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Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai: Next Sky
Mar 10, 5:22 AM
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Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai 2nd Season
Mar 9, 9:25 AM
· Scored
All Comments (36) Comments
I loved Your Lie In April, especially as a musician, but I didn't shed a tear while watching it.
Yeah, it's a 9/10 for me as well, but gets closer to 10 than all others I've seen aside from my two favorites that would be a 10 for me. I do agree that it can jump from amazing to mediocre many times.
Oh, you're rewatching Clannad. After Story made me bawl like a baby. I've rarely ever cried that way.
Dragon Ball Z did that type of thing a lot more. You've watched a dozen episodes and somehow only a few minutes have passed. XD
I was kinda being an elitist with that comment. My point, though, is that without years of experience listening to a genre, you don't get to know it very well. I'm not above making fun of anything, though. Bro, watch this. It's frikkin' hilarious.
I rarely read manga. The story is almost always far superior to anime adaptations, but it doesn't provide much audiovisual stimulation. If the Rosario + Vampire manga had a faithful adaptation, it would easily be my #1 anime. It's mind-boggling how much of the plot, characters, etc. was removed.
Dang. I used to be in a metal band and many other things, like orchestras and a jazz band.
I was talking about In Flames. lol
You need at least ten years of experience in a genre to have any idea what you're talking about. Plenty of black metal is very melodic.
The creator likes to make gender-ambiguous characters. Pitou is depicted as masculine in the manga and feminine in the anime. Some sources say that Chimera Ants are technically male aside from the queen. But she's a girl to me, darnit! :'<
Episode 116 blew me away so much that I watched it three times in a row when I first encountered it. You get to see a different side of Pitou and it's very emotional.
Like I said, black metal is diverse. There's slow and/or melodic BM as well. Some even has sung vocals. But yes, it's quite extreme and certainly not for everyone.
My favorite moment from Reroute To Remain is the guitar lead after two minutes in Minus. Very Colony-esque.
I'm glad you've taken a liking to them somewhat. Their material is kind of all over the place, ranging from awesome to meh.
Pitou is in my top five anime characters. You probably noticed her (yes, her! grr) on that custom engraving of mine.
Black metal is light years ahead of most metal subgenres. Creativity, passion, embodies the very spirit of metal. I've listened to it (along with most other types of metal) for decades. Most of the metal fans I've known who weren't into BM didn't have much experience with it and didn't realize how diverse it is. Regardless, there's not much point bashing a genre/style you don't like in the first place. It's not bad just because it doesn't suit your tastes. Anyway, here are a few BM tracks I love, in case you'd like to broaden your horizons. Naturally, you are under no obligation to listen, as it may be torture for you. :P
When did you start HXH 2011? I binged it in two weeks and rewatched it dubbed later. Not nearly as good as the sub, but it was interesting to experience it again in a different way.