Te envio este mensaje para informarte de nuestra presencia aqui en MAL, como neo-club Hispano hablante, y para invitarte ad hacer parte de nuestra acojedora comunidad, obviamente si se presenta de vuestro interes. Tenemos Juegos, Debates, Noticias, Member Cards y varias ediciones de cards para los miembros. Sientase libre de pasar un rato con nosotros ^O^!
HIHI Im Nikki n im coming to you from MAL Socializing club !!!!!!!!!
We are trying to get the club back to a active hot spot.... We have a new Chat room and coming soon group anime video night as well. So, feel free to come visit us some time..... Oh and here a link to the chatroom as well : http://MALsocializing.chatango.com
Sorry, for spamming your profile, but mass messaging has been down for the past 4 months. Like other clubs, this is best way to reach members with news about the club.
Nominations are open for November's Series of the Month. The deadline to nominate is on the 22nd (this friday). CLICK HERE to nominate!
The club is currenlty standing at 933 members. We're so close to 1,000! There will be a special LE when we reach our goal. Info about this LE will be posted later in the future.
All Comments (37) Comments
Te envio este mensaje para informarte de nuestra presencia aqui en MAL, como neo-club Hispano hablante, y para invitarte ad hacer parte de nuestra acojedora comunidad, obviamente si se presenta de vuestro interes. Tenemos Juegos, Debates, Noticias, Member Cards y varias ediciones de cards para los miembros. Sientase libre de pasar un rato con nosotros ^O^!
Federación Latino - Americana.
i want some female friends who like hentai and maybe watch some with me XD
We are trying to get the club back to a active hot spot.... We have a new Chat room and coming soon group anime video night as well. So, feel free to come visit us some time..... Oh and here a link to the chatroom as well :
Have a wonderful day/night.
- EarthStar9109
Have a wonderful day/night.
- EarthStar9109
(Delete this and ignore it if you wish to do so)
Have a wonderful day/night.
- aaronluis26
(Delete this and ignore it if you wish to do so)
Have a great day!
- EarthStar9109
¿Qué se cuenta por allí?
Ah, sí, es verdad, cada día encuentro un argentino más por acá xDD.