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Ao no Hako
Ao no Hako
Mar 22, 12:48 AM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 9
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 17, 2:54 PM
Watching 11/13 · Scored -
Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?
Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?
Mar 14, 4:03 PM
Dropped 2/12 · Scored 2
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Fukakai na Boku no Subete wo
Fukakai na Boku no Subete wo
Jan 25, 11:51 AM
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Giji Harem
Giji Harem
Sep 22, 2024 2:30 AM
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Kanojo mo Kanojo
Kanojo mo Kanojo
Aug 26, 2023 3:48 PM
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Emiria-tan-EMT- Aug 2, 2023 10:01 AM
Oh my god
Your profile picture is so cute :D
Takagi-san exactly looks like little Emilia. Now I understand, If Emilia hadn't lost all her memories, maybe she would have grown up like Takagi-san.
Nishikata always looks like Subaru.
By the way, I'm glad to meet you ^_^
sonu711 Apr 11, 2022 7:41 AM
lol I realised now that Nishikata is Subaru.
sonu711 Apr 10, 2022 5:30 PM
Yeah, I know:-P both are voiced by rie Takahashi after all
sonu711 Apr 9, 2022 5:03 PM
White hair Takagi?
DorianPompa Sep 12, 2021 9:11 AM
takagi x re zero pfp lmao
slade1999 May 24, 2021 4:15 PM
Okay you're going in circles and jerking off to your own false assumptions. The OVA "not containing necessary info for the main show", "the problematic part being only in Ishigami's head" and "being able to watch the main series without watching the OVA and therefore not missing anything important" along with "it not hurting the story as it's not part of it", all of this is YOUR PERSONAL ASSUMPTION/OPINION. You talk as if this is fact but the reality that many people feel the exact reverse of everything you've said should be more important here. Like all the pseudo-intellectual white males on the internet, the basis of your entire argument are "facts" that have little to do with the point at hand. Put everything aside and grasp the simple truth that people are having very real reactions (no matter how contradictory to your precious facts they may be) to the OVA that are in line with everything I am saying. Including myself, lots of people feel that the OVA is a continuation of and a direct contributor to the main story. Lots of people feel that the problematic part "only being in Ishigami's head" doesn't really soften the blow of it being appallingly disturbing and disrespectful. Lots of people feel that just because you have the option of not watching the OVA doesn't mean you can actually go ahead and not watch it, the OVA is content that people have been craving for a long time and the content matter itself is going to have a big impact. It's fucking retarded for you to suggest that people either "don't watch it" or "ignore it exists".

"Most porn watchers are not addicted at all" yeah buddy you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Whatever, you can fuck off now. It was a displeasure having to reply to your pea-brained "arguments".
-DreamerQ May 24, 2021 3:57 PM
Well, you clearly won the argument and I like how respectful you are. :)
Unlike him, his arguments were pretty much a joke. This is why radical feminists aren't respected because, for some reason, they don't like to see men happy. And seeing how he'll call any guy a "white male" clearly was a red flag.

No problem, have a wonderful day ^^
-DreamerQ May 24, 2021 1:04 PM
Don't let the guy on the bottom get to you, these types of people are too sensitive when it comes to sexual content. It's even weird that he knew what the OVA was going to be about and still watches it, and then complains.
I also hurt his feelings about the Kaguya-sama OVA which resulted in him blocking me.
🠗 🠗 🠗
slade1999 May 24, 2021 12:20 PM
I'll repeat myself if you missed it the first time: "I'd recommend that you don't get too hung up on the details, I'm not here to argue or debate or waste my time perfecting the most suitable responses and analogies for people I don't know or care about."
Your opinion on OVAs not counting towards the wholesomeness of the anime itself is again, your opinion, why the fuck are you trying to debate subjective opinions with me? Judging by how many people found my review helpful I'd say that it's not just me who feels this way, either.

And please don't give me that bullshit on addiction. Do you really not understand what I'm trying to say or are you purposefully trying to misrepresent what I said? Do you not know that recent research has revealed that behavioral addictions and substance addictions share many of the same fundamental mechanisms leading to a collection of shared alterations in brain anatomy and chemistry? What the fuck does it matter what kind of addiction it is? Literally everything you're saying since your first message is besides the point.

If you're against radical feminism for any reason then there's no reason for us to continue talking. Judging from your comical definition of "real feminism" (leave it to a white male living in a first world country to define real feminism LMAO), you have absolutely zero fucking idea about the oppression and subordination of women so it's no surprise that you're oblivious to the actual harms of sexualization in media and pornography in general. No need for you to read the books I listed btw, you can jerk off to all of my logical fallacies instead.

slade1999 May 24, 2021 9:51 AM
I'd recommend that you don't get too hung up on the details, I'm not here to argue or debate or waste my time perfecting the most suitable responses and analogies for people I don't know or care about. What you need to understand is that there's a problem here (excessive/unfitting sexualization and objectification in a show that stood out with how tasteful and wholesome it was) and that problem cannot be ignored or justified just because the animation/story/voice acting etc. is good.

No one's talking about whether it's canon or not, it being Ishigami's fantasy doesn't change the fact that it's disturbing and uncalled for. Like I said the first part wasn't as bad in the source material, it was intentionally made to be that way in the OVA to attract more attention. That's my entire point. It's disrespectful not only to the characters themselves but to the people who watched Kaguya for its rich substance, wholesome interactions and creative humor.

Porn isn't "really problematic for a rather small portion of people", that's like saying heroin, cocaine or other highly addictive drugs are "really problematic for a rather small portion of people". In fact porn might be even worse because not only is it highly addictive and FREE (which means that literal children can get hooked) but along with the dopamine rush it feeds your brain it also reinforces damaging, unrealistic and made up concepts about sex, sexuality and relationships in general.

If you actually want to read up then I'd recommend starting with Pornography: Men Possessing Women, and then The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men.

slade1999 May 24, 2021 5:15 AM
I could kill your father and then proceed to cook you the most delicious dinner of your life, does that mean you shouldn't focus on the fact that I murdered your dad and just enjoy the dinner? The problem is that the hentai scenes sully the wholesome parts and it's disrespectful to what the characters represented, Kaguya was never about hentai or excessive sexualization. Not to mention OVAs aren't an excuse to bump up the sexualization in the source material by a fuck ton.

Selling out to pander to horny retards wasn't what the source material intended, it's what it was parodying. Ironically the OVA seemed to completely miss this and go full retard by focusing purely on the sexualization part, even more than most fucking ecchi anime.

If you want to know what I mean by contemporary male sexuality then go read some books (actual books that focus on what really matters, not some dumb bullshit NoFap articles) about how porn/hentai have brainwashed boys and men, and the consequent effects of said brainwashing on girls and women. It would be a waste of time to argue with or convince you about something that you don't even take seriously in the first place.

Anyway, I'm off to kill your dad. Make sure to PM me some of your favorite dishes.
Kechio May 4, 2021 11:25 AM
Logically speaking 3 would refer to it being bad. Saying it exists is a neutral response and 5 is a neutral score, neither good or bad. Glad you liked my review though, tried my best :)
Liddo-kun May 2, 2021 4:53 AM
hi, just passing by to ask.. who is the girl in your forum avatar? thanks.
KNIGHTxPRIDE Apr 15, 2021 7:53 AM
Ur welcome!^_^
MertKumasoglu Apr 10, 2021 11:02 AM
idk its just too overrated pedo could be so far but we don't know what would happen on other episodes. This anime is trash we all know but 7.89 is so damn overrated and this anime don't even deserve 10k. The part that made me pissed of is its score
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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