“If you really want to be strong… Stop caring about what your surrounding thinks of you!”
– Saitama
Rating System
10 (9.5-10): An anime worthy of being called a masterpiece or is almost flawless. This can be given to animes that I believe are timeless along with influential to anime in general, along with animes that I genuinely
enjoyed so much that I cannot give it something under a 10
9(8.5-9.49): Enjoyable to the max, not a 10 but close. Basically, animes that are superb in every aspect but somehow not quite a 10. Mostly because of the lack of more seasons or animes that I believe are close to 10
but not quite there yet. Needless to say, animes that I've given a solid 9 are some of my favorites of all time
8(7.5-8.49): A Very good anime that I highly enjoyed, has its minor flaws but still very good and something that I'd highly recommend. I'm not a huge critic so when I really enjoy a show without it being spectacular in
multiple ways I tend to give them an 8 purely out of enjoyment
7(6.5-7.49): A good anime that I enjoyed. I acknowledge the faults that the anime had but I still enjoyed it. It's not magnificent but it was still worthwhile
6(5.5-6.49): Anime that had potential but couldn't deliver, I enjoyed parts of it but probably rolled my eyes a lot to during the show. So while I didn't straight up find it to be very bad, it just couldn't meet my expectations
5(4.5-3.49): Average at best, leaves me bored or is just straight up mediocre. Sometimes I give boring animes a 6 because it still had something in it, but others just straight up wanna make me sleep
4: A bad anime. I just wasn't good and I probably didn't find much in it that was good at all. Which is BAD because I usually tend to find the good things in animes even if they're bad
3: A very bad. Oh boy, we're into unknown territory because I haven't given a lot of animes a 3. But 3 is when it's just bad on top of bad. No redeeming qualities whatsoever
2: Horrible in every kind of way. Why was this even created?
1: Unwatchable. I don't know how or why I even watched this
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