Some things to know:
1: This is where I database everything I watch, but only the things that I've specifically finished AND the things that I plan to watch. This is because I don't like to list anything that I don't intend to ever finish (there are some shows I've dropped that I never want to finish and will never be listed on here as I want a more complete looking list.)
2: I don't watch filler. Filler that is anime only specifically. If an episode is padded out with tons of filler but has canon at it's core, like One Piece often does, I will still watch THOSE episodes, but anime original stuff that literally pads out the show? I don't want that in my life, so no. Because of this, shows like Naruto and Ruroni Kenshin are both completed on my list, but I have only seen the canon episodes. If you think that I've never truly finished either of those shows, that's fine, but for the purpose of the list, I consider it finished on a more personal note. For shows not based on a source material I will watch every episode, regardless of its' content.
*A strange, new, and specific caveat, is that I only watched the first 64 episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D'S due to those being spearheaded by Kazuki Takahashi, the man who wrote the original Yu-Gi-Oh series. Otherwise, 5D'S isn't based off a manga, so it's technically ALL canon, but this is the level at which I go to avoid pointless episodes.*
3: For movies/shows that are partially found (A.K.A never aired, never released to home video, and lost to time) but have available footage, I mark as complete if I have seen all surviving footage. For example, the JoJo Phantom Blood Movie and some Classical Japanese animations are still partially lost, with low chances of ever being recovered. I mark these as complete to give my *complete* thoughts on them as they currently exist to the public, of which I have seen them in their, relative, entirety.
4: I'm semi-new to all of this recording my own opinion data stuff and I kind of want to stay in the shallow end, so if everyone goes and adopts AniList instead, just know I'll still be here sticking to MyAnimeList, because this already took enough time as it is lol. I update as I watch and it's been that way for a while so I'm just going to keep rolling with it.
5: I do reply to comments, but it might be a little slow going! Oh, I also accept all friend requests lol, so feel free to chat and add or whatever you feel like :)
Ratings Guideline:
1 - Borderline unwatchable.
2 - Heavily flawed.
3 - Unenjoyable and flawed.
4 - Tolerable at best.
5 - Enjoyable, but not hitting the mark.
6 - Solidly good.
7 - Great, but generally could do better.
8 - Brilliant.
9 - Near perfect. Must watch.
10 - Masterpiece.
All Comments (15) Comments
Inaka Isha
Atama Yama
Shui Naodai
Wakaranai Buta
Hopefully the new season comes soon, a bit bored watching repeats of older anime, and inuyasha new season/one piece as always.
As well as the fact that bleach fillers are actually watchable.