Just a guy who's into anime. Ratings based primarily on the system on here as well as enjoyment factor. Feel free to make any recommendations!
My Rating System:
10 - A masterpiece. Unforgettable story, characters, and atmosphere that resonated with me.
9 - A great and memorable show. Just shy of a masterpiece, the level of enjoyability is exceptional. Most of its components are well-knit and thorough.
8 - A very good show. Not particularly outstanding compared to a 9 or a 10; nonetheless, a much better than average watch. Regarded with a rather high state of enjoyability.
7 - A good show that was entertaining and fun to view. Not as enjoyable as an 8; better than a 6.
6 - A fine show. May consist of unsatisfactory or underdeveloped elements, but watchable. Moderately enjoyed.
5 - An average anime. Typically an ordinary or boring watch with borderline enjoyability at best. May leave me unmoved or disappointed.
4 - A bad, relatively forgettable anime with very little to offer. Largely uninspired and scarcely enjoyed. Below average.
3 - A very bad anime. Beyond the point of enjoyability, its flaws far outweigh every other element.
2 - A horrible anime. Consisting entirely of inconsistencies and many other all-over-the-place elements. A confusing watch.
1 - An appalling anime. The lowest of the low in every possible aspect.
All Comments (52) Comments
what anime shows have you been recently getting into?
Yep. Played it and loved it. I got it when the game was free on PSN. So I played through all 5 episodes for free >___<. The start was somewhat boring but the more I played the game, the more I was intrigued by the wonderful story and awesome cast of characters. The plot twists are just so well done, shocking, and it didn't feel like an asspull because all of them were so cleverly executed. The plot twists at the end of Ep. 3 and 4 in particular.....is just....amazing. I literally held my breath when I saw those 2 scenes.
I'm actually planning to buy the prequel once all the episodes comes out because I want to gain more insight towards Chloe and Rachel's relationship before she disappeared.
Random question...Have you seen "It"?