Food Wars Superfan
Tags are MAL's "Themes", Series' Titles and Directors for easy grouping
Each season is rated individually, OVA's and Specials not rated
Every series has extra comments in case you want to know more of my thoughts about that series 👍
I try to only rate series I've completed
Rating scale - pretty much the same as MAL's but a few extra comments:
10 - Masterpiece, very magical, close to perfect, I can memorise most of what happens, recite it in conversation, rewatchable
9 - Great series, I'm probably close to a superfan of this series, if not for a few nitpicks and complaints - the series would be a 10/10 masterpiece tier, I was hooked and binged it with ease.
8 - Very good series, very enjoyable and recommendable, there's a lot better, there's a lot worse.
7 - Good series, I'm kind of whatever about these series, whether I recommend it is on a case by case basis. Nothing exciting, just a steady diet of "good"
6 - Fine/ Alright/ Whatever, Truly nothing exciting, I probably struggled to binge and finish these series. I'm not going to think about these series much afterwards most likely. I might recommend these depending on if it's just a "Danz didn't like it but others might".
5 - Average, downright average, I have 0 positive comments
The line I'm probably very unlikely to cross (I probably dropped an anime which came close)-------------------
4 - Bad, an anime which is below average, I actively thought it was bad and not entertaining to watch.
3 - Very Bad, I probably wrote a lot of comments about this, I really struggled to enjoy watching these.
2 - Horrible, self explanatory, something which is really rough to watch
1 - Appalling, I mean, did I actually give this rating? Sheesh I must've really hated it beyond belief.
All Comments (228) Comments
Bring back Kioshi you murderer. Did you eat him?
I'm not fujo level but it's a guilty pleasure for sure
So I cant judge you TOOOOOOO bad XD(tho I'll try)
but action shounen is the worst genre (theres only been about 5 of maybe 100+ manga and anime in this genre I liked)
But we're diffrent people
Are you bored with it? If not whatever makes you happy :D (I'll still judge you though)
MHM!! And I have a week break so I'm prepared to be so lazy! >:D
Is it that good?? I've never been to into sports anime but maybe I'll check it out
plus a new episode came out today so I'm super hyped!! (they only come up once every 3-6 months or so)
You didn't want to be Marissa anymore XD
My day is going pretty well I'm in a fantastic mood
You threatening me XD
Anyways hope you're having a good day :)