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#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Genre Demogr. Publish Start Publish End MAL Score Score Diff. Popularity
1 #Lovers -
- / 1
- / -
One-shot Action, Sci-Fi Shounen 10-25-21 10-25-21 - - #51702
2 100 Satsujima -
- / 38
- / 4
Manga Action, Suspense 09-25-21 02-12-23 5.41 - #29667
3 Akuma ga Machi ni Yattekuru: Kyoufu!! Buta no Machi -
- / 10
- / 1
Manga Horror 10-00-83 10-00-83 - - #38838
4 Akumazelma -
- / 11
- / 2
Manga Fantasy, Supernatural Josei 03-16-09 11-16-10 - - #35866
5 Amagake -
- / 15
- / 3
Manga Action Seinen 09-07-22 02-07-24 - - #50422
6 Antagonist -
- / 32
- / 7
Manga Action, Sci-Fi Seinen 06-25-18 02-25-21 - - #51246
7 Baba Yaga -
- / 12
- / 3
Manga Drama, Fantasy, Horror Seinen 11-27-07 02-27-12 6.30 - #13156
8 Baiyaku Kakebachou Kuzuryuu -
- / 25
- / 3
Manga Action, Drama, Mystery Seinen 12-25-73 12-25-74 - - #32431
9 Barbarian Quest -
- / 100
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-15-22 03-02-24 7.84 - #4129
10 Beageruta Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action Seinen 07-07-11 7.40 - #3670
11 Berserk Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Horror Seinen 08-25-89 9.47 - #1
12 Big Order -
- / 55
- / 10
Manga Action Shounen 09-26-11 08-26-16 6.20 - #1168
13 Black Lagoon Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Drama Seinen 04-19-02 8.29 - #301
14 Bloody Mary -
- / 16
- / 4
Manga Action, Horror, Ecchi Seinen 00-00-00 00-00-03 6.50 - #10765
15 Burazamurai -
- / 24
- / 3
Manga Action Seinen 12-11-04 11-11-06 - - #33659
16 Buta no Fukushuu Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Fantasy Seinen 07-26-21 6.10 - #13514
17 Children -
- / 13
- / 2
Manga Horror, Mystery 10-26-17 03-21-19 5.65 - #1845
18 Claymore -
- / 159
- / 27
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror Shounen 06-06-01 10-04-14 8.28 - #35
19 Daikousha Nagi -
- / 1
- / -
One-shot Action Shounen 02-09-15 02-09-15 6.08 - #26304
20 Death God Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Fantasy 09-01-22 7.16 - #18146
21 Demon in Mount Hua Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Fantasy 07-29-22 6.43 - #22444
22 Demon Tune -
- / 16
- / 4
Manga Action, Fantasy Shounen 01-04-18 05-02-19 6.72 - #8477
23 Destronaut -
- / 1
- / -
One-shot Action, Sci-Fi Seinen 04-19-21 04-19-21 6.52 - #31640
24 Dethrone -
- / 16
- / 3
Manga Action, Ecchi Seinen 07-05-12 11-05-13 5.64 - #16628
25 Duelant -
- / 1
- / -
One-shot Action Seinen 10-15-19 10-15-19 6.55 - #32068
26 Dungeon & Delivery -
- / 6
- / 1
Manga Action, Fantasy 05-30-19 07-30-20 - - #73206
27 Eimugai -
- / 37
- / 4
Manga Suspense 02-01-22 10-11-22 - - #38312
28 Fire Fire Fire: Black Sword Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi 05-27-13 - - #24301
29 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri -
- / -
- / 5
Novel Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-12-10 12-22-11 7.79 - #2613
30 Ginga Densetsu Weed -
- / 500
- / 60
Manga Drama Seinen 05-00-99 07-03-09 7.53 - #8168
31 Girls of the Wild's -
- / 260
- / -
Manhwa Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance 08-14-11 10-29-16 7.54 - #227
32 Gokuto Jihen -
- / 21
- / 3
Manga Action, Horror, Supernatural 05-27-15 01-27-17 7.25 - #16101
33 Gun x Clover -
- / 60
- / 12
Manga Action, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Shounen 04-09-12 11-09-17 7.32 - #1018
34 Hayate x Blade -
- / 115
- / 18
Manga Action, Comedy, Girls Love Seinen 11-21-03 07-19-13 7.47 - #5880
35 Heaven and Earth Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy 07-05-13 - - #65104
36 Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi -
- / 73
- / 9
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy Seinen 08-24-18 08-09-24 7.11 - #3400
37 Houkago Shoujo Bout -
- / 19
- / 3
Manga Action Seinen 10-08-16 04-07-18 - - #36432
38 Hunter x Hunter Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy Shounen 03-03-98 8.76 - #22
39 Hunter x Hunter: Kurapika Tsuioku-hen -
- / 2
- / 1
Manga Adventure, Fantasy Shounen 12-02-12 12-09-12 7.64 - #1237
40 Inugami wa Inoranai Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Fantasy Seinen 07-29-22 - - #63918
41 Janus: Oni no Ichizoku Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Supernatural Seinen 04-09-21 - - #56823
42 Jinrou Game -
- / 18
- / 3
Manga Drama, Horror, Mystery Seinen 01-08-14 06-08-15 6.53 - #1696
43 Jujutsu Kaisen -
- / 272
- / 30
Manga Action, Supernatural Shounen 03-05-18 09-30-24 8.25 - #10
44 Kagurabachi Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Fantasy Shounen 09-18-23 7.90 - #236
45 Kedamame -
- / 39
- / 4
Manga Action, Adventure, Supernatural Seinen 08-25-14 08-10-15 - - #44484
46 Kogarashi Monjirou -
- / 4
- / 1
Manga Action, Drama 00-00-72 00-00-72 - - #45757
47 Koudelka -
- / 15
- / 3
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Shounen 11-00-99 09-00-00 6.73 - #9088
48 Kubikiri Asa -
- / 54
- / 10
Manga Action, Drama 00-00-72 00-00-76 7.92 - #2993
49 Kuhime -
- / 23
- / 4
Manga Action, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen 12-09-15 11-09-17 6.27 - #8479
50 Kung Fu Master -
- / 1
- / -
One-shot Action Shounen 11-02-15 11-02-15 - - #49298
51 Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver On Hiatus -
- / 201
- / 32
Manga Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Shounen 01-00-85 04-26-16 7.70 - #5184
52 Levius/est -
- / 62
- / 10
Manga Sci-Fi Seinen 04-18-15 06-18-21 7.56 - #4910
53 Makai Ishi Mephisto -
- / 13
- / 3
Manga Action, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Shoujo 07-15-11 02-14-15 6.94 - #13047
54 Makai Tenshou -
- / 11
- / 1
Manga Action, Supernatural 11-12-98 11-12-98 6.33 - #24113
55 Maria no Danzai Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Drama, Suspense Seinen 05-05-23 7.23 - #1380
56 Miyamoto Musashi -
- / 7
- / 2
Manga Action 00-00-71 00-00-72 7.15 - #21038
57 Mujin Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Drama Seinen 01-30-14 - - #45313
58 Murciélago Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Girls Love Seinen 04-19-13 7.61 - #770
59 Murder Murder -
- / 24
- / 3
Manga Action 00-00-21 00-00-23 - - #46833
60 One Outs -
- / 175
- / 20
Manga Sports Seinen 11-14-98 08-15-06 8.54 - #518
61 Onikiri Juuzo -
- / 44
- / 4
Manga Action, Supernatural Seinen 04-01-98 08-02-00 6.70 - #22834
62 Panzer Geist -
- / 22
- / 5
Manga Action, Sci-Fi Seinen 02-28-19 10-11-21 - - #50027
63 Peace Maker Kurogane Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action Shounen 02-28-02 7.73 - #4061
64 Raichi!! Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Action Shounen 11-25-15 - - #48264
65 Rockman X -
- / 13
- / 3
Manga Action, Adventure Shounen 00-00-94 00-00-94 6.81 - #20113
66 Rockman X2 -
- / 13
- / 3
Manga Adventure, Sci-Fi Shounen 07-00-95 04-00-96 6.98 - #29819
67 Sekai Ninja Taikai Kiroku -
- / 17
- / 2
Manga Action Shoujo 05-01-15 05-05-17 - - #56058
68 Shabaou -
- / 25
- / 3
Manga Action, Fantasy Shounen 08-08-19 03-12-20 - - #52799
69 Shadows House Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga Fantasy, Mystery Seinen 09-06-18 8.36 - #400
70 Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -
- / 584
- / 61
Manga Action, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi Shounen 08-09-02 09-17-14 8.08 - #232
71 Shinobi no Kuni -
- / 22
- / 4
Manga Action Shounen 05-12-09 02-12-11 7.59 - #5601
72 Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker -
- / 30
- / 6
Manga Action Shounen 04-12-99 08-11-01 7.63 - #4649
73 Slash/Dog -
- / 6
- / 1
Light Novel Action, Fantasy, Supernatural 08-19-06 08-19-06 - - #24832
74 Sprite -
- / 135
- / 15
Manga Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Seinen 04-24-09 04-10-15 7.04 - #3609
75 Tatakae! Ryouzanpaku Shijou Saikyou no Deshi -
- / 28
- / 5
Manga Action, Comedy, Ecchi Shounen 00-00-00 00-00-02 7.43 - #7575
76 Tenka Hyakken: Shun -
- / 12
- / 2
Manga Action, Adventure 02-28-18 02-28-19 - - #65546
77 Vermillion -
- / 10
- / 2
Manga Action, Supernatural Seinen 05-02-12 05-02-13 6.80 - #18950
78 Witchcraft Troops Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Ecchi Shounen 00-00-07 6.68 - #17456
79 Wolfsmund -
- / 37
- / 8
Manga Action, Drama Seinen 02-14-09 10-15-16 7.14 - #2272
80 XBlade -
- / 49
- / 12
Manga Action, Fantasy, Supernatural Shounen 11-25-06 12-25-10 7.15 - #3990
81 XO Sisters -
- / 17
- / 3
Manhwa Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural 07-08-11 00-00-12 6.50 - #4124
82 Yakuza Girl: Blade-jikake no Hanayome -
- / 11
- / 2
Manga Action, Ecchi Seinen 01-19-08 12-19-08 6.20 - #2413
83 Yankano! -
- / 5
- / 1
Manga Action, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Seinen 03-27-12 09-27-12 6.28 - #3852
84 Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho -
- / 176
- / 19
Manga Action, Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural Shounen 11-20-90 07-12-94 8.18 - #224
85 Zatouichi -
- / 2
- / 1
Manga Action Seinen 00-00-66 00-00-66 6.54 - #18325
86 Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (1992) -
- / 12
- / 1
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy Shounen 01-00-92 12-00-92 6.86 - #7776
87 Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (2005) -
- / 4
- / 1
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy 07-28-05 07-28-05 7.23 - #2503
88 [Un]hero -
- / -
- / 2
Manhwa Fantasy, Sci-Fi 00-00-07 00-00-08 - - #46053