Hey guys,
Dj here. A little about me:
I was a long term cartoon kiddie with over 10 years of cartoon network which caused me to unknowingly learn english. Somewhere in 200X I decided to watch DBZ. There were two versions and as I was used to english I decided to watch the dub (yes I hate myself too). After finishing it in 2 weeks or so I wanted to watch something similar and went online to search for something dubbed. After a few hours of disappointment I gave up and forced myself to watch an episode of Bleach. Ten minutes in and I was so hooked that I wanted to get all the eps there were, however the server I was getting them from (http then) went down and I spent maybe around 4-5 hours refreshing it with no luck. Went to bed and when I woke up it was online - downloaded all the 40-ish eps and started watching. Then I went to Naruto and similar shows I was severely hooked. As I was already playing a game in japanese on a japanese server with an english patch. I decided to just return it to default and try to get used to their alphabet (if you can call it that). The first year with some help of fellow players I managed to learn to read Hiragana and Katakana and as time passed some Kanji as well. The game was helping me use the stuff I learned from watching anime. During that time as I was all into downloading fansubs I decided to join a group and help out with whatever I could.
Distro at the time and I had a pretty useless connection too. Then I moved to QC and a while after that I joined more projects, took over and started doing various tasks but mostly encoding, QC, project management and raw provisioning. Some of the shows I've worked on: Overdrive (subbed by Toki-fansubs), One Outs (subbed by B2E), I've had my hand in here and there in some of the longer running series such as One Piece - was supplying raws for Yibis for a while. And now I am working the Pretty Rhythm series with Wasurenai and Kiteseekers as well as some side projects. If you have similar interests I'm sure we'll have a blast.
All Comments (41) Comments
вид�� п�лномо�но�о за п�и��ел��во и викам да �е запознаем XD
Did it ever occur to you that a lot of anime are not works of art, rather cheap and mindless entertainment with the creator/director's only objective being that it sells?
What's that supposed to mean?