Up All Night With Amy Winehouse


I think even worse was the disparaging of Nelson Mandela.A man who spent more than 20 years in prison for only wanting rights.Not many in this world have made the difference he has.

Well . . . she's not that bad - a - girl ! :shy:

She should just be herself and do as she does ! Stand of fall !
Every fan likes a rough edge ! besides, it sells more copies.
What ? Do you want her to turn to gospel or something ? Boooring ! :sleep: :D



Some of the things that have been said here about her is pretty harsh. I think she has a lot of talent, a great voice and very opinionated! Yes, she does need help but im sure eventually she'll hit that rock bottom like Brittany then maybe come to some realization. Why is it ok to hate on someone if we dont really know them? Thats just my opinion.

Love ya guys,

*Nina Starr*

To compare her to Britney is mindboggling.

At least Britney has willingly gone to rehab, Winehouse has refused time and time and time again, despite overwhelming evidence that she needs to go.

The news media reports about Winehouse are not motivated by hate, and they aren't biased, they are just straight news reports. It's not the news media's fault that Winehouse is a stinking, skanky drug addicted wreck. The news media isn't enabling her. Everyone who buys one of her songs or albums and thus puts money is her pocket is enabling her.

Her saying "Fucker you" to Mandela to go buy smokes and candy, combined with her spitting her gum into the crowd at Galstonberry was the last straw for many people and it's about fucking time, in fact the world should have collectively turned their backs and utterly and completely ignored her a year ago.
no thank you ...

i don't like her and her music as well ...
People who like her, like her a lot, but i'm not one of them ...
She has real talent. Why she married a complete sack of shit loser, I'll never know. I blame him for a lot of her troubles, actually.

Don't even put her and Britney Spears in the same sentence. Spears is nothing but a male journalist/social commentator's fantasy girl. She has no talent and no intelligence (K-Fed?)

Music is a joke artform today. It has very little connection to "art" today. For a variety of reasons. But there IS something different about Amy Winehouse's voice, and singing ability. There really is detectable emotion there.
I wonder if Marion Barry will bring his crack pipe ! :D

The cops had a video tape of him smoking crack. At his trail Marion Barry said he was not smoking crack but trying to found out what it smelled like. Brilliant, but he still went to jail.
One hit wonder, oyxgen thieving, cracked out coke whore, will contribute nothing useful to society if she stays on this path.
ehhhhhhhh shes weird, and addicted to everything. but a good singer htough


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You leave my fiance outta this!

::carefully removes all the syringes from her winehole before sex::
She used to be okay looking, then she found drugs.

Sadly I feel she'll follow a well worn path like Joplin, Garland