"Question, audience! What do you get when you take Buffy the Vampire Slayer and cut out half the frames so it looks like a crudely drawn flip-book? Why, Bakemonogatari of course!"
But seriously why even bother with anime when you only have three things on your list rated a 7 and above? Probably why it appears that you no longer use site.
Hard to disagree with your YYH review. It encompasses everything the show stands for, and still it gets so many 'not helpful' votes. Same goes for Akira. Only someone with no ability to judge quality at all would think that movie is honestly good. It seems like people vote helpful or not helpful not as much based on the content of the review but whether or not they like or don't like the series reviewed. Check out the user 'iamjoe'. His reviews are nothing but desperately-trying-to-be-witty trolling that never addresses the shows in question properly, and still he gets tons of helpful votes...
You only have a handful of reviews on here that seem to indicate you like a series, the rest are blatant hate-filled reviews. Hell, half of the time, the points you make are inaccurate and fail at establishing a valid argument, even.
lovely toradora review<3 I was 2 eps and dropped. jeez what is wrong with people nowadays?.. praising crap like that. that was one of the most annoying things i've ever seen.
So can I tell you how stupid you are? Okay, you are giving me permission. You are stupid. You went from telling them the errors of their way to outright insulting them and calling them stupid. That doesn't help anything at all.
Right, cuz you have all the answers. :D I'm so glad you helped me see reason. Cuz attacking a person's beliefs head on will completely help them to turn from their path of evil.
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But seriously why even bother with anime when you only have three things on your list rated a 7 and above? Probably why it appears that you no longer use site.
Oh, and I like your reviews btw. Very informative.
(Hint: he is gay)