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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Oct 30, 2020 10:52 PM
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All Comments (240) Comments
Sorry I didn't get back to you in so long. I've hardly even touched my profile until recently and I had huge periods of inactivity for various reasons. Feeling terrible about that.
I'm going to be far more active from now on and have been slowly going through the site for shit that I've missed. Felt pretty bad that I missed these messages from you, least I can do is reply.
First off, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Hope you are doing well!
And I can't answer the questions about anime from before cause I don't remember, but here is a current update on myself
More later ;D
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
Welcome to Card Dreamland's newsletter! We will be telling what's going on in the club that everybody should know about!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you got something out of this newsletter. See all threads here. Go here to sign up for more newsletters.
As you may have noticed, the Hurt and Heal club has been on hiatus for about two years now.
I have a surprise for you: Season 4 is going to continue!
Of course, we'll need more active mebers for that. If you're interested in playing H&H again, check the club page and say 'Hi' in the sticky thread!
If you think any of your friends might be interested, feel free to invite them, too - the more the merrier!
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!!
I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
The last day of division finals is tomorrow, 14 of September. Kanade will be fighting against Misaka Mikoto.
League Finals start on 21 of September and last till 5 of October. These are the final rounds, so don't forget to give your vote for Kanade!
Este un site in limba engleza, care pe langa articole si discutii ce privesc ANIME, mai acopera si industria cinematografica si muzicala din China, Japonia si Coreea. Va invitam sa il vizitati si sa ramaneti alaturi de noi. Suntem la inceput de drum dar ne miscam foarte bine, iar feedback-ul din partea voastra ne va ambitiona sa mergem mai departe. Postam frecvent articole bine documentate si interesante. Avem si un playlist cu melodii foarte diverse, pe care va invitam sa le ascultati. Avem deasemenea si forum: Doar o mica remarca, cei care au gmail s-ar putea sa primeasca mailul de confirmare in SPAM asa ca sa verificati. Va asteptam! Vizitati si pagina noastra de facebook: