Innate seducer! | 32-33: I think I just died from laughter. I must of broke my laugh box. Why is this kid covered in hickies. I can't comprehend this madness. Somebody help. | Why didn't they show the scene!! AAAAHHH!! *pulls hair out!* | "lol. yunogi is in full seduce mode. shuu doesn't stand a chance." -Random, I'm saying though...

0.13: I knew he looked fucking familiar!! For some dumbass reason I thought Tagami was Yoshiba but had grown out his hair extra fast...and shrunk...? But now it all makes sense! | 18: What.In.The.Fuck.Is.This? | I can't do it! He's nonchalantly sipping that tea like this fuckery of a situation isn't happening next to him!!! | 19: Where is this nigga's pupils?! | 20: What you mean 'used to be straight'??? Tf is he now? Yeeea, maybe he wasn't joking....But Yoshiba is sexy as hell so he can definitely get it! | & then Tagami drops that bomb! | 36: I think its backwards sometimes. Shuu seems like the seductive one here to me. | Shinpei, Shunpei? Shuu, Fumi? Hmmm...?
3/- 3/3 Doujinshi nekota yonezou, bl, I love her art so damn much, funniness overload, doujin 4049
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Sex Pistols Publishing
10/- 2/- Manga yaoi, bl, comedy, supernatural 5107
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She Scares Me
22/- -/14 Manhwa
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Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made
1/217 -/26 Manga crude-justice, undefined, action, seinen 5029
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Shiawase Kissa 3-choume
18/88 -/15 Manga
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Shinigamihime no Saikon: Baraen no Tokei Koushaku
I like the prequel soooo much better.

hope this gets better
1/18 -/3 Manga he-tyrant, mystery, shoujo, sequel 4306
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Shinjuku Lucky Hole
3.7: I am him right now. | 14: I had a feeling that was Kumi but...that's him? That's his so called 'angel'? | 18: The finger part tho..! | 22: Did they make a plan outta this!!?? | 24: HAH???!! | 26: Uh-oh... | 28: Ooooooh | Sakuma bruhhh! | 36: No big deal!
3/12 -/2 Manga bl 4086
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Shinkai No Venus
1/5 -/1 Manga 4477
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Shinobeba Koi
5/10 -/2 Manga sequel to Nirameba Koi 3232
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Shinobi Life
-/64 -/13 Manga romance, shoujo, action, comedy
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Shinpu-sama no Vampire
Cutie patooties
8/13 1/2 Manga 3232
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
on v03 ch01 pg17
-/65 2/14 Manga 4871
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Shinshi to Norainu
1/7 -/1 Manga 4250
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Shiny Star Publishing
masaya kamisaka (23)

1.3: Fuckin' ew. | 16: Shiiittt, he said he wasn't getting it. He remembered his contract word to word. | 21: LMAO!! Right? The way he blowin' up your inbox!! | 24: LOL! Hikaru's reaction tho!!! (bottom middle panel) | 26: It just hit me but....why is he always wearing a cowboy hat? | Suga 'bout to get whapped. | 28: .....that's it?! | 31: Daaaammnnn, okay this nigga got BALLS! | 32: I don't think I've ever seen that in a yaoi manga. Actually I'm pretty positive this is the 1st time...Woah. | 34: 0 fucks given at this time. | 36: Yeeeeaaah, nigga, yeeeeaah! | These fuckers cut it off at the best part!!! | Masaya is fine as FUUHUUUCK!

2.5: So he salty, hmm? | 17-18: I think Hikaru should kindly keep quiet now..

3: They love bringing up Hikaru's debut film a lot...

4: His debut film wasn't meant to be his debut film huh...Inoue-san, huh? | Ah, I got it. So Hikaru let out the video to pay off the big ass debt Inoue had. But the way Hikaru is staring at Masaya's hand touching his face...he look like he wanna bite it off.| Then Masaya started tlkin' dirty! This nigga always seems to surprise me. | LOL! Hikaru's reaction! "What kinda video is this?!" | Hmm, Hikaru feeling threatened?
4/- -/- Manga nanami, bl, actors 3927
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Shiritsu Araiso Koutougakkou Seitokai Shikkoubu
tokito minoru(cocky condescender)or(self-proclaimed "honorable self")
kubota makoto(lanky droopy-eyes)
quote:"we're just giving them the punishment of love"-tokito
"where there are stupid people, there are geniuses."-tokito
"Though I like when people say please, I hate it when I'm ordered"-kubota
10/12 -/2 Manga minekura kazuya, school, action, comedy, executive committee 4974
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1/5 -/1 Manga 3232
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Show Princess
Missing pages in each chapter..
21/37 -/7 Manhua drama, romance, shoujo 5101
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Silence Publishing
koaru(dark hair)
read on mangahere
7/- -/- Manga azuma takamiya, bl, drama, romance 4672
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Silver Diamond
really at v02 c0(ch.4)
3/82 -/27 Manga adventure, shounen ai, comedy, fantasy 4849
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Simple Days
1/6 -/1 Manga Miyamoto Kano, bl 4840
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Six Half
shiori kikukawa aka kurata ayumu (shi-chan)
maho kikukawa
kai shiraishi
matsumoto mizuki(21)
yuusuke(kai's friend)
daiki shiomiya(akio's friend)
saki (a-chan's girl)

19,33 - I love her so much right now. | 34 - Are you serious? Not blood-related!?
20,11 - Wow. That's confusing. | 19: That's why? That completely contradicts everything! & you know damn well who was mad over that shit! Which makes no sense since she also has a child from a past marriage! Like tf how you get mad over Akio but have Shiori?! That's how you know she was probably a bullshit ass mother! | 25: That's exactly how I feel! I don't like her but I couldn't tell you why cause I have no clue myself! | 30: The tsukkomus speak the truth.

21,3: Uh-oh. I completely understand this feeling... | 31: "I don't know why... but I can't help but love when the two of them are together." -RT. Yea.
21/48 4/11 Manga Iketani Rikako, the main character is oddly real, shoujo, whaaa ! it's good !, romance, drama, lost memories, medium priority 4874
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3/7 -/1 Manga satou inoue, bl 4351
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Soredemo, Yasashii Koi wo Suru
1/6 -/1 Manga 4072
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Spotlight Lover
cinematic mirror - 6.28.14

oide shimon (28)
oide shuichi

1.4: LOL! Not even the main character! He just gonna sit there & let him play him like that? | 12: That sounds absolutely disgusting....

read ch 1
3/5 -/1 Manga kakine, bl, İncludes cinematic mirror 4339
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Star Project Chiro
27/- 4/12 Manhwa Baek Hye Kyoung, gender bender, comedy, romance, shoujo 5199
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anna koshiro(15)
sou nagase(16)
hinata tokura(16)
mochizuki kurumi
saeki nanoka
kazami hinata
asou ayane
ichihara beni
ichihara mashiro

quote:"I guess it won't return back to me anyway.."-anna to hinata
"i wont be able to become the object of her affection."-hinata
"it's as if he's not the Hinata I used to know.."-anna(Somebody I used to know song)

bu-buu: wrong sound
pin-pon: right sound

27/54 5/11 Manga haruta nana, shoujo, romance, comedy, school life 4664
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-old western style yaoi
1/5 -/1 Manga bl
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Strobe Edge
26/43 6/10 Manga
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page theme after "renri no eda";;song: candyland wedding;; already rread 8 and 9
4/28 -/6 Manga comedy, romance, school, shoujo 5183
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Suki tte Ii na yo.
mei tachibana
yamato kurosawa
kai takemura
kitagawa megumi

ch.21 pg18 -when i say that he has got some balls...
ch.22 p29 -he speaks the truth
ch.23 p36 -so cute

quotes:"No matter how beautiful you are, when you're dating someone, all of your flaws come out."-Aiko
"No matter what you think, I will never...let you be by yourself."-Kai to Mei
"The sorrow that is bestowed upon me and the sorrow that I make for myself, there is nothing more pointless and meaningless as the latter. Isn't it sad to strangle yourself with your own hands?" -Mei's thoughts
23/73 5/18 Manga kanae hazuki, shoujo, romance, drama, comedy
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Suki tte Iwaseru Houhou
3/- -/9 Manga 5044
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Surviving a Rebel
7/- -/16 Manhwa
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5/9 -/1 Manga 4761
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Switch Girl!!
-/170 -/25 Manga
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Takaramono wa Hako no Naka
4/6 -/1 Manga bl, megane, research 4142
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Take Over Zone
6/10 -/2 Manga 5066
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Takeru ~ Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil
9/19 -/4 Manga
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Taming the Cat Master
1/45 -/12 Manhwa 5081
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1/6 -/1 Manga motoni modoru, bl, drama 4737
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Taranta Ranta
4/12 -/2 Manga
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Te wo Tsunaide Koi wo
3/6 -/1 Manga takaoka nanaroku, bl, beautiful 4846
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Teen Spirit
got attack by 30secondstomars from this manhwa, haha
22/25 -/4 Manhwa shoujo, music, romance, band, manhwa
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Ten Count
shirotani tadaomi
kurose riku

1.10: Tell me why I've been thinking he was the president of the UNITED STATES, not the president of some random company! | 15: I thought he was talking about the booklet he was writing in! | 16: I don't understand how he was gonna get hit? The prez was definitely w/in the white line & the truck was on the other side. Unless that truck driver was swerving, he would of been fine... | 20: Oh. I would of thought he was OCD about germs. | 21: Observant I see... | 25: Yoo, his hands... | 28: I hope he's not about to put that alcohol on his hands! | 33: To the flashback comment: Actuallyyy, it's his job. | 41: Tadaomi's List. | 42: He is too damn fine! | 24: Welp just knocked number 2 outta the way! Unintentionally...

2.5,8: <333

3.5: hmm... | 11: Hah! The tsukkomu faces! | 16: LMAO! Riku play too much! | 21: "My heart feels uncomfortable..." -Tadaomi. CUTEST.SHIT.EVER!!!

4.21: Uhh...not very good choices... | 22: Take into account that Shirotani would rather chop his hand off than touch people! | "OMG Kuro and Shiro, black and white" -RT. Almost missed that. | 23: Oh.

5.10: That had to be the worst excuse I've seen in a bl manga so far!! Let me get this (--) close to your face because I thought I saw something on your EYELASHES? Who Kuro think he foolin' bro? Does he know how many people's hope he got high as a fuckin' kite!? | 12: my tsukkomu is on this page. | 15: "OH HO HO~ PLAYING HARD TO GET ARE YA?" -RT. Whut is lyfeee!!!? Whoever tsukkomued this is fuckin' awesome!!

6.6: Who the hell drinks cold coffee? | 7: I don't care if it is for therapy, that shit is still nasty! | 19-25: Welcome to Heartbreak. </3 | 22: "bish whet?" -RT. Nuff said. | 23: He kinda cold-hearted. He's like one of those cold-hearted people that try to act nice but it just makes it worse. Like shit, y'all can't be friends or something?! | 24: "let's get a nice clean corner and cry together." -RT. How could I make it through w/o you? | "Kurose has more issues than Shirotani, you just can't see his." -RC. He's just better at hiding them.

7.11: That little liar... | 14: His hands look better! | 15: Psyche! | 17: That's what yo ass gets!! | 18: If he is, he's fuckin' bonkers. | 20: Seriously tho, wth did he do in this café for 6 hours?!!? | 21: Gosh he's sexy when he's disheveled... | 24: Geez, he's intense... | 25: This nigga is too damn chill about this intense as situation!!

8.3: Riku's eyes will be the death of me! | 13: YAAAAAASSSSS!!! | 14: "not gonna lie thought this was a crotch shot" -RT. Mismo!!! | 15: NOOOOO! STFU Shiro!!! He was about to say something important!!! | 16: HAHHHH! Even though Shiro is always the one who makes it real obvious that he feels something for Kuro, Kuro is the one who confessed 1st!!! <333 | 17: LOL!! He looks like a kolache wrapped up in that jacket w/his head peeking out like that! | 18: Riku's poker face is ridiculous!!! If it wasn't for some of his slip ups, I would of never guessed he actually liked Shiro! | 21: Kuro smiling!? Whaaa?

9.8: Mmmm, Kuro is sexy when he wants something. | 18: Yah, 'cause you look sooooo flabbergasted...*sarcasm* "your face kurose... is this your surprise face?" -RT | Yep, kuro's smile is definitely the best! | 22: <333 | 27: Well that escalated fast! | 28-29: Aw. I'm sad 'cause he really is disgusted by this... | 30: Or not.. | That last page was so damn HOT I almost fainted!! Kuro is a pervy beast! How he go from his fingers to his crotch!? He made sure Shiro realized TODAY!

10.8: *sigh* Shiro, sometimes...smh... | 9: Kuro's rape mode is on, how do you turn it off? | Kuro's strategy: Let's scare him w/public restrooms! | 12: :9 (licks lips) ...basically. | 13: Omgeezy! I can't take it!! It's too fuckin' HOT!! THAT ARCH!!! | 14: Kuro, kuro, kuro. He seriously has me at a loss for words... | 19: "he was so cute back then.... now hes a beast XD" -RT. Foreal!! | 25: The tsukkomus!! lol | 26: Shiro is absolutely adorable when he's sulking!! That mask tho... | 31: TURN UP!!! Ooh aah turn up ooh. | 38: Kuro is about to tear himself to shreds over this... | MOOOOOAAARRRRR!!!

11.9-10: Shiro is over here pouring his thoughts out & all Kuro can say is: "Are you drunk?' Kuro?! | 1.2: Get him Kuro! | 13: Kuro is suave as shit!! That line was too smooth!! | 14-15: UUGGGGHHHH! This makes me want to rip my hair out!!! | 16: "He feel disgust because of his phobia, he like it because of his love" -RT. I'm going w/this! | 17: Kuro's smile just about murdered me...I'm dead. Goodbye world. | I don't even know what emotion to feel on the page...What is Kuro getting at? | 19: Woah there Kuro!!! Is this a dark side I see...? | 20: "much suspence, such darkness and then i read... anus sacrifice, cant takie this manga seriouslyxDDD" -RT, foreal y'all w/the tsukkomus be playin'!! | 21: Kuro's kinda scary at times, especially w/that poker face he got...bruh! | 30: Kuro is going IN!! | 33: I think I died. I think I died & went to yaoi heaven! | 34: "damn that censoring! now i'll never know what it is! just what are they hiding! ... >.>" -RT. HAHAHAHAAHHAH!! | 35: Kuro's gone bruh!! He on the other side!! | 36: I love when the translators really go in depth w/explaining parts we obviously won't catch. It's makes the scanlation so much better to read (: | "how DARE it end at that point!" -RC. About that ridiculous cliffhanger! | This chapter was H-O-T!!!

12.4: So Kuro is either PACKIN' or Shiro is just small af! | 7: Kuro has to be sadist. There is no other explanation for this. | 8: ...Hotdamn! | 21: Aww, Kuro. | "This going to be a hard relationship." -RC. My exact thoughts. I don't how this is going to work out...

mysophobia - an abnormal fear of or distaste for uncleanliness or contamination.
'kirei desune' - 'Beautiful'
12/51 -/6 Manga takarai rihito, bl, romance 3929
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The Guy Who Will Give a Kiss for ₩5000
14/- 3/7 Manhwa
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The Legend of the Sun Knight
8/20 -/5 Manhua
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The One
eros "ying" (silver eyes)
angus "long" (green eyes)
lele cane
82/110 -/18 Manhua romance, shoujo, drama, comedy, manwha
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Tokyo Crazy Paradise
49/111 -/19 Manga romance, action, yakuza, comedy, gender-bende, drama, sci-fi, shoujo
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Tokyo Ghoul
1: Yup finally took the plunge. Let's see how this goes!! | 9: FYI, Rize is ugly in the manga. Js. | 10: That she-ghoul knows exactly what her ass is doing...eyes always making contact at the perfect time? Riiight. | 14: Ken ol' sneaky ass know he dropped that book on purpose. | 20: TOUKA!!! I bet her ass know that she-devil is a ghoul and she just let her have her way with Ken!? | Dang. You knoe you're short id you're shorter than Ken's small ass. | No she did not just say her ass is 18 too...she is straight playing Ken's ass. | 21: Save my baby Touka! Onegaiiii!| 22: Yo. I hated this scene in the anime and I hate it now. Of course her house is on the street where the recent ghoul attack happened. Of course. Ken is such a dumb schmuck. | 24: Ken my nigga RUN!! | 25: RUNNN Dammit!! OML!!! | 26: AAAAAHHHH!! Fgfbmjees!! My baby!!! | 27: He's shit-fucked. | 35: That beam mf saved his life. | 38: I'm still tryna to understand how it was okay for them to transfer her ghoul organs into him. Like who approved this shit? | The famous quote on the last chapter page: 'I'm not the protagonist of a novel or anything...I'm a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere...but...if, for argument's sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead would certainly be...a tragedy.'

2: The hospital food not to his liking? OL. Warning sign. | 14: How Ken didn't see any problem with getting organs from a fuckin' ghoul beats me. | I don't understand why he has a ghoul eye or ghoul tastebuds. The only organs that should have been transplanted were his intestinal organs since those were definitely damaged beyond repair. Only other thing was his left shoulder. If it was that the intestines affected the rest of the body, why is only one of his eyes affected and not both? What makes him half ghoul and not full ghoul? | 31: That is kinda different than the anime. Don't remember the old guy.

3:| 3: Okay, she has officially pissed me off. This fuck-bitch knew exactly who Rize was and exactly what she was gonna do to Ken...and did absolutely NOTHING! And had the balls to ask why he wasn't dead. Get this bitch outta here bro. | 22: Dude. He asked for your help. He didn't ask for your attitude. Your pent up rage against the world for not coddling you has nothing to do with Ken OR this fuckin' moment so stuff it and HELP!! Because yeah, you might feel like an outcast but you've had all your life to deal with it. Ken went from being a normal human for 19 years of his life to half a goddang ghoul in a matter of days and has no clue what he's doing or even anyone to ask but yo ass! So to answer your question on what cake tastes like, it taste good af but...he'll never get to experience that wonderful flavor again. As opposed to you who has never known what its like, so it's like it was never there in the 1st place. He on the other hand has lost it all. No coffee, candy, ice cream, or cake. I know the saying is 'It's better to have lost than to have had it at all' or something but I personally thinks that's wrong. It's a lot harder to lose something/someone you love than it is to lose what you've never had because we all know ignorance is bliss. | 23: Touka. Piss off. If you're not going to help him, shut up and get someone who will without all the pent up rage. Again, like I said before, he asked for your help not your random ass bitching. What exactly are you trying to get out of it? Helf this situation is your fault too. Bitch ass knew Rize was up to and let it happen. I give no fucks about your problem. | 26: Isn't this like cannibalism because he's like half human? Half-cannibalism?
3/144 -/14 Manga mangakoi 3164
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Tomodachi Gokko
3/13 -/3 Manga drama, school 4511
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Tonari no Juunin

1.16: ...The hell? Where did that come from?
1/- -/1 Manga bl 4086
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
haru yoshida
shizuku mizutani
natsume asako
yuuzan yoshida

ch2 p38 - fastest kiss in shoujo manga history!! L-O-fucking-L!!!!
ch4 p33 - AKA-AWKWARD!
P35 - I knew there was a reason why I liked her!

song: Alexi Blue - Hold On We're Going Home (cover)
8/55 2/13 Manga Robico, shoujo, romance, comedy, school 4121
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Toshi Densetsu
4/- -/9 Manga azuki ryou, shoujo, marked as horror but not scary at all 5042
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Toshishita Kareshi no Renai Kanriheki
satoshi ono

1.18: Lol! | 21-22: Omgeezy! | 31: Woah. This nigga is playin' no games! | 32: Yearns!! Ughhhh!! So fuckin' sexy!! | 36-37: WTF?! Damn Satoshi!! LMAO! | 38: <33 | 44: Cute & sexy as shit!!!
1/13 -/- Manga sakurabi hashigo 3861
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Toshishita no Ryuugi
8/16 1/3 Manga drama, bl, romance 4716
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Totally Captivated dj - Totally Spying On Them Re-reading
1.7: & we start off w/a bang!! Literally! | 8: 1st time we've seen one of those in this manga, huh? Throwin' out surprises all over the place! Dropped my spoon fuckin' around & shit!! lol | 9: Um, Imma take 'all of them' for 5000 Bob! | 11: I think this is 1st he's called him by his name!! | 13: lol Mook's ultimate weapon | 18: It was a daydream!??? | 19-24: These 2 never get old! | 34: Mook know wassup!!! | 38: Well we know you will certainly try! | 41: So good make your toes curl (; | 45: LOL!! They ain't stupid!! All the signs are there! | 47: Right bottom corner. I'm done. | 75: I almost didn't recognize him! I like him so much better w/o that ugly ass perm! | 77: LOL! The dumpling spilled the deeds?! | This nigga complains a lot... | 80: Ewon know he got it good, I don't know he complains so much... | 82: *fans myself* | 88: That nigga play too damn much! lol | 89: lol I remember this from the main story
2/2 1 Manhwa haijin yoo, doujinshi, bl, comedy 476
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*late start
6/15 1/3 Manga military, action 4648
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1/9 -/1 Manga
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Trouble Dogs
2/31 -/10 Manga
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4/7 -/1 Manga bl, sports 4676
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Tsume to Toge
What the ultimate fuck was that?
1/6 -/1 Manga 3848
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Tsuzuki wa Mata Yoru ni
Fumi Akusawa(host)
Takaharu Futagami(detective)

1.10: Fumi is fine as shit!! | 19: This tension I'm getting from these 2! Pretending they don't roll around in the sheets together behind closed doors! It's like what are they feeling right now having to be serious & tlk about business? | 23: The worries that Taka has... | 25: He's drunk off his ASS! | 27: Dang. It was getting good too! | 30: This shit is SEXAAAYYY!! | 33: My heart aches because of Taka...</33 | 35: They make my heart hurt! Nooooo, this is so good!! | Song: Elastic Heart - Sia & Weeknd
1/5 -/1 Manga Chiba Ryouko, art 3848
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Twin Cake
ousaka kaede
3/7 -/1 Manga gl 4625
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Ugly Duckling to Swan
13/- -/13 Manhwa
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Umi no Juunin to wa Koi wa Shinai
1/3 -/- Manga 4251
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Unbeatable Youth
1/- -/2 Manhua
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Unlucky Strike
chiaki seiji
chiaki shuichi
2/5 -/1 Manga romance, comedy, bl 4596
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Usotsuki Lily 0
1/4 -/1 Manga 5081
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Uwasa no Midori-kun!!
1/51 -/10 Manga
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charles j. krishund aka cherry aka christopher
johnny rayflo aka master aka addy aka adam
quote:"where there is light, there is darkness..neither can exist without the other.But there can be darkness that secretly yearns for light."
23/36 4/7 Manga vampire, supernatural, action, shounen-ai 5100
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Venus Capriccio
23/29 -/5 Manga 5039
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Violence na Kimi ga Suki
on page 44
1/5 -/1 Manga yaoi, comedy, romance, drama 5185
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Virgin Ripper
6/40 -/10 Manga 5030
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Virgin Wars
6/11 1/2 Manga
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Viva Love You
4/- -/9 Manhwa 5149
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Wait!! Wolf
16/- -/18 Manhwa manhwa, dumb heroine 5204
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Warui Koto Shitai
1/7 -/1 Manga sakuraga mei, bl, school
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Watashi ni xx Shinasai!
15/82 -/19 Manga
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Watashitachi ni wa Kabe ga Aru.
kikuchi reita

1.2: Ao Haru Ride...or nahh?? (tsukkomu) | 3: Her hair color is gorgeous...(tsukkomu) | 5: What a way to start of the manga. This kid is in the middle of the dam street w/cars trying to drive by & is yelling this shit w/all these damn people around listening...I would of sucker punched the shit outta him. First & LAST time he would of embarrassed me like that... | 6: *snort* Her reaction tho. Left his punk ass standing there. I think I like her already! | 7: Familyzoned!? lol Lets make that a thing! (tsukkomu) "Here it goes! the ''family-zone''. Because friend-zone is never enough xDDDD" -Random, ROFL! | The name Kikuchi sounds so damn familiar...(Ao haru ride?)? | 10: But who's his friend tho...!!? | 11: His hair reminds me of Yuki's from Mirai Nikki. | 13: LMAO. This manga. | Damn!! That escalated FAST!! Whan did he start straddling her? | 23: Too soon. | 24-25: Oh.Shit. | Actually now that I think about it, that is pretty accurate for a college guy...sadly... | 29: L-M-A-O!! This Gouto guy is fucking hilarious!!! He said "When did that happen?" & then his face in the left corner!!! Like he can't believe he just got let off! | 30: His got let off easy too! He should of just stfu! | 31: lol How you gonna have the punch sfx but there be no punch thrown...? | 31: Undercover fujoshi is comin' out! He too damn close for comfort! & I hope the author is making fun of the wall cliché thing 'cause then that would make that much more awesome (tsukkomu)! | 32: The tsukkomus are killin' me! Check out Hirunaka no Ryuusei! I seen Thor, Usui & whoever Mamura is lookalike, Aomine comparison, Kou & this Mamura guy's child, & whatever oresama is! | 35: <333 | Come back & see if it turned into a song page! My tsukkomu is John Legend - All of me. | 39: hmmm... | 42: Gotta watch this kid, he slick af! | So the name 'Kikuchi' is from Ao Haru Ride! He's the 'other' guy!! | 43: Well that whole 'I would never go out w/Reita!' thing didn't last long... | It's still effin' cute tho!
1/33 -/7 Manga tsukishima haru 4037
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Why Do You Love Me? Publishing
quote:"he's actually really handsome....when he doesn't talk"-anna jo
12/- 2/- Manhwa 5073
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Wild Rock
on chapter 2, page 15(
1/6 -/1 Manga yaoi, romance, historical, drama 5219
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Will it Snow for Christmas? Publishing
5/- -/- Manhwa romance 5211
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4/281 -/13 Manga 5094
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World Bring It On!
28/- -/16 Manhwa 5233
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Yabai Me de Minna yo!!
aiba misao
oosato ginji

1.9: He is wildly hot! | 11: lol! Calling his ass out!! | They're like complete opposites! Him & yumedono ginnojou. | 13: That's different perspectives for ya! | 15: Well this escalated quickly... | 25: Please take that shit's not cute.

2.4: These cutie patooties.... | 6: & he kissed him through the phone!? ASDFGJKHKLNJHG!! <3333 | 9: That tsukkomu lol!!!
2/5 -/1 Manga mika sadahiro, bl, acting, crossdressing 3902
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1/11 -/2 Manga shoujou 4633
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Yami BL
3: Fucked up & confusing at 1st @ how Yukio died but then cleared up later. LOL @ tsukkomu on pg 13!!! Tentacles!! Still confused on why he smelled blood tho...

9: Levi X Jean/Erwin supposedly.

10: THE most fucked up chapter so far!! I can't even....It literally scared me. Violence = love in their universe apparently....

read chapter 3, 9, 10.
3/10 -/1 Manga bl 3945
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Yamiiro no Aijin
2/5 -/1 Manga 3540
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Yankee-kun to Megane-chan
6/219 -/23 Manga
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Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata

uranborg 'uru'
arkangel 'ark'
dantalion(king of sorcery)
rassarguful 'rass'
Carlisle(king of light)
alfaad(lightning fang dragon king)
cepheid(flame fury dragon king)<3

17: Fenrietta & Uru be having me rollin'!! LMAO

"Cherish one another and cherish your selves. A bird who has one wing stolen from it can never soar through the happy skies again."
17/19 4/5 Manga kato eriko, fantasy, bl, shounen-ai 4996
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1/6 -/2 Manga tateno makoto, bl, action 5006
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Yokubou Shounen
1/5 -/1 Manga 5121
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Yongou x Keibi

taki keiichi(32)
kirino yuuki(19)
miharu shinnosuke(25)
kougami shinobu(26)
tosa kagenori(32)
kusaka yamato(26)
15/- 3/10 Manga Fujii Mitori, bl, comedy, action 4306
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Yorubenaki Mono
one of the best shounen ais' I've ever read
3/3 -/- Manga yaoi, yoneda kou, bl, shounen-ai
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Youth Gone Wild
18/89 -/14 Manhua
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Yuigonjou yori Ai wo Komete
4/4 -/- Manga sakura sakuya, bl, yakuza 4844
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Yukimura-sensei to Kei-kun
teacher x student
2/8 -/1 Manga kizu natsuki, bl 4086
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Yume no Kuni in My Darling
2/8 -/1 Manga 3232
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Yumemiru Taiyou
ch.20.5 one funny-ass extra!!

I love how Zen always puts his whole heart into everything he does. The landlord could learn a couples things from him...
36/53 7/10 Manga comedy, slice of life, romance, shoujo 5029
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Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen
-/19 -/4 Manga
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Zippy Ziggy
2/86 -/11 Manhwa
Chapters: 4246, Volumes: 356, Days: 18.6, Mean Score: 7.9, Score Dev.: 0.25

# Manga Title Chapters Volumes Type Tags Days
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1-en no Otoko
6 1 Manga bl, comedy, monden akiko 1
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110-Ban wa Uketsukemasen!
himuro reo

1.23: What kinda life do you be living if your life goal is to screw a real cop? Like the fuck do you do with your free time? | 37: Tf? This nigga is conceited as hell!!

2.17: You know he's been lonely. He's being nice as hell! | 20-21: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! | 26: Damn this nigga is actually chill as hell! Lol! He just be wild 'cause they probably really are loud as hell! | 32: Tsundere?

3.9: Hell froze over with that glare he just gave! | 10: This bitch... | 24: Well that was a stupid move... | 28: Now he's just being a kiss-ass... | 31: No shit -_- | 34: I can honest to goodness say that that shit came outta nowhere!!!! Like where tf did that come from?

4: One kinda hot ass chapter!

5.20: Who this nigga think he foolin' tho...He can take several seats now. | 24: No. Not at all. | 30: Yo, but why are they tlkin' about how jacked up his hand and foot are! I didn't even notice til I read the tsukkomus. | After that whole mess w/Igarashi I didn't even like the main couple anymore. Only thing that got me through the last chapter was the weird lookin' appendages lol
6 1 Manga kitazawa kyou, love the art!, bl 514
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4 1 Manga
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24-jikan Kiss Dekinai
3 1 Manga 1
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35 do no Renai Netsu
6 1 Manga bl, romance, drama 1
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50 x 50

kawanishi wataru
higashino shuuzo

1: Why they no show the good stuff?!

2.1.9: They look so damn suspect! | 21: This dude is going on..

3.7: When your radar is on point! | 30: Me & this tsukkomu on the same page. | 36: & there you go. | 38: When they call your asses out for being suspect! | 43: They can't be this slow can they? | 45: YAAAASS!!

4.5: "After all that's happened, why do they still drink within a 100 miles of each other?" -RT. Exactly. | 7: The observation skills of these tsukkomers... | 32: Kawanishi know damn well he is head over heels for Gashii!! Whenever he gets like this with that look in his eyes, it's over!! I mean dude just licked his lips!!!

5.17: I was wondering why that tsukommu mentioned that...then I saw the claw marks on his back *wink*
5 1 Manga yaoi, bl, comedy, saika kunieda 1640
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7-genme wa Himitsu.
5 1 Manga
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8-banme no Tsumi
3 1 Manga 1
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3: BAAAAAEEEEE!!!! | 4: Bae, what in the fuck? | 5: Bae~ <333 | 7: You too Shinji?! | "damn became a lolicon when i saw him -.-" -RT. FRFR!!! | 10: This guy here..."Your hobby"???? | 11: Me & Shinji are on the same page! | 12: Eh?... | 13: Bruhhh, do you see this guy? Whipping off his belt w/no qualms about the situation! He looks hungry!! | 14: *Cue the biggest droolpool in history!!!* He's so well endowed that it makes you sit there & wonder why tf he had to pay for sex in the 1st place!!!!! This nigga is packing!!! | 15: LOL!!!! | 17: ....Woah. What the hell was that?? | 19: Ah hell. | 21: He IS a sex addict, not a bj addict. | 22: his hips are gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow... | 24: Poor Shinji. | 28: He's a dangerous one. <333 "My onii-sama, my sweetheart." | & so the lamb was pulled into the lion's den & eaten<3

3.5, 3: I hope he keeps that underwear & doesn't put it back... | LOl! He's looking at Shinji like 'You know EXACTLY where my underwear went to. Don't lie.' | 5: It must of been so painful for him...

Hara Shuuji
Yoshie Kenichi

4.3: New Bae!!! | 7: He looks nothing like that now! | 8: He should seriously go to the hospital for that... | 16: OMGGFDRHSEHBTWw!!! What is this? | 17: LMAO!!!! That's why he looked so dopey all the time!! He thinking of all the things he wanted to do to you!!!! | 18: Oh gosh!!! I can't take it anymore!! This is too funny!!! He said "Gentle, crybaby." Ta loca!! Your memories are a lie!!! | 22: Oh boy. | Well that was unexpected.

5.9: Knew what? | 11: How did they even get to that conclusion?? They haven't done anything but kiss ONE time about a bajillion years ago! | 12: It never crossed my mind either!! I saw it, thought it was weird place to be, but I just shrugged it off!! "Someone get the disinfectant!" -RT. Fuck the disinfectant! Burn that bitch!! | 15: He's a fuckin' idiot. Yoshie just fucked his own damn self over! | 16: Expired condoms!! lol | 21: At this point either one of them can be the seme. | 25: So Hara is seme! | 26: But why is he sitting on that dirty ass floor w/no pants on? | 27: Kickin' ass w/no pants on!!

5.5,2: Yoshie!! <33 lol | 3: I love him. | 4: LOL!! | 5: Dem fingers!! "Finally the laws of Uke and Seme are balanced again" -RT. Lmao! | 6: "Opened a new door!"
5 1 Manga junko, bl, romance, baes 1
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Adeyaka Prince
6 1 Manga 1
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Adult na Kaihatsu Shitsu
6 1 Manga
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5 1 Manga
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ch.2: saddest shock EVER..
3 1 Manga drama, shoujo, slice of life, psychological 1
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Ai ga Kami wo Korosu Toki
4 1 Manga honma akira, mafia, bl 1
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Ai Hime: Ai to Himegoto
13 3 Manga
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Ai ni Somare
6 1 Manga 1
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Ai no Kotoba wo Uragaeshi
9 1 Manga 2
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7 1 Manga yaoi, minase masara
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Aiyoku Heaven
6 1 Manga
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Akai Hana
1 - One-shot yaoi, vampire, drama, bl 1
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Akanai Tobira
5 1 Manga bl, suzuki tsuta, comedy 1
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Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Yuki wa
6 1 Manga 2
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Akuma no Ororon
21 4 Manga
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Akunin wo Nakaseru Houhou
kayano yuzuru
oyama takao

0.10: Wow. He stepped right over that little boy. Wow.

1.11: Love at first sight huh? | 31: Please tell me he's kidding. All that for HIM? | 32: Ooo, critical hit.

2.6: He not married no more! At least not for long anyways.. | "Hi honey , how was your ('Divorce.') day...lets go out to a ('Divorce.') restaurant and have a ('Divorce.') meal ....nice wife ..." -RT. | 13-14: I really feel like this kid is dumb as fuck... | 18: Wow, his wife is just the greatest, huh? Cheatin' & everything. Total package. | 28-29: That must be the most heartbreaking thing in the world... | 32: Fuck-ass mangaka!!! Just when shit was about to get good!!! | " a yaoi manga? FOOLS! She will be forgotten...soon my wonderful yaoi loving friends...soon she will be forgotten." -RC. & now I feel better.

3.5: Gohleeee! This dude has had a HARD-KNOCK life! | 6: He's going on about how Takao's idea to get a job & take care of them is stupid buuut he's leaving them w/absolutely NOTHING & expects them to take care of themselves...Does he even realize he's contradicting himself? | 32: Yuzuru must have the luck of the irish or something 'cause that is definitely not natural!!

3.5,5: lol Oh shit!! | 6: Zero fucks were given by Takao. | 8: I thought the exact same thing!! They're both weirdos...but they go so well together! <3 | Takao finding happiness w/Kayano makes my heart melt! He deserves it.

4.6: He legit had the ultimate glo up!! | 8: All that money he saved up for Takao went to his wife?? Tf for? Wasn't she the one who wanted the divorce? But she can't take care of herself on her own? So even now that you're divorced, she stills gonna go to him for her needs...might as well get married again!! | 21: Why is he such a DUMBASS! | 24: These tsukommus are preaching! | 32: Takao really must not like the feeling of actually loving somebody because he is trying his damnest to find a way to refute these feelings! Like he is not giving up and in the process is hurting Yuzuru! He's right, Yuzuru would be better off w/any other type but his!

5.13: When shit starts to get real, you gotta threaten w/the money! I don't care how fucked up he had it when he was growing up, he just takes shit too damn far!! | 14: He sheds tears? | 18: To one of the tsukkomus: ...why reindeer ganes tho? | 23: "Takao, you're the first person I've ever loved, and you'll be the last." -Yuzuru. That touched my heart so much. One & only love. He's so lucky and all he's done is take advantage of it. | 27: & it kicked in.

5.5.2: Uh-oh, he's got that crazed look in his eyes...

5.6.4: They got your ass!!

Read 3.5
9 1 Manga bl, rich x student, amagakure gido, comedy 899
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Alice 19th
40 7 Manga shoujo, romance, fantasy, drama 1
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Amai Jouken
5 1 Manga hyuuga seiryou, bl, rescue 2
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Amai Kimi ga Suki
6 1 Manga moto haruko, bl, school life 400
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Anata ga Watashi to Kurashitara
7 1 Manga 166
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Anata no Mune ni Kaeru Hi made
5 1 Manga izumi miyazono
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Anata wo Mamoritakute
1 - One-shot
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Aniki Joutou
12 2 Manga 1
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Aoki Umi no Toraware Hime
princess matsurika(20)(kourozen)
prince orland(cantabria)
raju ameretat(12th prince of ameretat)
sheysha or shey(18)

Can you say Stockholm Syndrome?
8.18: She's not as annoying as she used to be. | 24: Woah...where did this attitude come from...? Her knight...? | Song: Safe & Sound - (Bailey cover)
9.7: "What are you grinning about?" "Huh? Was I smiling?" "Like a fool." -Matsu & Shey, well damn Shey tell me how you really feel. | 8: Shey's physical appearance sounds...American. | 15: Basically, she's saying she don't trust you as far as she can throw you but we'll leave that alone for now & not let anybody get hurt...your welcome. | 18: This nigga is so damn fake...Shey better not die! | 26: Zig Zag Don!!!
10: Raju is so damn cute! | TF? Rohan?
11.3: This kid look crazy.. | 14-17: hmm? <3 lol WELL DAMNN RAJU!!! Can you say pent up SEXUAL FRUSTRATION....or nah? As the pages went on from 15-17, it went from an innocent little peck on the cheek to lips mashing together to full-blown makeout session that included tongue & spit swapping!! It was like the second her lips touched his face, Raju SNAPPED! Like it didn't even seem like him, you can tell he hasn't had the pooty tang in AWHILE! I love how she felt so accomplished after that little peck like that was gonna be it...pshh! Unrefined but SEXY pirate you are! Turning into a sex-beast & shit... | 20-21: 4 years later...Gahh daaammmn! Fine young lady you get married & take the throne already & get me some grandbabies!!! lol | 24: TFFFFFF? Shey was 14??????? How did we not know this??? | 33: Goshhh, they're so damn cute... | Songs: We Found Love - Tyler Ward cover, Diamonds - Bailey cover | Can't believe this is the end...The End
12 2 Manga yuki ayumura, adventure, romance, shoujo, european ambient, pirates, Stockholm syndrome 524
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Arashi no Ato
6 1 Manga 1
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Arienai Futari
I would re-read story 4 anytime. & I just did: 2/13/14
When he said 'faked my death' suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle fit. Such a heartbreaking backstory though...The last part kills me EVERYTIME. | Song: Skinny Love - Birdy
8 1 Manga bl, comedy, romance, story4 1
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Asa Chun!

chapter 2 is sooooo sad
4 1 Manga shoujo, romance 2
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Ashita mo Koko de Aou
1 - One-shot
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Asobi ja Nai no

6.32: I can't with this whole damn page. That nigga's face killed me.
6 1 Manga sakuraga mei, bl, oneshot, school 1640
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Atashi no Bambi
nanase haruko
hachiya chiharu

ch2 pg37 - lmfbo hachiya..pffft! I can't! lol
ch3 pg39 - Nanase say whaaa? Did she just say that?

4 1 Manga shoujo, comedy, romance, hilarious, school life 295
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1 - One-shot
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ryoko sakura
ryunosuke fuji
yuki moroboshi
asuka miyake

31,22: His timing is just impeccable. Just impeccable. You know damn well she got a boyfriend! Tf you mean be your girlfriend?! She ain't even single!!! | 23: You put her on the spot too!? He just set himself up for failure!!
32: This just has to be the worst case scenario. You asked her to be your girlfriend knowing full well that she has a boyfriend. On top of that said boyfriend just so happens to be here unbeknownst to both of you standing next to the chick who is just counting down the minutes until she'll have the chance to steal said boyfriend from her. Worst. Case. Scenario. | 4-5: Looks like she about to breaking somebody's heart onstage then. | 5: Lol! Ryuus like "Move bitches!" | 6: "We can talk about this later." AKA You gonna catch this asswhoopin' when we get home where there's no witnesses. | 8: These niggas actin' like Ryuu the bad guy! He walk up in this club, lookin' for his girlfriend, to find some random guy asking her out in front of everyone. TF? But he a asshole for getting her off the stage before she can answer? What the fuck she gonna say "Yes!" for with her BOYFRIEND standing next to her? I think his reaction was perfectly warranted for his situation. If I was Ryuu I would of bapped the shit out that nigga already. Ryoko need to hurry up & reject this kid already!! | 9: Wrong kid!! You look really suspicious hitting Shu instead of Kurama especially after what he just said. | 12: Bad girlfriend award definitely goes to her. This kid getting in brawls & shit all because she doesn't know how to say the word no?! | 14: Welp, least he's smart.
33,11: Get outta people's business though!! Nigga you ain't got no clue what the fuck you're talkin' about!!
35,11: Shu just became my favorite character!! Lol!! Nosy as hell but speaks nothing but the truth! That was perfect! | 12: Lemme take that shit I said earlier back 'cause he just pissed me off all over again! Nigga YOU don't want anything to with them? YOU can't deal?! Bitch ain't NOBODY told you to get involved in the first place!!! NOBODY willingly invited you into their business! & NOBODY even knows why you're involved in the 1st place, hell why you're involved NOW!! He's saying this shit like they wanted him to know all they're damn secrets or something! It literally has SHIT to do with you! You just invited yourself into the mess so you can kindly UNinvite yourself too. He wanna call people freaks and say they're screwed up but he knows next to nothing about them other than that! You and your supposed friend are the ones trying to fuck up people's relationships but THEY'RE the screwed up ones??? This kid got his shit all types of backwards... | 17: Hate this line so much: 'You shouldn't be with a guy like me.' Since when was it ever your decision to decide what type of guy is good for her? I'm pretty positive that that choice is up to nobody but her. How do you know that breaking up with her is gonna even change anything? She could just find a guy just like you, then the break up would've been pointless
39,19: Why do you do this to me Ryuu? | This bitch better not be thinking what I think she is....She better stick them eyeballs back inside her head!
40,1: That moment when you know you're about to get some fucked up scans....but at least you were warned. | Take that back. The quality is amazing...translation...not so much | 11: I thought we got rid of these halfwits already!
41,28: Of course you are....
43,30: Ryuu it doesn't matter what you do, there's always gonna be some bitch claimimg to like you & claiming they just want what's best for you when clearly they have no fucking clue what's best for you. There's always gonna be a bitch fucking shit up between you & Ryoko. Like seriously? This time it's your freaking COUSIN!! What you need to do is get a rude, hard headed gf next time. | 45: NANDEEEEEE????? |" -__-) I swear, majority of the shojo manga I get into.....UGH *table flip*. " : Exactly how I feel at this point...
44.17: BINGO! | 21: Look at her being a MOTHER for once! | 23: Shits about to get ugly!! | 30: Is he out his mf mind?? Nigga do you not see you're a damn mess w/o her!! | Song: Dear Agony - BB
45.3: The tsukkomu lol | "Just because I broke up with Fuji doesn't mean the world stops." -Ryoko | 20: Are these niggas STUPID??? They do know that THEY were the intruders right? SOMEwhat responsible? You practically are responsible!!! | 22: "You stepped a bit out of line bro. A real man realizes that a woman should make her own choices--she should decide on you without coaxing." -Tsukkomu, realest shit ever. Only person who has it right on the head... | 29: Lol! The way she's laying on that table...
46.2: Now what in the hell could you possibly be crying about now!!?? Leave it to her to fuck up a good day... | 33: You've got to be fuckin' kidding me...did this bitch just FOLLOW him home??? Ryuu wtf are you doing to these bitches bro???
47.2: Fuji's face changed real fast! | 3-4: Before you go jumping to any conclusions Kura, that's his COUSIN! This is the same damn problem like before. He doesn't KNOW what the fuck he be talking about!!! If you don't know the situation, stay the fuck out of it & stfu!!! | 8: These tsukkomu people got a damn good point!! Kura should take his own damn advice! He sho didn't consider Ryuu OR Ryouko's feelings when he was fuckin' up their relationship!! | 20: What are you doing with your life Ryuu?? | 40: Just because you two aren't together anymore doesn't mean you can't talk him out of making a dumbass decision! | Song: Wake Me Up - Bailey cover | So complicated.. | "Okay yes both characters are weak willed and aren't the most "WOW" in your face but the truth is in real life most of us aren't either and thats why I like them. I know it's kind of over the top on how everything happens to them but I find it started off as a typical harem wanna be manga and then developed into something a bit more mature. The truth is most people have been in that kind of relationship (without the weird extras) and most people end up the same way breaking up because neither believes the other cares about them and needing a mediator whether it be a best friend or a family member to go in between and help it out.... SO WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS..... It pisses me off yesss... but the reason why so many of us can't stop reading is because subconsciously we relate to the characters in the manga.. whether it be their feelings or actions. so don't say you wouldn't read it.. I want to cry" -Random; I bow down to you, realest shit ever!!
48.5: Ryuu never looks fuckin' happy. | 7: You ain't gotta be a gf, but at least be a friend... | 19: Can you just get back together w/Ryuu already & save us the waste of time? | 24: Damn. That last part really hit me....Bailey cover - Titanium | 26-27: Rude. He probably hasn't realized it yet but he's just been rejected. | 28: I can't deal!! "Take it to your grave mate" -Random, somebody said this in response to thing in the upper right corner lol | 33-41: Uhhhh, this is such a mess!! | 42-44: I feel like my heart is breaking right now... | 46: Can I rejoice in this tiny little victory?!! YAYYYY!!! | Song: Bailey cover - Titanium
49.5: I'm about to put 2 big ass bullets in Ryuu's head if he doesn't stop being a damn pussy!!! | 13: I don't think he understands how much courage a girl has to muster to say shit like that especially in situations like Sakura's. | 17: Leave it to him to break the ice about the situation. | 21: THANK YOU!!! *praise jesus* Ryuu broke it off, but Ryouko is the only acting like she got some sense! He's such a good ass friend, looking out for Ryouko & such :) | 30: No nigga. She came back because she's trying fix this, can you act like you wanna fix it too? Damn. | Can completely relate to her dilemma with not knowing what to do right now. Just wish Fuji wouldn't act like such a damn asshole. | 33-34: But we all know that's a gahh damn lie. YOU know with every fiber of your body that that's a gahh damn lie! So why tf are you lying?! What is he trying to prove? | Then he wants to make that fuckin' face after all that shit he just said | 38: 'She's probably with Fuji.' They know Sakura too well | 39: Ah bloody hell! Kurama would show up of all fuckin' times! | 40: You telling this is her 1st time meeting half the reason Ryouko & Fuji aren't together anymore??!! Wtf does this bitch do all the time? | Daaayyuuumm! Caught cold-blooded Ryouko!! 42: "Honesty is the best policy, and you'd think she'd have learned by now that she's the one f*cking everything up." -Random tsukkomu, after that? Hell yeah honesty is the best policy!! | "Has everybody forgot who the hell forced themselves between the two of them and caused all that trouble? omg I can't believe you treat kuruma as a normal love interest object already! that a#hole. her trying to develop feelings for that guy grosses me out." -Random, Yes Kurama was one of the reasons why they broke up but at this point that shouldn't even matter anymore. At this point it's up to Fuji to patch things up. You can't change the past 'cause what's done is done. You can't really blame Kurama for still trying to be w/Ryouko. She's kinda giving him false hope instead of outright rejecting him already. now that Fuji is kinda out the picture he thinks this is his time to get the girl especially since he's been trying to get this girl for awhile w/questionable methods before. From Kurama's point of view he think he's getting somewhere w/her. | Have you forgotten that Fuji and that teacher had been banging each other, instead of tutoring, when he was in middle school ?Have you forgotten Fuji is the #1 host, the best in bed, according to the club manager ? Even the customers pick him up from school, at 3 PM.... they want it early. lol" -Random, that last part cracked me up but I don't even understand anymore why Fuji broke up with Sakura in the 1st place. 'It was too painful.'? What was too painful? What's painful is the fact that Ryouko has stuck with Ryuu's ass even w/all the shit she has been through w/him. What's painful is that you judged her for the few mistakes she made. At this point he shouldn't even get to be w/her anymore. He can go fuck himself in dark corner somewhere. | 'Doushite?' - Why? | Song: Bailey cover ft - Leggo House
50.8: This situation tho... | 10: Can I slap the mf spit out of Fuji's mouth so he isn't able say another stupid-ass word ever again? Bitch nigga, you ran all the way the over here, out of breath & everything, just to fuckin' say you have NOTHING to say?! Who tf you tryna fool, huh? You ain't got the balls to say shit now that Kurama's here? Hell who am I kidding? He didn't have the balls to say shit when it was just the 2 of them before!!! | 12: Okay. Progress. | 17: The hell you can't!! Why can't you fuckin' tell him that you'll NEVER like him the way you like Fuji!? | 23: No shit, Sherlock Holmes!! | He's saying this shit as if they actually had something together!! My nigga, it's been one-sided since day 1!!!! When you say that you're fine with the way things are, don't get mad when nothing changes!!! You're right! You pursued her, you were always just kinda...there!! If anything I commend you on your persistence but you gotta know when to stop fighting a losing battle. | 36: He still don't get it?! What is he trying to do? | "So Kuruma has probably arranged it this way so that Fuji comes running, he's too much of a nice guy to do anything bad." -Random, sadly I think this is true. Kuruma makes you want to take back all the mean stuff you say about him!! | "Obviously this is kurama's plan to make fuji take sakura back cause fuji HAS NO BALLS to do it himself, like he never does anything without anyone pushing him to do it, I mean he ran after sakura and he wouldn't even say what he wanted to say until kurama told him to." -Random, THIS. This is so true. I don't like Fuji. I haven't liked Fuji at all these last several chapters. To me he's become so weak-willed, so dispassionate about everything & if you asked me why I wouldn't be able to tell 'cause I don't even know why!! Compared to how Fuji was before, the Fuji now is PATHETIC!! I don't think he would ever lift a finger to try to Sakura back if people didn't force him to try! He would never fight to get her back, so why should he!? *vent over* | Song: Bailey cover - Titanium
51.6: Flesh wound. Keep it movin'!! | 25: Why is everything comin' outta Ryou's mouth straight fuckin' bullshit!!?? Nigga, was she suffering before the breakup? No. After? Hell to the muthafuckin' YES!!! Just 'cause you think you know best doesn't mean it is!! | 29-30: Damn. That's the BEGINNING beginning! | 33: ....Weeeellll....this is awkward. | 35-38: My heart </3 | 36: Mmmmhmmm | 39: Damn, damn, damn, DAMN!! More damn waiting!!! | Shit they don't even deserve an 'other guy' like Kurama!! If it wasn't for him y'all would probably still be acting like fumbling fools!!! Kurama is too nice, sweet, & considerate for stupid ass Ryouko to have anyway!! She don't deserve him!! He might be a little misguided sometimes, but not w/o a really good purpose!!! I honestly think Kurama will make some other girl, that will most likely be 100X the girl Ryouka will ever be, very fuckin' happy!!
52.46: Fuck this!! I'm done!
54.5: Oh noor...

all my shit that I spent precious time on completely fuckin' gone... fuck life
62 15 Manga ao mimori, shoujo, romance, drama, school
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Baku Ai
1 - One-shot
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Beast & Feast
kazuha hishinuma(28)
hyoudou itsuki(28)
6 1 Manga akira norikazu, bl, yakuza, detective, police 1
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Beast Master
9 2 Manga romance, shoujo, comedy, school life
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Beauty Pop
57 10 Manga
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Bed Room Tour!
ch1: influenced easily & falls easily
ch2: really liked it
ch3: only in a bl
ch4: W.T.H.?
ch5: ch5 pg10, scantalation picture or whaa?
ch6: two-faced?
ch7: p16, why is there a KFC box on this table? I'm so through... | now this is a mole done right | this was one cute ass sexy couple
7 1 Manga bl, romance, comedy 1
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Beniiro Hero
-nobara sumiyoshi(ace) (16)(19)
-yuushin kumagai(powerful attacker full of guts & leader of the team)
-haibuki keisuke(cool, hardworking, & talented attacker, ace)(precise)
-ousaka tomoyo(setter)
-kanoko noda(frog)(spiker)
-gotou gocchin
-michiru rena
-coach shima fumi
-takahashi kazuya(noh-faced(?), boy's former captain)
-tsuchiya naoto(sleeps a lot, eats a lot, & takes everything at his own pace)(team's secret weapon)
-ichiba tomonori(kind-hearted feminist)(likes nobara??)(vice captain)
ryou shima (24)
iketani 'michiru' mikako(leader of volleyball cheer club)

73.3: Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit. Get your head in the game Nobara. | 17: Why did they have show this scene...I hate seeing Yuushin like this... | 22: Oh hell no, that bitch would had her ass beat that mf second! | 25: That necklace though! | 30: Fuuuuuccckkk!! The timing is ridiculously bad! I would of put on the best performance of my life then just so she wouldn't know what was up! | 31: Holy shit bro!!! Nothing ever wants to go right damnit!! There goes Beniino girl's chances of advancing to the Spring Tournament! | 34: All of them looking at her like 'Are you fucking kidding...' This girl is having a panic attack, people are screaming but apparently she can't see all that & is only worried about this damn tournament! | 42-43: Really? The ball goes straight to Nobara? Some unforeseen force has got to have it out for her! Lordd they are in trouble...That crowd got so quiet, so fast. Everybody looking like they can't believe their eyes! Did Nobara just miss that ball...? | 44: I instantly wanted to chuck a ball straight at that bitches face..
74.17: Yeaaa, it was literally only a matter of time... | 19: Damn, that scared ME!
75.18: Exactly (: | 20-26: I wanna cry. Song: Find Me (Stripped) - Grimmie | 23: "Kumagai definitely won't give up! Therefore, we won't give up either!" -Haibuki, now this is the shit everybody needs to be hearing right now!
76.8: Haibuki blocked that shit so swiftly & it was supposes to be one of their opponent's best plays. | 18: That statement is so scary accurate. I'm mean no shit that Yuushin not being there was gonna affect the boy's team but it also managed to cross over to the girl's team as well. His presence is bigger than any of them ever thought. | 29: This made me realize how valuable Yuushin really was, I love this kid! | Song: Hallelujah - Paramore, perfect song for this chapter!!!
77.2-7: Why would they do that to me!!??? WAHHHHH!!! | 8: I feel just like Kanoko right now!!! | 12: OMG!! I can breathe now!!! | 14: Ah, how nostalgic... | 18: Both team's aces! What a sight!! | 23-24: I love this so much!! | 35: Damn, she was out fast too!
78.11: They obviously missed the whole meaning of a team & teamwork... | 13: If you've got bad news, please stfu! | 21: OMG! BANZAI!!! SHUGOI!!! Nobara is back!!!!! | 31-33: I'm so proud of Benino!!! | Song: Hallelujah - Paramore
79.36: I really don't understand. They're losing a set to an aceless Yabe, but they just won a set when the was Benino?? | 40: We've missed you.
80: You are the Hero | 3: It hurts looking at these last few chapters...*sniff* | 10: What in the hell!! I can't breathe, this score is giving me breathing problems! | 12: Thank you okaa-san. | 17: But how do you just hang in the air until that happens? | 25: Support Yuushin with your all Nobara. | 32: Both aces just tired as hell!! | 35-38: "Everyone, thank you for being on the volleyball team." -Nobara | 42: "Hey kumagai, did you hear? There is indeed a hero." -Haibuki (about nobara?) | This chapter has me on the absolute edge!!!!! | Song: Titanium - Bailey cover
81: Final Round - Goodbye Hero | 3: UHHHHH YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!! | 7: Tears everywhere!!! | 8: "They won the dream of going to the spring tournament with their own hands." -announcer | 14: Why are you making me cry!!! | 37: Uh-oh Big sis wants to meet Nobara??? Lets see how this goes | 38: I wanna wtf she was about to say!!! | 39: Well this is awkward.. | 42-45: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! <3<3<3
Kissssssssss!!!!!! | 49: YUUUSHIIIINNNN!!! | 50: Whaaaaa??? | 51: I love you guys!!!! | Song: Fix You - Avenue cover
82: 3 Years Later | 4: OMG!! I'm about to faint!!! | 5: Nobara is beautiful!!!! | 7: Yuushin's hair!! | He's been going out with your daughter for almost 4yrs & you're just meeting him?? What kinda fuckery? | 10: Nobara doesn't play volleyball anymore...? :( | 18: He's all famous & shit now! | Tell whoever is calling to fuck off damn!! ruining people's alone time! Yuushin's all mad now. | 20: Lol! He could smile a bit at least..I forget how tall he is. | Why are they butting heads!? | 25: They might want to skedaddle before Yuushin see's their asses! | 26: They make such a cute-ass couple brooo <3<3 | 31: Yuushin. Dripping wet. Naked under that robe is uhhhfjsbnvgrie! | 32-34: This manga be having me feeling some type of way!!! This was sooooo damn cute!!!! Gosh I love Yuushin to death!!! | 36-42: The feels are killing me!! | They're JUST doing IT now...? | 40: That damn phone is still ringing!? | 42: Her ring <3<3<3 | Her mom just needed a little reassurance (; | Yuushin Kumagai & Nobara Sumiyoshi! 4eva, 4lyfe, 4happiness! <33333 | Song: Wake Me Up - Bailey cover, perfect song<3
83: Ryo's History | 6: Well duh bitch. He IS in high school. | 13: (: | 16: Damn. Okay. | 18: 10yrs??? Outta his damn mind... | 19-21: Ohmygoodness...This must be some kind of cruel joke | 23: This is where he found his home, huh? | 25: He's all tan now. So this is where we first saw Ryou, huh? | 33: *sniff* | 36: Satsuki. | 39: Kumagai & Shima play together on the same team!? This author is messin' me up with tears! | 40: "All Japan Super Serve. The Versatile Attacker, Ryou Shima!!" -announcer, I am so damn proud of you Ryou! | I loved this chapter & love reading Ryou's story! | Song: Home - Goulding | 42: "If it became too realistic, it lost the essence of the shoujo manga. It's hard to balance both things." -Takanashi(mangaka)

This author has had my heart with this manga for a while! So many emotional roller coaster with this one, along with happy memories. It has to be one of the most heartbreaking things to watch it come to an end. I loved every moment of reading this manga, loved every character in their own way. Yes, there are some things about the ending that I'm not happy about, namely Nobara quitting volleyball. This whole manga was reading the journey Nobara goes on just to keep her love of volleyball alive & at end she just quits it? Does that sound like Nobara? No, but it was the mangaka's decision so I have to deal it. Though I would of liked to see how that ordeal played out... Anyway, it's time to say goodbye to one of my most beloved mangas. All good things must come to an end. It's not a goodbye, but a see you later...hopefully (; | Thank You, The End.

Song of the Manga: Hallelujah - Paramore

-Started late
Quotes:"Look up...puff up your chest & walk!!"-yuushin to nobara.
"What's making you cry that much?"-nobara's mom to nobara.
"It would be best if I just forgot about it"-nobara
"We're all hopeless."-nobara's thoughts
"Come back, Haibuki!"-nobara

"Such a powerful manga on perseverance and overcoming your fears. Probably one of my most cherished and favorite of all manga." -Random, my thoughts exactly (:
87 20 Manga takanashi mitsuba, sports, romance, drama, volleyball, my heart 975
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Bi no Isu
5 1 Manga drama, action, yakuza, bl 1
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Bishounen no Oheya
6 1 Manga 17
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Blood Honey
5 1 Manga 1
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Bloody Kiss
8 2 Manga
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rumi-chan is effinn' HIGHlarious!!
4 1 Manga drama, school life, shoujo, cousin 1
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Body Talk
7 1 Manga yaoi, smut
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Boku ni Natta Watashi
20 5 Manga
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Boku no Shiru Anata no Hanashi
6 1 Manga suzuki tsuta, yakuza, bl 1
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Boku to Neko to Hatsukoi Kousa
kirishima masao
kurokawa taisuke

"You never know what life'll throw your whenever something bad happens, I've learned to take this outlook--'Just laugh it off! Send it packing!'" -Taisuke, considering what he's been through this quote is so beautiful.
3.4: That's some otherworldly type of horny!! Like the fuck?! lol His boner scared his cat, it was so hard! | last page tho <3

4.12: His facial expression just made my day! I just lost so much info but it's all better thanks to his face! #priceless | 15: Toothpaste = removal of ink stains | 22: AWW! | 26: "that cats like: I'm done with ya bullsh*t" -RT. | 31: All that says is that Maa is a catch & that you should cherish him, even though we already know you do ;) | 32: ...Those words did not just come out of Tai's mouth! GODDANNNNGGG!! He was not playing around!! I would never think he would say some shit like THAT! For a second I thought it was a wrong translation!! I think we all know who the real MVP of this story is: TAI-CHAN!!!!!

5.25: I love this manga's narration so much!! There's just something about it that is so uplifting... | 27: My tsukkomu. | 30: Is 'together' like a code word for something? | 32: This ending is so darn cute! <333 | The Lovely End~

*Osaka is 6-7 hours away from Tokyo by car.
6 1 Manga school, miyoshi ayato, childhood best friends, bl, best-feeling narrative 147
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Boku wa Pet
good story
1 - One-shot oki ginjou, bl 1
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Bokura no Mitsudomoe Sensou
Kuni & Daiki <3333
1.12: Why is this page so damn relatable to me... | 29: But how he get louder than before? Kuni must be hittin' it better! | 30: Those 2 dudes will never get old!! | The way he talks about Kuni!!! He just looks like he has an evil side!! | This is my absolute favorite chapter!! Like none of the other one even get on it's level!! WWWWOOOOOO!!!!!

ch3 - "Our school has like, a lot of homos." "Everywhere." -the randoms that keep wlkin' in. L-M-A-T-F-O
4.3-4: I cannot deal! They came out that bitch as if ain't shit happen! | 15: LOL! This author play too damn much! This is like the 4th time we just see 'em in the background all over each other out in plain sight!! Like damn!! | 19: An the anus? a yaoi manga that only means one thing... | 23: Broo, what in the heck...! lol I can't deal to save my life, what in the world... | 27: Did he just ask where the anus was...? I see why he's a gym teacher. | Magi and Takahiko need to go sit the fuck down somewhere. Shit!!

5.12: LOL! Talk dirty to me~ | The tsukkomu!! | 19: L-O-L!! He said he don't got that kinda penis power!!! Tf?? | 22: He is so gonna get caught... | 35: What is life? Lmao!! & they still managed to make it in this chapter again!!!
6 1 Manga shoowa, bl, hawt, threesome, comedy 340
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8 1 Manga
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11 3 Manga
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Brand Romance
4 1 Light Novel 2
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Bring it on!
25 5 Manhwa comedy, romance, manhawa, shoujo 2
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Brother Auto Spot
6 1 Manga 1
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Butoukai no Techou
4 1 Manga 1
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nishiki jun(shiki)(20)
asoaka (19)
takano mikoto(TJ)(36)
7 1 Manga bl, cute 2
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Castle Mango
12 2 Manga
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Cat & Master Dog
1 - One-shot yamane ayano 1
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Cat Street
the lengendary four;;
36 8 Manga shoujo, romance, drama, school life, HAPPINESS 2
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Champagne wa Koi no Biyaku
5 1 Manga 59
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Charisma Doll
10 2 Manga
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Cherries Fight
ch2 - hayato is hilarious
4 1 Manga yasuko, shoujo, romance, school 1
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Cherry na Teacher
5 1 Manga 1
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Chiisai Hitsuji wa Yume wo Miru
4 1 Manga 277
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Choco Strawberry Vanilla

2.36: mmmm, thought so...

3.31: How is he the seme in this situation?!

4.9: Mine's face in the top left corner is priceless!!! He looks like he just watched the world burn down right in front of his eyes! lol | 13: Oh. Did he mean up to 3 times EVER? 'Cause I thought he meant up to 3 times A DAY?! | 23: ....hmmm...point! | 28: That ARCH! | 33: Those moles on Take's face are SO damn sexy!!!! Just had to add that in. | "Which is why Mine is such an anomaly, because he makes Hiroi start thinking of wanting something separate from Take and makes Take just WANT something at all. And considering how Take loses interest in girls who starts liking him more than Hiroi, Mine's unconditional love for Hiroi is a perfect foil for that because Mine doesn't seem to be anywhere near falling out of love for Hiroi." -RC, VERY good point.

5.15: "If you don't act like an idiot in front of the person you like, when else would you?" -Hiroi, I take this to heart. | 21-23: ...Huh?! | 25: "And suddenly everyone who was shipping TakeMine starts to rethink their stance" -RT, MEE! Shit, after this chapter? I thought! | 34: I don't know what to think of this... | 36: Did he..kiss him?
7 1 Manga psycho delico, bl, smut 541
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Chocolate Cosmos
20 4 Manga
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Chotto Tobashisugi
7 1 Manga 1
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haruichi (Giselle)
yuri arbatov (albrecht)(half Russian)
jean flaubert (hilarion)(French)
roche Flaubert (bathilde)(French)
lisa erith (queen of the willis: myrtha)
akihito (haru's brother)

10,12: This tsukkomu sums up this whole page: "What in the world are you doing....son?...." (haru's dad sees him crossdressing) | 29: This bitch is so damn two-faced!!! | That hoe Lisa came up in that bitch like 'I'm here to fuck shit up!" & that's exactly what she did!
11,8: Too bad 'ol girl doesn't know that that's next to he's so dramatic!! | 9: Well DAMN!! Tf he been hiding this secret for then? | 18: "You need to open up like a flower here!" -Jean, lol Haru is like "Tf does that even mean...?" | This chapter was too funny!
12,5: Jean's face is killing me tho! | 35: Damn, she lost her own damn competition. | 41: Relatable.
13: So I guess the whole fams here, huh? This should be fun... | 29: Somebody help! I can't breathe 'cause this is too damn funny!! Those pictures are killing me!!! HAHAHAHAH!
14,15: Closest thing to a confession we about to get. The tsukkomu on this page just read my mind!! | 31: Please show them how hard you've worked.
15,7: Look at him throwing out that innocent doe eyed look!! | 16: Oh shit! Albrecht turned Giselle into a yandere!!! | 17: Brooo, He's killing this performance!!! <3 | 29: It doesn't have to end!!! </3 | 33: That's how Giselle ends?!! That's it?? She's dead & he lives on?!! | 35: Jean is my delicious French crepe!! <33 | 37-39: No. Don't do this Haru! My heart is crying.
16,2: The whole fam is here!!! | 3: This is killing me! | 15: Papa <3 | 18-19: Roberto shhhh!!! You tryna blow his shit already?? | 22-23: Yuri say whaaa??? Haru better hop his ass on this damn plane!!!! | 27: Papa is a lot more observant compared to before.. | 31: Hell nah! Akihito is built for baseball! | 35: <33333333 | No suitcase or passport tho... | Songs: Crystallize -Lindsey Stirling, Diamonds - Bailey cover | The End

Russia sequel?

viking style
yamato nadeshiko: elegent Japanese girls
prima ballerina - 1st ballerina?
16 3 Manga hitoshi ichimura, shoujo, ballet, crossdressing, gender bender, dance, pretty art 1103
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Corsair - Eigetsu
7 1 Manga minami fuuko, erii misono, bl, drama 1
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Crazy For You
4 1 Manga
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Crazy Love Game
3 1 Manga
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Critical Lovers

2.122: I have never read such sexy ass words until I saw this page....woooh! *fans self* | 123: Poor Mizuno. | 183-185: Tf kinda question...? Oh my... | 199: So damn CUTEEEE!!! Senpai made the cutest facial expression. | Song: Your Biggest Mistake - Ellie Goulding | 219: AHAHAHAHAHAAH! Heat stroke??? LOL! He told your ass!!! Song: Human - Ellie Goulding
13 2 Manga tennouji mio, bl, comedy 2
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Crossover Love
5 1 Manga
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Cutie Boy
first manhwa I ever read by Hwang Mi Ri
39 8 Manhwa comedy, romance, shoujo, manwha
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Daisuki Datta yo, Sensei...
4 1 Manga 1
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Dark Road
Badass art
1 - One-shot bl, one shot, shimotsuki kairi 1
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Datenshi ni Sasageru Uta dj - Harem Nights
3 3 Doujinshi
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Dear My Mister
favorite couple: MasayaXRei(frm Target)
6 1 Manga 1
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Deep Bloody Night
1 - Manhwa
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Deep Love Virus
"after tonight"- Justin Nozuka(song I listened to)
6 1 Manga romance, shoujo, drama, school
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Dekiru Otoko
5 1 Manga 1
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Dia Game

2.17: TF this nigga smiling for...? | 24: He might be the bad guy right now, but Kuro is fine as hell!!!
3.8-9: Oh shit....! | 10: This nigga is so damn suspicious... | 14: I officially love Kuro!! | 27: Ummmm...<3
4.10: Song: Under The Sheets - Ellie Goulding, perfect song for this part <3 | 17: Kuro ran his hand through his & I almost died bro...Jeez warn a bitch 1st Kuro. | 24: Damn. He found out fast AF!
5.7: ....These niggas must be dumb as flying fuck...Kuro hunts vampires for a living, vampires who are suppose to be 10xs as strong as humans...y'all have no damn chance! | 10: Kuro is way too flippant about this shit! "Well whatever..." like nigga what?! Song: Animal - Ellie Goulding | 20: Yup. Song: Home - EG | 32: After a hundred years, since you know they'll be together forever!!!
5.5, 10: He makes one hot vampire! | 14: Kuro makes him the happiest! ^o^ | THE END
6 1 Manga bl, it will make you have a conflicting battle of who you want to pair up!!, vampires, daia, Ellie Goulding mania 324
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Diamond Beat
6 1 Manga 1
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Dog Style
20 3 Manga
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Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in the Dark
6 1 Manga action, seinen, drama, ova, prequel 1
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hal triazolam-glandol ('useless')
Icarus tegafur glandol(dead king)
datura metal mitragyna(queen)
haoma soma ischia(prince of ischia)

ch.15 is crazy!
ch24 -woahh...
34,51: Soooo there are 2 crazies, Mao & Kait!!??? | 53-54: So....Mao? | 64-5: OMG. Are you telling me he put on that mask that was broiling in the fire on his face? What is he doing? (Mao)
36,8: No....Mao | 39: Oh man, I can't take this. It's so intense. | Everybody dies but Hal. He rebuilds the kingdom. Lyco & Kait live on through lycoris flowers...blah blah. Idc. I just want Kait, Lyco, & my baby Mao to come back! I'm tired of people dying! Fuck the bullshit!!! | The 'effing End

36 5 Manga Mihara Mitsukazu, horror, romance, drama, josei 960
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Don't Cry, Girl♥
taeko & masuda

-stockholm syndrome: when you're kidnapped and start devoloping feelings for your kidnapper.
7 1 Manga Yamashita Tomoko, omggggg, shoujo romance, comedy, nakedness 99
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Don't Touch Me!
25 5 Manhwa 129
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6 1 Manga 1
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Dounimo Nannai Soushi Souai
kousaka keita

2: HOTTEST. KISS. in a closet. EVER!
4 1 Manga yamada papiko, bl, never ever love 1
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Doushitemo Furetakunai
shima toshiaki(26)

" mouth feels lonely..."-Togawa
9 1 Manga yaoi, bl, drama, yoneda kou 1
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Doutei Hitsuji to Abazure Ookami
6 1 Manga 1
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Dream Kiss
nikaido souma(black)
sumi daiki(waspy)
uehara souta(white)
suzuki tasuku(brown?)
jun(short hair)
22 4 Manga Ooya Kazumi, romance, comedy, drama, shoujo
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Emperor Limited
5 1 Manga 288
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End Love
Song: Say Something
For boxer & chef oneshots
6 1 Manga bl, sports, slice of life 1
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Endou-kun no Kansatsu Nikki
5 1 Manga Hayakawa Nojiko, bl, shounen ai, high school 1
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Eros in the Stoic
1 - One-shot
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20 7 Manga
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7 1 Manga ootsuki miu, bl 48
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13 3 Manga romance, shoujo, comedy, school life, action 2
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From Dusk till Dawn
6 1 Manga 1
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Game x Rush
quote:"I'm glad I met you."-yuuki shin to memori fujieda
song:young forever by jay-z
12 2 Manga mystery 2
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Gentei Kareshi
6 1 Manga mangakoi
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Geshuku Biyori
6 1 Manga 1
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1 - One-shot shounen ai, bl, romance, kawaii 1
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Giri Koi
8 2 Manga
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Gosan de Fukou na Koibana
makino eita
shun (lil bro)

1.5: Sexiness right off the bat! | 15: I seriously cannot blame Eita. I mean look at Shun! He drips fineness!! | 20: Well that's not a good angle at all! | 21: Shun, no just no. | 24: He's not so gentle tonight! | 26-28: Shit, MY heart is going to break!! It hurts so much because you just know he's in so much pain but he thinks there isn't anything he can do about it! | 35: *Shiver* | It's an unspeakable pain. | 36: Damn that's hot. & disturbing. | An incurable pain. | Kusatta Rasen!! "But they're only brothers!" | Ogawa needs to have a whole book of one shots w/stories just like this one & Kusatta Rasen! Her shit is always so good!
11 1 Manga ogawa chise 1
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Gosan no Heart
ch2 was sexy as hell dawg! & Udou?! Oooo!!

ps: I loved Last Summer Blues

5.9: Nigga broke 'em himself! | 12: Tamachi is fizzineee! | 20: Wow. I completely understand Oomura... | 21: Tamachi is so damn fine, but he is not slick!! | 25: & here we go. | 27: He just KISSED & DISMISSED! Now the line hits him! | 28: This was effin adorable!!

5.5,6: Oh My!! | 7: He just fucked up his own day! | 12: logic.

'nothings sexier than a yandere seme'(Udou) -unknown & YAAAASSS!
6 1 Manga ogawa chise, romance, bl, school 348
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Gravity Eyes
8 2 Manga
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43 7 Manhwa
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Hana ni Arashi
11 2 Manga
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Hana no Kishi
quotes:"i'm not afraid."-sei
29 5 Manga 194
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hassaku yanase(25)
kanoko muro(15)
soyogo muro(26) (light green tinged blue)

1.10-11: Lmao! | 26: "However, 'not normal' doesn't mean 'not happy'." -Yanase. I absolutely love this. It's so perfect. | 34-35: Reversal? | 36: So he does speak?

2.1: Tsukkomu | 11: This nigga is weird as shit! | LMAO! He said alchemy!! | 17: You ladykiller, you! | 29: "should have been yaoi! i feel cheated!!" -RT. I had been keeping my hopes alive but I'm sayin'!!! A yaoi would fit so perfectly in this lovely story! It would of been the icing on the cake, I feel so cheated!! | 33: I fuckin' love it!

3.2: What a difference! | 3: He is absolutely adorable! | 18: Yandere imouto. Yup, basically. | 31: Who planted these? They planted these for them! | 32: I absolutely can't. It's too much. These feels are gonna swallow me whole <333 | 33-34: <3

3.5,6: Umm, problem....solved? | 7: Well isn't this nice...& cramped!
5 1 Manga mio kawahara 1
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8 2 Manga fantasy, romance, shoujo, supernatural
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Hanazono no Kioku
7 1 Manga
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Hand Which
7 1 Manga comedy, yaoi, shounen-ai
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Harapeko Mitsuba-Chinko
1 - One-shot
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Harapeko Usagi to Koisuru Ookami
jinnou shirou (29)
kou(for happiness)

1.6: It's even funnier because his thoughts & his facial expression are on completely different pages! | Little Loppy? | What's your emergency food supply?! | 13: Agree w/tsukkomu. This guy will have wrinkles out the ass when he's old! | 15: The wabbit!!!! lol <3333 | This kid is demolishing those donuts!! He has a new one in his mouth every new frame!!! | 16: I'm about to explode & rain out glitter & rainbows! That was the cutest shit ever!!! | 20: Is this what he does w/his free time? Or was he trying to prove a point? | 24: That smile tho... | 26: Oooookay. | 27: 'Since my heart is pounding real fast right now, you can't be a rabbit...' his logic baffles me lol | 29: 'Only in Japan, you can flirt with the meaning of name.' -RT, I know! In the US you would just get a weird ass stare. | 31: My heart is in pieces. I understand that so much. Now I just wanna hug him. | 34: Oh. Well that's nice.'s the weather today?

2.3: LOL!! Bruh I can't deal!!! | 11: Please don't eat Little Loppy! | 27: Well that's a nice prize. | 33: <333

3.7: Cute asses! | 10: Evil & Rabbit spirits. | 11: Mhmm...& just think of all the things you did on that futon...<333#///# | HAHAHA Is this one of his countermeasures? Where'd he even find that mask? | lol Bunnyman! (tsukkomu) | Please take those stupid ass masks off... | 25: If you couldn't tell, I think he wants the 'D'. | 32: Shirou baby!! | Song: Imagine Dragons - Bleeding Out
6 1 Manga kanda neko, bl, comedy 190
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Hard Core Heart
8 1 Manga 1
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Haruyuki Bus
16 4 Manga shoujo, romance, usami maki, slice of life
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Hatsukoi ni Kiss
funny af!!!
The ending was the most realistic depiction of what that situation should REALLY be like!! I been saying for the longest that the other ones are bs!!
1 - One-shot sasamaru yuuge, one shot, bl, junko art lookalike 1
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Hatsukoi ni Oboreta
1st story was the best I've read in awhile
2nd story was complete shitballs
5 1 Manga shoujo, romance, school 1
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Hatsukoi no Atosaki
nishina toru
miyama kohei

-a painful and deceitful past love
-nishina cares too much what people think
6 1 Manga bl, yes. i love it, hidaka shoko 128
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Hatsukoi Yokochou
6 1 Manga 1
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H³ School
30 5 Manga 1
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He's Dedicated to Roses
best one byy Hwang Mi Ri
- 11 Manhwa comedy, romance, gender bender, shoujo
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5 1 Manga norikazu akira, yakuza, bl 2
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4 1 Manga 1
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Hello Again
6 1 Manga 1
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Hero Mitai ni
1 - One-shot 1
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Heroine Shikkaku
hatori matsuzaki
rita terasaka
adachi miho
nakajima kyoko
kousuke hiromitsu

1: Swear their names are backwards...
2,39: Hai, I feel like that aaaaaaall the time... | 40: Oh, so we bout to play this game, huh? Alright trick. | 41: Daaammnnn, what is life...? | 41: Well, shit. I wouldn't go as far as to say she's an insensitive bitch Rita. | 27: *sob* | 32: This is so relatable that it hurts...
4,46: ....I love her! "This is my love story, so I'm the only one who gets to be the heroine!" -Hatori
7,23: Crossover with Strobe Edge alert!!!
8,10: Ugh, not only did she lose the guy she likes she also probably lost her friend too. She shoulda just shut the hell up!
10,35: Finally, this bitch gets a clue... | 39: Same thing I said like 7 chapters ago....What does ANYBODY see in you? These questions haunt me.... | 42: The epitome of FOREVER ALONE.
11,8: This bitch is so damn fake it makes me wanna hurl. | 16: Nakajima is pretty damn smart. Actually the smartest person in this whole damn manga!
12,3: WHAT THE FLIIIIIIIPPPPP!!!! Bitch that ain't yo girlfriend?! Who tf do you think you're kissing on?????? | 34: I won't ever understand this kid
14: Here's what I think. Basically at the start of the story when Rita had just broken with that one girl, that would of been Hatori's perfect moment to get Rita. But she missed 'cause she was cocky af & thought Rita would eventually see her in a romantic way. But that's the problem. Rita had NEVER looked at her romantically 'cause Hatori was always been the childhood friend that for some reason was always stuck to him & that's ALL she was. So here comes Adachi who somehow outta the goddang blue managed to get Rita & set a fire under Hatori to get off her ass & get the guy she likes. If anything this whole situation just made Hatori & Rita realize the extent of their feelings for each other. | The end of this chapter KILLED me! I don't even understand this fucked up story anymore.
15,9: LOLOLOLO! Hatori be doing the utmost I swear!! | 13: This bitch will legitimately walk around baldheaded if y'all don't do something! lol | 17: Oh heeeell no! He doesn't get to have that look on his face!! You clearly chose Adachi over Hatori! You don't get the liberty of looking irritated so you better put on a blank face or something & keep it movin'!! | 27: If this bitch doesn't stop crying already! Crying completely loses its effect when you do it all the damn time! Like I can't even feel sorry for you anymore 'cause its not like you're genuinely sad, it's just that you're a fucking cry baby!!!! It's already been established that crying ain't gonna solve your problems or else you wouldn't be in the situation you're in now!! So suck them damn tears back up & woman up already geez!!!! | Go get her Kousuke!!!
16,21: ...damn tell us how you really feel, why don't ya Kousuke? | 37: Omg! Please, please make her happy Kousuke!! Please make her forget all about Rita!! This is the first time I've ever not wanted the main guy to get the girl so you better snatch her heart!!! | "I really want those two to end up together.... After some character development, that is." -random commentor, yup yup!
17,42: UGGGGHHHH! He pisses me off so badly! He has no right to call her feelings cheap? Like tf do you want her to do?? Even if she was still on that wanting to be by his side forever bs, it would be impossible 'cause he has a mf girlfriend that he clearly chose over her!!! Did he want her to pine after him for all eternity or something? Like wtf do you want?????????? OOOOOh he pissed me off with that shit! | 47: & this is what I mean by tears making an impact! We've never seen this kid cry about anything before now. It really shows that he honestly does care for & he realizes that he probably just lost her. I don't know what he's thinking but I know he realizes at least this much: He fucked up.
18,37: Take those damn words back! Tf you mean you think you've fallen for her?! He has to have the WORST timing ever & just when things were going so perfect for her and Hiromitsu!!! UUUGGGGHHHH! Too damn little, too damn late!!! He knows damn well that's gonna fuck her up!!! It's not her fault you didn't realize what you had until it was gone!! Don't fuck up Hiro&Hatori!!!!
19,16: DON'T!! Is he outta his mind?! You're gonna get 'Adachi'd'!!! She left for 3 months, came back & they were practically having an undercover relationship!! Leaving those two alone is never has a good idea! | 37: Gosh, I love Hiromitsu sooooo damn much!!!! He's a smart 'other' guy!! He said let me walk my girlfriend home so can't no funny business go down between her and Rita & I end up hearing about it the next day. He said let me not get 'Adachi'd' & cockblocked the fuck outta Rita. See, this is why this manga should be different and actually let the other guy get the girl for once! | 41: Damn right he pisses you off! It's 'cause he did what you fuckin' couldn't you cunt!! Wallow in your own sadness forever!! | "Look, Rita, the reason why you like Hatori now is because you can't have her anymore. You're acting like a child who got his old toy snatched away from him, even though he doesn't play with it anymore, it annoys him that's why he wants it back. Plus, Hiromatsu really annoys the shit out of you." -Random commentor, can't explain it any better. Point.Blank.Period. | I'm starting to think the feelings Adachi has for Rita aren't feelings of love but something else...
21,14: 'I'm sorry, Rita. But I've found my happiness now.' -Hatori, I'm so happy that Hiromitsu makes her so happy!! Like they are the cutest fuckin' couple! | 42-43: I wanna cry 'cause I'm so happy for them!!!! | This is one fuckass manga with a fuckass mangaka. Making her bestfriend fall in love with Rita...ta loca!!!
23,3: Hatori has a damn good point!! She liked that nigga for 5 years, fought for his ass even though he had a girlfriend & he still said he didn't like her. He even chose another girl over her & when she finally says she's had enough, he wanna start catching some feelings when she's all happy with Hiromitsu!! He breaks up with the girl who was in the way this whole time & while Nakajima is comforting him she gets what Hatori has wanted for 5 years in the matter of minutes!?! If I was Hatori I would be salty as hell too 'cause she IS taking a shortcut! Like I HATE Rita, he's a douchebag! I don't even believe he even really liked Hatori like he said he did!
26,42: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Take that kiss back Rita!!! Take it back you fucker!!! You better hope Hiro ain't around the corner or something!!! | 44: Damn! This nigga is good! Shit, it's about to go down!!! "Ooooh kill 'em, he's going bad boy now!" -random tsukkomu, lol hell yeah!
27,6: I love Hiro so much! You know this nigga ain't going down w/o a fight! Cockblocked the shit outta Rita too | 17: "I ain't congratulating you shit this year!" -Hatori, lol she's so mad! (Rita's birthday)
29,25: UGGHHHH!! WHAT IS LIFE!!!!!??? You can't even be mad at Hatori anymore 'cause she had every right to act the way she did!! I mean the tf nigga? You just let this bitch kiss you!!! This is so damn frustrating!!! | I had so much hope for Hiro, then this pot-headed bitch comes out of the goddang blue & fucks everything up!! Nande?????!!!!!
30.28: The face of guilt right there! | 29: Brutal honesty, huh? Not the way to go Hiro... | 32: Oooh, she got you there. | 34: Umm, I'm sorry but she's kinda being a hypocrite here. | "dem b*tches keep on popping out like daisies -___-" - Random, bruuuuh, I can't breathe! I just laughed my boredom away. | 39-40: Tf happened to this bitch...? | 40: ...Yay. Adachi is back....(sarcasm out the ass...) | The randomness of that situation is off the walls..."I am so done. Like my level of "done" is over 9000 as of this moment." -Random, me currently.
31.4: Hmm, informative...Riajuus, huh? | 5: Where does this mangaka come up with this shit!? | 8: OMgfjrmev!!! I'm fucking sayingggg!!!! Thank you Nakajima!!! Point out how fucking hypocritical she is! | 13: LOL! He knows all too well! | 15: Oh my...somebody tell her to gtfo with that dumb shit!!! | 23: Lol!!! Rita's response to the drawing!!! | 25: AHAHAHA!! Their friendship is awesome!! | 27: LOl! Hatori, Smash!! | 28: Shiiiiiiiiiiitttt.... | 31-33: Oh no, don't do this Hiromitsu!! Think about it from her perspective! She just forgave you for not telling her that 'ol girl kissed you. She's over brainstorming over what to get you & she finds you out w/same said girl!? He knows Hatori all too well to know exactly how she would react!! The only problem was that she only blew on the girl & not Hiro too!!! | 36: Are you serious!? Shit definitely doesn't look good for Hiro&Hatori...Before do you think Hiro would of let Hatori just run away like that? Fuuuuuck no! He would of chased her ass down, but no instead we get mf Rita!!! | 37: This breaks my heart...Hatori just can never get her guy... | 39-40: Gosh, I really love Rita right now!!! <33 "I'm giving you my strength. Don't think of it as losing. Girls like her are everywhere but she's nothing compared to you. Even Hiromitsu...knows that. Don't lose." -Rita & a bit modified by me, at this point right now I would so root for Rita. | 42: & random ass Adachi once again. I don't think anybody understands, but I could give 2 flying fucks about Adachi being a thot prostitute!!! |
32.2: 1st thing I see: Adachi's big-faced ass! | 5: Somebody get me an inhaler! I can't breathe for shit!!! LOL! Hatori! | 9: Hatori is so mean but then she's so damn funny at the same time!! She said just call her Adachi-bitch from now on!! | 13-14: Tell her Rita! | 15: Don't worry. He also knows that's another part of your personality: Bluntness. | 16-17: & then he goes right back at it again <333 | 26: This is bad. | 28: MOTHERFUUUUUCKERRRRR!!! Hatori what in the hell!!!??? I can't even be mad at Hiro anymore because you just fucked up so badly!!!!! I have never facepalmed so hard!!! | 29: It's over. You can't fix this one. This is the turning point & there is no going back from this. It's practically like you guys having sex & you just called out another guy's name...She just ended their relationship. | 30: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What is life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to call bs on Hiro!!! How long have y'all been going out & you just now want to talk about your values not being the same? That's a crockpot full of shit, he knows that's some bullshit reason he just pulled outta his ass!!! | 32: Baby, don't go!!!!!!! | 33: Damn. Somebody really wants her gone...Me too!!!!!!! | 34-39: Can I bap the shit outta this girl just one time? | 39: LMAO!!! I'm saying!!! That tsukkomu is so on point! Them eyes!! | 43: I just don't know anymore.... | This chapter had so much shit fucked up about it!!!! | All I have to say is why couldn't Hatori believe in Hiro? Why could she have faith in her boyfriend that he wouldn't just up & randomly cheat on her with that Runa girl? Hiro has had to endure Rita coming onto Hatori for awhile now & that's with her still having some semblance of feelings for him. Why couldn't she just suck it the fuck up one fuckin' time? ON TOP of ALL of this we have a wild Adachi running around being a cum-bucket because she thinks she has the complete right too while making Rita think it's all his fault.....FUCKIN'. AWESOME.
34.1:This page has me feeling some type of way... | 18: IDGAF about Rita!! Can we just get back to Hiro already!? Rita has been wishy-washy since day one. This is nothing new! | "Where r the rita fans at right now? no comment guys?" -tsukkomu, LMAO!!! | 20: "History just keeps on repeating itself in this manga huh? God now I'm just wanting it to be over to be honest..." -tsukkomu, me at this point. Just 3 more chapters left, just 3 more!! | 24: Uh-oh!! I think he's back to his old ways... | 31: Damn. That was some good ass advice right there!! Go Ryou! | 36: Fuck everything!! I don't give a fuck anymore!! Nobody or anything makes any damn sense!! | 41: Fuck this manga.
35.6: NOT AT ALL HIRO!!!! | 7: This dumb bitch... | 8: & sadly this is his downfall...Accepting everything means taking in the good & the BAD, when frankly somebody needs to do something about that bad side of hers. You can't be this perfect prince for her Hiro when she needs somebody that won't take none of that shit from her. | 15-19: Rita & Adachi are BOTH dumb! Her for allowing & thinking it's okay to be in the situation that she is in. Rita for thinking he has to assume the responsibility for it just because of their past relationship. Nigga needs to realize that the girl is grown & has to make her own decisions by herself. He can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to & apparently she doesn't want to be saved from this situation anyway but she does think it's okay to make you feel bad about it & get hurt on top of that. The only one who can save her is HER. | 22: "She's obviously a victim of her own image change." -Hatori. If hatori realizes that why tf can't Rita?! It's kinda heartless but very fuckin' true. | 31: He just realizing all of this? | 38: "sometimes we need perfection to realize we didn't need it in the end" -RT. I just love Hiro SO much tho, that look he gave almost ended my life! | "True. And Hatori is just being honest. It would be far horrible pretending to like someone though your heart really belongs to someone else" -RT. RNS. | #worstbirthdayever | 42: </3 | 43: "You're the HERO for me in this manga Hiromitsu!!!!" -RT. HANDS DOWN. | 44: I really wish he would explain what he saw in her to ever love her. Even Rita at this point just likes her. | His heart is too fragile & beautiful to be given away to anybody but his other half anyway. | & to reiterate: #worstbirthdayever
36.3: I swear my biggest pet peeve in shoujo mangas is when the MC goes off on a tangent and cuts off their beautiful long ass hair!!! No matter what fuckin' reason they have to justify it idgaf!! They immediately become dead to me!!! | 4: Shit, if anything I thought she would of walked in frfr bald like that shit she pulled last time w/the bald cap! lmao | 5: Even if I don't like the haircut, I'll still admit it works for her tho. | 15: Imma let it slide because I know this is his way of coping. His way of protecting himself. | 16: The fact that this page has me legitimately crying...My vision is literally blurring because of the tears...*sniff* | 18: "I really love how Hiromitsu's character developed. I'm really crying right now. I'm glad I did not drop this manga." -RT. Hiromitsu has to be about the best 'other guy' ever! | 22: Best page in this whole damn manga. It's the most down the Earth she has ever been. <3 | 37: Even though I don't like this couple, this scene is cute no matter what. Guess I'm just a sucker for love n(U.U)n | 39: "The most inconceivable, awful loser is what your hero is, y'know.(rita)" "Well, in that case, he's just the perfect match for a failure of a heroine like me.(hatori)" "Ha. What's with that?(rita)" <3 | "Everyone is the main character of their own individual story." <---moral of the story. & I absolutely love it. | Thank You

"Sigh... =_= this manga annoys me but I can't stop reading! I like/dislike the characters at this same time. I like how they are complex and not cookie cutter shoujo frames but some of their actions makes my eyes twitch lol. Also those expressions man. They crack me up. :)" -Random commentor, the eye twitch thing is totally me.

"tbh i liked this ending and the message it's telling" -RT.

I can't read these damn comments anymore. Bitches love spoiling the shit out of EVERYTHING!

Couple of comments I like: "oh and i liked the way the author gave us kind of a love story from the point of view of the "villain". in a typical shoujo manga, adachi would be the plain female lead with the heart of gold who somehow lands the hottest guy in school (sukkite il na yo anyone?) and hatori would be the attractive childhood friend trying to break them up and the villain of the story. in this case, the villain was the main character and we got to see the painful feelings behind girls in this position."

"I got irritated at the mangaka towards the end, but after reading the last few chapters, I started to appreciate the real ness of the characters' emotions. Yes, someone can be logically a better choice, but you don't choose who to love. Hatori tried and tried to like Hiromitsu, but if she chose him in the end, she would have been miserable on the inside. >you don't choose who to love<. You can logically think of who would be a "better" significant other, but emotion doesn't always follow suit."
42 10 Manga koda momoko, shoujo, romance, comedy, school, this manga gives me headaches 170
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Hibi Renren
7 1 Manga 1
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Hidoi Otoko
4 1 Manga minase masara
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Hidoku Shinaide dj - Imasara Briefs no Miryoku ni Kizukimashita.
That was hot as hell!! Maya is so damn fine!!

new word: 'droolpool'
1 1 Doujinshi nekota yonezou, bl, *//////* 1
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Himegoto Asobi
shuuji tanihara
chisuzu (chii)

parent story: Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi

fav pgs:ch.2 19-31, ch8 17-22, 25-30
funny pgs:ch.2 32-34
Damn ch10 was hawt as HELL!!!

11.3: Sensei is fine as fuck with bed hair & no glasses! | 5: Sensei is so damn cute!! He like 'I'm gonna touch you somehow!'. | 12: Ryoumei!!! (parent story) Where's Ao?? | 17: It's like the roles have reversed lol | 22: If he can't even cuddle with his lover, his daughter must get no love whatsoever! | 28-32: Don't Judge Me - SoMo Cover; This song got me in my feelings so hard at this part...'Let it be beautiful.' I'm gonna start crying bro...

12.2: Tanihara be doing the most bro!! lol | 11: Lol! Some sort of friends?? Wtf does that mean? | 14-15: You can't swim either Tanihara?? | Duh, Everybody loves Sensei!! | These people's watermarks are starting to piss me off.. | 21: Can't miss that blondie huh? | 23: Wait!! Hold the hell up!!! Chii isn't Tanihara's daughter?? Who's her real father then? | 33: Damn. They looking like 'I woke up like this...Flawless!!". LOL!

13.20: Damn, bitch is sharp!! Obviously he didn't take it 'cause he's in it. Looks like he's gonna have to introduce sensei sooner or later... | 24: Eri kinda sounds like a whore bro! Chii's father ain't in the picture, ex-husband in the picture taking care of her kid, current boyfriend is just kinda...there.

14.23: He's caught & he gonna stay caught. This page just confirmed it. | 37: One last chapter left?!!! Whyyyy??? It's too soon!! They're not gonna fit everything into one chapter!!!

15.1: I always love last chapter bl cover pages <33 | 9: Shuu is adorably cute! | 13: ...He is DEAD serious! | 32: I love how he keeps increasing the years. It was 3 years a couple of pages ago! | 33: I can only hope there's going to be a side story w/them actually getting married.... | Man, I'm going to miss this pairing </3 | Titanium - Bailey Cover | The End

16.5: AHAHAHA! He's so frank about it! | 7: LOL! He focused on the wrong thing!

check out koushite enjou
already read ch6.5
15 3 Manga sakuragi yaya, woooh!, comedy, bl, doctor, single father 836
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Hitoban Resort
what did I just read?
1 - One-shot uki ogasawara, oneshot, bl, incest? 1
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Hokenshitsu no Target
6 1 Manga
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Honenuki ni Saretai
7 1 Manga
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Hoshi no Yakata
Shao Ron

quote: "This is our business to entertain a client with our body, but his heart is not on the list for your enjoyment." -Sakurai to Yuuki(about Sumiya)
"I want to see the weakest, ugliest, and the most defenseless state you have. Show me everything inside you..." -Sumiya to Sakurai
25 5 Manga bl, s&m, bdsm 400
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Hot Gimmick
54 12 Manga
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Houkago no Love Call
ch6: U-N-E-X-P-E-C-T-E-D
7 1 Manga bl, yakuza, comedy, crazy 464
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touma fujihira yagiyuu?(22)
saitou hajime
hijikata toshizo
kondou isami
okita souji
iba hachirou
kiyokawa hachirou(soi leader)
takahashi kenzaburou
juunai(touma's elder brother)
oryou(blind little girl)
nakamura isshinsai(ichi's master)
nakamura natsume(granddaughter)
rin-sama(the ichinose boss)

39,24 - partner? all this damn time & you call her "partner"? nigga don't get slapped!!
26 - so beautiful!
27 - THE END. for the movie
39 7 Manga historical, seinen, comedy, drama, action, adventure, 【so badassss.】, blind protagonist 542
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Idol Shopping
- 12 Manhwa
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Ijiwaru na Kuchibiru
6 1 Manga
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Ikenai Ezuke Keikaku
suzukawa(fresh river) shigure
senju mikage(cook)

yuuki takano
suzukawa(river belle)(coworker)

latido-heart throbbing
escupir-spit out
5 1 Manga nabako kamo, comedy, cooking, bl, drama 274
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Ikenai Otoko
6 1 Manga takao hiroi, comedy, bl
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keep working hard!!!peace^^

*only goes to 80 chs.
80 15 Manhua romance, shoujo, drama, manhua
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Kashiwagi Ayumu
Sawatari Kyoushi
Shinohara Takahito


"Well, it's because he's a s'more. Crusty on the outside and gooey love on the inside."-Tachibana to Ayumu about Taka
6 1 Manga bl, itsuki kaname, drama
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Izanai: Hyakunen no Koi
8 1 Manga
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Masayuki is a man-eater!! Too smooth with the shit!! (Masa + Kei!)
Definitely would read again!
7 1 Manga scarlet beriko 60
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Jigoku Meguri
Bawled my eyes out!!
10 2 Manga
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Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai

"Cys Buegette Lolita" -really Mari? lmao

1.17-18 -you were that effed up on grass Mari!?
2.5. -he looks so tired but so sexy at the same damn time lol
2.12 -wth? bob marley?
2.21 -rofl 'put it on you like 3 times'

3.24 -"it makes me sad that no one hears his apology." about eiji

the end of chapter 4 is sad...
6 1 Manga shoowa, bl, drama 1
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Joker Trap
2 2 Doujinshi yaoi, romance
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Junketsu Drop
misato yuuji

ch.1 - that has got to be the hawtest kiss I've ever seen..
ch.2 - woah misato

6 1 Manga that sexual tension mmm yes, bl with pretty art, woah there !, school, bl 355
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Kanga na Spoon
oomiya yoshiaki
kasumi amatsuka

1.13: Mmm. | 28: I'm glad you bought the spoon to.

2.5: Cuticles? | 6: LOL! 'I'm still sexy!' | 11: Sneaky bastard!

3.14: LOL! | 22-23: Why he gotta be a cockblock!? | 24: AHAHAHAHAHAH! | 29: That dirty talk!! | 31: This is some funny ass shit!!

4.8: Do...what exactly?

5.1: So that's why Kasumi's hair is so long...

6.1: NO WAY! | 3: Well you obviously didn't wait answer now did you? | 48: They're really getting married!!! <33 | Gahh, just the way Yoshiaki looks at Kasumi! | 52: Gaaaahhhleeeee!!! | 53: Just ALL bad!! Can't stand this manga!! lol!! | 54: I want them to be happy forever together <3 | Sara - Gravity

7.15: Bruh, I can't breathe!! LMAO!! That ass gon get got!! | Guess the name of the extra makes sense now.. | Writer - Goulding

Funniest, cutest, best art from any of Ike Reibun's mangas!!
7 1 Manga ike reibun, comedy, bl, romance 1
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Kankei wa Mada Lv.1
1: Song: Boyce cover - Fix You | The song ended perfectly w/the chapter

3: Funny as shit! Especially towards the end!
8 1 Manga shounen ai, bl 1
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Kaori no Keishou
13 2 Manga
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Katsubou no Manazashi
-little boy saves man when he was in junior high, man becomes his stepfather & they become lovers
5 1 Manga takarai saki, bl, drama 127
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Kawaii Akuma
6 1 Manga bl, school, comedy 2
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Kawaisa Amatte Nanika ga Hyakubai
6 1 Manga 1
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Keep Out
9 1 Manga
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Kimi ni Happiness
aizawa yume
kashiwagi kou
5 1 Manga shoujo, comedy, like the art, romance 233
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Kimi to Aruku
One of my fav bl mangakas!!
pg 33 was ADORABLE.
1 - One-shot junko, bl, one-shot 17
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Kimi to Date
1 - One-shot suzuki tsuta, one shot, yaoi 1
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Kimi to Kemono na Yume wo Miru
really like chapter 4.
really really like chapter 4.
5 1 Manga smut, 5 one-shots, josei 2
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Kimi wa, Ore ga Suki da tte Ittara Donna Kao suru darou.
17 3 Manga 1
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Kimi wo Mukaeni
6 1 Manga 2
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Kirai ja Nai kedo
too many parts T_T
6 1 Manga sakuraga mei 1
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Kishidou Club
17 2 Manga 1
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Kiss Blue
"Why would you put yourself in danger for some dumb two-timing twit?" - says the CHEATER
"'Friendship' is such a convenient word. It ties together trust and affection so neatly. You'll never realize...what it is I REALLY want."- Tomosaka
"..and like my fears, my feelings will not cease"- Tomosaka
11 2 Manga shounen ai, drama 1
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Kiss made Ato 3 cm
manaya sakurazuka
umekage ryuunosuke

1.13: Years?! I would understand maybe a year & then he stops & only does it occasionally but YEARS?? & he still hasn't cut him any slack? | 29-30: Cute shit <3 | Damn. This nigga is good! | 31: Goddang!! I ain't even realize the extent of his fineness till now!!! | 33: Where the shit did this come from!?? | "hell no u better jordan jump over that car" -RT. LMAO!

2.6: I've loved the word captivated ever since I re-read Totally Captivated. | 13-19: GAAAAHHH!!! My heart can't take anymore!! <333 | 20: LOL! | Skinny Love - Birdy

4.14: He is a pretty uke, huh?

Sunohara Hikaru (33)
shirou (18)

6.25: That fang tho...wolf awakened!

6.5,7: Oh, my! <33 | 8: Holy hell, that's hot! | 9: No. FUCKIN'. WAY. | Please stay together forever <3
7 1 Manga chidori peko, drama, romance, pretty cute all around. good stories and good art. 40
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Kizoku no Aoi Seppun
6 1 Manga 1
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Kodomo ga Neta Ato de
1 - One-shot
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Kohitsuji Project
kazuya arisue

4.15: LMFAO!! He said 'don't touch me'.

5.3: His hair!!! His cut'll heal. | 5: He probably thirsty my nigga!

6.10: They falling & arguing at the same time! lol!

7.13: "Kazuya, Turning straight guys since 2011" -RT. | 34-35: What?! What kinda bullish is going down in this house!?? | 41: <33 | 43: This could get dangerous... | 46: These 2 literally look like what they're gonna look like in 20 years!
10 2 Manga sei takanaka, bl, vampire, school 1017
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Koi ga Bokura wo Yurusu Hani
13 3 Manga 3
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Koi ja Nai kedo
Plus extra
5 1 Manga 1
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Koi ni Nare!
komatsu shin
shindo kotaro (28)
nakajima masato

1.18: I love nakajima! He's so awesome! | 22: ROFL!!! He said "this is fraud"!! | 27: I feel him on that. | 33: Did he just get rejected...?

2.5: This situation is so damn awkward! | 15: This teacher is definitely not as he seems. | 24: His hush money! lol

3.11: 'What's his type?' Not you bitch! | 23: LOL! Throwing slugs!! | 31: Aww, he has to be doing this on purpose! There's no way this is innocent

4.5: He's just fucking up all over the place! | 7: Commence 'droolpool'. | 13: What he didn't want to happen happened but even worse...he shoulda just got out the bath! | 14: This was so damn who cares!! lol! | 16-17: Does he know what he's saying? | 20: shut up Shut Up SHUT UP!!!! | 23: LMAO!! This nigga said play yaoi with him!!! I love Nakajima so much!! | 26: This nigga | 27: That just broke my heart... | 33: Lol I can't with this manga!!! The tsukkomus on this page are killing me: "Surprise motherfucker!!" LMAO!! Nakajima what the fuck kinda hook up is this!!?? "Nakajima is such a good friend" someone tsukkomed before... LOL | Song: Falling - Florence

5.6: Aww, I still love Nakajima! No matter what he does! | 7-8: Holy shit!! I don't think Nakajima is joking as much as we might think when he says he wants to 'play yaoi' sensei cockblocking & shit!!! | 8: Bottom left: ...Y'all sure Nakajima isn't gay...? | 9: LOl! Call it whatever you want sensei! |13: People who be puttin' up these funny ass tsukkomus: I can't fuckin' stand y'all!! lmao!! | 15: BS!!! He's been telling Komatsu that same fuckin' line since day 1!! | 17-18: LOL! Komatsu better not act like he didn't know he was getting caught! He got caught almost every single time! But at the same time that does mean that he's always looking at you too! <3 | 21: Komatsu is a cutie!! Sensei just has that seductive look about him!! Yumm~ | 23: Tf he complaining for!?? | 28: The way they're looking at him though! | "Nakajima needs his own story" -Random, I usually never think this about side characters

6.4: Nakajima is so damn CUTE! | 6: There's a truth?! | 9: Oh lord! Nakajima play all day! | 10: Sensei gonna fuck around one day & get slapped w/a pedo ticket. Watch. | 11: Hands down Nakajima is my fav character! I love his little cute devious ass!! <3 | 17: He is too much! | 27: You know Sensei be walkin' on a fine fuckin' line when it come to morals! | 35: "i like how there are no comments on the last few pages, everyone is focused on the smut xD" -RT, fr fr.
6 1 Manga tsukimura kei, itsuki kaname, bl, school 205
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Koi no Shizuku
6 1 Manga kousaka akiho, bl, romance 1
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Koishiki Kaikyuu
6 1 Manga 1
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Koisuru Bitch-kun
fudanshi - male bl fan

4.9: The tsukkomus <3 | 22: Love at '1st sight' huh? | 30: Well that escalated fast. | So who's supposed to be the seme again...? | Cutest fuckin' chapter in this!

5.7: That is so hot! <3
8 1 Manga bl, slutty uke, shounen ai 437
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Koisuru Finder no Hyouteki
"your face is huge!"-akihito


(cross over between finder series & koisuru hyouteki)
2 1 Manga bl, comedy, yamane ayano 2
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Kono Ore ga Omae nanka Suki na Wakenai
taisei fujima
okachimachi keita

1.5: This kid about to be put in his place bro! | 12: They know him too well! | 13: People are so damn childish!! | 20: Damn. Somebody close the window 'cause that was cold... | 22: When you feel like you been stabbed in the heart...? | 23: lol! | 28-29: Bruhhh, I can't take this!! lol | 33: 'Deep longing'?

2.8: Nigga what? XD | 11: Tuh? Where did that come from? | 17: Oh lord! | 23: Bento-bomb!? lol | 26: I love it!!!! <333 | 28: AHHHHHHH!!!~ | 29: Nani!?!? | 31: Oh my goodness!!!

3.13: He just turned Okachi into a seat. | 14: How can you tell he's dejected? His face didn't move a muscle. | 16: Why're y'all so damn cute. Top right. | 18: I can't take shit Okachi says as a joke. He looks way too serious for that.

4.10: LOLOLOLOL!!! It is too early for this BS!! | 12: Okachi is an undercover freak. | 22: BRUUUUUHHHHHH! I should've of known though, it's Okachi. | 26: Mmmhmm, he still talkin' & he still don't know shit! Nigga, he is from his middle school! Like you know his cousin justs wants to fuck shit up, what other reason would he have for doing this? | 36-38: My heart is breaking....

5.6: Is this nigga really crying in class!? lol | 15: You don't go here!!! Why are you always here!!?? | 39: Are you fuckin' serious with this shit right now? | 44: He was about to get the 'D' too!!!!

I didn't even know it was a shounen-ai until I'd read the whole thing already.
6 1 Manga ogawa chise, bl, shounen-ai, interesting 2
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Konya mo Nemurenai
higuchi rikiya (hiriki)
mark decken sifaka
sakamoto gorou
verde dogo argentino

1.29: He fine as shit! | 31: Ah shit. | 35: LOL! Let's all act like they're not standing in front of this huge ass summoning circle... | 39: He does kinda look like Rin Okumura!

2.17: LOL!! Man juice?!! | 1st Rin, Staz, now Levi?

3.20: Lol, We can go w/that! | 22: LMAO!! So he gonna act like he didn't hear that 10000. Alright.

4.9: 1st time I heard that in a manga. | 22: He is dumb funny bro! | 27: Go Endo! | 29: Mark is crazy as shit!

5.7: 18? | 15: Story of my 'effin life! | 20: This nigga here...

6.5: Omg Endo... | 10: LMAO!! Both of them are fuck-asses!! Just throwin' slugs all over the place!

6.5,4: My dealing instincts have been numbed by this manga! I seriously just can't anymore!

7.5: Endo is just to damn fine! | 11: That's yo fam Endo?!

8.21: Oss, Sakamoto isn't even plain looking he's actually a cutie. | 25: So Verde is a male. Huh.

9.12: In his bed BITCH!! Endo wake yo ass up! | 21: 'I'm starting to understand why Endo doesn't want to marry this bitch' -Rt, on the real tho.

10.7: Kinda cold-hearted huh, Endo? | 22: Aww </3

12.4-6: Endo is kind of a real asshole to Verde on the cool tho. | 14: Endo will be the death of me... | 17: Every tsukkomu is like '...He knows...' lol fr | 18: Basically he's watched the whole development of Higuchi's feelings & hadn't said SHIT until now. Endo's poker face is on level FLEEK 'cause I would of never know unless he said it like now! | 19: WHAT THE CRAP!! | 20: He is way too chill about all of this! | 25: Oh goodness <333

13.7: LMAO! 'Arguing'. | 11: That body gives me life! | 12: *faints* | 15: Higuchi's expression hurts me... | 19: 'if it fits it ships' -RT, oh lord...

13.5,10: Ayeee!

14.8: Everything that comes out of Endo's mouth is just hilarious as fuck!!

17.17: Bruh! | 24-26: Was now the time for this? Why is he aroused all of a sudden?

18.2: The death of me!! <33 | 4: Lol, I think he's all fired up!!

19.15: 'please tell me he did not wrestle with verde to hijack his summon' -RT, but we all know w/a passion that that's exactly what happened! | 21: This is too much! Them tattoos are working wonders right now! I'm just imagining him in full form w/them tattoos....<333 | 26: I always forget he can hear his thoughts | 28: I am mad salty!! Fuck their ship! I didn't read for them!!
19 3 Manga Yamamoto Kotetsuko, bl, supernatural, comedy, tattoos, demons 1
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Koori no Kiss de Toroketai
5 1 Manga
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Kore ga Koi!
1.6: & I just found the sexiest guy in this manga. | 12: He seriously did it to!!! | 17: oooooOOhh, so that's what y'all are doing...undercover confessing. 18: LOL! My 'little brother' came up to say hello! | Song: Somo cover - Don't Judge Me
6 1 Manga kanda neko, school, romance, bl 1
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Korotto Ochita?
saeko (sexy ass tsundere)
rui (uke) (closet muthafukkin' sadist bro!!!) ("I wanna see him cry over me." "I fell in love with him the moment I saw him crying." ....what in the fuck!!?)
6 1 Manga oneshot, drama, bar, bl 1
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Koujitsusei no Tobira
cys buegette (edik vant)(31)
kai verner (lyon nabelle)(17)
merner buegette(erich vant)
santana(kai's boss?)

merde-french for shit
bon nuit-french for good night
bon soir-good evening

2.20 -woaaaah
4.28-did that really just happen?
all of 5.
6.7.-hah, yall ain't foolin' nobody!
6.20. -i love merner(erich)
6.32-35 "I hope you will be happy." -Merner
6.35- i didn't notice the plants the first time...
6.36- goodness...
6.37- macaroons lol

read over a period of 2 readings

song- If I die young: the band perry
6 1 Manga shoowa, bl, drama 294
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Koukyuu no Arika
6 1 Manga 2
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Kunshu no Ai wa Yoru ni Hana Saku
abstinate school
ch5 - 'Lewd Sandwich'
5 1 Manga bl, school, romance, kamon, saeko kaou 1
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Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata
ch2 p29 - "This moment is perfect enough." - Shingo
11 2 Manga sakyou aya, romance, smut, werecats, supernatural 20
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Kuroneko Kareshi no Amaekata
kakami keiichi

ch5 p24 & 27 - He loves you!!! & He loves you too!!!
5.5,12: Shingo is too damn cute! | 17: Lol!!! Kakami is like 'That's cool & everything...just don't bite, okay?'
6 1 Manga sakyou aya, bl, supernatural, fantasy 164
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Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata
keiichi kagami

ch6.5: Bro, Shingo is a fuuuhhreak!
You know what? They're just both animals between the sheets...literally.

7.7: LOL! Don't get to excited there Shingo. | 12: Kagami never fails to disappoint! Favorite page so far, hands DOWN!! | 14: It was only a week... | 15: Bruh, the look in this nigga's eye... | 16: Okay, Kagami gives the sexiest fuckin' looks! <33 | 18: We can tell. | 21: <333

Really, really good!!
7 1 Manga sakyo aya, fantasy, 2012, romance, bl, supernatural, sexy bishie cats 49
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Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru
sad ass yaoi
6 1 Manga 1
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1 - One-shot minase masara, bl, drama
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Limited Lovers
15 3 Manga
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Live for Love
5 1 Manga 1
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Lock Out!
1 - One-shot yamane ayano 1
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Lost Angel
Quotes:", one last time."
"It's not the last's for the first time.."-dying tsukasa&ryou
9 1 Manga Higuri Yuu, fantasy, action, magic, shounen ai, shoujo 2
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Love Diver
8 1 Manga yaoi, career 120
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Love Neco
ch.6 doublestuff?? zomg..
7 1 Manga Mishima Kazuhiko, comedy, romance, mature;), bl 1
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Love Skit
5 1 Manga 2
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Love x Eros
nozomi mastuyama
jin aihara
33 5 Manga yaoi, school 1
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love nagisa
25 5 Manga shoujo, romance, comedy, school
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fix you by coldplay
6 1 Manga fantasy, bl, mishima kazuhiko 7
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21 4 Manhwa shoujo, mangatoshokan, 100-won is a bloody spy!, max
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Mahoutsukai no Namida
6 1 Manga 1
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Makkurayami de Kimi to,
6 1 Manga
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59 15 Manga
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Mars no Kiss
4 1 Manga 114
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Mascara Blues
3 1 Manga sakisaka io, hairstylist, shoujo 1
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5 1 Manga
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Mayonaka no Untouchable

1: Email buddies. | Explosions - Goulding

2.14: Now we know why he picked THIS job... | 16: He's definitely an opportunist! | The Writer - Goulding

3: !!! | The Writer - Goulding

4.12: Damn! Look away for 2 seconds & this happens! | 20-21: This is actually really sad.. | 23: <3333 | Hold On - PiaMia

5: Probably being haunted by the ghost of all the sweets you told to rot in hell lol! | Told your ass!! | Raise your weapon - Deadmau5

6: LMAO!! He wakes up buck-ass naked!! & he's sleeping all soundly and shit!

7: Ooh, I like this one | We must be - mikky ekko

8: "Klank, klank" ? ...Who you tryna fool? | 24: ...That's what he's worried about...? Tf? | 25: Awww<33 | 28: Dazaaaaam! That was hot!!

9.16: "YOU screwed up!" | 19: Cute! | 21: Bruh, he is too old for this... | 25-26: Aww <333 | 38: This nigga smiled?! Probably had this shit planned from the start!! | 39: & He's the uke???!! | 40: He planned this shit since he was 5??? LOl! He waited until he wasn't a minor so his ass wouldn't go to jail | 41: LMAO!! Bruh! | Wake Me Up - Bailey cover
9 1 Manga bl, oneshots 1
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Mayou Otoko
5 1 Manga kano shiuko, bl 1
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nice art
Song: Glow in the Dark - Skylar Grey
1 - One-shot shimotsuki kairi, bl, shounen-ai 1
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Michiru Heya
Robert brouwer

6, 36 - this bitch basically took everything he ever cared about & stole it away from him!! For what!? For no damn reason that's what! This chapter pisses me off so much 'cause you've got this guy who has done nothing wrong but love w/all his heart but the thing is he has a bitch for a wife! Like how did he get into this messed up relationship in the 1st place?!

12.13: & that's why he's the bae. | 15-16: Stick a fork in his ass 'cause he is DONE!! | 20: He foreal doe does look like Eren w/them eyes right now! | 26-27: Little things like this always get my heart <3

13.8: FUCK-ASS!!!! | 27: OMG!! LOL! | Yay! Happy Ending!!
- 13 Doujinshi nekota yonezou, school, bl 918
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Midnight Carrier
6 1 Manga
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Midnight Secretary
35 7 Manga
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Miterannee yo
kudou akio

gyoza- basically a meat pie tht can also be filled w/only vegetables and can be either steamed or fried
7 1 Manga takumi yuu, bl, drama, school life, college 163
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Miwakujikake: Amai Wana

1.34: *FAINT* Well DAMN!!!! lol No holds bar, huh Hachidori?
3.27: All these old niggas slick AF!!! I NEVER guessed!
12 2 Manga nekota yonezou, bl, romance, comedy 182
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Moe Kare!!
35 7 Manga romance, shoujo, comedy, school life
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Mori no Koe
5 1 Doujinshi 1
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Mou Ichido, Nandodemo.
Takahiro Fuji
Tarou Kotou

UGGGHH! That feeling where you feel incomplete without a manga...That is what I'm feeling!! Everytime I even think about this I start tearing up!! That ending was way too wonderful and I truly feel the love that they have for each other! Even if Takahiro didn't get his memories back(2 years worth!), I know that they'll make many more. I really did enjoy seeing how they fell in love with each other(Tarou 1st!) back in high school! This story was a roller coaster ride man! Also don't judge a book by it's cover. Can't wait for the after story!! Hurry!

'How far was the beer?!' -Tarou (insider, gotta read ch7)
8 2 Manga aniya yuiji
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Mousou Cherry
3.15: Damn, 10yrs of perverted thoughts about him & he wants to share...YAYYYY!
4.19: Holy bricks!! HE kissed HIM & then he goes 'Definitely not.' and then walks off...TF?? That ain't suppose to happen like that
5.27: Ol bitch ass! | 31: Favorite image/moment of all time!!! Elastic Heart - Sia/Weeknd/Diplo <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 | I love Tamaki!
6 1 Manga bl, Kamon Saeko, ♥ another generic plots yaoi. really nice art and cute scenes but same uke being unconfident with 204
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Mujihi na Anata
5 1 Manga sakuraga mei, school, bl, romance 205
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Mujihi na Karada
aikawa kuon (20)
nanao shirahane

1.11: Too late. | 12: This nigga here! | 13: This is gonna get ugly! Masato has a fuckin' death wish bro! | 14: The whole fam is a mess... | 27: "Man, I love Troll-sensei!" -RT, I can't stand y'all! | 32: Fuck-ass!!

2.12: I seriously advise Nanao to stop tlking...

3.15: I LOVE the way Aikawa tlks bro! | 21: Shit. She's pretty... | 25: Creep-fuckin'-tastic! | 29-30: Ah, shit on shingles!!

3.5,6: This fucker gonna foreal catch some hands! | 17-18: This shit is gonna eat him alive!

4.13: Where his glasses go? | 14: Nigga, the light is completely gone from your eyes. You look like you have no will to do anything...What about this is normal? | 20: This sensei is fuckin' troll central!! He has no shame!! Like wtf is his damage??!! | 21: Throw me in the coffin 'cause I am dead. I can't. I cannot. | 24: "He meant it literally! Troll-sensei strikes again" -Rt. Literally slept together in the bed but he's demon enough to let Nanao think they did something sexual together...for what? Is this his twisted way of helping or something?

6.24: I fuckin' love this page! | 28: I am seriously crying for sensei right now. | My absolute favorite couple in this whole series!!! | The End <3
6 1 Manga sakuraga mei, bl, school 1
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Mujihi na Otoko
6 1 Manga sakuraga mei, school, bl 76
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Mukizu ja Irarenee
6 1 Manga sadahiro mika, bl 1
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Na mo Naki Tori no Tobu Yoake
13 3 Manga 2
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Nakasenaide ne
5 1 Manga 3232
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Nakasete! Doctor
6 1 Manga 1
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Name of Love
4 1 Manga 1
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NanaKo Robin
12 3 Manga
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Nar Kiss
7 1 Manga 2
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Natsu no Kakera
5 1 Manga 2
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Nee, Dare ni mo Himitsu da yo
5 1 Manga 1
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Nee, Sensei?
6 1 Manga bl, school, drama 337
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Never Let Go
6 1 Manga
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Takami Keigo

1.7: He is fiziiiiineee! | 25: He said he laughed so hard when his stomach growled earlier....but I'm pretty sure I didn't see that shit happen...hmm must've blinked... | 27: This kid works his ass off & nobody even realizes it | 31: Uhhh, that was a little too fast for me... | 35: Oh. I didn't even take it that way. | 36: Go Takami! | 37: That sly ass smile... | 38: Did he just do what I think he did? He didn't just take that picture did he...That was cute and creepy all at the same time | 40: 2nd upper left corner: LOL! He just don't know it! | 44: This bitch set up a pseudo-goukon!? | 48: I'm so sick of hearing about values this, values that! | 49: It's obvious you're trying to brush him off Seki. Well too bad 'cause he ain't givin' up that easy!! | 52: It's so obvious that Takami has feelings for him!!! | 55: LMATFO!!! They said catch it! How tf do you catch throw up?! | 57: Calmer than you already are...? | 59: My heart is breaking... | 61: Made sure he wouldn't misunderstand SHIT! I really can't tell how he feels about this by his face at all

2.8: His voice sounds like it would be so damn sexy in person! | 9: Okay. Yeah, that's another way to look at it! | 22: Is this nigga using a stethoscope on a | 23: I understand that shit but then again Takami is just looking at how good you look in your mechanic clothes... ~_^ | 27: He does know he basically used this as an excuse to see his ass right? | 29: What did I say? | 37: What is Takami tryna do? | 38: Daaaammmmnnn! Calling that ass out!! | 41: Their relationship tho....! | 42: Fuhreal doe!! That's actually a really good question. Seki got mean once he got rejected but he supposedly likes him? | 44: That had to be the smoothest, sexiest, & slickest approach I have EVER seen!!! Takami's finesse is RIDICULOUS!! Shit, he woulda had me right there!!! | 48: Okay, this ending confused me! What was that suppose to mean?

3.2: Did I miss something or did they skip ahead...? | 5: That's hot. | 6: Well shit. Guess she does. | 17: 'Bitching about absolutely nothing important'. That's how I'd describe it. | Seki really pissed me tf off this chapter. How in the tf do you sit there, confess to somebody, obviously wanting a relationship out of it, but have absolutely no clue what you're actually getting into....? This nigga bitched about EVERYTHING. He bitched about Takami being a distraction, about not feeling like an equal but feeling like a woman, & then bitched about the pain when they didn't even go all the way!! How you get into a relationship you know fuckin' nothing about??! Like what you thought was gonna happen? On top of that, why the fuck do I feel like on Takami was the only one into the relationship when he was the reluctant one??? Even before they started dating you was mean as hell to Takami 'cause he kept popping up at work to see YOU!!! Tf? How you sit there & claim you like him but treat him like shit?? I don't know if it was the shitty translation in ch3 or what but after I read that chapter (& the sidestory) it literally took the manga down like 3 notches for me...
6 1 Manga yoneda kou, yaoi, yakuza 780
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Not Ready Sensei
11 2 Manga bl, kodaka kazuma, comedy
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Oboreru Hitomi
7 1 Manga 1
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Ochiru Seija no Seppun
rofl the manipulative S!!!
the tyrant bully S had my birthday!! D'8
6 1 Manga higashina you, bl, bdsm, hard 1
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Ohana to Chocolate
4 1 Manga romance, bl, yaoi, shounen ai 2
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Okujou no Bye-Bye
1 - One-shot kyuugou, bl, shounen ai 1
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Omae ga Sekai wo Kowashitai nara
wana koizumi(sainishi akira)
ren toujo(sebastian)
17 3 Manga drama, supernatural, vampire, romance, cycle 1
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Omerta: Kochou no Yume no Hate
4 1 Manga 1
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Omoi to Jikkan to Sono Mukou
6 1 Manga 2
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Only One
ch5 was the best.
6 1 Manga moegi yuu, bl, oneshots 41
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Ookami Shounen to Ham no Hito
- 1 Doujinshi mentaiko, drama, romance, bl, comedy, loveit 1
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38 7 Manga
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Orokamono no Koi

nozomi wakabayashi
sakura koushi

3.5, 8: I love this!

All the guys are lolicons. The end.

"Even if you keep on apologizing, I won't get it."- sakura
4 1 Manga romance, comedy, shoujo, the character design is pretty nice. 496
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Oshioki yo!
18 2 Manga
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8 1 Manga 1
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Otokomae! Beads Club
5 1 Manga
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Otokonoko Zukan
4 1 Manga 1
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8 2 Manga 1
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Otona Keikenchi
6 1 Manga yaoi, drama, school, bl 539
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Otona no Manner
1 - One-shot bl, suzuki tsuta, comedy 1
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Otonosama Gorankou
ESPECIALLY the bit with 4 guys at the end!! Better than the main story!
5 1 Manga bl, funny 1
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Ou-sama no Shichiya
4 1 Manga
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Ouji no Hakoniwa
uchimura shuu
atsunori chitose

2nd story: Me & this Shuu nigga are practically twins. | Girl's named Aki? hmmm? | Shuu AKA Aki? You know Chitose is torturing the shit outta him!! I want to know the back story so damn bad!!!!! | "This is one of the most depressing forms of denial I've ever seen. TuT" -random commenter(about shuu) |

"Both stories are so depressingly good." -Random commentor & I agree!
6 1 Manga ogawa chise, bl, stockholm syndrome, aki 2
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Ouji no Kikan
kou satake

1.9: #TransformationTuesday or nah? | 13: "Look at me now. Look at me now. Ayee!~" | 19: Oh. Okay.

2.5: Hold the fuck up. HE'S the prince?!!? | 7: Wooo! It's not even what we actually get to see that's so hot. It's the way he describes it! 'Going with the flow, intense, fingers touched, UNFORGETTABLE..." My favorite scene <33 | 8: Ahhh, this is the scene that pretty much brought me here. | Should I even ask who the uke & seme were? | 9: Did I miss something...? Why tf is Fumi serving him like he's a damn servant or something? | 10: Fumi is kinda creeptastic... | 16: Their relationship is so weird. It's definitely not healthy. | 17: I feel like Kou is gonna develop this 'ouji' complex. | 20: I feel like dropkicking Kou in the face | 28: & that's how he got his mojo back!

adachi yasuhiro
kitagami ritsu

3.9: That guy's face!!! XD | 10: This nigga just said he plays w/spiders....FUUU Dot!!! | 12: Uhhh, okay. | 13: I would of punched this nigga in the face 'cause it would've been a reflex!! Tf is he doing in the storage room!! Playing w/the shadow people!!?? | 20-21: His face changed so fast!!! He ain't smiling no more! Nothing but rage on his face!!! | I don't think Adachi has ever seen this side of Ritsu. | 22: Most important person? | 25: Fuck. It was Oda. | 26: His facial expression. Brooooo, his eyes are like moon saucers right now..

4.7: Where have I seen this....? | 13: This nigga here... | 14: Oh shit this is too good!! | This guy is suspicious as hell? Tf does he know?? | 18: Adachi looks soooo mad bro... | 19: Omg. I can't breathe. | 22: *sniff*

5.11: If I ever make another we heart it account, I'm using that picture quote right there!! | 12: I am so damn confused....So Oda isn't the one he likes?? In that infirmary is sure looked like it was Oda!!! | 14: What the damn??? Oda likes Ritsu?? | 20: Oda's face killed me!!! How'd he even get caught up in the middle of this anyway?

6.6: My heart is melting~ | 8: I don't know if it's the translation or what but I can barely follows this conversation. | 11-12: Biiiiitttccchh! Oda is a bitch ass nigga!! Don't sleep on this kid! | 19: Beautiful butterflies. | All that trouble & all we get is 1 kiss?


7.26: Where the hell did this come from...? | 30: Well :)

8.13-14: LOL! That's what his ass gets!! | 17-18: Tf Hachiya? Damn, he does not play that shit!

9.6: Hmm? Wonder who that could be... | 21: "What should I do?" Not shutup apparently 'cause you keep talkin' | 24: The 'wall thing' lol | 27: Oh no. | 28: AHHHHH!!! <333333 Go Haijima!!! | 33: Got hiiimmm!!!

ouji no kikan extra
9.37: What they don't know is that he bought that hoe for HIMSELF!
9 1 Manga junko, bl, shounen ai 1
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1 - One-shot oneshot, shounen ai, bl 1
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Papillon: Hana to Chou
"chrysalis"...awww(kyu's nickname for ageha)
40 8 Manga ueda miwa, shoujo, romance, twins, drama
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Parallel Lines
2.31: Well fuck you too you cock-eyed bitch!

mishima jin <3

3: If You Say My Name | 10: Fackkin' caute!! | You don't know each other's names?? | 11: Lol! 'Don't freak out.' Even more fackkin' caute!!! | 14: </3 | 15: Uh-oh... | 26: It assaults guys too? | 32: <333333 :))))))) | Song: Sara B. - Gravity | Hands down easily my FAVORITE chapter so far.

4.14: Oh, come on!! There was pretty much o development up to that!!! | 16: He's trying to get an explanation for it & then he does it again!

5.15: These bitches making shit all obvious & whatnot! | 16: (: | 20: I love that so much. <3 | 22: He keeps that picture in his pocket!! I can't take it, it's too much!!! | 24: Tomato face to the max!! | & so this is where that scene come's from! | 27: He had me thinking he really diasappeared!! He just crouched. | I understand Tane-san. | 28-29: That was so beautiful.~| 34: The fact that Jirou is the uke still gets me... | 35: Well there you go!!! | Song: Bailey cover - Diamonds
5 1 Manga bl, yukue moegi, romance, short stories 44
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10 2 Manga 1
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Pet Keiyaku
7 1 Manga 1
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Play Mate
1 - Manga 1
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44 10 Manga
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Priceless Honey
7 1 Manga
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Princess no Shitsuren
2 1 Manga 13
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stockholm syndrome- fall for captor
5 1 Manga kaen, bl: hard 1
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Puchitto Hajiketa,

6 1 Manga kanda neko, bl, comedy, traumatic bottom event, cute 136
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Pump Up
3 1 Manga romance, shoujo, school, comedy 1
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QQ Sweeper
15 3 Manga
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Rakuda Tsukai to Ouji no Yoru
an hayato

"What is this? A yaoi version of Free? lol." -Random, pretty much.
6 1 Manga ogawa chise 1
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Random Walk
"the poison"- all american rejects(song I listened to)
16 3 Manga romance, shoujo, school life, slice of life
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Red Lion
had the prettiest&realest romance ever
37 7 Manhwa action, shoujo, comedy, romance 1
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Renri no Eda
Renri no Eda: "Intertwined Branches";;
going to be my next page theme on anivide;;
manga has it's own song
4 1 Manga romance, drama, shoujo, josei, tragedy 1
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Ronald no Yabou
8 1 Manga 1
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Room 1/2
5 1 Manga 1
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Running on Empty
greatest shounen-ai I've ever read
12 2 Manhwa Kim Jea-eun, manhwa, more than a shounen-ai 1
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ch3 part2- 3:03-3:06(under grand hotel?)
7 1 Manga bl, school, comedy 1
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Rutta to Kodama
21 3 Manga fujitani youko, bl, school 2
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S no Yuiitsu! M no Zettai
6 1 Manga 1
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13 2 Manga
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Sailor Fuku ni Onegai!
22 4 Manga romance, supernatural, comedy
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Samishigariya no Love Letter
5 1 Manga
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Sarashi Asobi
ch1 pg34
quote:"well then, let the game begin"- ai
ch3 pg8
ch.8(0.3 second lunch sidestory)- so good but so sad

#sia-breathe me#
8 2 Manga Tobina Touya, one of the best supernatural romances I've ever read, romance, comedy, exposing game 319
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Second Life
6 1 Manga takarai saki, bl
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Seinen wa Ai wo Kou
5: This shit is breaking my heart </3
5 1 Manga hino garasu, bl, school 584
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Seishun Survival
4 1 Manga
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Seitokaichou-sama no Pet
5 1 Manga 1
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Sensei, Kiss Shite Ii desu ka?
Distance - Christina Perri

Skinny love - Birdy

I'm in Here - Sia
Falling - Civil Wars
6 1 Manga chiba ryouko, bl, ex 1
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Sex Therapist
7 1 Manga 4716
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Sheryl: Kiss in the Galaxy
sheryl nome(16-17)(fairy no.9)
lilith amagi
alto saotome(sms civilian army pilot)
grace o'connor
ranka lee(queen no.1)
brera stern

1,38: That ambitious light in her eyes... | 72-73: Sheryl ain't strict, if anything y'all gonna be saying she did you a favor once you hear Ranka's voice! | 81-82: & this is why I love Sheryl!! The idea of having that Ranka girl as competition just pushes her even more.
2,21: LMFAO!!! He's a fuckin' bitch!! LOL! He know damn Alto is gonna need all the luck he can get too! | 48: The difference between Sheryl & Ranka is too great. | 52: & again the reason why I love Sheryl.
3,9-11: Fake ass concerned face...this bitch could be dead bro! Y'all fake!!! | 24: Why tf are they so damn cute!!!???? | 26: What does being 'modified' mean? | 32: When I think of their voices I think of Sheryl being like Christina Aguilera & Ranka being Ariana Grande. | 35: for saved picture use lyrics from unconditionally by katy perry | 38: Alto has a way with words!!! | tube rose: 'the free soul' AND! 'unspoken love'. Altos ol' slick ass... | 50: I love it!! | 61: Ahh, I see now... | 72-73: oooohhh, nooorrr.... | 78: Alto is about to break my heart! If he didn't realize his feelings before, well he realizes them now!! | I think that was my favorite chapter so far..
4,15: Grace nooooo! | 22: hmmm? | 24-25: oh shieeeet! | 30: ...her name is Slut-o...?? | 68: Goooleee, I cannot get over how adorable they are!!
5,21: "I wanted to land on that star. I wanted to fly in your sky." -Sheryl's song | 29: Confession time Alto? Whaaaa? | 68: She doesn't seem defective to me & as you can tell she sure as hell isn't broken!! | 80-81: HE KISSED HER!!!!!! && HE LOVES HER!!!!| Live on
6,30: HO-HO-HO-HOLY SHIT!!! Fate, bro, fate.
7,19: *jaw drops* You're fucking kidding right? | 23: ooh, so she knows. she is aware of it & alto looks so damn cute with his hair down.. | 39-50: Oh My Goodness...Please stop the madness | 51-: I cant do this... |56: oh my gosh!!! | Live On! | Fin

check out: Macross Zero & Macross Frontier

We are never ever getting back together - Taylor swift(about alto already having a girl)

Unconditionally - Katy Perry
Oblivion - Bastille
9 4 Manga shoujo, sheryl!, romance 493
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Shinigami Lovers
12 2 Manga
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Shinigamihime no Saikon
kashburn licen(22)
Alicia faitlin(15)
nora telpace

ch7: what a chapter, bro...
I loved this manga!!!
Love Kashburn!!

actually read chapter 0
14 3 Manga seems interesting, nice art, shoujo, romance, historical, he-tyrant 131
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Shishunki no Ayamachi
1 - One-shot 1
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Shoujo Sect
momoko&shinobu lol
16 2 Manga gl, romance, school 2
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6 1 Manga 15
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geraldine francis - silver
61 9 Manga Fujita Kazuko, revenge, josei, drama, romance 351
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Sojou no Koi wa Nido Haneru
4 1 Manga 1
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Sono Kuchibiru ni Ai wo
6 1 Manga 1
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Sono Me, Kuchi hodo ni.
sekiguchi aoi
toujyou tsukasa

fujisawa ayumu
toriko kouno
^my favorite story^
4 1 Manga shoujo, romance, related 172
Add - More
Sonomama de

1.9: Hell yeah, he peeked!! | 14: Yeaa, this plan can't possibly go wrong....right? | 15: Damn! He about to get smacked for that shit! | 29: Mmmm. <3 | 31: Lol He said "he found it quite fun that's why he was doing it."
2.28: Lol He can't even see him! | 21: Way to ruin a mood!!
4.14: Too cute! | 20: LOL! 'My whole world is distorted!'
5.20: What. The. Fuck!!!! That was way too fast!!! | 29: Damn!! & BINGO was his name-o!~ | 33: ...I know that hurt... | 38: Tsuji! What in the fuck are you talking about with this little kid!??! | 50: Oh my~ | 63: <3<3<3<3~
6.9: Go Tsuji!! | 17-19: Put some clothes on!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! | 21: I knew Tsuji wouldn't take that shit lying down! | 26-27: LOL!!! That's a bitch! | 35: Too damn cute!!!~ | 38: I think I'm gonna cry~ | 42: LOl! Big dreams! Dream big! | Song: In my arms - Plumb | This last chapter really hit me hard! Gosh, I loved it!!! | The End?

"Lol, we have population problems in our world. They assume we'll have like 8 billion people in 10 years (something like that) But really, if things go on like this and people have more same sex relationships we won't have that problem! And I can be totally more open on how much of a yaoi fan I am! Two bird with one stone! XD" -Random, ....this person has a really good point...
6 5 Doujinshi asou kai, bl, doijin, romance, slice of life 1
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Sore wo Koigokoro to Yobu no nara
6 1 Manga 1
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Soredemo Kamawanai
takamine ryuichiro(30) <3

3.36: Oh my...What the damn...?! Uhh, ain't no bluffing your way outta this one for sure this time!!!! Marriage!?!?!? | lol Can't sex than dip my nigga, not with this guy!
4.24: I love this page. We see how much Taka has grown! | 32-34: I kinda see where Okumura is coming from now with the whole 'like him but don't want to be lovers' thing
5.25: I wish more people had a mindset like Taka's... | My favorite chapter. | "i want them to mover over seas get married, adopt a kid and live happily ever after" -random commenter | The End ^_^

Song: Happily Ever After - He Is We
5 1 Manga Masao Sangatsu, bl, so damn cute, low key slice of life between salarymen. 57
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Sorenari ni Shinken Nan desu.
gets to my heart & pulls on my heart strings(:
15 2 Manga asou kai, bl, family 1
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Soryanaize Darling
15 3 Manga
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Souteigai Love Serendipity
7 1 Manga
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Star na Koi
9 1 Manga ougi yuzuha, bl, comedy 1045
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Starlike Words
nagayama shizuka <3

1.14: It doesn't have to be just a silly dream or fairytale. | 15: Both cute & vulgar things come out of that mouth! | 16-17: I love his idealistic image of love <3 | 19: This kid is standing in front of this guy's painting with no damn pants on... | 21: Woooo baby!! <333 | 23: That gaze of his...\_(>////<)_/

2.14: Lesson of the day: Always keep a spare ipod in your bag. | 19: He broke the wall!!

3.6: His face: FUUUUUUU! | 8: The way he's looking at him...It's like "Don't touch me peasant." | 10: He shut that shit down! | 21: Epiphany!!!! | 28: Seeing him at his most ratched! | 31: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wtf??? | 33: <3 | 35: Nip that shit in the bud NOW! | 37: Starlike words, huh? | 38: <333333 | 42: Pure perfection <3

4.8: Oh goodness... | 13: Well hello! | 21: "what's with subaru-kun's face?! it ain't erotic AT ALL!!!" -Random tsukkomu, I'm saying!! Killing the mood & shit!! Nagayama is erotic, Subaru not so much!! | 24: The tsukkomu on this page kills me!! XD | 27: Gosh, I love Nagayama so much!! But still... | 30: *jaw drop* Nigga say what?!

5.6: Nigga what??? | 7: Do they know that they're NOT helping!? | 26: Oh crap! It's his past coming back to haunt him!! | 39: <33 | 40: "& out of all these things I've done, I will love you better now." -Lego House | 36-40: My favorite scene <3 | Song: Bailey cover - Lego House

Is it bad that I thought Nagayama deserved better...?


6.25: Can I jus ask who's car they're in? | 27: So this is where it came from...!
6 1 Manga junko, bl, school 55
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Steal Moon
nozomi amada(moon goddess serene in greek mythology, means lunar cycle full moon)
lou waits resinos(coyote)
ekion deros(hermes)
souma(moon goddess in hindu mythology)
gyokuto(rabbit who lives on the moon in chinese)
ratri(steel)baara(invincible, boss of saruto, town of sunrise
kai kouda(one of the four tennou of saruto)
8 2 Manga makoto tateno, bl, sci-fi, mystery 2
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Sugar Code
takagi akira
oodoi makoto
kouji (lil bro)

4.5,10: He just can't win! lol
5 1 Manga natsume isaku, bl, yakuza 549
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Sugar Princess
never completed:(
22 2 Manga ice skating, sports, shoujo, romance
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Suki dakedo!
4 1 Manga 2
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Sumanai!! Masumi-kun
shiraishi shoutarou
osanai masumi

1.13: Ol' fake ass... | 17: You would think since he's his editor he would be used to the stuff he says. | 18: Drop that bomb!! | 23: Tf was that look for??? I thought this was what he wanted!! | Next week!? Bitch works fast! | 29: Kinda sad... | 30: & then the next page broke my heart... | 33: Must be painful, huh?

2.5: I hate bitches like her. | 16: When will people learn that "Anything." is such a double-edged sword of a statement. Smh. | 27: That is so damn sad... | 34-35: Umm, soooo this is awkward

3.1: Funniest one so far!!! | 14: FAIL!! He don't play that trying to change the subject shit! XD | 18: *choke* He caught on so damn fast I nearly fell out!!! What tipped him off? He knew he was caught too | 19: So he's been privy to the details this WHOLE time?! | 24: ...Huh? | 32: Does he understand what he's saying..?

4.6: I always forget they're writer & editor because they don't act like they are. | 7: New meaning to blessed, huh? | 10: This bitch here.. | 11: ....Uh-oh...I'm scared for what's next... | 13: That's what I thought... | 14: If I was Shou, I would say fuck every single one of them. Not only did they both lie, they betrayed his trust too!! | 16: ....Are you serious? He ain't even a smidge mad about all the lying & deceitfulness? | 22: At least he knew that much... | 25: The fact that he based his life's career on him kinda... | 34: Well, okay.

5.34: Yea! Tell him to stop being unromantic!!! | Hmmm<333 | 38: Damn. Now I wish they did make Kyouichi son-in-law...No offense to Masumi or anything but I bet the story would of been a little more fun if it was him | 39: Nvm. I take that shit back! Have Shou all traumatized & shit. Take away his smile?? Hell nah! | 40: ??? <3

Song: The Weeknd - Devil May Cry
5 1 Manga itsuki kaname, bl, romance 1
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Super Dakaretai Otoko
5 1 Manga 1
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Sweet Tale
9 1 Manga 1
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Tameiki no Gogo
5 1 Manga 1
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Tasogare wa Karera no Jikan
2 incubuses(Ritsuto&Luka) in the Okumura clan. Is Ritsuto under Luka's power?

4.27: Woah. | 28: Uhhh, I hate that damn word... | 31: He really does care for his cousin <3 | 29: She know!
5 1 Manga minase masara, bl, ikemen 536
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Teirui Makura
6 1 Manga 1
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Thank You My God
7 1 Manga
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The Battle of the Wolves
1 - One-shot 1
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The Prince's Cactus
9 2 Manhua
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6 1 Manga yakuza, bl, romance
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To Find My Brother Ara
a good one..
47 10 Manhwa
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Toki no Maigo wo Sagashite!
lost memories
6 1 Manga bl, kou, akito 336
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13 3 Manga
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Tomodachi no Hanashi
eiko sakamoto
4 1 Manga shoujo, friendship, romance, school 561
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Tonari ni Kimi no Nukumori wo
6th short story is the best
7 1 Manga yaoi, bl, romance, ootsuki miu
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Tonari no Shugoshin
8 2 Manga Shimaki Ako, romance, shoujo, fantasy, comedy 1
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1 - One-shot 1
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Totally Captivated
ewon jung fox (23)
mookyul eun
jiho shin
sangchul min

1.6-7: ...This nigga is an idiot... | 9: What a situation... | 11: So that's how it is! | 13: LOL! Fuck yo feelings!

2.1: YAAASSSSS!! So much better quality!! <33 | 2.3: That was another thing I fuckin' loved about this manwha. The mafia dudes were cool af!! | 6: Ewon better quit playin'! | 12: Ewon is a beautiful man! *u*

3.11: Pervy Mookyul

4.2: lol Caught! | 7: LMAO!! What a way to describe Ewon!! "Cuddly, porcelain dollface." Can you blame him tho? I mean his zipper was down & 1st impressions are everything... | 9: Was that suppose to be a smile...? | 11: Well, this is some turn of events, huh?

5.2: This excuse never fails, huh? | 4: WHAT?! It was true!? | 6: Ehem. | 12: What did they do before Ewon came?

6.2: I didn't know Ewon's parents were dead... | 6: He's right....'cause he's FINE! | Somebody fan me 'cause it is getting steamy in here!! | 7: Does he foreal think Mook is gonna be a bottom...? | 10: I would not of guessed. I mean you did cheat on his ass & that's why you're here in the 1st place. But that look in his eyes.. | 11: & then I find out he's lying...FUCKASS!

7.2: LOL! That was cute tho! | 5: Oh. | 7: Wonder who he's tlkin' about? | 10: Mook is gonna get drunk off his ass isn't he... | 11: His mindset is so damn hilarious! | Now that's a smile! | 12: So I'm not the only one who thinks Jiho looks like a chick!! | 13: His teeth tingle? What is he a vampire? | Shit, I'll be a sacrifice if that's what I get.. | 13-15: Now THAT was hot!! | 16: He's so damn weird...

8.2: He gettin' played like a fool.. | Uhh, I remember this dumbass...the Byungsoo arc

9.5: Of course! He just happens to be walkin' by at that exact moment! | 7: This one of those moments where you know you're gonna enjoy blowin' up on 'em! | 9: I fuckin' love this shit!!!

10.9: Hmm? Again? | 10: Uh-oh. | 12: I knew it! | Now the stuff he says in chapter one makes sense.

11.2: Hold up. Wait. You tellin' me he kissed little boys every year for popularity...? | 3: Of course it was! | "Squish?" | 4: Ewon probably the reason Mook is gay too! | 5: Ewon is such a bullshitter!! lol | 9: Ewon<33

12.12: Ewon is one crazy fuck.. | 14: Well he is a good kid like you said

13.7: Oh my goodness... | 9: No he's not a parent. He's the homeless kid you denied an education. | Ewon was his hope.

14.4: He's about to? ...Noooo | 7: Wow. He's never looked at him like that before. | 8: This is so weird. | 9: It obviously meant a lot more to you than it did to Ewon, Mook. | 13: Why is he so damn gung ho on getting in Ewon's pants...?

15.2: Damn. This nigga is shameless! | 3: I'm sayin'! He basically outright called him a prostitute! | 6: Bottom right corner... | 11: He ain't never gonna let you forget them words! lol | 13: "I'm so muthafucking ill~" -at the way Mook threw his jacket.

16.3: Top right corner. So.Fuckin'.Hot!!! | AGAIN!!?? Mook did that shit on purpose!!! Fuckbag!! | 6: Near death experience? Well at least he know now. | 7: ...I think he's finally snapped! Can't nobody make as crazy as Ewon can! | 10: That was a pretty close ass guess. | 11: Ewon is way too goodlooking... | 12: Intense..

17.2: Such a bitter situation this is. | 5: He traumatized my Ewon?! | 9: & now it's all just one big elaborate mess! He should stopped this shit show a long time ago! The nigga you was tryna make jealous is over here messing around w/the dude you were tryna make him jealous with...Plan backfired!! | 14: Jiho situation is so sad to me. All he ever wanted was for Ewon to love him the way Jiho loved him. But Ewon isn't exactly a bad person or anything but he's certainly not Mr. Nice Guy. He's not gonna sit & go out w/you again just 'cause you love him & you're shedding a couple of tears. He know he doesn't love like he used & wouldn't hurt you like that...even if he has already hurt you w/all his cheating but that's besides the point. | 15: Damn. Ewon has his issues too. "After all, what else is more frightening than risking everything on one person?" -Ewon

18.2: Yumm Ewon. | He takes care of all you guys but when the time comes...who takes care of him? | 12-13: Bruh, Ewon is calculating as fuck! You wouldn't think so but he is..

19.2: Bottom right <333 | 4: Wow, baby! | 5: I hope he still doesn't think he's dreaming. | 6: *q* | 8: Don't tell me he's planning... | 9: Mook is SHAMELESS!! He don't currr!! | He should know Ewon loves everyone! He hugs everyone! | 10: So he was listening! That is the sweetest thing ever! Literally <33 | Boom Clap - Charlie XCX | 12: He is so fucked. Literally (; | 13: AHHHH! That's another one he ain't gonna let you forget!!

20.2: Is it gonna be official?? | 3: You're tryna to get commitment-phobic Ewon to be your lover.....Goodluck. | 5: At least he knows himself well! | 6: If it's not gonna get serious then what's the POINT?! Just to kill some time? | 7: Well I guess they're both each other's dream guys huh? | 8: Did he foreal say 'bitch please'?! LMAO!! | Yup. He's a biter. | 10: Why does he know so damn much?!

21.8: <333 | 9: Top right corner...*fans self* | 10: They is worried about the WRONG thing! This dude is sitting on lap!! Straddling Mook right in front of y'all! | They're jaws hit the floor!! | 13: I love this image. | 14: Mook is going to MURDER you in your sleep Ewon!

22.4: Asshole! Shutup! Blowing his cover & whatnot! | 6: Welp, it was nice knowin' ya Ewon! | 7: Bottom left corner! Mook's face!! Ewon is gonna die tonight!! | 8: He's sooo gonna make him eat those words! | 9: Told ya. | 10: They finally did the dirty deed?! | 13: <333 | 14: Left side - They're so fuckin' cute tho!! Right side - Brooo, he came to school w/3 ass-cushions!! His ass still hurts but he sho was pass this test tho! The txt message!!!! LMAO!!!

23.4: Shit, I didn't even know Ewon smoked!! | 6: "Maybe you could pull that off 'cause you have the energizer bunny for your 'thang'" -Ewon. BEST.LINE.EVER!!! | 7: Because of 'that' right there. <33 | 8: Well, somebody is affectionate today <333 | 9-10: They are absolutely the cutest fuckin' couple right now!!! | 11: "People who don't like sweets miss out on at least 20% of what life has to offer, you know?" -Ewon. Couldn't agree more (:

24.3: PLEEEEAAAASSEEE, DON'T GO IN THERE!!! | 9: Just fine. | 13: Then the nickname is pretty fitting then... | 14: Oh, this should be fun...

25.2-5: LOL! These cute ass fuckers! | 7: What exactly does he mean by 'taken care of' tho? | 9: Mook is gonna make this hard as hell isn't he... | 10: Tactless Mook for ya! lol | 14: This isn't gonna end well is it?

26.2-4: That had to be the biggest disaster of a meeting I'd ever seen! | 6: Tell him how you really feel, huh? | 10: Totally captivated <33 | 13: Time for honesty hour! | Things can get ugly real quick, huh? | 14: Damn, I really wanna know what that thought was!

27.2-3: They are so damn intense!! Whenever they're arguing they are so intense about it! Swear these 2 are toxic to each other! | 7: No that's not all! He's just petrified, he doesn't know what to do! | 8: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T LET HIM GO!! | 9: Thank goodness... "I don't want to end it just yet. ....No, not yet." -Ewon's thoughts. | "Is it fun for you to stir a man into bliss & then shoot him back down into hell? Do you enjoy watching me go out of my fuckin' mind?" -Mook to Ewon. I love how brutally honest he is about the way he feels.

28.2: It's over. I don't know if Ewon realizes but Mook is seriously head over heels for him! He's stuck! There's no way in hell he can run away now!! | 4-5: Jumbled up feelings about this... | 6: he say what I think he just said?! 'My love'??? | 11: Fox Jung!!! His new nickname!!! | This nigga playin' bro!! | 12: Then you know this must be serious!

29.3: The baby voice tho!!! | 4: OH, That's gonna make him feel SOOO much better, right? | 5: "Right're the only one for me. My beloved little Wili E. Coyote." -Mook to Ewon. <333 | 7: Y'all both making crazy ass demands! Ewon is trying to jeopardize Mook's career & Mook is trying to jeopardize Ewon's entire life!! | 10: So Mook has noticed! I told you Ewon! You're completely stuck!! | 13: This fuckass... | 14: Jiho <333 | But why Ewon get so pale? lol! | 15-17: Now that Jiho is happy, why can't you be happy too Ewon?

30.2: Yumm Ewon. | 8: Cute-asses. | 9: I fuckin' love Mook bro!! he said put that hoe on his ring finger!! | LOL!! Tender-lovin'!! | 10: Fine-asses on the left tho!! <33 | 11: Oh. Shit.

31.2: Mook is in LOVE!!!! Just the way he looks at him you could tell! | 3: Ewon... | 4: <333 | 5: I absolutely love how much Mook loves Ewon <333 | 9: This could get ugly.. | 13: & it did.

32.2: Oh, shit!! He throwin' slugs!!! | 4: Thought he wasn't here to hear that shit nigga?!!! Well you thought wrong!! | They ready for that ass now!! | & THEN HE PUT ON THE GLOVES!!!! | 5: I don't what it is about the image on the right, but I love it! | 6: Ewon had never seen Mook give out a beating....until now! | 8: He probably will later but for right now he's feeling pretty damn good! | Ol' dumbass! You the one comin' over & making trouble for no goddamn reason but then you wanna get mad when you get your ass handed to you?! GTFOH

33.2: Caught!! LOL! | 4-5: I swear niggas never learn!! You betrayed Eun, was let off easy, & now you wanna betray him AGAIN?! Byungsoo Yoo, you sir are a pathetic piece of shit. | 8: Fox is just too damn fine! | 10: I cannot get enough of these 2!! | 13: <333333 My heart can't take anymore!!! | 14: Me too Ewon! Me too!! | 15: Such a loaded conversation topic Jung! | 16: They're absolutely head over heels for each other!! <33 | 17: He finally realizes!! | 18: You're not alone.

34.5: Who he tryna fool tho? | 6: This dusty ass bastard irritates the shit outta! | 7: Well obviously the old fart views Ewon as a threat or he wouldn't go threw all that shit. | This nigga wanna tlk about the way people were brought up & shit! He takes pride in the way he brought up Mook, but Mook has the absolute worse temper, is completely spoiled, & has no tact whatsoever. Whereas Ewon is a nice person, actually cares about people, & is completely independent. But HIS upbringing is apparently bad...? Tf? | 8-9: Okay. This dust-bag is fuckin' crazy

35.3: She should shut her face while she still has one. | 4: All of 'em are so fuckin' ANNOYING!!! | 7: He is going to flip an absolute shit! | 9: Ewon... </3 | 11: Goddamn Ewon!! Pullin' no stops! | & the truth comes out...Damn Mook. I had faith in you...</3 | 12: Too much shit to even comment on on this page... | 13: Ewon just pushed the shit outta Mook's buttons but he fuckin' deserved all of it. | 14: Ewon is PIIIIISSSSSSEDD! | 15: Jeezus. | 18: AAAHHHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! </3

36.5: Ewon you are too damn fine to be pulling this shit! There was no way in hell he was gonna refuse this offer!! | 12: This is why I say Ewon isn't a genuinely nice person. Moon ended being another one he hurt w/his shit! | 13: Damn!! How's he gonna be fine & fuckin' everybody's life up at the same time! | 14: heart is breaking...

37.9: Ugghh, stop making Ewon cry Mook!!!

38.5: Perfect way to describe it. They literally 'drain each other dry'. | 6: Thank you Sangchul <3 | 9: I am so proud of Mook <3 | 13: EEEEeEEeeee!!! <333

39.4: This flashback...? | 5: Ahhh, shit!! Old man about to be out for blood! | 13: Damn Ewon! You put Mookyul Eun himself at your mf mercy!! | 18-19: The shit that comes out of Mook's mouth be TOO perfect sometimes!! He can foreal make it so impossible to hate him! | 20: Tf did Ewon think was gonna be the end result?! What, that Mook wouldn't get anymore cars for his birthday?? I completely foresaw this end result if he gave up his father. The guy literally gave him everything! His job, house, cars, money, clothes, status. His LIFE! Abandoning his father meant giving that ALL up. That's why every time Ewon would say that shit, even I would think he was asking for a little much. I really wish he would of stepped back & looked at the bigger picture but it's too late for that now, huh? Mook literally chose him over everything & everyone. Don't ever doubt his love Ewon. | 23: The most hauntingly beautifully painful expression I've ever seen. Perfection. | I've never seen any other seme love as hard as Mook does. | 26: YAAAAAASSSS BITCH YAAAAASSSSS!!!!! Finally Ewon!!! She's probably like 'this nigga who likes to fuck shit up is your LOVER?!'

40.2: No Fair! Mook is using his deliciousness! LMAO @ the tsukkomu about the son! | 3: Trust me, you made that painfully crystal clear... | 7-8: These always situations always hurt... | 11-16: I really missed my cuties! | 24: Fuck. Ah. Bitch.

41.28-29: & another mess in the long line of messes Ewon has to clean up. | 31: I wonder if it's ever weird for Jiho to see his ex, who was his seme, get treated like an uke....? Oh, & get it Moon! | 32: "You bastard, did you single-handedly save the world in a past life or something? What did you do to deserve great guys like him lining up for you?" -Jiho to Ewon about Moon, my thoughts exactly lol! | 33: You know bae is a sweet talker!! | 34: AKA the eye of the hurricane. | 35-37: That broke my're businessmen to me! Ugh! This is such a mess! | 37: I'm sorry but wtf is Mook wearin'?!? Some fuzzy shit that ties in a bow in front? | 39: Every time I see Ewon cry, I swear I die a little bit on the inside. He's not a crybaby or anything, but recently he's been shedding a lot of tears pretty often. Usually I would of been annoyed by know but for some reason every single time I just feel strongly heartbroken. | 40-41: Now what is this nigga Mook up to...? | Eyebrow game on 100%!

42.3: He fucked his ownself up! | 4: This nigga will not face the facts: You lose! | I think Byungsoo is a spy... | 6: Nigga run!!! | 10: There is no way in hell Mook is that stupid...right? | 14: Psych!! This is all part of his plan!!

43.2: Look how worried sick my baby Ewon is. | 6-7: Bae don't play. | 10: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! | 12: This nigga is gonna die bro! He is gonna DIE!! | 14: How I know Mook was gonna react like that lol!! | 17: You WERE warned my nigga... | 19: Flipped the script on all you niggas!!! | 20: Tf, I thought he already was?! | 23: Is that my baby Ewon throwin' punches?? | 25: Is that my baby Mook gettin' stabbed?!!!!!! Why????

44.4: Melancholically sad smile you got there Mook... | 5: Let 'em know! | 8: Where your clothes at tho...? | 9: Ooooh, okay. I caught onto the 'outside activities' joke. | 10: Told his ass not to move! | I literally love the shit outta these 2 so damn much!! I live for these moments <3 | 12: The fuckin' arrow... | 13: Well damn! Alright then!

45.6: Kim was in his 20s....? LIES! Maybe late 30s tho! | 7: Found him!! | *Waka face* ....Ok. (for top right panel) | 8-9: "You were born as a bloodthirsty beast, and now you're gonna live your life just grazing upon grass? (Lee)" "You startin' with that tiger shit again? Even if that's true, I'm a pathetic tiger who fears my fox more than anything in the whole world. (Mook)" <3 | 10: I don't curr what nobody think. Mook looks ridiculously hot w/his hair slicked back like that. | 11: I knew that shit was gonna come back & bite him in the ass. It was way too good for the mangaka to let go of, I just didn't think she would throw it in so late in the story when shit is trying to be resolved!

46.4: Umm...what? | 7: Do not tell me... | 9: Ayee, boss back in office!! | 13: Deja vu or what?

47.11: What is this like the 3rd he's fuckin' said that? | 13: LMAO!! That shit would of scared the crap outta me!! What, he got like an escape radar in his head??

48.8: What is this nigga Ewon's problem!!! Damnnnn! | 11: I just want to hug the mf shit out of Ewon... | 13: Wow. That shit hurt me.

49.2: You hurt bae!!! | 6: Even in death Mook is Mook. | 7: Always a time for a joke when Mook is around! | 9: Oh he's gonna try gtfo sooner or later but for right now you're good. | 10: Ewon really has some really great friends. He should seriously, seriously be grateful. | 11: Mook looking good as always! | 12: & so the two were 'Totally Captivated'! | The End...Again! | Summer 2014

next page theme; BEST YAOI ON THE PLANET
49 6 Manhwa haijin yoo, yaoi, mafia, shounen ai, bl, intense, comedy, action, dramatic 2
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Totally Captivated dj - How to Live with a Beast
1.4: Mook is so damn cute!! | 8: LOL! Limp dick!! | 13: LMAO!! "Still as big as ever." | 27: Somebody's thirsty... | 29: Just the way Mook looks at him...geez makin' everybody melt! | 34: Hah bitch!! That's what his ass gets! | 42: But why is he so dumbfounded tho?! lol 'It won't go in? Why...?' | 45: I don't think this will ever sit right w/me...Every ime they're doing it, I just think about how Ewon use to be a top & now he's getting just won't ever sit right w/me. | 46: Now that I think about it, he never usually says that stuff does he...? | 47: ....Until Now! | 49: Bruh, he almost scared me for a second...I thought he was about to switch up the roles!! But anyway I don't think I remember a time where Ewon ever rode on top either. Probably once he did out of the millions of time they've done it but that's it! | 52: Gosh!! I absolutely love Mook!!! Even if some of the shit he says is weird, I love him nonetheless!! He wants kids w/him SOOOOO bad!!! <33333 | 54-55've never seen so much love between a bl couple <333 | 57: & Here's more of Mook's weirdness. | 60: Just like you falling head over heels for him Ewon: IT'S INEVITABLE!!! | 62: AAAAAWWWWWW!!!! He is foreal thinkin' about this!! I wish they did have kids now!! | The End
2 1 Manhwa bl, comedy, doujinshi 4
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Totally Captivated dj - Mr. Sangchul's Diary
Min Sangchul

1.2: YAAAAASSSS!!! Good quality! Finally!!!! | Back in the days when the old man USED to be fine! | 9: I wanna see too!! What does Sangchul look like w/o those sunglasses!?! | How long ago WAS this...? | 21: Wow. These guys have been w/Mook since the very beginning... | 23: MOOOOOOOOOKKK!!! | 27: Yeeeaaah, he can totally kick some ass too...nbd. | 31: Mook looks deadly sexy here! | 41: He's one jealous bastard isn't he. | 43: Please Sangchul, stop while you still can!! There are just some things that should be left alone!!! | 45: Just like Mook to give absolutely 0 shits!! & just like me to completely miss this but...Ewon AND Mook both role reverse!! | Or you know Sangchul you could just LEAVE! | 47: I like his hair like this so much better!! | 54-55: Oh. My. | 58: lol! Live life with no regrets! | 59: Is he tryna say he's never penetrated...? Whaa... | 60: That habit of his... | 64: That's bae for you. | 67: He looks so pained. But he singing a different tune now isn't he! Now he saying "Get married, it's the best thing in the world!" | 68: That's actually...really...true. | 68-70: Uh-oh. | 71: Oh SHIT-aki mushrooms! | 80: Mook chasing after the old man? That's new. | Mook's feelings of loneliness break my heart. | 82: Oh my gosh. So he really did... | 83: JIHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! | 84: Anything Sangchul. Anything. | 87: Wow. To think that at some point Mook really did want the old man's attention...but it still pisses me off that Mook could of died & the old man could of given two shits about it! | 88: So he was 24 back then? & this was around the time Ewon was about to come into the picture so he's probably a year older than Ewon. | 89: Family affairs? You have to at least treat him like family before you can call it 'family affairs' prez. | Why doesn't the old man look OLD yet? Isn't this around the time when the main story started? | 90: Yeah, this statement will always confuse me. I don't think I will ever I understand the prez... | 91: ...& then everthing clicked into place. | 92: Damn. I don't even know what to say to this... | 93: Lol I'm sorry to bring this up in the middle of such an intense scene but....her art has improved so much!! Okay I'm done. | intense Intense INTENSE!! Damn, Mook has been through a lot more than it seems... | I feel like Ewon set off something back in Mook's school days... | 94: lol...umm...can this nigga see the future or something? | 97: Woah. It's so much more than anybody ever thought it was... | 104: Wtf went down in there that Mook has a busted lip, an unzipped zipper, & Sangchul still as his right-hand man? With all that noise it couldn't have been anything morally good. | 106: Don't worry Sangchul, he will. Soon. | 107: Oh Thank God!! I was seriously thinking we were about to go through this whole thing w/absolutely no trace of Ewon whatsoever! | & to answer your earlier inquisition, here that person is! | Ewon literally came and completely changed up the whole pace!! He upset the whole equilibrium!! He was like a breath of fresh air compared to all the cigarette smoke they were used to! Ewon, you're amazing!! <33 | "So I truly hope that he will find happiness. I'd like to meet the person who will make him happy...I'd like it if he can become happy." -Sangchul about Mook | I liked it. I loved how in detail it went about how Sangchul got to where he is now. About the old man & Mook's love/hate relationship. & about why Sangchul cares about Mook so much, I understand now. But now that I know this I want to know how Sangchul felt about Ewon slowly becoming somebody really important in Mook's life? 'Cause until this, I didn't know he had even an inkling of feelings like that for Mook. So was he sad, mad, jealous, or happy that Mook was happy? | But anyway thanks for sharing Sangchul <3 | The End
1 1 Doujinshi bl, yoo ha-jin, doujinshi 1
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Totally Captivated: The Last Episode
2.62: Ewon finally said it!!! He said he loves Mook!!! L-O-V-E!!!!!!!!!!! | 64: At this moment I honestly cannot recall ever a time that Mook has ever cried. This is the 1st. It just shows you how much he longed to hear those words. How much pain he held inside every time he would say those words to Ewon & never hear it back. Every time Ewon walked out the door or how no matter what he did it felt he would never win, like he was fighting a losing battle. How even though he seemed so strong all the time, when it came to Ewon he felt powerless. Please don't ever leave Mook again Ewon. Please. | 68: I love this familiar at peace feeling. (: | 71: "A hope that we will continue to be by each other, totally captivated." -Ewon. | I haven't even left but I already miss the absolute shit out them. I seriously don't want to end, even though this is the absolute end. There will be no more because this was more. I have literally seen no other couple love each other as much or as hard as these 2 do each other. It's like their love transcends everything. They are my favorite & #1 bl couple of all time!| The End <3 | 73: He better not be havin' Ewon wear a fuckin' wig.. | 75: Lol! He went to another world! | 76: That look in his eyes..he's gone! | "You said you weren't going to pounce?! (Ewon)" "When? (Mook)" (head tilt, drop jaw) This was literally 10 minutes after he said he wasn't going to...smdh, knew it was too easy | 78-80: It should be illegal to be this perfect of a couple!! | 80: It should also be illegal for Mook to look that damn good! | 81: Mook's face!!! | 82: Well that ended well!
- 2 Doujinshi bl, comedy, drama 2
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Trompe-l'oeil no Yubisaki
6 1 Manga 1
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Tsugunai no Yukue
1 - One-shot
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Tsujimura-san wa Himitsu
1 - One-shot suzuki tsuta, bl
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Tsukushite Agemasu
'On that summer's night, I finally understood what I lack is actually nothing when I'm with you."
5 1 Manga toma rei, romance, shoujo, reverse harem 1
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Tsumasaki ni Kiss
8 2 Manga
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Tsurukusa no Niwa
7 1 Manga
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Turning Point
5 1 Manga takanaga hinako, bl, romance
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U Don't Know Me
8 1 Manhwa bl, drama, romance 8
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Ubawarerukoto Marugoto Zenbu
"His sin of toying with my emotions...I'll get it back from him someday. Definitely." -Takeharu about Toshizou

luuuhhhove Yishinaga!
6 1 Manga abe akane, comedy, bl 297
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Under (xGround) Grand Hotel
owari sen(24)

v02 ch01 pg16 Awhh, sword got sen's name tatooed on the inside of his thigh
aishiteru-i love you
last chapter of UGH(v03 ch.7) is so GOOD!!
21 3 Manga prison, drama, bl 2
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Under (xGround) Grand Hotel dj
lol, sunbathing in the snow??
1 1 Doujinshi 1
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Under (xGround) Grand Hotel dj - Honeymoon
sword in a suit?? what!
1 1 Doujinshi 1
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Under (xGround) Grand Hotel Kiss & Kill
chersi erie (20)
norman hayes (25)
dr. van marwell (29)

1.14: This is sad af...Raise your weapon - Deadmau5 | 22: So Hayes & the old shut-call were... | 40-41: I love this!! This is so UGH!!! | 2: Norman Hayes? Why is that name so familiar....Last shut-call 'disappeared' but before that used to have his way with Hayes? ....his dead lover who was working for the fbi looked familiar too...
2.14: This is so interesting!!! | 17: What kinda analogy is that?! LMAO!! "You can't spit wthout hitting someone with brown eyes, why the hell is it him?!" -Erie, lol right!? | 21: Norman better not get this doctor killed over some stupid ass shit bro!! How he even gtfo! | 24: Ooooh shiiittt...! It was a dream? He was dreaming of doing it with Van?! Brooo... | 30: Smell? Fuckin'. Ew.

3.4: I love UGH!! Both of them just butt-ass naked in front of this guard like this shit is normal! They probably went at it ALL night. | 6: In true UGH style <33 | 7: Hmm, so that's his plan... | Oh. Advice = Drugs. Now it makes sense. | 8: My tsukkomu lol | He only 20?!!!! | 13: Erie's hair tho? | 17: That was so vulgar... | 28: What the what? I didn't even get to that conclusion but okay. | Yum tho <3 | 33-36: Okay, at 1st I thought this was all part of Norman's new strategy but I really don't even know anymore. Maybe Erie got him this time. | 36: Don't tell me what is in that little baggie... | 37: What.The.Fuck. | 38: It would of been less brutal to just kill him!! Nah, let's rip out his eyeball & ruin his career! Got Norman trembling now! | 39: What have you gotten yourself into Hayes...? You got what you wanted. He LOVES you now! Abnormally possessiv & crazy psychotic! | Scene was still hot AF tho!!

4.3: Absolutely 0 fucks given on this page. | 4: Oh my. | 7: I love it!!! | 9: Ah, shit! | 11-12: Uh, don't get your hopes up nigga! | 15: ..Or maybe you should! | 17: His revelation was too damn fast! Of course Erie is suspicious! | 20: In some way, this is kinda cute... | 22: Sen & Swordfish!!! <33 | 35: Well, damn! | 36: Bottome left panel!! I can't breathe lol!! | 38: Please tell me there not gonna kill him right?! | 39: My heart just stopped. | 40: What in the what?! | 45: The suspense is absolutely ripping me apart right now! | 47: Da riiiinnngggg!! | 49: It must of been miniscule because I don't recall Erie AT ALL! | 50: I don't know what to say about this exact conclusion but I am hoping for a continuation so damn badly!!!

More UGH!!!!!!!
4 1 Manga mika sadahiro, bl 472
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Urakatana Kami no ki
3.8: Only time I've laughed so far!! But why he had to say it like that!? | 13: But them shits look like scribble scrabble? Her art in this get on my absolute nerves.. | 20-21: OOOOooo, now this makes a little bit more sense..
- 2 Manga ogasawara uki, bl, reincarnation. really random 1
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Ushirogawa kara Koigokoro
1 - One-shot Hidaka haru, bl, school, romance 1
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Usotsuki wa Dareda
6 1 Manga yukimura, bl, drama
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Venus ni Arazu

miyoshi yoshiko
chuujou tarou <3
chuujou genichirou
sekishuu sai

1.32-34: He's the cutest thing ever!
2.37: Nigga keep playing, he eventually gonna get charged with rape sometime soon... | How many kisses does it take til you get to the center of Miyoshi's heart? Well lets find out! ...4...within 30 seconds
3.8: He's such a cutie!! | 20-22: He play too damn much!! LOL! | 30: ...that doesn't even make sense...? | 5?
4.7: Why is he so damn cute!!!? | 14: Somebody got some 'xplainin' to do~ lol carp-face? ahahaha | 27: I know he just told you he loves you & everything but you better stop him 'cause it seems like he's about to do something ridiculously stupid | NVM! | 41: Too damn cute
5.2: Exactly like that translator-san said! | 6: Sloth life! Get your membership now!
6.7: Can I just fold him up & stick him in my pocket? | 19: Man, I love her!! | 22: Oh shit! What he catch a whiff of? | 6?
7.11: He's my dream guy! <3<3<3<3 | 15: Once a scumbag always a scumbag... | 16: ROFL!! Whoever is on the other side of that door is silly af! | 7? | 32: I hate when they skip the good stuff.. | 37: Those words were beautiful (:
Count is in & the total was.......8!!!!!

He is We - Happily Ever After
9 2 Manga Yoshihara Yuki, josei, romance, comedy, smut, love her art 2
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Venus ni Seppun
4 1 Manga 2
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ito miura
makoto amano narita
ryuya miura
yuto miura
tatsuyoshi miura
akane narita
Yoshiro ozaki(friend)
misaki ichikawa
nobuko kataoka
toki misao
tsugumi nomura
takayo iizuka(fiancée)
takashi iizuka

72,07-09: Makoto is a fucking genius!! A ghost? Who else would of thought of that shit bro? Even I was like, 'Tf is this kid doing?' It was so good it needed a mention. LOL! Ito is like she don't wanna go after that! | 18: "For a moment, I lost track of where I was." -Ito, with that line right there I know that she's a true actor. She was able to immerse herself into the role so much that her surroundings completely disappeared. That to me is a true actor. | 23: I guess ONE person actually realized. That's how you know he's a badass director, he can spot talent a mile away unlike them other judges. Lol miracles do happen!
73,28: Whyyyy??? Why tf do you have your weave attached to your mf hat? Yo ass is slackin'! (Makoto)
74,3-7: Noooooo! I'm about to cry!!!
76,15: What the flying FUUUUUCKKK!!???Somebody sedate Sakamotos ol' dumbass right now!! Of all the times I would wish something random would happen now would be the perfect time for that!!! | 19: & there was my random something! I've never loved Makoto's dad as much as I do today!! You slick bastard you!
77,20: Did Mako just ask Ito's dad for his blessing on marrying Ito???? I'm about to faint!!! | 24: Her family is so overprotective of her. It's not like Mako is an asshole cunt of a boyfriend or something. He's courteous, well-mannered, & always puts Ito before himself. You can tell that it wouldn't of mattered what kinda guy she brought home they still would've given him a hard time but I don't think they would've accepted it as well as they would've with Mako.
78,24: OMG, I can't breathe...gosh I love them so much!! They're so beautiful! "Marry me today and everyday." (UHHH, I wanna cry!!!!)
random commentor: "after reading this manga, it makes me think that: "I want to marry someone like makoto and to have a father and brothers like hers."" ....this is EXACTLY how I feel!
Gosh, I never wanted to complete this...EVER!!

read on
79 14 Manga Emura, romance, shoujo, comedy, school, my everything <3
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Watashi no Yaban na Geboku
7 1 Manga 1
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Wild Fangs
7 1 Manga
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Work In
6 1 Manga suzuki tsuta, bl, romance
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Yasaotoko wa Venus
4 1 Manga 1
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16 4 Manga action, romance, bl 1
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Yes It's Me
8 1 Manga Yamashita Tomoko, comedy, drama, shounen ai 2
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Yogoreteru Hima nanka Nai
matsumi Sachiko (19)
iba kazuya (19) (boyfriend)
kumi (19) (middle school friend)
kiyoko ujigawa (uni friend)
tasaka (uni friend)
tsuu (swear she's from zig-zag-don)
nakano akito (high school friend)
maeda (douche)

4.6: That is so sick...blegghh | 9: ...'Cause they actually care about their kinda question was that? | 12: So 'Kazuya' is where it all started, huh? | 20: This bitch is dumber than a sack of rocks. | 22: ....OR you can just get your ass up & LEAVE! | 24: On top of practically trying to rape her, he's weak sauce too?! Pathetic! | 26: Oh shit... | 27: Mayumi 'bout to get that ass bruh! | 29: Don't worry boo! They weren't shit anyway, especially Mayumi if she took that wack ass nigga back! | 30: Well she shut that shit down fast! | 31: These nigga's approaches are dumb as hell!! How you just walk up to her, confirm her name & then ask her to randomly do something w/you? What you thought her answer was gonna be when she don't even know your 1st name yet? Even if you do think she's supposedly extra fuckin' easy, at least be creative about it! Or at least try to have a conversation w/her 1st & PRETEND like you have somewhat good intentions! After THIS nigga's attempt it should be blatantly clear what going on. | 33: She's claiming she's only spreading the truth....Bitch you don't even know the truth to be spreading the 'truth'! | 34: She just mad 'cause she fucked up! The only reason her so called bf tried to get the pooty-tang from Sachi is because her & her & her little cronies were tlkin' mad shit about Sachi! Shit fuckin' backfired on her & now she lookin' like a dumbfuck! She fucked her own damnself over! | 35: DAYYYYUUUMMMM! | 36: Nah. Fuck that! She claim she know the truth, Sachi ain't do shit but lay down the details for her! | 39: Is this what slut logic looks like? She tlkin' about this shit as if she's trying out for a volleyball team!
5.7: Well, at least she got friends now. | 12-13: "Hoes will be hoes, so I couldn't blame Tammy~" | 18: This page was pretty funny. | 20: If the slut is asking WHY you voluntarily want to be a slut, you know you've got a problem! lol | 29: No. That's pretty impressive... | 35: Bitch. WTF?! | 39: Biiiiitttttccchhh.
6.15: This is normal for her?! | 17: LMAO! Right? I thinks that only works for her... | 38: Or right out your big-ass mouth! | 40: He's kinda weird...
7.10: This bitch is so damn confused...It hurts to read. | 15: Maeda all of a sudden turned fine as hell! | 19: *facepalm* | 20: He SLICK!!! LOL | 22: Tf she be watchin' on tv? | 24: Ewwww
8.20: He doesn't see them as equals. | 22: They keep going to all these love motels! Does he not have his own place where he can do anytime he wants to? Why they keep paying just to lay in a bed for a couple of hours? | 23: Bruuuuhhhh...I would of pulled a Will Smith: looked him dead in his eye, then looked away & acted like I didn't know him! This is too crucial of a time for a fuck up! | 24-31: Wooooowwww. This bitch is legit dumb. | 25: Tf? Oh, I would of called him something alright & it wouldn't of been his damn name either! | 35: She didn't know he could get mad like that? Tf have they been doing for 6mos? Then again they only hung out 2 or 3 times a month & on 1 holiday... | 36-37: Oh.
9.5: Damn. That shit hurt ME! | 5-8: This has to be the most FUCKED UP situation if I've ever read one in this manga so far. | 9: I know she's not the sharpest tool in the toolbox but she doesn't deserve this bs. I want to hug her 'cause this shit is hitting me right in the kokoro... | 13-14: Okayyy, Tsuu does have a point...but I always feel that actions speak louder than words & her actions were definitely saying that SOMETHING was going on between them! | Damn Maeda. I expected this low down dirty shit from Kazuya but not you my nigga! Not you. You are now a half step above Kazuya 'cause can't nobody beat that asshole. What makes it worse is that it was so unexpected! For 6 months they had some type of relationship going on where they would hang out & SLEEP w/each other! I don't know why Maeda thought they had a studentXmaster relationship?! It's like since when does a master ever SLEEP w/their student?!? & to top it all off he's ALREADY cheating on her! How do you not feel like the biggest hypocrite when you're in a love motel after just doing it your 'student', on the phone w/a supposed gf that you didn't bother to tell nobody else about, telling her not to go off w/these random niggas who are hitting on her & sketchy but you butt-ass naked next to a girl in a love Why in the hell did this nigga think this was okay!!!??? | 20: Pffft! Too late for that shit! | Nah, boo! Any person w/EYES would've thought the exact same thing! | 31: This is what you should be telling that douche, not that fake ass charade you keep putting up! | LOL! This nigga said: "Yo?" | 33: Damn Maeda! You just officially been named 'the worst' now! | 35: 3 hours tho?!
10.8: LMAO! He is crackin' me up! "You can put an end to something that never started? That's pretty amazing." -Kazuya, now just add an extra side of sarcasm & this statement in this situation is hilarious! Kazuya is making so much sense right now! Why the hell would you quit over some bs HE pulled? Why would you sacrifice your job over something he obviously didn't take that serious anyway! | 17: Simple statements can be funny as hell if you word them right! | 26: Caught! | 27: They ain't you! They ain't trifling like your ass! | YAAAAAASSSSSS!!! *raised hands emoji* He just verbalized everything I was thinking but w/o the curse words! If Sachi was a real OG, she would track down that gf of his & tell her about his cheating ahh! | 28: Did I miss something or did we not just sit here & see Sachi confess her feelings to him...? | 29: Well Maeda isn't exactly wrong...but Kazuya got a point too | 37: Yep! Right on the money Maeda. | 38: Exactly what I was thinking! Kazuya don't back, he tell it like it is! ...Oh & this situation tho!
11.10: She really did become a whore... | 22: Really? | 29: Either extra happy or extra miserable...? This guy has a few screws loose... | 35: Why do these bitches continue to piss me off! 1st Hatori, now this slore of a whore!! Stop cutting your fuckin' hair!! At least hatori's looked cute on her! This bitch looks like a dude from the back! | 36: Hmm, this is interesting. | 38: If only my hair grew like THAT. | 40: Fuhhreeall! That's Maeda? Why he look like a bum tho? | 41-42: Damn, she is heartless!! Like she ain't seen him for 2 1/2 yrs! At least chat over a cup of coffee or something! But alas she is right. No use in crying over spilled milk. | 43: *Cue Kelly Clarkson's 'What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger'* | 45: Alright.
12.6: Okay sooooo did she confess or did she just ask him for sex...? | 7: She's so frank about it lol | 13: Bish whet? 2 yrs ago? | 14: Damn. I would of never recognized her. I just thought he liked bitches w/long hair! | 16: 550 yen lol! That's not what's important right now! | 26: Iba is hot as hell! | 27: I've always thought this but now is perfect time to say it: Iba is real rough around the edges bro! | 29: Sigh. | 30: Go Sachi! | 37-38: Oh Heeeeelll No! Cut that bitch off NOW or you're going to be seeing this scenario a lot! That bitch is bat shit crazy! You doing all this shit just for Kazuya? Tf?
13.2: There's such a thing as finger-cuffs? | 3: Bitch bye! | 8: I love this bitch lol! | 15: Yay! Time for the truth to come out! | 18: <3 | 21: lol Iba funny!
14.5: Damn, they're taking this shit Sssslllloooowwww. | 8: That's really fucked up Iba. How you thought she was gonna react when you throw all this shit at her out of the blue...? | 20: Aww, Iba... | 22: She so purty! | 24: She was like imam be straight up about it! But um...this is so...unromantic & rush.. | 32: Wahh? | 37: Right in the kokoro <333
15.15-16: Oh my gosh, she did not just say that shit!

I personally like this manga. This author always has a way making mangas that you dnt read everyday. The realism is always her selling point (: | The End
15 3 Manga Ishida Takumi, seems pretty accurate to me, made me feel like I understood a 'bimbo' 1102
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Yoiko no Sumu Machi
8 1 Manga 1
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Yokujou Climax
48 7 Manga
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Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki
Tatsuyuki + Nozomi for fuckin' ever bro!! I love the shit outta these two!! Gonna miss 'em.
9 1 Manga scarlet beriko 60
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Yorugata Aijin Senmonten Blood Hound DX
rion kanou
5 1 Manga kaori yuki, vampire, mystery, romance, shoujo 572
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Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi
ao sawanoi <3
ryoumei kousaka
shuuji tanihara
shunpei aoyama

1,11: LOL!!
2: Ao is SHAMELESS!! This kid does not know the meaning of modesty. |27-28: lol I can't take it!!! | 35: Ao pounced on him so fast! lol 'Where did you learn THAT!? | I think their personalities are switched. Ao has the tendencies of a seme(ex: shameless, go-getter) & Ryou has the tendencies of an uke(ex: hesitant, denial)
3: Did they just do a crossover with Himegoto Asobi?

Lost it

11,23: My favorite expression on Ao. Even though it's a sad one, I still love it. | 36: He reminds of Allen when he smiles sadly like that...
13,3: Finally! It was getting to the point of me thinking Ao was gonna be forever alone!! But Ao's cuteness wins!!! & Shuuji is such a bitch lol | 29: I've never liked an uke as much as I've liked Ao! This kid will snatch your heart!! | 34: UH-OOOOH!!
14,3: It's like the lion and the lamb! | 6: Ryoumei is too much man! | 17: Saved by the...nosebleed? | 20: I can't take I'm about to have a nosebleed! | 29: Oh my....forever shameless Ao!!!
16,9: EEEEEEE!! It's time to get serious!!! Here comes the I love you!!!!!!!! | 19: Where does he get it from? That go-gettem attitude. | 23: LMAO!! He's screamin' bloody murder in that bitch!
17: & to think this all started with a random wet dream & before that a desperate hyakudo-mairi...I love it
18,18: LOL!!! Fuckin' Shunpei!! Ruining peoples surprises & shit...

one of my favorite yaois with my favorite uke!

read on
22 4 Manga sakuragi yaya, bl, comedy, fav, ao 1
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Yuuwaku Sentiment
It's dazzling, blinding, and hypnotizing.
9 1 Manga naono bohra, bl, school 1
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Zenbu Ore no Mono!
ch7 was my favorite! Hiragi & Atsushi!
7 1 Manga sakuraga mei, bl, romance
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Zenmon no Tora, Koumon no Ookami
6 1 Manga 1
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Zettai Kareshi.
35 6 Manga
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Zig☆Zag Don
hidetarou nukui

ch.20 pheww! she stomped all over that "landmine"
"You hate it. But only I can touch you"-nukui to ichina
"It's like I expected unpleasant or guilty feelings. But in reality, I had never been so utterly excited..."-Ichina(about...XD)

kouichi-ichina's dad
breathe again by sara bareilles
30 6 Manga ISHIDA TAKUMI, school life, drama, romance, shoujo 788
Chapters: 3710, Volumes: 717, Days: 36.4, Mean Score: 7.9, Score Dev.: 0.46

# Manga Title Chapters Volumes Type Tags Days
Add - More
Datte Ai ja Nai!?
-/7 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Hana to Akuma
-/60 -/10 Manga
Add - More
Kimi wa Boku no Toriko Nare
-/31 -/5 Manga
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Koisuru Omocha
-/7 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Last Client
read ch7, but need to read again when they cme out with a different because the current has SHIT quality
7/7 -/1 Manga bl, action, drama, to be continued 4281
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Peach Girl
-/72 -/18 Manga
Chapters: 7, Volumes: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

# Manga Title Chapters Volumes Type Tags Days
Add - More
12-nin no Yasashii Koroshiya: Leo Murder Case
quote:"she didn't know how to show her love...she hurt me...even so, I still loved her.."-makoto
"..I just wanted to become a kind mother.."-megumi
"it's seems like never being able to forget will be my punishment.."-maya
"once someone doesn't feel pain, they're not human"-saeki
"that's exactly why you're Overload's king.."-saeki to takashi
9/10 -/2 Manga action, shoujo, mystery, bishounen 5028
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6-banme no Megane
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi
Add - More
Bokura no Kiseki Publishing
skipped ch.1
2/- -/- Manga 5029
Add - More
Chocolate Girl

sawatari kyouko(25)(riku's manager)
tezuka riku
akina(kyouko's onee-san)
9/15 1/3 Manga Yoshihara Yuki, romance, josei, comedy 4785
Add - More
Crimson Spell
valdrigue areswies aka val

27/50 -/7 Manga 5024
Add - More
God Child
quote:"There was a crooked child who lived in the crooked house..and the child never knew anything other than crooked love.."
3/48 -/8 Manga mystery, horror, shoujo, gothic 5024
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Ikenai Teacher☆Iketeru Darling
-/10 -/2 Manga
Add - More
-/51 -/11 Manga
Add - More
Kanashii Doubutsu
2/5 -/1 Manga 4778
Add - More
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
-/108 -/21 Manga romance, drama, comedy, school, psychological, slice of life 5241
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Kindan no Koi de Ikou
-/50 -/10 Manga romance, supernatural, shoujo, drama 5100
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Lost In London
13/37 2/- Manhwa 5029
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Love Luck
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Mary Stayed Out All Night
19/38 -/10 Manhwa
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Milkman Publishing
8/- -/- Manga
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Nagatachou Strawberry
-/21 -/5 Manga
Add - More
Night of the Beasts
-/26 -/6 Manga
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-/28 -/7 Manga
Add - More
Platinum Garden
inui kaito
-/68 -/15 Manga
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School x Fight
-/- -/4 Manga
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Secret Kiss
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Seiten Taisei
-/28 -/6 Manga
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Sennen no Yuki
-/18 -/4 Manga
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Teleportation and electricity?? Whaaaa?
33/- 2/5 Manhwa 4940
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Sonnan ja Nee yo
type in
1/38 -/9 Manga 4799
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Sukima Suki
-/10 -/1 Manga
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Sun-Ken Rock
-/181 -/25 Manga
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The Summit
23/- -/7 Manhwa
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Toraware no Minoue
-/33 -/5 Manga
Add - More
Tsukiyo ga Kureta Okurimono
-/1 -/1 Manga
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V.B. Rose
4/83 -/14 Manga shoujo, romance, comedy 5157
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Vampir Publishing
7/- -/- Manga
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You're So Cool
v.3, ch.6+7 is HIGHlarious!!
quote:"come in or, go back as you were...your choice..."-seung ha
"there's no way I would go back; why would you say such a thing?"-nan woo
"You're just a girl without anything to look at..You came in without any fear..You took charge over me without me knowing."-seung ha
25/34 4/6 Manhwa comedy, romance, school, shoujo 5029
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Yurara no Tsuki
14/20 3/5 Manga supernatural, romance, fantasy, school life 5030
Add - More
Zenbu Choudai
-/11 -/2 Manga 5018
Chapters: 199, Volumes: 12, Days: 0.6, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

Plan to Read
# Manga Title Chapters Volumes Type Tags Days
Add - More
-/45 -/8 Manga
Add - More
-6mm no Taboo
-/6 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Ageha wo Ou Monotachi
-/18 -/4 Manga
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Ai no Konseki
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Ai shika Iranee yo.
-/- -/1 Light Novel
Add - More
-/5 -/1 Manga izumi miyamoto, josei, romance, slice of life
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Airyouran Gakuen
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Akari wo Otoshita Ato de
-/7 -/1 Manga
Add - More
-/8 -/2 Manga
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Akutai wa Toiki to Mazariau
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Anata ni Hana wo Sasagemashou
-/20 -/4 Manga
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Anata no Jinsei Hikiukemasu!
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Angel Shop
-/19 -/4 Manhwa
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Aoiro Keiyaku
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Arakawa Under the Bridge
-/410 -/15 Manga
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-/11 -/2 Manga
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Baby Bitch!
estrella-star in spanish
-/7 -/1 Manga inomoto rikako, yaoi, smut
Add - More
Bed no Shita no Himitsu
-/6 -/1 Manga
Add - More
-/4 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Biyaku Cafe
-/34 -/7 Manga
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Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu
-/71 -/12 Manga
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Bokura ni Matsuwaru etc.
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Bokura no Negai
-/21 -/3 Manga
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Bokutachi Futari ga Koisuru Riyuu
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Bokutachi wa Asu ni Mukatte Ikiru no da
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta
-/60 -/14 Manga
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-/5 -/1 Manga
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C-blossom: Case 729
-/4 -/2 Manga
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Can't Lose You
-/35 -/6 Manhwa
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Career Gate
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Cello Mellow
-/7 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Cerulean Café Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
Add - More
Chou yo Hana yo
-/40 -/8 Manga
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Chuuken wa Hana wo Matsu
-/4 -/1 Manga bl
Add - More
-/9 -/2 Manga
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Clover no Kuni no Alice: Kuroi Tokage to Nigai Aji
-/12 -/3 Manga
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Crazy for You
-/24 -/6 Manga
Add - More
-/6 -/1 Manga
Add - More
Daikirai!! Demo Honto wa ne...
-/8 -/1 Manga
Add - More
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Damasaretemo Suki na Hito
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Dance in the Vampire Bund
-/82 -/14 Manga
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Dannasama to Mitsugetsuchuu
-/10 -/2 Manga
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Datenshi ni Sasageru Uta dj - Family Visit
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi
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Datte Aishiteru
-/8 -/2 Manga
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Datte Suki Nan Damon
-/10 -/2 Manga
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Dear Friends: Rina & Maki
-/2 -/1 Manga
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Dear Green: Hitomi no Ounowa
-/25 -/3 Manga
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Deep Blue
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari
-/8 -/2 Manga
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Dogs: Bullets & Carnage
-/101 -/10 Manga
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-/6 -/1 Manga
Add - More
-/90 -/12 Manga 4650
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Double Face
-/2 -/- Manga
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Doushite Namida ga Derunokana
-/9 -/1 Manga
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Doushiyoumonai keredo
-/14 -/2 Manga
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Doutei Saizensen
-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/25 -/5 Manga
Add - More
-/31 -/5 Manga
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Duction Man
-/38 -/4 Manga 4379
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Endless World
-/8 -/1 Manga bl, jaryuu dokuro, drama
Add - More
-/1 -/- One-shot
Add - More
-/1 -/- One-shot
Add - More
Fairy Tail
-/549 -/63 Manga
Add - More
Fake Second Publishing
-/- -/- Doujinshi 5121
Add - More
Fly High
-/- -/1 Manga
Add - More
Forget About Love
-/- -/7 Manhwa
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Fu Junai
-/6 -/1 Manga 5037
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G-senjou no Neko
-/19 -/3 Manga
Add - More
Galism: Renai Joutou 3 Shimai
quote:"I'm not alone"-kento
10/28 -/6 Manga
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Gokujou no Koibito
-/20 -/4 Manga
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Gunjou - Ai ga Shizunda Umi no Iro
-/9 -/1 Manga
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Hachimitsu Shounen
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Hajishirazu na Yoru
-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/5 -/1 Manga
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Hana no Miyako de
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Hana nomi zo Shiru
-/13 -/3 Manga
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Hanasakeru Seishounen
-/- -/12 Manga
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Hanihani Honey
-/9 -/1 Manga
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-/6 -/1 Manga
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Happy Tomorrow
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Harem Days
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Harlem Beat wa Yoake made
-/27 -/5 Manga
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Haruka 17
-/188 -/19 Manga
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Hero Heel: Eiyuu to Akkan
-/14 -/3 Manga
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Hidoku Shinaide Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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Hidoku Shinaide dj - Yasashiku Shinaide
-/- -/6 Doujinshi 4087
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Hima nanode Okujou ni imasu
-/1 -/- One-shot
Add - More
Himekoi, Wakana-kun
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Himeyaka na Tousaku
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Hirunaka no Ryuusei
-/86 -/12 Manga
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Hito ni Ienai Aidagara
-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/67 -/14 Manga
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Hizamazuite Ai ni Kogarero
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Honey Trap
-/- -/1 Manga
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Hoshigari na Kimi to Futsutsuka na Boku
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Hoshigarimasen! Katsumade wa
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Hot Blooded Woman
-/183 -/24 Manhwa
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Hotel Traffic
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Houou Gakuen MiSORA-gumi
-/23 -/4 Manga
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Hua Qian
-/8 -/2 Manhua
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-/11 -/3 Manga
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I Will Be Cinderella
-/- -/20 Manhwa 5124
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Ibara no Ori - Hakoniwa no Naka no Jiyuu
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Ijimetai hodo Aishiteru
-/5 -/1 Manga bl, mizukami shin, one-shots 4716
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Ikoku Irokoi Romantan
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Ilegenes: Giyoku no Koukyoukyoku
-/25 -/3 Manga
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Innai Kansen
-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/20 -/5 Manga
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-/56 -/7 Manga
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Jin Ping Mei Kiden: Honoo no Kuchizuke
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Joushi to no Hitoban
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Junai Tokkou Taichou!
-/25 -/13 Manga
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Junjou de Wagamama na Kare
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Junketsu + Kareshi
-/47 -/10 Manga
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Kago no Uchi
-/1 -/- One-shot
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-/83 -/18 Manga
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Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
-/33 -/7 Manga
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Kamisama no Sonata
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Kamisama no Ude no Naka
-/18 -/4 Manga
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Kamisama no Ude no Naka de dj - Strauss wa Ichinensei
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi
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Kare ja Nai kedo
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Kare no Aijou no Hakari
-/5 -/1 Manga shoujo, bi?
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Kasa no Shita, Futari
-/6 -/1 Manga 4087
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-/26 -/4 Manga
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Katekyo! Brap dj - Kemomimi
-/1 -/- Doujinshi 4716
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Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
-/411 -/42 Manga
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Kayashimashi no Yuugana Seikatsu
-/21 -/3 Manga
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Kibishiku Aishite
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kichiku Megane
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kikoushi no Mune de Otoko wa Oboreru
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kimagure Tora ni Okasarete
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kimi ni Todoke
-/125 -/30 Manga
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Kimi Note
-/7 -/1 Manga 4087
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Kimi wo Watareba
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kodomo no Omocha
-/54 -/10 Manga
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Koi no Tsubo
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Koishite Daddy
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kono S wo, Mi yo! - Cupid no Itazura
-/155 -/15 Manga
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Konoyo Ibun
-/43 -/7 Manga
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Koushaku no Himeta Kuchizuke
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Koushi Kakka no Himitsu Gaikou Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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Kowarekake no Omocha
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Koyoi wa Kimi to Chi no Kisu wo
-/5 -/1 Manga yaoi, vampire, bl, romance 5100
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Kuroneko wa Shippo de Amaeru
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kuuchuu Teien
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Kyou no Kira-kun
-/36 -/9 Manga
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Kyou, Hana no Gotoshi
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Kyuukyoku Venus
-/43 -/9 Manga
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-/80 -/20 Manga
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Love Kids!!
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Love Stalking!
-/4 -/1 Manga
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-/12 -/2 Manga
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M no Retsujou
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Mada Koi to wa Shirazu ni
-/5 -/1 Manga mizukami shin, historical, drama, yaoi 4716
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Mamotte Agemasu
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Marmalade Boy
-/40 -/8 Manga
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Masaka-dou e Irasshai
-/3 -/- Manga
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Matenrou Maybe
-/1 -/- One-shot
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-/4 -/1 Manga
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Mezase Hero!
-/9 -/2 Manga
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Mezase Hero! dj - A Man of Many Requests
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi
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Midara na Sasayaki
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Mitsu-aji Blood
-/10 -/2 Manga
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Momoiro Salesman
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Moon: Subaru Solitude Standing
-/99 -/9 Manga
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Muku na Princess
-/- -/1 Manga
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Neji no Kaiten
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Neko to Matatabi
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Nekoka Danshi no Shitsukekata
-/28 -/5 Manga 4087
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Nekoka Kareshi no Ayashikata
-/7 -/1 Manga
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-/7 -/1 Manga yaoi, vampire, comedy, romance 5100
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Nemureru Kimi no Barairo no Kuchibiru
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Nemureru Tsuki
-/12 -/2 Manga
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Nennen Saisai
-/5 -/1 Manga 4087
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New Mok Yeon-Ah Honeymoon Diary
-/- -/13 Manhwa
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Nobara no Hanayome
-/10 -/2 Manga
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Oishii Kankei
-/71 -/16 Manga
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Okutsuki Mura no Yukaisou
-/5 -/1 Manga
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-/71 -/11 Manhwa
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Ooparts Sex
-/10 2/2 Manga
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Ore no Mune de Sake
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Osakana wa Ami no Naka
-/20 -/3 Manga
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-/7 -/1 Manga
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Otona Keikenchi dj - Boku wa Sunao ja Nai.
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi
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Oujisama ni Narenai
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Ouran Koukou Host Club
-/87 -/18 Manga
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-/6 -/1 Manga
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Pathos dj - Deep Throat
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi
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Pathos dj - EX
-/1 -/1 Doujinshi 5107
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Pink Gold Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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-/- -/12 Manga
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-/26 -/7 Manga
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Private Prince Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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Punch Drunk Babies
-/15 -/3 Manga
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Punch↑ Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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-/5 -/1 Manga
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Queen's Quality Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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R-18 Love Report!
-/16 -/4 Manga
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Real Clothes
-/102 -/13 Manga
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Recipe no Oujisama
-/8 -/1 Manga 4087
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Renai Shinan!
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Renren Zakari
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Rikugun Renai Shikan Gakkou
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Rikugun Renai Shikan Gakkou dj - Gunpuku no Adam-tachi
-/3 -/1 Doujinshi
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Rival ni Ki wo Tsukero
-/4 -/1 Manga
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Roman Gousha
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Rumble Rush
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Ruriiro Butterfly
-/8 -/1 Manga
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Ryoshuu Reijin
-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/56 -/9 Manga
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Samurai Deeper Kyou
-/308 -/38 Manga
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-/33 -/8 Manga
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Seiyuu Ka!
-/70 -/12 Manga
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Self Portrait
-/8 -/1 Manga
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Sengoku Strays
-/79 -/15 Manga
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Sensei, Mou Ichido...
-/5 -/1 Manga izumi miyazono
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Senya Ichiya Romanesque
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Shin Tennis no Oujisama Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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Shinobi Yoru Koi wa Kusemono
-/26 -/5 Manga
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-/1 -/- One-shot
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo: Akai Hitomi wa Shitteiru
-/10 -/2 Manga
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Shiranai Kao
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Shitsuji wa Oose no Mama ni
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Show ga Hanetara Aimashou
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Shuukatsu!! - Kimi ni Naitei
-/10 -/2 Manga
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Slow Starter
-/8 -/1 Manga bl, ichikawa kei
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Soko ni Suwaruna
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Soul Eater
-/117 -/25 Manga
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Special A
-/104 -/17 Manga
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Storm Lover
-/12 -/2 Manga
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-/123 -/11 Manga dancing
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-/7 -/1 Manga
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Sunao ja Nai kedo
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Taikutsu wa Warawanai
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Taka ga Koi Daro
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Tango no Otoko
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Tennis no Oujisama
-/382 -/42 Manga
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Tomodachi no Housoku
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Tonari ni Iru no ni, Tooi
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Toukaidou Hisame
-/8 -/2 Manga
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Toukaidou Hisame: Kagerou
-/22 -/4 Manga
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Tsukiyo no Doll
-/5 -/1 Manga izumi miyazono
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Tsumaranai Otoko
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Tsumibito no Kiss
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Tsutaeru Toiki
-/5 -/1 Manga izumi miyazono
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-/7 -/1 Manga
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Uchi no Tantei Shirimasen ka?
-/5 -/1 Manga
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Unbalance na Netsu
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Urahara to Dilemma
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Usotsuki Lily
-/119 -/17 Manga
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Vanilla Star
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Virgin Star
-/5 -/1 Manga
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-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/3 -/1 Manga
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W-Juliet II Publishing
-/- -/- Manga
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-/- -/5 Manhwa
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Warui Ko Demo Ii?
-/6 -/1 Manga
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-/6 -/1 Manga
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Wasuretai Itoshii Hito
-/1 -/- One-shot
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Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan
-/8 -/1 Manga
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Wild Rose
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Wild Wind
-/9 -/1 Manga
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Wolf Guy: Ookami no Monshou
-/117 -/12 Manga
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Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
-/246 -/28 Manga
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-/22 -/7 Manga
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Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue
-/6 -/1 Manga
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Yorokobi wa Ude no Naka
-/7 -/1 Manga
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Yoroshiku Master
-/12 -/3 Manga
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Yuuutsu na Asa
-/46 -/8 Manga
Chapters: 10, Volumes: 2, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

Chapters: 8172, Volumes: 1087, Days: 55.6, Mean Score: 7.9, Score Dev.: 0.35
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