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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III
Jul 27, 2021 4:29 AM
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Best wishes, sorry for the late comment. xP
Well, what can I say... at least all those 10s help out a lot the animes you've watched. ^.^
You've got a list so straightforward that, while on your profile, MyAnimeList's system doesn't even bother to calculate the anime compatibility with KongouMusic & just states:
Anyway I'm not trying to be critical or anything, it's already something that you managed to make an anime list because I know people who wouldn't even go & take the time & work to make one. xP
& also, about that "fancy customization" thingy, it took me soooo muuuuch time & effort to complete my list personalization that I am never going to touch the settings again! u.u So yeah, if you're sort of an amateur like me & know almost nothing about coding, html, CSS or whatever it is, customizing your list will be such a pain! x3
Uhm, pretty straightforward anime list...