Hi. Um. Ano... I don't know how often I'll actually use this site, I spent most of my time on my email or on youtube. So. If you feel inclined to talk to me, see me there.
"He knew enough alchemy to make light beer out of tap water if he happened to have a harpy feather and a bottle cap at his disposal. But he usually just bought his potions and powders, like everybody else these days. Who had the time for all that mixing and brewing?
"He remembered his last attempt at serious alchemy. He'd ordered a Make Your Own Homunculus kit through the mail. So easy a child could do it! declared the kit. He'd mixed the ingredients together, poured the concoction into the mold, and stuck the thing in the mircowave. Just like the instructions said. Instead of a friendly little helper demon, he ended up with a fifty-pound, appliance-smashing beast. Not only did it destroy the mircrowave, the blender, and most of his plates, but it nearly swallowed his head before dissolving into paste. A month later, he discovered the vial of nightshade powder from the kit that had rolled under the table. After that, he left alchemy to the professionals. Anyway, the asking price for philosopher's stones was outrageous nowadays." - Monster, by A. Lee Martinez. pg. 213
Maybe I'll change them once and a while... I have soooo many more. ^^