Best List
Best Action :: 1)DBZ Kai
Best Children :: Hamtaro
Best Comedy :: Sgt. Frog
Best Drama :: Tenchi Muyo
Best Ecchi :: Queen's Blade
Best Fantasy :: Fullmetal Alchemist & Brotherhood
Best Hentai :: La Blue Girl
Best Hero :: Son Goku
Best Heroine :: Princess Mononoke
Best Horror :: High School of the Dead
Best Incest :: 1)Aki Sora 2)Kiss x Sis
Best Magical Girl :: Sakura (Cardcaptors)
Best Magical Girlfriend :: 1)Haruhi Suzumiya 2)Lucy Heartfilia
Best Mecha :: 1)Gundam Wing 2)The Big O
Best Music :: K-On
Best Parody :: Azumanga Daiyo
Best Period :: Samurai 7
Best Romance :: Spice and Wolf
Best Sci-Fi :: NG Evangelion
Best Short :: FLCL
Best Slice of Life :: Lucky Star
Best Surreal :: Paranoia Agent
Best Tsundere :: Toradora!
Best Yuri :: Strawberry Panic
Best Movie :: Howl's Moving Castle
Best OVA :: Blue Submarine #6
Best TV Series :: Mushishi
Best Overall :: Samurai X
Missing from the site but I love
Samurai Jack
Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV)
Avatar: The Legend of Korra (TV)
Invader Zim
Powerpuff Girls
All Comments (5) Comments
I get the impression that we've got monumentally different tastes though. :P