My favorite quotes:
Because if you ever think of me in the future, I want you to remember me smiling - Donquixote Rosinante
I needed a light - Sanji
If you touch me, you'll get shocked! - Denki Kaminari
In case we become candles, I want to have a nice pose - Roronoa Zoro
I’ll leave tomorrow’s problems to tomorrow’s me. - Saitama
I told you, I’m busy. So anyone who gets in my way gets punched. - Saitama
OK. - Saitama
People, who can’t throw something important away, can never hope to change anything. - Armin Arlelt
Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because no matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start war. War will never cease to exist… reasons can be thought up after the fact. Human nature pursues strife. - Paine
If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future! - Monkey D. Luffy
If you don’t like your destiny, don’t accept it. - Naruto Uzumaki
A dropout will beat a genius through hard work. - Rock Lee
Laziness is the mother of all bad habits, but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her. - Shikamaru Nara
You should make your decision. Just make sure you don't regret it. - Tsuchigomori
No matter how much your regret or wish, if you couldn't do something in life, you can't do it after death either. - Hanako
People with talent often have the wrong impression that things will go as they think. - Akabane Karma
Don’t stay in the deep layers if you don’t want to kill those who are waiting for you. – Ozen
All Comments (36) Comments
Yuppp, longggg!!
Ahh yhhh, she is cool, the only one similar to the mother other than sanji..
And right?! It is sooo sick and loooks so fkin cool!!
Aha thankss!
and yh as you can tell, i aint logged in here in timeeee
What you watching this season by the way?
I'm gonna finish Chainsaw Man within this week so I hope it's good
also thanks for the fr Nice to meet you!!!
Ahh yeah nice nice! I loveeeeee Zoro!! And oh yeah Reiju is the nicest out of the germa lot other than Sanji ofc.
Ahh yeah he was cool! That reminds me I really like Marco and his devil fruit, that one is just super cool!
Oooo my fav characters, damn its extensive.. Luffy, Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Doflamingo, Law... ermmm i'm sure there's way more but that's some of them for sure!
And thank you! :D
Happy New Year!
And yes Rosinante was a good character, I liked his relationship with Law as well.
Hahaha yeah i really need to get back into it! I hear you, can be frustrating, I'm kinda glad I am letting it build up so I can binge watch lool
yeah it is just way too hard to pick one, who are some of your favs?
and oh happy new year btw!
ahh yeah im not at wano yet, i need to catch up with the anime, i'm quite far behind lol... well tbh im behind with the manga too haha
yeah marineford was really really good and yeah i liked dressrosa too, but that was a very very long arc, but nevertheless i really enjoyed seeing doflamingo in that arc, he is definitely one of my favourite characters, but i have a lot of favs too haha! and yeahhhh exactlyyyy that cozy warm nostalgic feeling of watching the beginning arcs is just GOLDEN!!
yuppp agreed, it simply is amazing!
ermmm im actually stumped, i love the beginning arcs, all of east blue saga tbh.. arlong etc, except the usopp bit is a bit meh, not a big fan of usopp lol, he's alright but at times annoying, chopper arc was good, alasbasta, bits of sky island, the marineford arc and all leading up to the big bits... hmm yeah i am not sure, how about you?
ooo i also love the whole laboon stuff early on and then tying it up with brooks later in the anime, that's just soo cool! i love how oda just links different things together and it all comes together, just wow
good to meet one piece fans!