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Chapters: 1446, Volumes: 41, Days: 8.14, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
# Manga Title Chapters Volumes
1 Claymore
84 / 159
8 / 27
2 D.Gray-man Publishing
188 / -
15 / -
3 Ga-Rei
7 / 56
- / 12
4 Girl Friends
21 / 35
- / 5
5 Hayate no Gotoku!
115 / 570
8 / 52
6 Hellsing: The Dawn
6 / 6
- / -
7 Highschool of the Dead
5 / 33
- / 7
8 Hoshi no Samidare
18 / 65
- / 10
9 Jinki
6 / 16
2 / 4
10 Kuroshitsuji Publishing
8 / -
- / -
11 Little Busters! The 4-koma
7 / 52
1 / 4
12 Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
12 / 203
- / 23
13 Minami-ke Publishing
42 / -
2 / -
14 Mirai Nikki
20 / 59
- / 12
15 Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge
5 / 8
- / 2
16 Omamori Himari
13 / 75
2 / 12
17 One Piece Publishing
717 / -
- / -
18 Oretama
30 / 41
3 / 6
19 Pandora Hearts
22 / 107
- / 24
20 Prunus Girl
5 / 43
- / 6
21 R15+ ja Dame desu ka? Publishing
36 / -
- / -
22 Shina Dark: Kuroki Tsuki no Ou to Souheki no Tsuki no Himegimi
2 / 20
- / 4
23 Shingetsutan Tsukihime
46 / 74
- / 10
24 Toaru Majutsu no Index Gaiden: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Publishing
31 / -
- / -