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Sarinda Nov 3, 2015 2:35 PM
Helloo! It's been a whileee! I've hardly been on MAL lately but now I want to catch up with everyonee! how have you been doing??
I'm already in my second year at college and things are getting crazier and crazier. And here I thought I used to study a lot last year. I'm at a student's flat now with other two girls, which is great.
Anime-wise, I haven't watched much... I actually rewatched Code Geass during summer again. I just can't get enough of it. I also watched Fairy Tail, which I recommend if you're into adventure shounen, even though it has its ups and downs. Any recommendations on your part??
mangafreakZX Feb 25, 2015 5:05 PM
So, what are your thoughts on planning to read Shinyaku Seisho??? Anyway, just let me know, and cool avatar.
One thing, welcome to MAL!!!
Sarinda Dec 20, 2014 4:37 AM
Hellloo! Sorryyy for not replying, ever since I started college I've been crazily busy. I finally finished yesterday, and I've managed to pass all the tests, so now I'm finally on holidays! I can go back to watching anime now, go the cinema, get my social life back and party at night....
How about you??? Have you watched anything interesting lately??? I'm open to recommendations :) I've actually started watching japanese dramas now, just for a change, and it's weird seeing real-life people portraying manga characters, haha.
Sarinda Jun 6, 2014 7:04 AM
Yeah, I guess so. I actually only started playing the game before easter so I played free until level 20, then bought the game and got a free one-month trial, took a break because of the exams and I just got the game once again. So basically, it's the first time I'm paying for the game. Once I start college next year I don't suppose I'll play that much, so...
Sarinda May 13, 2014 1:47 PM
Well, I've been quite busy with school, loaads of exams and work. I've just finished my school exams today but I have the final ones in three week's time . They're national ones, the ones you need to take to go to university and we have to revise everything we've done this it's a looot. Besides, you need to get a good mark to get into the career you want, so there's a lot of pressure. I haven't had time for anime because of that...though maybe that's not all the reason. I've started playing World of Warcraft :) Do you play it??? I'm sooo hooked on it!
Sarinda Mar 15, 2014 4:06 PM
I was actually going to start watching that one too, but in the end I've started Noragami, a short anime of this season. Let me know what you think of Cowboy Bebop! I know it's pretty famous and I'd like to know what all the hype is all about :)
Sarinda Mar 4, 2014 11:11 AM
I'm actually quite relaxed these days, since we've had holiday the past two days (and tomorrow!) because of carnivals. It's great because once I go back on Thursday I feel like I will have to study non-stop until the school year ends, haha. I just finished Great Teacher Onizuka, btw, and I recommend it! I don't usually tend to watch old anime but since I had read so many good reviews about this one I thought I'd give it a go. Now I'm trying to choose what to watch next, hum... I always need a while to decide, haha.
Anyway, the weather here is awful, so it's a great excuse to stay at home :)
How about you?? Have you watched anything good recently?
Sarinda Feb 17, 2014 4:20 AM
Yeah, well, the thing is that over here in Spain once we finish high school we have to pass this test called the Selectividad, and one of the compulsory subjects is philosophy. So we practically cover the same stuff in philosophy in all schools of the country, I guess. I agree with you, though, their ideas vary greatly at times and it'd make more sense to teach it in some other way. The worst of all is that we don't even discuss many things in class, because the teachers are always in a hurry to teach the theory. It's kind of sad. I personally like philosophy because it makes you think, but not when it's all about memorizing!

Sarinda Feb 16, 2014 7:06 AM
We did Agustine of Hippo and Kant last term. The exam was about Kant in the end, though, since apparently the teachers flip a coin to decide which philosopher they'll ask about. Once we finish the exams on Tuesday, we're going to start Marx :) many think it's the easiest philosopher to understand. It's quite annoying how some have really weird ideas and you have to try to understand them... But there're some curious things as well, I guess. Have you ever done philosophy?
Sarinda Feb 12, 2014 12:38 PM
So true... I've actually barely touched my laptop this past week because of all the studying that I had to do. Even today, I've only now turned it on (it's 21:33 right now) because I need to check out some things for tomorrow's exam. Yup, I started my exams today, and I feel like I'm going to burst... but well, at least I no longer have to study history, huh. Tomorrow I have philosophy and English, and on Friday biology... I wish a week went past already!

I've been watching Log Horizon :) well, right before I started studying, I mean. And wow, it caught me by surprise by how good it is. I thought it'd be like SAO but while they're both set in virtual gaming worlds, the whole atmosphere, plot and characters are different...
Sarinda Jan 2, 2014 1:30 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! The past week's gone so fast with all the family lunches and dinners that now I'm starting to get depressed because I have to get back to school next week, and there's still so much work I have to do..
Anyway, how did these days go for you?? did you also meet your family?? we have many children in ours so I usually have to babysit a lot, but I kind of like children so that's fine by me -if it weren't for the fact that they always want to take my cell to play some game with it.
oh, what TV shows do you watch apart from anime?? Right now I'm watching Spartacus and I'm really hooked on it :) and I'm also waiting for the new season of Game of Thrones, of course.
Sarinda Dec 20, 2013 9:56 AM
Heeyy it sure's been a while! It's been such a busy term, seriously, and I've been studying sooo much that I can't believe it's finally over! I still have load of work to do during the holidays but still, I can relax as well. I'm also quite looking forward to meeting all my family on Christmas day :) Have you got any plans?? I usually just go to my family's village and meet up with all my cousins, hehe. Apart from that, I guess I'll be staying over here. How about you?? Also looking forward to Christmas?? With a lot of work?

As for anime, I've been watching quite a bit, and the one I've especially liked is Ef: a tale of memories/melodies, so I'd like to recommend that. I didn't like Clannad, and while they say it's similar to Ef, I found this much better elaborated.

Oh and of course, I'm still waiting for the second OVA of Boukoku no Akito (Code Geass) to come out. It's going to be on DVD on the 25th! So I guess sometime after that :)
Sarinda Oct 1, 2013 1:51 PM
Yeah, I guess they're in a way, but they both aim for a different thing. Ah, anyway. Did you know they're planning on making a live-action movie of Death Note?? I mean an American one. I soo hope they don't screw it up...

Oh, by the way, I suppose you're back to school again, right?? How is it going? what clubs have you joined in the end?? I'm rather stressed out with work already, but I'm thankfully finding time to watch some anime :)
Sarinda Sep 3, 2013 4:48 AM
Cool! What did you think of Death Note, then?? Do you think Light and Lelouch are similar?? I mean, I know they have some things in common, but still...
I'm just rewatching the anime with a friend of mine, just finished the first season, and my friend was like "WTF". She thought the anime had ended already because a certain person dies! I think she doesn't even want to keep watching it now, but I'm insisting quite a lot, hehe. Do you know that I ordered a real Death Note through Amazon?? It's so cool! It has all the rules written on it, even all the names that Light writes down during the whole series (the worst thing is that most of them are in japanese, loll):

Sarinda Aug 24, 2013 12:18 PM
Heyy!! Sorry for not replying earlier, I've been away in Scotland for the past two weeks with my family :) I've barely watched any anime, because of that, so I'm looking forward to spending some -or rather, A LOT- of time in front of my laptop with no one bothering me in the next few days :) I just finished watching Higurashi today, and it's been quite a curious anime. The plot is great and it's amazing how everything makes sense once you finish it... Anyway, if you feel like watching horror/mystery, you should go for this one!

I see you're watching Death Note! It was my first anime, right before watching Code Geass :) It's a good one, yes, but not as good as Code Geass. For some reason, many people compare the main characters...I mean, I get it. I know they have some things in common, but they have even more things uncommon! Hum...or maybe I just love Code Geass and Lelouch so much that I don't like the idea of having another anime on the same level as CG... Haha.
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