Hi! Welcome to my profile! About me I started watching anime and reading manga in January 2020. I don't watch or read that much and I prefer things that are already finished. My favorite genres are comedy, mystery and fantasy. My least favorite genre is action. I pretty much enjoy watching and reading most things. Scores My scores are more based on perceived quality than on enjoyment. I mostly focus on characters, plot and themes. Animation and sound are less important to me. I use custom rating scale from 0 (1Low) to 10 (10High). Reviews All reviews contain spoilers. Links to reviews are in anime/manga list. Dropped I am using it for things I want to watch or read, but I wasn't able to find. MALgraph List of blog posts How I rate and review art My random thoughts about art Best rating scale CSS /* SPACE */ { 100: [img]https://i.ibb.co/YhPCSbz/100.png[/img] 10: [img]https://i.ibb.co/ZL3sfdj/10.png[/img] 1: [img]https://i.ibb.co/hXSPHty/1.png[/img] } /* SCORE */ { [size=75] Low[/size] [size=75] High[/size] } /* COLOR */ { Watching/Reading: #338543 Completed: #2e52ac On Hold: #c9a31f Dropped: #832f30 Plan To Watch/Read: #747474 Low/High: #CCCCCC } /* REVIEW */ { [right][url=]Review[/url][/right] } /* DUBBING */ { No Dubbing = 🔈(Language) Completed Dubbing = 🔊(Language) } /* COMPLETED EPISODE/CHAPTER/VOLUME */ { Completed Episode = 🟩(Number Of Episodes)E(Episode Number) Completed Chapter = 🟩(Number Of Chapters)C(Chapter Number) Completed Extra Chapter = 🟩(Number Of Extra Chapters)eC(Extra Chapter Number) Completed Volume = 🟩(Number Of Volumes)V(Volume Number) } /* MISSED EPISODE/CHAPTER/VOLUME */ { Missed Episode = 🟥(Number Of Episodes)E(Episode Number) Missed Chapter = 🟥(Number Of Chapters)C(Chapter Number) Missed Extra Chapter = 🟥(Number Of Extra Chapters)eC(Extra Chapter Number) Missed Volume = 🟥(Number Of Volumes)V(Volume Number) } /* COMBINED */ { Combined With = ➕(Name) } /* ON HOLD */ { On Hold = 🟨 } /* DROPPED BECOUSE OF TRANSLATION */ { No Translation = 💬No Partial Translation = 💬Partial Paid Translation = 💬Paid Inaccurate Translation = 💬Inaccurate } /* LIST STYLE DESIGN - DARK BLUE */ /* ONLY WORKS FOR ALL ANIME */ /* ENABLE: SCORE, TYPE, EPISODES, TOTAL DAYS WATCHED, TAGS, PRIORITY, NOTES, IMAGE */ /* BACKGROUND COLOR */ https://i.ibb.co/LYgWNxv/MAL-Background-Image-Dark-Blue.png /* IMPORTING HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGES */ @\import "https://malscraper.azurewebsites.net/covers/anime/AdamDosly/presets/dataimagelinkbefore"; 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} |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 43.3
Mean Score:
- Reading0
- Completed121
- On-Hold38
- Dropped26
- Plan to Read470
- Total Entries655
- Reread0
- Chapters5,456
- Volumes631
All Comments (20) Comments
all jokes aside i don't think it's as good as people say it is and got a little bored halfway in but i still haven't seen the full season and plan on finishing it