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Chapters: 7109, Volumes: 6, Days: 39.60, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Magazine
1 10 Dance Publishing
34 / -
- / -
Young Magazine the 3rd
2 2.5-jigen no Ririsa Publishing
91 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump+
3 3-gatsu no Lion Publishing
78 / -
- / -
Young Animal
4 Acma:Game
24 / 198
- / 22
Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
5 Act-age
98 / 123
- / 12
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
6 Adabana
10 / 28
- / 3
Grand Jump
7 Akane-banashi Publishing
62 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
8 Ana no Mujina On Hiatus
22 / -
- / 4
Shounen Jump+
9 Ao Ashi Publishing
291 / -
- / -
Big Comic Spirits
10 Ao no Exorcist Publishing
140 / -
- / -
Jump SQ.
11 Aphorism Publishing
41 / -
- / -
Gangan Online
12 Asadora! Publishing
29 / -
- / -
Big Comic Spirits
13 Baki-dou
148 / 154
- / 17
Shounen Champion (Weekly)
14 Beastars
106 / 196
- / 22
Shounen Champion (Weekly)
15 Berserk Publishing
348 / -
- / -
Young Animal
16 Black Clover Publishing
86 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
17 Blue Lock Publishing
157 / -
- / -
Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
18 Blue Period Publishing
59 / -
- / -
19 Boku no Hero Academia
129 / 432
- / 42
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
20 Cosmo Familia*
- / 22
- / 3
Manga Time Kirara Forward
21 D.Gray-man Publishing
227 / -
- / -
Jump SQ.Rise
22 Dungeon Meshi
60 / 102
- / 14
23 Gachiakuta Publishing
43 / -
- / -
Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
24 Gangsta. Publishing
54 / -
- / -
25 Gannibal
12 / 120
- / 13
Manga Goraku
26 Getter Robo Saga
- / 69
- / 9
27 Giant Killing Publishing
260 / -
- / -
28 Grand Blue Publishing
37 / -
- / -
good! Afternoon
29 Heterogenia Linguistic: Ishuzoku Gengogaku Nyuumon Publishing
- / -
- / -
Young Ace UP
30 Hi no Tori (1967)
- / 19
- / 16
Manga Shounen
31 Historie Publishing
112 / -
- / -
32 Houshin Engi
35 / 206
6 / 23
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
33 Hunter x Hunter Publishing
349 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
34 Jagaaaaaan
116 / 163
- / 14
Big Comic Spirits
35 Jujutsu Kaisen
189 / 272
- / 30
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
36 Juujika no Rokunin Publishing
88 / -
- / -
Magazine pocket
37 Kabushikigaisha Magi-Lumière Publishing
71 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump+
38 Kaijuu 8-gou Publishing
85 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump+
39 Kajiki no Ryourinin
41 / 43
- / 5
Shounen Jump+
40 Kengan Omega Publishing
165 / -
- / -
Ura Sunday
41 Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo Publishing
101 / -
- / -
Young Jump
42 Kingdom Publishing
517 / -
- / -
Young Jump
43 Koibito Ijou Yuujin Miman Publishing
11 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump+
44 Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
198 / -
- / 37
Shounen Sunday
45 Kouishou Radio On Hiatus
- / -
- / -
Comic Days
46 Marriagetoxin Publishing
12 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump+
47 Mieruko-chan Publishing
37 / -
- / -
Web Comic Apanta
48 One Piece Publishing
1083 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
49 One Punch-Man Publishing
86 / -
- / -
Tonari no Young Jump
50 Overlord
70 / -
- / 19
Comp Ace
51 Ruri Dragon Publishing
4 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
52 Sakamoto Days Publishing
77 / -
- / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
53 Seihantai na Kimi to Boku
6 / -
- / 8
Shounen Jump+
54 Shouha Shouten! Publishing
9 / -
- / -
Jump SQ.
55 Shuumatsu no Walküre Publishing
16 / -
- / -
Comic Zenon
56 Tokyo卍Revengers
211 / 279
- / 31
Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
57 Tongari Boushi no Atelier Publishing
57 / -
- / -
Morning Two
58 Touhou Chireikiden: Hansoku Tantei Satori Publishing
19 / -
- / -
Touhou Gairai Ihen (Web)
59 Undead Unluck
117 / 239
- / 27
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
60 Vector Ball
41 / 44
- / 5
Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
61 World Trigger Publishing
223 / -
- / -
Jump SQ.
62 Yakusoku no Neverland
160 / 181
- / 20
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
63 Yomotsuhegui: Shisha no Kuni no Kajitsu
6 / 21
- / 3
Young Magazine (Monthly)
64 Yotsuba to! Publishing
107 / -
- / -
Dengeki Daioh
65 [Oshi no Ko]
44 / 168
- / 16
Young Jump