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All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 52.2
Mean Score: 7.70
  • Total Entries392
  • Rewatched16
  • Episodes3,272
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Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Jan 24, 2020 11:50 AM
Watching 3/26 · Scored -
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Jan 24, 2020 11:49 AM
Watching 28/64 · Scored -
Shinseiki Evangelion
Shinseiki Evangelion
Jan 10, 2019 5:00 PM
Re-watching 1/26 · Scored 8
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 6.1
Mean Score: 7.91
  • Total Entries129
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  • Chapters1,100
  • Volumes37
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Jun 10, 2019 5:54 PM
Completed 15/15 · Scored 9
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita.
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita.
Jun 22, 2018 7:18 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Fumetsu no Anata e
Fumetsu no Anata e
Feb 21, 2018 3:09 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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Astriia Nov 29, 2015 11:06 AM
Thank you!
Royal-Jelly Nov 14, 2015 3:48 PM
Well i should really try not to go on extende hiatus like im often known for , and thank you for the compliment on my DA I should really start making walls again
Astriia Feb 25, 2015 6:41 AM
Sorry, I was really occupied.. But I'm back now :3
Heasarc Feb 15, 2015 7:55 PM
BUT THE REAL QUESTION IS.... Will it purge those feely feels us anime fanatics search so deeply for?

lol, I totally intend on watching it. For some reason I avoid watching OVA's and specials and stuff, no idea why. But if it's Little Busters there's no way I can turn it down :3 Man, it feels so weird. I'm used to watching at minimum six anime episodes per day, and the last couple days I've only been watching one/two since I've been so swamped with school work (and it's reading week too, oy vey, I need to stop slacking). Once I finish No Game No Life I'll get right back on to Little busters!
Heasarc Feb 14, 2015 9:07 PM
It's okay, I helped you out with your well-deserving-of-notes posts :) Although, the Tomoya x Nagisa one looked sort of funny... Sure they're an awesome couple but their faces looked somewhat awkward. Fan art does that sometimes which I don't like, I find that most of the time the anime artists draw them most beautifully.

Edit: ALSO One of the only things I didn't like about was Rin's voice actor... it was so raspy and weird imo. This was one of those rare situations where the English voice actor trumped the Japanese one.
Heasarc Feb 13, 2015 12:12 AM
So uhh... I just finished Refrain. I've never cried so much from an anime in my life! I tend to watch animes that me have those feely feels, and I don't know how but this one outdid Clannad + After story, along with Angel Beats, Anohana, etc. My god, I didn't think a sequel to a basically really light hearted anime could be so dark and emotional! The story line was solid and executed extremely well, definitely exceeded my expectations by a lot...

Get ready for some Little Busters spam on my feed, Natsume Rin is bae.
Heasarc Feb 11, 2015 9:34 PM
YES! It's so great... that third episode though holy hell. My heart was absolutely rekt after that.

It's sort of strange though, when I first got into anime I absolutely refused to watch subbed anime. I just thought it was super distracting to have to read subtitles while simultaneously watching the video. I basically watched little busters season 1 dubbed because of this (around October or November I think). Then I found out how little busters had a sequel (was super noob to myanimelist at the time, didn't realize they showed the sequal lol) but it was unfortunately only subbed at the time. I looked up when it was getting a dub and fortunately it was coming in late January... since then I discovered how superior subbed animes are only about 3 weeks ago and ironically just a little while after the dub that I've been waiting for came out, I ended up watching it subbed anyways lol. Looks like once you go subbed you can never go back!

But yea this sequel is amazing so far, better than season 1 easily.... I hear it's a huge emotional roller coaster!
Heasarc Feb 7, 2015 10:25 PM
Yes, we shall be good friends :3

How does one accumulate 10,000 anime pictures in 3 months? (110 per day, jesus). I'm guessing you use that pixiv or whatever that site is, I never heard of it until I started following you and the majority of your posts seem to be pictures from there. For me, I started getting into anime (not including watching dragonball + Z over the course of the summer) in fall of 2014. I watched Angel Beats and was pretty much hooked, and Key's animes were among the first one's I watched.

December 26 I made a tumblr and started following you, before that I basically hated it with a passion since my friends led me to believe it was swarming with stupid hipster posts. Tumblr is great though, although it's hard for me to find people to follow since I basically won't follow anybody unless a good amount of their posts are from anime's that I've watched before... my dash is basically saturated with Clannad, Angel Beats and K On since nobody posts the older less popular animes that I've watched. I suppose I'll find more people to follow over time, though.

Also, don't steal my senpai :c
Heasarc Feb 7, 2015 12:27 AM
Hi there! Glad to see my favorite tumblrer here, I probably reblog at least half of your posts they're absolute gold!
VoodooChild-sama Sep 10, 2014 3:09 AM
Yeah just started it and must say I find it already amazing, but I just know everything will be even better when I've seen more episodes. I've heard the second season is even better than the first too.
VoodooChild-sama Aug 17, 2014 1:15 PM
your name is true as fuck
chronia Aug 3, 2014 1:52 PM
Thanks a lot.
Astriia Aug 2, 2014 9:19 AM
ZuraoftheCheese Aug 2, 2014 7:13 AM
lol i remember i played a competitive, and my team had a seven round lead, then we decided to be stupid and eventually the enemy team won by one round
Astriia Aug 2, 2014 1:57 AM
Heey :3 How are you? As I promised, I watched Angel Beats again :P It was really sad at the end :(
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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