Just a 5'2" male character in real life who is trying to find solutions of everyday real life problems.
I started watching anime when i was in school...
Though i love logical explanation of any real life related problem or situation, i care a little about logic while watching anime or reading manga..I watch anime series or read manga to get relief from my daily life stress. As long as i am feeling entertained by any series, i continue the series.. Simple as water.
This is how I rate anime series and manga series (according to the My anime list rating system )
1 out of 10 (Appalling)
2 out of 10 (Horrible)
3 out of 10 (very bad)
4 out of 10 (bad)
5 out of 10 (Average)
6 out of 10 (Fine)
7 out of 10 (good)
8 out of 10 (Very good)
9 out of 10 (Great)
10 out of 10 (masterpiece)
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