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Sekai Saikyou no Kouei: Meikyuukoku no Shinjin Tansakusha
Feb 22, 2024 10:07 PM
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I'm definitely behind on my video games. In fact the latest video games I'm into are the Persona games that were released years ago. The Persona 4 anime got me interested and I ended up buying Persona 3 and 4 back in January. I'm on my 2nd play through of Persona 3 and have yet to touch part 4 but plan to within the next month or two. I'm just glad my PS3 is backwards compatible.
For some reason, this latest season is packed with a ton of manga/Light Novel adaptations I have read or currently reading. I don't know if that's good luck or the product of me reading so many series but I'm loving every minute of it.
Enjoy your day off and as weird as it is coming from me, get some sunlight in-between your anime marathons.
Hope your enjoying this latest season. There are quite a few interesting adaptations out this time around.
Keeping up with anime and manga releases is nearly impossible for me because I keep piling on titles even though my plate is already full. For example, I added Last Exile and Tiger & Bunny last month even though I had an ungodly amount of anime titles I'm woefully behind on (i.e. Beelzebub)
I rarely slack off though. M-Th, I watch between 3-4 titles per night after coming home from work and read an assortment of manga. on the Weekend (Friday-Sunday), I watch anywhere between 5-15 episodes per day.
For example, yesterday I ended up watching 11 different anime episodes, and read 10 different manga series (14 chapters in all). Then there's the Visual Novels I'm falling behind on (started playing through Katawa Shoujo VN over the weekend)
I don't want to even think about the video games, I have yet to scratch the surface on xDD
I'm a bit wary, but it is a plug and play Hard drive, so I'm hoping it works fine like my other external Hard drives.
Oh, and I wish you a Happy New Years. I wish for nothing but good things for you this upcoming year.
Well thank you very much :D I miss talking to you and your niceness :)
So, now I stick with smaller, more efficient external HDs where I can stand to lose a certain amount of Data/media if the unthinkable ever happens again.
I'll probably end up buying another 500GB or 750GB external xDD
It was really hectic back then and now that I'm just working full time, I partake in manga/anime as much as I want sometime to my own detriment.