I really like anime, I started watching anime at the beginning of the summer of 2018.
My first series was Dragon Ball Super that I actually started a long time ago but never got to finish it.
My second series was either Death Note or High School DxD (a horny teen). I actually got to experience what i think might me the greatest series of all time, the NGNL series, its the masterpieces of masterpieces. So original and unpredictable, and just AMAZING.
My motto is: *If I don't have to, I'm not going to. If I have to, I'll do it as quick as possible.* (Houtarou Oreki, from Hyouka)
I also have 4 cats.
My rating system is weird:
10 (Masterpiece) - Best of the best. Animes that I can rewatch and still get impressed. And there can be only about 2 or 3 series at this level. (NGNL)
9 (Excellent) - Favorite ones. Animes that I truly enjoyed. Anime that left a mark in my hart, (usually comedy, drama and romance)
8 (Great) - Very good. Well worth a watch. The kind of anime I would recommend to others.
7 (Good) - Just as it sounds. Animes that fit their purpose. Not lvl.8 good but still not lvl.6 good.
6 (Enjoyable) - Nothing special, some parts are good and some aren't. Mostly bad. wouldn't recommend it. Anything below 7 isn't worth it.
5 (Generic) - Bad content, it didn't contribute anything to me.
4 (Disappointing) - Just shit, cant stand such level of disrespect.
3 (Bad) - Waste of time of level 1.
2 (Very bad) - Waste of time of level 2.
1 (Horrible) - Insulting.
I do not rate ONAs, OVAs, Movies(from a TV series) nor special episodes, But if I have finished a series for example Kyoukai no Kanata that means that I have watched everything related to the series.
Some recommendations:
For DRAMA/ROMANCE lovers: Plastic Memories, Kokoro Connect, Koe no Katachi, Toradora, AnoHana, I want to eat your pancreas.
For COMEDY lovers: Grand Blue (Must Watch), Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru, Konosuba, Kaguya-sama: Love is War.
For GAME fans: No Game No Life (obviously), Death Parade, Kakegurui, Overlord, Accel World.
For MYSTERY lovers: Death Note, Hyouka, Tokyo Ghoul, Shingeki no Kyojin The Promised Neverland, Erased, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
For ECCHI/ HAREM lovers: High School DxD, Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, Date A Live, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo.
For SLICE OD LIFE fans: Kokoro Connect, Hyouka, Toradora!, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Kyoukai no Kanata, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya,
For "PRETTY" animation fans (animation that is self explanatory, pretty): Kyoukai no Kanata, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Koe no Katachi, Musaigen no Phantom World, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Shinkeki no Kyojin (Especially S3). So basically, most Kyoto Animation Anime.
I watch anime for fun and don't have any specific preferences. If you have some recommendations please tell me about it.
Also i don't really read manga or light novels because I don't really enjoy it and because it spoils the fun, but if its not going to get an adaptation I'm in for it.
I don't judge anyone, its your life, your choices, your preferences. If anything i can just recommend you something, or give some kind of advice.
All Comments (40) Comments
I've got nothing much to contribute... I guess I'll mention that I don't remember anything like her writing it down, but it must have been something like that, considering you remember wondering what the word meant XD
Also. "Eh, nani kore?! Why is this character repeatedly saying the name of that type of porn towards that other character?"
Wait, you are talking about the meaning in Japanese, right? Otherwise, this joke falls even more flat than it already does.
Let's see, how to explain my opinion on Kore wa Zombie... After a while it started implementing a lot of little plotlines, and I thought the execution of those was lacklustre.
1) Accidental kiss trope, yay! As to follow vampire ninja customs, I guess Yoshida and Ayumu now have to marry. Ah well, let's just brush that aside after a few episodes.
2) Not a plotline, but I should mention Haruka annoyed me, especially in her behaviour after the accidental kiss. She pushed them into each other, for god's sake.
3) Seraphim is exiled at a certain point, and then forgiven at a convenient time in the story. Not sure about the details anymore, but it didn't convince me.
I did actually think it was hilarious in the beginning, and further in the series it still had comedic moments and a few cool action scenes, so that might stir up some confusion as to why my second 'rule' doesn't fully apply here. I'll try to explain. To me, it felt like the anime wanted you to be genuinely invested in the more serious moments, and I just wasn't because of the problems I had with it. In the end, the series was only a mildly enjoyable one for me.
Interesting, I can't see myself adjusting ratings like that. If I don't enjoy something that much, I can normally pinpoint some problems I have with the setup or execution of the story. And if the focus on story was so small that something else was able to make it very enjoyable anyway, I'm not going to fault it for its mediocre story. An exception would of course be 'so bad it's good' shows, where enjoyment could be rated like a 7, which obviously woudn't be what they deserve (in my system), but I haven't encountered those yet.
But alright, it does make more sense if you follow that 'Anime Law' for your ratings. I suppose that's how most people on this site vote as well, so when I think about it, it's not an unlogical choice to stick to that rule. Meanwhile, the votes of someone else here are only getting harsher.
For example, your comments on Boku wa Tomodachi, Netsuzou TRap and Date A Live III seem very negative, but you gave them a 6, which should mean you still found them decently enjoyable. How come?
Good point about Itsuki showing more of his true self. If I remember correctly, season 1 already hinted at him somewhat hiding his true self, after all.
Also, interesting view about how it was intentionally stirring up some level of annoyance. What would you say the anime tried to accomplish through that?
Other than that, I guess we've now the reached the point where there's not much else to say. I did enjoy hearing your arguments and getting to understand your opinion better, so if you ever wanna discuss something else, just let me know.
I actually wrote my previous message for the same reason I cut the discussion short. I got the impression that you were quite fed up with the whole conversation, and you could say I was grasping at straws for a reason why.
As for Haruhi, I did heavily dislike her in that one moment, but fortunately, a connection to real life, which could have made it genuinely upsetting, isn't present. I guess my focus on that moment has been a kind of misleading, because the truth is, I don't really dislike her other than that. It's more that the overall Kyon vs Haruhi shtick started boring me.
And then we have Itsuki and Mikuru. I guess Mikuru had some cute moments in the first season, but here it felt more like she was whining a lot of the time. And Itsuki got the short end of the stick as far as dialogue goes. Which is a shame, because his long-winded explanations, with Kyon interrupting him just about every sentence were one of my favourite parts of the first season. Here, his lines are often just him sucking up to Haruhi, and in his longer talk to Kyon after the alcohol incident, he just comes off as conceited and cold-hearted.
Still, I do think you're taking it to heart a little bit too much. I really don't think my opinion is some kind of objective golden standard, and my posts are just me trying to explain why Haruhi's character (among many other things) ruined my personal enjoyment of the series.
I know her bitchiness isn't there for comedic purposes, and I wouldn't say she's necessarily a bad character. She just annoyed me a lot, and because the other characters (besides Kyon) hardly ever reacted to her in an irritated way, I felt quite detached from them.