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Days: 73.7
Mean Score: 6.96
  • Total Entries614
  • Rewatched9
  • Episodes4,462
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Haikyuu!! Bakemono-tachi no Iku Tokoro
Haikyuu!! Bakemono-tachi no Iku Tokoro
Mar 8, 5:09 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Haikyuu!! Riku vs. Kuu
Haikyuu!! Riku vs. Kuu
Jun 1, 2024 10:33 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Haikyuu!! Movie: vs. Chiisana Kyojin
Haikyuu!! Movie: vs. Chiisana Kyojin
Jun 1, 2024 10:31 AM
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 57.2
Mean Score: 7.34
  • Total Entries565
  • Reread1
  • Chapters8,939
  • Volumes416
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Fushigi no Kuni no Bird
Fushigi no Kuni no Bird
Mar 3, 2024 12:10 AM
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Dec 23, 2023 12:49 AM
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Yomi no Tsugai
Yomi no Tsugai
Dec 19, 2023 5:06 AM
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Kurt_Irving Nov 26, 2023 7:52 PM
Hello again milady! How are you doing this Year of the Rabbit?

I've been studying Japanese arduously for months and I intend to read Silent Möbius QD in its respective language.

Not sure if JRPGs are your thing, but Wild Arms 2 deserves better. Unfortunately for this Wild West game, it has poor translation. Even compared to GBC RPGs.
Kurt_Irving Sep 23, 2018 7:22 AM
Hello! you have some interesting taste in anime. Btw, my brother is about to have his 28th birthday this early December.
MangaRocks Nov 1, 2017 1:06 PM
Hey GeneD! Nice to hear from you-- hope you're doing well!!

"Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!" - Heh, yeah, I suppose that number might look a bit scary, LOL; but each 'chapter' is actually just one page, so it was basically just like reading a few volumes. :) And yeah, it is good! Like, I was totally expecting it to be one of those mostly-static comedic 4-komas, and for the main 'joke' to get old after a while; but it's actually not static at all, there's a real story progression (if rather slow ;) ) and backstory and everything, and there's other stuff going on with the characters' personalities and such, so it's kinda more than it seems. (No real content warnings, either, except some occasional innuendo and some {understandable in the situation} emphasis on the MC's chest when she's wearing certain clothing.) I mean, it's definitely not groundbreaking or anything, LOL, but it's been pretty fun so far, so I'm enjoying it. :)
MangaRocks Jan 16, 2017 10:00 PM
... *knowing grin* ... ;D
MangaRocks Jan 14, 2017 1:02 PM
Unofficial 2017 Anime & Manga Challenge blog entry posted! :D

Amatsuki: Ah, I see. (It's easier to understand if you take it in big chunks though~~ ;D :D ) And yeah, I actually didn't even bother with the anime because I'd heard how bad of an adaptation it was (not only does it 'just stop,' as you mentioned, which is bad enough; it *also* apparently cut out the entire
side of the plot, which is a *HUGE* part of what gives it both its twistiness and its uniqueness!). But anyway, yay, I'm just glad you're reading it! <3 :D

And Love At Fourteen: Thanks, I do appreciate the warning. :) I'm pretty much with you, though, in that if the show/book/game/whatever is good enough, not much of its content will bother me, LOL. :D (...Also, I'm actually totally fine with age-gap and even student-teacher in fiction {have you seen some of my list entries? :P [LOL :D ]}, just so long as it isn't completely ridiculous. Like, as much as I love Cardcaptor Sakura {both manga and anime, and the new sequel, too! <3 }, that's like the one time age-gap/student-teacher bothered me, because the girl in said 'relationship' {...which, granted, had nothing physical going on at all... and the girl was a side-character anyway, so it didn't come up very much} was like 10 freaking years old. O_____O If the character is in their teens, though, it's not that bad, IMO {fiction-wise, I mean, of course, LOL :P }.)
adiosanime Jan 12, 2017 9:52 AM
Hey, thanks for accepting my friend request.
MangaRocks Jan 9, 2017 2:44 PM
Hey, GeneD! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, as well! <3 :D

And thanks! :) I really appreciated the kick the challenges gave me to start working on some of my backlog last year, and I was all fired up for the challenges this year, too (even made up some placeholder lists of what stuff I was going to attempt to tackle!)... however, I gotta say that I really dislike the bingo thing that they're trying this year (^_^;) (or it just being random at all in the first place, really; though the bingo does add a whole other layer of work {and confusion, LOL!}). So I've decided to still do the challenges (especially since I really want to watch and read all the stuff I was planning to use for them anyway :) )-- I'm just gonna do them unofficially. (I'll be putting my personal challenge lists on the blog on here soon to keep track {and prove I'm still doing them, LOL} soon; will link you to them when I do! :) ) Definitely shoot me a link to your form(s) too if you end up entering, though~ :D

...Also: Thanks to the friend-update-feed on here, I noticed you started reading Amatsuki! :D (...And, just so you know, I may or may not be slightly obsessed with that series, so... y'know... happy to discuss...... :D :D )
whemleh Jul 1, 2016 1:01 PM
yah, i tend to be the same, but for mal. I mostly use it just to keep track of what i've seen/where i am, rather than for talking to people.
whemleh Jun 20, 2016 4:53 PM
haha, yeah I saw the alpha avatar & YEP. Do you have a twitter? I couldn't find one in your mal profile
Sonnetica May 25, 2016 3:55 PM
You're welcome! Glad to spread the Hachi love around.
Sonnetica May 22, 2016 9:32 AM
It's from a song called Eine Kleine by Kenshi Yonezu!
Nokatoki Apr 25, 2016 11:16 AM
Yeah thats Tonari no Seki-kun ;D I really love manga and anime. Its funny and cute ;3
I started Yotsuba to and im think im in love :D I think i started some manga you score high
Thank you for wishes <3
Nokatoki Apr 23, 2016 7:44 PM
Wow you have great taste in manga!
Great <3
Riritsu Jan 30, 2016 10:53 AM
This are the fonts I used: Sassy Molassy and Pacifico Regular.
The background + Hinata version (couldn't find the Kageyama pic though :<)
and the psd with the base: (a little mistake here, should say manga reading challenge instead of watching xD)
I hope you find them useful!
Riritsu Jan 29, 2016 1:26 PM
Ouch >_< I'm glad you like the banners but I don't have the psd archives anymore :( sorry
I could remake some of them, which one do you prefer?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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