Welcome to the profile of some complete rando, yay!
Nothing special to mention here. I'm just a normal 3D person, made of normal humanish materials. I have a penchant for making bad puns and Dad jokes, and once tried to organise a convention where people could meet up, tell jokes, and try to make each other laugh. However naming it LOL-i-Con turned out to be somewhat misleading -_-
At work I do both office admin/management and delivery routes as a courier, so my days can be very long and free time very short. The Covid peaks were particularly harsh for me, with people being in various states of lock down and ordering everything they could think of online, at the same time as the huge increase in demand for medical supplies, and PPE. Average work days are generally 13-16 hours. 2022 has been more 13's than 16's though
I enjoy anime, music, and gaming, but the lack of free time is very restrictive. So I have difficulty keeping up with seasonal stuff. Most of my time at home is spent with my kids, fortunately though they're old enough to watch most anime with me now, which helps with the free time issue
My ratings are all genre based, so I'll score something based on how good it is at what its actually trying to be. Different types of entertainment exist for various reasons, sometimes I'm in the mood for something emotional, and/or a complex story with depth. Other times (often) my head is tired and I want something I can coast through without being made to think, or even having to concentrate. So as long as a something fulfills fits it's purpose I'm happy.
Side note - older Anime on my plan to watch list are mainly series I've seen more than several years ago and would like to re-watch before attributing a rating.
I'm behind on a lot of seasonals.
Still have many from 2021 to catch up on, but I did manage to watch some at least
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Looking forward to talking with you! ^^
That's probably why I've sorta taken on the mindset of thinking that if someone has a problem with a show it's more likely for that person to be the source of the problem than the show itself...well except for the case when it's blatantly obvious that the show messed up there.
I also kinda enjoy just picking apart worldbuilding & interpersonal character relationships in general. At some point you simply get a better grasp on what a writer/director intends to do :3