Hey everyone!:) Sorry for the delay. The votes have been all counted up & the winners have been decided. Click the banner to check out the winners or click here.
Hey awesome members! :) The time has come for YOU to cast your vote! 22 contestants have submitted in their hardwork(banners) & now YOU are the judge! Choose the banner you believe shines over the rest! Voting will end Aug. 31st! :)
UPDATES: The club now has 2,000+ plus members! I wanted to thank you for supporting the club! Also, since the club is growing, we would love your SUGGESTIONS to make the club even better! So just click here & give us your ideas & input! :)
Anime Afterlife is hosting its second BANNER contest & THIRD OFFICIAL CONTEST! The theme will be 'FRIENDSHIP!' Fight for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place & create a masterpiece that will blow everyone's mind! Contests in the club are always a huge success so let's keep the dice rolling :) The club has over 1,900+ MEMBERS so your work will not go without notice! Click the banner to sign up today!
Extremely high é nova pra mim, falo da nossa compatibilidade na lista de animes.
Como sempre estou repassando uns links aqui no myal de um anime que traduzo dessa vez é Sword Art Online, não sei se vc está acompanhando, mas é um anime muito interessante, e tem uma das novels mais premiadas no Japão, se vc puder dá uma olhada.
O que mais gostei foi Tari Tari. Gosto de slice of life, os eventos ocorridos nos primeiros três episódios deixaram-me mais que agradado, a animação é excelente (como a de todos os animes do estúdio) e as músicas muito apelativas, com grande mérito aos seiyuus que cantam excelentemente.
Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi. parece ser um anime bom para passar o tempo, de forma suave e descontraída, mas não passa daí - formarei uma opinião melhor quando vir os episódios 2 e 3.
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. é, também, bom para passar o tempo. Mas um anime que pela sinopse e pela primeira metade do primeiro episódio prometia ser um ecchi bastante original revelou-se um ecchi genérico e como outro qualquer. É semelhante a muitos outros, logo não é uma obra prima, não deixando, por isso, de ser divertido e agradável de se ver.
Kokoro Connect foi também uma ótima escolha, vem a seguir a Tari Tari na minha ordem de apreciação. Depositei muitas esperanças nele e em Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. e, ao contrário desde último, cumpriu-as quase na totalidade. dmito que lhe falta alguma coisa para les corresponder na totalidade, mas não fiquei nada desagradado.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous desiludiu-me um pouco. Vi apenas o primeiro episódio e gostei, efetivamente, do que vi, mas esperava um pouco mais. Fez-se bastante furor na internet por ser um josei, para além de pertencer ao meu bloco de eleição, o NoitaminA. Atenção, gostei bastante e cumpriu o seu papel, mas esperava surpreender-me.
Estou ainda a ponderar acompanhar ou não Binbougami ga!.
Hey there!
We are looking for Card makers and Card Deliverers because half of the staff is on hiatus and we want some active members!
So if you think you want make cards and you ave free time, apply for a job here
Voting for the Action Banner Contest is now open! It's your time to cast your vote for the banner you think deserves 1st place! Take your time & choose the banner you think is the best! It'll take no more than 2 minutes! Click the banner above & vote! There are 24 banners so the choice will be tough but one will reign supreme. Until next time, stay true to the club & take care :)
Anime Afterlife is hosting its second competition, 'Action' Banner Competition! Fight for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place & create a masterpiece that will blow everyone's mind! The previous competition was a huge success so let's try to raise the bar even higher this time! Click the banner to sign up today!
1,500 MEMBERS!Anime Afterlife now has 1,500 members after only 4 months! This club is progressing beyond expectations & I'm grateful to all the members. In honor of reaching a huge milestone, AA has a brand new LAYOUT & has become more organized than before. Things are changing for the best! Click the banner to check out the new club layout!
AA now offers 'OFFICIAL MEMBER CARDS!' Click here to request your member card today! Hurry & get them before they run out. BANNER CONTEST! We had a successful Poster Contest in February & now it's time to have a Banner Contest. Let's see who takes first place this time! This month's theme will be ACTION! You don't have to be an expert to participate so don't be shy & sign up TODAY! Click here to sign up for the 'ACTION BANNER CONTEST!'
Keep checking the club for games & other daily activites!
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Hey everyone!:) Sorry for the delay. The votes have been all counted up & the winners have been decided. Click the banner to check out the winners or click here.
Monthly Contests- Yes or No | Hall of Fame | Staff Recruitment | Suggestions
The next contest will begin in the first week of October so be sure to check it out!
Stay true to the club & take care,
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Hey awesome members! :) The time has come for YOU to cast your vote! 22 contestants have submitted in their hardwork(banners) & now YOU are the judge! Choose the banner you believe shines over the rest! Voting will end Aug. 31st! :)
UPDATES: The club now has 2,000+ plus members! I wanted to thank you for supporting the club! Also, since the club is growing, we would love your SUGGESTIONS to make the club even better! So just click here & give us your ideas & input! :)
Take care & stay true to the club!
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Drop by and join if you like :3
Sorry for spamming ^^
Anime Afterlife is hosting its second BANNER contest & THIRD OFFICIAL CONTEST! The theme will be 'FRIENDSHIP!' Fight for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place & create a masterpiece that will blow everyone's mind! Contests in the club are always a huge success so let's keep the dice rolling :) The club has over 1,900+ MEMBERS so your work will not go without notice! Click the banner to sign up today!
Stay true to the club,
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Como sempre estou repassando uns links aqui no myal de um anime que traduzo dessa vez é Sword Art Online, não sei se vc está acompanhando, mas é um anime muito interessante, e tem uma das novels mais premiadas no Japão, se vc puder dá uma olhada.
http://www.mediafire.com/?alni8tr8pozkahk epi 01
http://www.mediafire.com/?bfqfzf0f1bnyipl epi 02
http://www.mediafire.com/?yb559bw9089f7a9 epi 03
http://bakasub.com/?series=sword-art-online Tem mais opção de links aqui
Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi. parece ser um anime bom para passar o tempo, de forma suave e descontraída, mas não passa daí - formarei uma opinião melhor quando vir os episódios 2 e 3.
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. é, também, bom para passar o tempo. Mas um anime que pela sinopse e pela primeira metade do primeiro episódio prometia ser um ecchi bastante original revelou-se um ecchi genérico e como outro qualquer. É semelhante a muitos outros, logo não é uma obra prima, não deixando, por isso, de ser divertido e agradável de se ver.
Kokoro Connect foi também uma ótima escolha, vem a seguir a Tari Tari na minha ordem de apreciação. Depositei muitas esperanças nele e em Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. e, ao contrário desde último, cumpriu-as quase na totalidade. dmito que lhe falta alguma coisa para les corresponder na totalidade, mas não fiquei nada desagradado.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous desiludiu-me um pouco. Vi apenas o primeiro episódio e gostei, efetivamente, do que vi, mas esperava um pouco mais. Fez-se bastante furor na internet por ser um josei, para além de pertencer ao meu bloco de eleição, o NoitaminA. Atenção, gostei bastante e cumpriu o seu papel, mas esperava surpreender-me.
Estou ainda a ponderar acompanhar ou não Binbougami ga!.
Hey there!
We are looking for Card makers and Card Deliverers because half of the staff is on hiatus and we want some active members!
So if you think you want make cards and you ave free time, apply for a job here
Thank you!
Members of AA,
Voting for the Action Banner Contest is now open! It's your time to cast your vote for the banner you think deserves 1st place! Take your time & choose the banner you think is the best! It'll take no more than 2 minutes! Click the banner above & vote! There are 24 banners so the choice will be tough but one will reign supreme. Until next time, stay true to the club & take care :)
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Anime Afterlife is hosting its second competition, 'Action' Banner Competition! Fight for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place & create a masterpiece that will blow everyone's mind! The previous competition was a huge success so let's try to raise the bar even higher this time! Click the banner to sign up today!
1,500 MEMBERS! Anime Afterlife now has 1,500 members after only 4 months! This club is progressing beyond expectations & I'm grateful to all the members. In honor of reaching a huge milestone, AA has a brand new LAYOUT & has become more organized than before. Things are changing for the best! Click the banner to check out the new club layout!
AA now offers 'OFFICIAL MEMBER CARDS!' Click here to request your member card today! Hurry & get them before they run out.
BANNER CONTEST! We had a successful Poster Contest in February & now it's time to have a Banner Contest. Let's see who takes first place this time! This month's theme will be ACTION! You don't have to be an expert to participate so don't be shy & sign up TODAY! Click here to sign up for the 'ACTION BANNER CONTEST!'
Keep checking the club for games & other daily activites!
-Official Member Cards-
-May Banner Contest: Action-
Stay true to the club & take care,