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Mar 1, 9:51 PM
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Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta
Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta
Feb 24, 8:12 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
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Majo no Tabitabi
Majo no Tabitabi
Aug 2, 2023 7:21 PM
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Sekai no Owari to Majo no Koi
Sekai no Owari to Majo no Koi
Dec 13, 2022 9:21 PM
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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e: 2-nensei-hen
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e: 2-nensei-hen
Jul 4, 2022 7:21 AM
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Daisori Yesterday, 3:30 AM
Nice to meet you kiseki fan
vegeta8639 Mar 8, 2:11 PM
I mainly messaged you because you said Claire was your favorite so yes I love her a lot.

Oh I thought you said in the thread that you played Trails in the Sky?
You wrote this:
- TOCS 3 is my favorite series. I just play TOCS I - IV, Trail in the Sky, That stupid Gacha game, and on planning return to play The Revire.

If you've only played TOCS that's a different story. I still recommend going back to the older games at some point but it's not as big of a priority.

For me it was Fie all the way in the first game. In the second I started liking Claire and Alfin who stayed in my S rank. And then Altina from 3 onwards.
I loved Claire's relationship with Rean throughout the series. From her being a cool older senpai who he admired in the first game, to bonding in the second because Rean reminded Claire of her brother, and then in the 3rd game she finally starts seeing him as his own man (an equal) and their relationship should have grown from there. Unfortunately they didn't include her as a romance option for plot reasons. I hope they come back to that but not sure how likely it is.

Elaine is fine, I put her in B rank. I still like the B rank characters. Same place I put Emma, Towa and Tita.
I assume you want a tier list with just TOCS characters then? Since you didn't play the other games?

I think they did a good job aging Fie up without making her lose the charm that came with her original petite body type. Kiseki has generally been very good with this so far.

This is my favorite BGM from the Kiseki series:
It's from the first Sky game and plays when you fight Loewe (the other guy in my S tier). You heard them mention him in TOCS 4 when they go to Hamel (Ash and Joshua's destroyed village).
vegeta8639 Mar 7, 6:15 AM
True Kiseki really has a ton of amazing girls in it. Altina is currently my favorite but Claire is definitely high up there. Second favorite maybe if we're looking at just TOCS.
It's just nice to see a fellow fan of her since she's a pretty underrated character imo.
The remake is for Sora and we don't know for sure if they're gonna be doing Crossbell afterwards but I definitely hope they do. Regardless that could be 3-4 years down the line and the Crossbell side of the Reverie story will be pretty confusing if you haven't played Zero/Azure. That's my advice but it's up to you to what order you want to play in.

Fie was my favorite at the start and the reason I started playing TOCS in the first place. I still love her a lot but she fell off a bit because I ended up liking some of the other girls more. Here is my tierlist that I posted in the thread:

This is her Kuro look in case you don't recognize it but she's in S tier:
vegeta8639 Mar 6, 6:53 PM
Just wanna say good taste on Claire being your favorite Kiseki girl. Also if you haven't played the Crossbell games (Zero/Azure) you should do that before Reverie as the characters from Crossbell are quite important there. The games themselves are great too with some amazing characters. Might as well complete the entire series at this point.
Shizuna Feb 21, 12:38 PM
Yeah, the second game costs twice as much here as the first one.

I thought that Majo to Yajuu would be boring at first, but it ended up quite good overall. However, 12 episodes don't tell you much of a story.
Shizuna Feb 18, 6:39 AM
So did you manage to clear it after all?

One of the issues GFL2 has is that most of its maps are being re-used, so you're basically playing the same levels over and over even if the events and characters are different. It feels lazy.

I'm not sure. Maybe I'll try playing Kuro II fully in Japanese. Or replay with English fan patch again, but Shizuna's parts in Japanese. But yeah, I'm interested in what you're going to say about her once you meet her in game.
Shizuna Feb 14, 1:17 PM
Since I did play through that game on that difficulty it should be possible (unless some thing got patched at some point?), but I've played it in 2022 so I don't remember the fights and strategy well.

Well, I thought about installing GFL2 on my phone, but unfortunately I only see Haoplay version in my Google Play store, and my account is on Darkwinter server. I don't want to start from 0.

A bit unrelated, but I finally finished studying Shizuna's Japanese lines from Kuro I. There are more than 300 of them and I can understand/read them all with no issue which makes me quite happy.
I'm still nowhere near to be able to play the whole game raw with no assistance though.
Shizuna Feb 11, 5:53 AM
Are you enjoying it?
I ended up dropping it just two weeks ago because got tired doing dailies and logging in every day.
Shizuna Feb 11, 5:30 AM
Hmm, I've been playing on Abyss from start too and finished the game just fine. Brave orders were the the key to victory in most tough battles. Perhaps try to use Altina or Tio?

Speaking of difficulty, Kai's Nightmare is also more fun than it is was in the previous games. I lost some half hour long battles and had to replay them from start ha-ha.
Shizuna Feb 10, 4:16 PM
I liked Crusch the most in Re:Zero too before Echidna was introduced. Well, I haven't watched the latest season yet.

How did your December and January go, by the way - did you play Kuro yet? I just finished Kai yesterday.
Shizuna Feb 7, 4:54 AM
Congrats for reaching the third place :P
Shizuna Jan 10, 3:45 AM
About RokuAka, Celica was great, but it's sad there wasn't much of her on the screen compared to the other girls. Doesn't seem like there were any talks about the S2 unfortunately.

Nowadays, I don't seem to have enough time to do all the things I want to do.
Shizuna Dec 31, 2024 11:57 AM
Nope, Paypal doesn't work either.

You were one of the people I wanted to participate the most, but it's fine if you want to do other things with your time :)

How was the anime?

Also, Happy New Year! All the best to you in the coming year and thank you again for the drawing!
Hopefully you'll have enough time to play/draw/watch things to your your hearts content!
Shizuna Dec 17, 2024 7:24 AM
Here the ring is being worn on the ring finger on the right hand, but I'm not sure about other places, I think in Western countries it goes on the ring finger on the left hand instead. In Asian countries that were influenced by the West it's probably on the left too?

Oh, so that what you meant. But I'm not sure, how do I transfer money to you? VISA/Master Card don't work here.

Hmm, between Asuna and Karin I like Karin much more. But my favorite one from Blue Archive is Kikyou.

Yep, commute is such a terrible thing.

I checked HBR characters on wiki and I think I like Ichiko the most.
Shizuna Dec 13, 2024 7:26 AM
Hey, thanks for the drawing! I was finally able to open it. The way you draw the is honestly awesome, the shape and attention to detail is great. Same thing about the background (especially the night sky and the moon and the tree) and clothing - when you look at it it's undeniably Shizuna. The only nitpick I'm able to see is that you missed the ring on the finger :P But anyway, great job!

That's OTs-14 Groza. Very beautiful character with a charming personality.
Nah, every character here has unique animations in the dorm and Krolik (the girl doing pushups) has this one. She's voiced by Ohara Sayaka by the way, which is very nice.

Mm, I'm not sure. What are you suggesting?

Dailies take very little time, but doing the basic stuff (story, events, etc.) can tale a lot of time.

Who are your favorite Blue Archive girls?

My phone is 7 years old, so I don't have any games on it :D Do you have some HBR characters you like more than the others?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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