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Надо свой забабахать. xD
Fawksie 10 On-Hold 9/- 39/0
Cool. :DD Events like that also takep lace in Warsaw, but i've never been to one and i don't think i'd want to. XDD Sometimes, fandom scares me... XDD But this could be an interesting experience, that's for sure. :PP
Yeah, but what can we do about that? xd
I guess there's less people in Finland because of the cold climate, and i think everyone likes big cities,so i dont know if they're an exception or you just haven't seen many of them. XD
Hehe, i won't be using mal for a week because Oksana comes to me. <33 So bye, see you next week. :D
People are cruel. :P Yeah, i can't wait to see it. <33 But i'm sad it's already over. :(( It's like my childhood is going to end along with this movie. :((
Well here they're not. XDD I don't really know where they go, probably to other winners.
I'm not quite sure about that. :PP It's just that there are more people in Poland than Finland and i don't think it's because of Russia... XDD
Don't ruin my childhood, please. XDD
NOOO DON'T SAY THAT. People are cruel! ;(((((
Yeah it was when i was little. But not anymore. :< But i have it on dvd. :D
Lol i'd like to believe that. :P And i don't think it goes for the charity...XDD
Hahaha, no, Katowice isn't a village. XDD There are no villages in Silesia, since it's an industrial district. ^^
Hahaha don't worry, i believe Polish people talk more...Polish. XDD
Oh it's "Nu pogodi"! <333 I loved it as a child! :DDD But why yaoish? :<
Yeah i always but them but i never win. ;dd My biggest prize was 4zł, that's not much. XDDD
Wikipedia says it's the 11th biggest city in Poland and it's the capital of Silesia so i believe yes, it is big. xd
I had a fringe only once and i won't cut my hair like that eer again. XDD I looked so awful. >< And on my new passport photo, i also look awful. ;\ Thanks god it's black and white, not in color.
Yeah, don't. XDD Hmm, but there are "How to speak Polish" videos on youtube, but they're boring. It's better when a foreigner speaks it! :DD Like this and this one. :DD They're so adorableeee~~ :DD
Yeah, that's true. XDD I never like to spend my own money lol. ;d Ah i wish i won in a lottery or smth. <33 Then i wouldn't have to worry about whose money i'm spending. :DD
I have to go to Katowice to do shopping in H&M, but it's pretty close, so that's okay. ^^
Yeah, that's right. :DD There's a lot of videos on youtube titled "<someone> speaking Polish" and they're mainly cussing in them. ><
Yeah, she sure is. But she's generally stupid and she's a bitch, soooo....:D Omg, how can you not like shopping?! :P I couldn't live without it. XD
Hmm, that's kinda weird. XDD I think shops in Poland have the same clothes as the ones in Czech, France, etc... I didn't see any difference. :P And New yorker is great. <3 But my fav shop is definitely H&M. <3333
She already is loved. :PP
Oh i see. I don't think we need to use our IDs everywhere, but they're sometimes needed. :) So it's good to have them with you. XDD
Not only bad words! :PP Though they're probably the most important ones in every language, lol. xd
Yeah, me too. ;\ I mean you can do the shopping everywhere... in my class there is a girl that goes to London to do shopping. oO Of course, i love shopping etc but that's not the thing i like to to the most during vacations. ><
Oh, i see. XDD Thanks god i don't have to go to "fatties" shops, that'd suck. XDD I love my M that i can get in every normal shop. XD
Aaaach, mu Ukrainian's name's Nadiya and she's probably younger than me. <333 I already love her. <33