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Kurt_Irving Dec 13, 2022 9:25 AM
Hello miss! So what do you love most about Vic Mignogna?

I'll be reading Sorcerer Hunters soon enough.
NerdRage04 Sep 11, 2013 3:17 PM
My fellow westerner, join us in our conquests to take over the world! We have free cats!
hlwar Aug 27, 2012 12:29 PM
Hiya Jessica! (^_^)/"

It's good to hear from you. Well, not much is going on with me, as usual. I chickened out of going to Japan for the Villain revival concert this weekend (no surprise, huh? ;;) and I'm strongly hating on myself. But, I guess it is fine because work completely disregarded my request off and I'm now working all weekend. How nice of them, especially when I asked almost three months ago. (>.<)

Yeah, I'm surviving the weather. It's hot and humid right now, but it's been dipping down in temperatures and the days are getting shorter. I've noticed leaves turning as well, so I'm both excited and depressed for autumn. Excited because it's my favorite season, but depressed because summer is suddenly over and I did nothing I wanted to. Siiigh.

OMG! (*_*) I'm sorry to hear you guys are being threatened with all that wildfire smoke! That's awful, and I will keep my fingers crossed for a storm to sweep it away. Especially if you're going to the county fair?! Will you be attending to award the prize winning literature as judge, or do they have someone else do that, like the State Fair Princess or something? Have fun with that! It must be so cool to be respected as a writer and asked to judge works!! Best of luck to everyone!! d(^_^)

10 year HS reunion, huh? Whoa, don't you just feel so old? (LOL) Just joking. ^^ Did Jeff go with you? Well, it's great that you had a good time despite your expectations; that's always a plus. So what kind of student were you? In any cliques? Meet up with any old crushes or past bullies? (^_~) I was home-schooled so I'll never have a reunion, which is fine because I don't want to see any of those kids again, especially not being so ashamed of how I'm STILL a loser... At least I'm not so much the outcast anymore. *shrugs*

Well, I guess given how most schools are these days, and how most kids are, it's no surprise your old haunt now looks like a correctional facility. (O_o;) I saw on a Yahoo headline there was a school shooting on the first day in Baltimore (I think it was)... Very scary.

Anyhow, is your car stereo the one you just reviewed, from the link given on Facebook? That's awesome! I'm all for booming music! XD I actually have an old, un-opened/un-used car stereo to try and sell for my mother, but it's obsolete and not manufactured anymore... so I guess eBay would be my only hope? Gah.

Oh, you're quitting your job in December!? I thought you enjoyed working there, so I'm sorry to hear it's been stressing you out and wearing you down. That sucks. If you're so frustrated with everything there that it's making you sick, yes you SHOULD leave. Good for you on giving notice then!! I'm happy for you!! And best of luck to you with your writing, and you guys starting a family!!! Congratulations!!!

Nope, I did not get a single fan cel commission. And even if I did, of course I will paint something for you, sweetie!! I consider you a close friend and I'm more than happy to paint anything at all for you. ♥(ノ´∀`)Just shoot me an email or PM with an image if you have one, and we'll go from there.

Ahh, Tenjho Tenge, an anime I hear by name all the time but have yet to see. Someday, someday. xD If memory serves, it has some pretty artwork and character designs, right?

BTW HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I know it's belated here, but I wanted to say it anyway. I hope your special day was full of family and friends, good spirits, great gifts, and lots of yummy cake!!! *hugs*

hlwar Jul 19, 2012 4:59 PM
Hello there! ヾ(´・ω・`)

I'm okay, thank you. I hope you're doing well now that you're back home? As for me, nothing much is new. It's been disgustingly hot as hell here in Jersey, and this heat wave brought a lot of humidity. It's been so oppressive and stuffy, most of the time I feel like I can't breathe. Urgh, I hate summers like this! (><;;)

But thanks to the gross amount of sun, my flowers are all pretty browned. Thankfully my impatiens are low enough to the ground that they're maintaining, and still colorful and producing; and my crape myrtle tree is lovin' the Southern like weather and in full bloom. Otherwise, nothing much else is thriving, either.

Ah, so you decided to go to Oklahoma after all? Man, it sure sounds like the wrong decision, though. (((( ;°Д°)))) I cannot believe how awful your relatives behaved!! Having drinks at a reunion is fine, but if you start throwing drunken punches at family members, uh-huh. Someone should call the cops! That's outrageous!! (*&gE;m&lE;*) I'm sorry you had to witness that, and I'm especially sorry for your poor father!! Yeah, I know all about hick family; although I grew up in the woods and mountains here, I didn't turn out as trashy as 99% of my relatives. So I understand.

At least the rest of your journey was a nice road trip! I've never been to Colorado (okay, so I hardly leave my own State) but it does look like a gorgeous place! And definitely getting to see an extinct volcano in New Mexico must have been interesting and unique. Are you gonna post pictures to Facebook? (^_~)

Yeah, no vacations for me this year. Holly ended up not going to Georgia at that time (I think her and her friend ultimately did not want me there) and I'm probably not making the crazy weekend trip to Kyoto to see the Villain revival show at the CROW MUSIC event. Sucks because I really, really do want to. Secchan♥ (Setsuna, the original drummer) will be playing, and I just adore him to no end!! *sad*

Ah, speaking of music groups, did you see my posts at the Tokyo Majin fanclub, about Juunpei's return? I was so astounded to hear that at, and I'm so thankful he is well and actually singing once more!! You should download his songs - one is very techno and fun, the other a lovely little ballad. (*^▽^*) I thought more people at the club would be excited, but yet again I'm just talking to myself. I don't know what to do with these fanclubs, really. y-(~。~;)

I'm glad you like Linebarrels okay. It sure does keep the pace going, and can be pretty darn funny, but I can understand why you would want sound for it in that case. Robots blowing each other up naturally needs surround-sound. (LOL) Poor Jeff, you need to convert him into a night owl. xD No new anime for me lately. I dropped Black Butler once I got to Anri Katsu's character, Drocell. It was so BORING and the shounen-ai fangirl favors were too much. Seriously, I don't know why that one was SO popular for so long. ヽ(ー_ー )ノ

Anyways, thanks for keeping in touch! It is always so great to hear from you! Take care and try to survive this heat!!
hlwar Jun 29, 2012 12:33 PM
Hey you! (ノ´∀`*)ノ

Thanks for thinking of me, and as ever it was fabulous to hear from you! I hope you're doing well? Things are really... ah, much the same misery here. I've been rather like an amoeba lately, and this damnable 100-degree weather isn't help. Not a fan of summer, at all. *melts*

Do you have any vacation plans?

Speaking of that, I'm pretty much sitting here waiting for dusk so I can go water my poor shriveling flowers. :( I don't do it midday because it will just evaporate before they get a chance to drink up. Oh, I know how pruning can be with the shrubs and stuff. I actually had to majorly cut back my one rose bush because it was so diseased I feared losing it completely. (>.<) Anyway, I'd love to see photographs of your garden and all your hard work!! ^^

Aww~ how did your final concert go? I'm sure it was a sad occassion, but I'm looking forward to hearing the details. What did you sing?

You do have an amazing record collection! I enjoy retro and nostalgia, even if it does make me feel really old now. (LOL) My mother has some vinyls in the attic, but she never took care of them at all and they are very, very cat chewed, clawed, and unfortunately pee'd on. Yuck! (,,#゚Д゚) They're not classical, though - well, maybe one or two. Most are old rock like Bay City Rollers and Meatloaf. I think there's one or two Disney soundtracks that were my sister and mine.

Yay!! How are you enjoying Heat Guy J and Linebarrels? They are both a lot of fun with some quirky and cool characters, huh? (^O^) BTW I shipped out your Escaflowne limited edition boxset and figure - let me know when they arrive please!

Laters~ (^ω^)♥
hlwar May 3, 2012 7:25 PM
Hello there! ( ^_^)/

You're welcome, and I'm glad you've been doing well. Yeah, I hardly ever watch anime anymore, and I honestly don't seem to have many anime friends, either. Plus I find the fanclubs here at MAL to be frequented so randomly that I'm figuring no one else seems to care? =/ So I don't visit much anymore either.

I guess I'll start posting on your FaceBook or PMing you there? I'm rarely active at FB, but I do continue to check it for my friends' statuses.

Working more is good, I suppose. Having extra money at least is always a good thing. ;D I work five days a week, but only for a piddly amount of hours, so it's been feeling like such a waste of my time. Still looking for a new and better job...

I haven't gotten any pictures yet of my yard. Everything is still offering new shoots, and no flowers have bloomed as of right now. Although we've had two days of rain so hopefully when the skies clear, all the flowers will be out! I just planted my annuals, so they still have at least a month before they fill the beds in. I am upset, though; the lack of a real frigid winter seems to have thrown off my perennials - nothing is coming back as nicely as they were. My rose bush in particular; it's horribly diseased with short, wilted-looking growth. I'm afraid I may lose it after this season. :(

Oh wow, tulips that smell like licorice?! They sound amazing! Yeah, I always thought tulips were fragrance-free, too, but on occassion in catalogs I will read a description and it speaks of their smell. I guess only certain hybrids? Who knew? I've always wanted to get bulbs en mass, but it would cost a couple hundred dollars to fill in all my beds and I just never have that kind of extra money when fall planting time comes around. Meh.

Oh, poor Jeff and his lack of weed spray aim! I remember when he killed your one bleeding heart last year with it. (O_o;;) I'm always leery of using weed killer around my flowers for that very reason - but this year I've been contemplating it because they're really encroaching; not even my rubber border treads can keep the weeds and grass out. Ugh!

I love glads but unfortunately my zone is a couple degrees too cold for them, and I'm too lazy to dig them up every fall. (-_-) Do you have anywhere online I can see your gardens and flowers? ^^

Really? I hope you enjoy Heat Guy J but I'm pretty sure you will - it's a great, fun anime!! I actually started re-watching it not too long ago, although I've been slow to put the DVDs in at nights to continue. *shrugs* And years ago I saw the first handful of episodes of Orphen but for the life of me I cannot recall what it was about, or even much of the animation.

Well, I may be rather slow in finishing a piece, but just send me an email if you ever decide on an image of Orphen you'd like as a fancel. I don't mind taking requests from friends!

Oh! I saw all your photos on FB but I hadn't realized you were buying those vinyl records. I thought they were from your attic! (LOL) That's such an interesting and rare hobby to take up!! How are you enjoying that? Is it hard to find records to buy? Oh nostalgia. I remember listening to records and 8-track and cassette tapes. ;)

Yeah, I should do the same. It's late here and I still haven't scrounged up any dinner for myself yet. I best let you go then, sweetpea! Thanks for the chat, and I'll be looking forward to that red velvet recipe! (^o~)

hlwar May 2, 2012 5:55 PM
Hiya! (^_^)

Just thought I would drop by and see how you were doing? Sorry I haven't been the best at keeping in touch. There's just so much going on in life, and in my head, that I have a hard time sitting down and focusing. I feel pulled in every direction most of the while, and I'm not sure what exactly I should be doing. (O_o;)

But I hope you and hubs are well and enjoying your spring? Talk to you soon, dear!
hlwar Mar 10, 2012 12:08 AM
Hello there! ( ^_^)/

How the heck have you been? I'm soooo sorry for taking so long to reply. February turned into one Hellish month (I literally spent the last two weeks of it crying nearly every day) and am only now sucking it up, getting over it, and trying to move on and forget.

Still, I shouldn't ignore all my great online friends like that, and I apologize. m(_ _)m

Anyway, thank you again for all the freebie ProActiv stuff!! I really, really appreciate it a lot! Well, it's holding up great; right now I'm not using it heavily because, even though I've been sTrEsSeD like crazy, my skin's been sensitive, so I can only spot-treatment. Wait til it gets hot n' humid, then I'll go through it like nobody's business! Oh oily skin and troublsome T-zone, how I hate you.

Really? *blush* I'm glad you're visiting my cupcake blog and enjoying some of the posts. I admit, I'm just a home baker and my blog is nowhere near as illustrious as all those super-popular ladies. So thanks for checking it out. Yeah, the French Toast ones were pretty yummy. I usually don't like very sweet cakes, but that one was addicting. I think it was the pastry cream inside and the bacon on top that made it.

Oooh! *__* Do you really make your Red Velvet with a Southern Custard frosting? You cook flour and milk to make a "custard" type paste that you add to buttercream?? Wow, it's so hard to find other people who use that on their Red Velvet!!!! I've been using a traditional recipe from the South for like 17-some years, so I was so surprised when they became mainstream and everyone eats (and expects) theirs with cream cheese frosting. I've only seen one other person use Southern Custard, and it makes me so excited to hear you do, too!!! I'd love to compare notes and recipes - yes, please, I'd love to get your recipe!!! :D

I saw your baby knits on Facebook! I see your planning ahead. Good luck to you guys!!

I worked in a store once that sold henna tattoo kits and stencils. When they're well done they can be very intricate looking! Bollywood artists always have some fancy ones. Anyway, yeah, I'd like a tattoo, but nothing too awesome. My "thing" is ravens and I have this image from a rubber stamp that's like ink splattered to shape a raven, and I wanted 惡 (kanji for 'evil' or 'sinful') with it (somewhere on my back shoulder). I've also always wanted 望 (kanji for 'hope') on my ankle, and now I'm thinking I'd like a tramp stamp of 刹那 (kanji for 'moment' or 'instant'). Ten points each if you know where all these kanji are inspired by - yet they all hold some personal importance to me in meaning.

Oh god, I hate when the computers go down at work and we can't run register or swipe credit cards. Hand-writing receipts is worrisome because someone always has a complaint, and someone always calls a week later saying we screwed them over in double charges or something. Urgh~ Well, I guess it is something different in your day. *shrugs*

Thanks again for everything, especially all your patience! You're a great friend, and I always love hearing from you. Take care until next time!

hlwar Jan 31, 2012 3:49 PM
Hello there! (^o^)/

Thanks for your sweet letter! And also thank you for the Proactiv products, that's very generous of you!! I know it sounds silly because it's such simple stuff but really, I don't see such thoughtful and kind acts often, so it makes me rather speechless and teary-eyed. I'm touched! You're the best person!! ♥

I appreciate your encouragement. It really is difficult to be strong with so much depression and frustration. And I feel it doubly because I also glean off my twin sister, so when she's freaking out, so am I. I hate being that sensitive, but it's not something I've had much success turning off. *shrugs* Thank you, though.

Whoa, your staffing situation sounds rough. It's kinda sad (back surgery) and impressive (missions) considering, but I bet it's hard for you to take over all that open responsibility! O_o; Hang tough, sweetpea!!

Yeah, I'm looking for a second job to supplement. Actually, I may go for full-time jobs as well. I do like my job (the work, not so much the corporation and nonsense) but the mall where my store is located is going downhill FAST. After this holiday there were soooo many closings (including the outside Pizza Hut, nooooo!) and now we're looking at two anchors (department stores) leaving within the month. There's a rumor going around the mall is bankrupt and sold the property to someone coming in to bulldoze then build a strip mall. If this is all true, then I'll be laid off for the third time in my life. Boo, I say. Boo. >>o<<

Anyway, I'm happy to hear your holidays was awesome! And it sounds like you and hubby have some BIG New Years plans - good luck with starting your family! Are you guys adding a baby room to your house renovations? ^_~

Do you really scream at your nine-year-olds in the classroom?! (LOL) That's badass, girl!! (`∀´)Ψ And I'm glad you're bowling again - I know how much you and your dad enjoy it! Go kick some butt at the lanes!! ^^

It's funny, the only thing that's been keeping me going lately is listening to hardcore, head-banging visual kei music (and fangirling on Setsuna - he probably shouldn't have mentioned me on his blog, poor fella LOL) so truly, I sincerely appreciate all your kindness!! It's like one of the few bright spots in my suddenly aggressive, dark teenager-like mind (I want a tattoo for the first time in my life!!).

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! And please don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything I can do for you in turn. (*・∀・)/\(・∀・*)
hlwar Jan 12, 2012 11:39 AM
Hello there! Thanks for the reply, and it's good to hear your holidays were nice!! Ahh, sounds like you made off like a bandit with presents this year. (LOL) That's awesome!

My Christmas season was utter hell, and I guess it all started around October. But it was nothing but family fights, work, and I got sick, like, three times. (=_=) Absolutely no fun. And it's carried over into the New Year, unfortunately... Oh, I really didn't get any presents this year. Actually, I felt like I was 90 years old; nothing was gift wrapped, and my Mom gave me a crap-load of those scratch-off lottery tickets (which isn't something I enjoy, I actually find them a total waste of money), my grandmother gave me socks, and my sister got me a set of Victoria's Secret PJs (which I had to return 'cuz it was too big, like most of Vicky's clothing on me) and some undies (which I had to return 'cuz they were XS and I wear S and she should know that).

I hear ya, I'm glad Christmas is over. Very much so. (~_~;;)

So how was your New Years Eve? Did you do any serious partying? (LOL) Not me, I worked all weekend, although I could have really used the booze! Eheheh... heh. My hours got cut now because we're over-staffed and under-payrolled, so I'm trying to figure out where to get a second job.

Ahhh, why are you no longer going to be singing with the group? Is it just holidays, or are you giving it up soon? That's so sad because it really seems like you enjoy it. I'm sure they'll miss you!! *hugs*

Well, I haven't been up to much else. I've been hoping to start 2012 out by doing stuff for myself, but it hasn't really been working out... I sincerely hope this year has been great for you!! Write back and let me know what you've been up to, or what your plans are!! (^___^)
hlwar Dec 26, 2011 10:57 AM
~ ** Merry Christmas!! ** ~ I hope you and your family had a lovely day, and hope Santa was good to you! (^_~)
hlwar Nov 20, 2011 3:45 PM
Hello there! :)

Not much going on for me, except work - especially now that the holidays are fast approaching. I cannot believe this week is Thanksgiving and Black Friday! o__O Not looking forward to that chaos.

So how was your Halloween? I hope everyone stopped by for candy, and perhaps stayed with you to watch The Ghost and Mr. Chicken so you didn't have to go it alone. I've actually never seen that myself. As for me, I worked - and ran my butt off because it was Trick-or-Treat night in the mall, plus we started a planogram so I had to rearrange the walls. Argh~ >>.<< But I went home and ordered a pizza and watched My Soul to Take with my sister so it was nice to chill afterwards.

Well, you may have lost days, but at least your shifts are longer at work - so maybe it all shakes out in the end? Hope everything is working out for you.

Oh man, I haven't read a book in a good long while now! I don't know any of those titles or authors you mentioned, sorry. I really should find something new to read, I feel like I'm getting stupider. ~_~ Plus all good writers read, and goodness knows I'd like to be considered a good writer. Maybe not an active one, but at least good when I do. Heheh.

Gosh, this holiday season is going by so fast, but nothing in a good way. Even this summer was one big depressive blur. I'm starting to freak out about it. I hope things settle down after the new year, and I can maybe figure out what to do with the rest of my life. I'm tired of everything, very tired.

Sorry I'm not around here much anymore. Haven't really had time for anime, and I've started following the visual kei scene more. *shrugs* I'm also trying to lay off of Facebook (because it's mostly my co-workers and mundane "friends" on there) and just use my LiveJournal... so if you wanna know what I'm up to lately, your best bet is to visit my blog there.

Thanks! And keep in touch 'cuz I love hearing from you, too!! ♥
hlwar Oct 10, 2011 9:52 AM
Hello there!

It's been awhile. How have you been? I have to admit, things here are still the same, that is to say miserable. I don't foresee them changing anytime soon though because we're heading into the holiday season. Which means I'll be working and a retail zombie. But I appreciate your concern!

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear your job fired someone (I hope that didn't go down badly) and a co-worker is long-term sick. A bigger paycheck is always great, but added stress and migraines are not. Ick. I hope you're doing better?

I haven't been watching anime much these past two or three months. I've had the same two RentAnime discs sitting on my TV for that long. O_o And I actually took my account level from receiving three DVDs at a time to only one - I just haven't been in the mood to sit through anime (nothing has been good since Heat Guy J) and felt I was just wasting $20 a month. *shrugs* Hobbies haven't been fun for awhile, I guess.

Thanks for checking in on me, and let me know what you've been up to! *hugs*
hlwar Sep 18, 2011 3:52 PM
Hello there! Thanks for wondering about me; I appreciate your concern. Things have been pretty stressful lately, and I've been very miserable... :(

Anyway, I do hope you've been doing well! :)

I'm sorry to hear that Jeff had to work on your birthday, but I hope you got to see him and celebrate at a later date, hopefully? That was sweet of your mother-in-law to bring a cake and donuts (mmmm!!) and I hope you got some nice gifts!! How did that August-birthday event you were planning go? I saw that on Facebook - geez, you sure have a lot of family with August birthdays!! ;D Hope you all had fun!!!

Yay on paying off the curio cabinet, and I definitely agree that Cloud deserves a spot in it! (LOL) Boo on Verizon, though. I will have to remember never to use their services. >_<

Thanks, and sorry to disappear on you there. I know I can be rather difficult sometimes, so thank you for sticking by me!! *hugs* Talk to you again soon!! :DDD
hlwar Aug 14, 2011 5:49 PM
Yay!! Happy Birthday~~!! ♥♥♥ I hope you had an awesome day today! Do anything special to celebrate? ;DDDD
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