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Chapters: 719, Volumes: 55, Days: 3.99, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Tags MagazineR. Manga Publish Start Publish End
1 Black Clover Publishing -
52 / -
6 / -
Manga 03-09-22 939
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 16-02-15
2 Dragon Ball -
170 / 520
7 / 42
Manga 06-08-22 967
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 20-11-84 23-05-95
3 Dragon Ball Super Publishing -
13 / -
2 / -
Manga 06-07-15 3555
V-Jump 20-06-15
4 Fumetsu no Anata e Publishing -
7 / -
1 / -
Manga 19-09-22 923
Shounen Magazine (Weekly) 09-11-16
5 Golden Kamuy -
2 / 314
1 / 31
Manga 21-09-22 921
Young Jump 21-08-14 28-04-22
6 Kimetsu no Yaiba -
15 / 207
2 / 23
Manga 05-09-22 937
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 15-02-16 18-05-20
7 Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. -
25 / 500
1 / 37
Manga 04-09-22 938
Shounen Sunday 18-05-16 29-01-25
8 Meitantei Conan Publishing -
313 / -
31 / -
Manga 12-09-11 4948
Shounen Sunday 05-01-94
9 Shingeki no Kyojin -
93 / 141
- / 34
Manga 22-01-14 4084
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine 09-09-09 09-04-21
10 Spy x Family Publishing -
13 / -
1 / -
Manga 02-09-22 940
Shounen Jump+ 25-03-19
11 Tokyo卍Revengers -
16 / 279
3 / 31
Manga 01-09-22 941
Shounen Magazine (Weekly) 01-03-17 16-11-22