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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e: 2-nensei-hen
Jan 24, 4:30 AM
· Scored
All Comments (241) Comments
I know you haven't been active since August, but my friend request is here <3 I hope everything is okay!
I'm afraid I'm not especially reading that type of LN, that's quite niche lol.
Well, I usually just add in the DB whatever I read that wasn't in there, so there's only a few that I've read that aren't there because they're against the DB rules, so I don't have much to complain about.
How have you been?
I remember voice chatting on Skype. You thought you didn't have an accent ^^
I'm still on IRC, but I'm also on discord
Life has been a bit stressful lately and I don't have that much time to read temporarily, but I'm definitely still reading LNs on a regular basis. Considering that our last conversation was almost 8 years ago, I've read a lot since then i guess ^^".
Seems like since our last talk you've fallen quite a bit more into the LN/manga rabbit hole, good good :D.
Also Sukasuka both in LN and anime top, thumbs up! The final volume for its sequel (11th) of this series is actually going to be released in around one month btw, so the franchise is about done by now ~