Thank you so much for the avatar & signature set! I especially like the signature but I was wondering if you could remove the "stats" on it before I use it. :)
Yep 😁 it's from the MALoween Mansion game Toilet Of Wishes And Rumors, the games are closed now, but you can still try and make some rumors up for fun, hopefully they'll redo this game next halloween 🎃
Happy belated Halloween 🎃 It took me some time to prepare this basket of candy 🍬 Hope you enjoy!
Brought to you straight from MALoween mansion's Toilet Of Wishes And Rumors 🚽
Please vote for your favorite rumor and feel free to comment on as many as you like :) (prior anime knowledge makes for a premium experiance)
1) The Infermary Room Rumor
Have you heard? Anyone who goes to the infermary room comes out with diarrhea? Legend says that back in 1999, a student by the name of Lloyd Asplund rushed to the infermary with explosive diarrhea, he threw himself onto the middle bed, seconds later liquid poop leaked out of his ass like it was the Niagara Falls, the crisp white sheets instatly turning a chocolate brown. That night the nurse, nauseous from the smell, threw the sheets of all 3 beds into the washer, big mistake, the diarrhea bacteria spread to all the sheets used in the infermary, and from that day on, anyone who lies on those infermary beds, is destined to come out with brown tinted pants, they call it, the Assplund Curse
2) The Piano In The Music Room Rumor
Have you heard? The piano in the music practice room is cursed? Every night, when the clock strikes midnight, our music teacher, miss Senritsu, walks to the school in a trans, and every night, she sits at that piano, and over and over again, she plays the same haunting tune. That tune, the Yomi e no Tobira sonata, the same sonata she won the music contest in senior year. It's said that winning that competition comes at a price. The price, your soul. And now, miss Senritsu's soul resides in that piano, which sucked it away from her all those years ago
3) The Black Cat Rumor
Did you hear about mr. Gojo? Why he didn't come to school today? Apparently, yesterday on the way home from school, he came across a stray little black cat and decided to pick it up and take it home with him. When he got home he noticed the cat had a strange fascination with cups, he even posted a cute video of the cat sniffing and headbutting the cups on instagram. So he leaves a few non breakeble cups out for the cat to play with and goes out to get some cat food and kitty litter. Gets back home, feeds the cat, sets up the litter box, but the cat seems completely disinterested in the latter. Puzzled at the cat's behavior, he goes to the kitchen and drinks a cup of lemonade, but as he drinks, he remembers, he never poured himself a cup of lemonade... yes, what he drank, was cat pee. He's been vomiting ever since
4) The Students In Classroom 2C Rumor
Have you heard about the students in classroom 2C? They all got detention after yesterday's field trip. Apparently they set up an elaborate prank to celebrate mr. Ackerman's promotion to head teacher. They each brought a different scent of Candy Crush bubble bath and "borrowed" the school's fire hose. The plan was to spray down mr. Ackerman while poring the various bubble bath soaps to create a fruity smelling foam party. Yeager made the fatal mistake of confusing the fire hydrant with the sewer pump... on a day that the sewers had been blocked for a week because of a food poisening epidemic caused by the newly opened Fitness Bug restaurant, it's said the high-protine bug shakes they served, made from cockroaches off the streets. What hit mr. Ackerman, was a tidlewave of shit, all that scented bubble bath was useless against that stench
5) The Clock In The Library Rumor
Have you heard about the clock in the library? Word has it, it was built in the year 1013 by the viking Thorkell because he was sick of being late for dinner every night during the battle of London. Notice how on the outside of the clock there is not one screw or nail in sight? That is because he ran out of them to build the inner workings of the clock, so he built the entire outer casing of the clock using just glue. I know what you're thinking, "but glue didn't exist back in 1013", it in fact didn't, Thorkell glued the outer casing of the clock using his own snot
6) The Plant In The Garden Rumor
Hey, did you hear? There was a plant in the garden, yes that very suspicious looking plant that was planted in the school garden a week ago, well miss Roselei found out and demanded it be removed immediately. Mr. Sukehiro was up to the task and assured her it would be gone by the next day, but... i think he might've gotten rid of it by smoking it, cuz the next day, mr. Sukehiro burst into class 1B while miss Roselei was giving a biology test and proposed to her with a ring-pop from the vending machine!
7) The Basketball Court Rumor
Did you hear? Todays basketball match was cancelled! Apparently there was an incident in the basketball court, it's all taped off, there's even toxic waste signs on the doors! This because Urameshi had the bright idea of bringing his pet penguin, Puu, fitting name i'll tell you, for show and tell. Well the gluttonous little beast raided the kitchen, and guess what? Yes, foreign exchange food week, Hiei had brought a Makai curry, and that bird brain ate every last drop of it, enough for 250 students. Puu ran over to the basketball court, and what followed next, was a lake of brown, enough to cover the entire court. I almost feel sorry for the little critter, so much poop out of such a small butt
8) The School Hallway Rumor
Ever heard the legend of the school hallway? The reason for this sign right here "no motorcycles in the hallway!!"? Well as the saying goes, if there's a sign for it, someone has done it, and this one dates way back to 2005, courtesy of Toman. It's said they held many motorcycle races in this hallway, but this one particular time, the grand prize for winning the race was 100 dorayaki, much to the opposition of the vice-captain, Draken, as he knew what the temptation of 100 dorayaki would do to their usually composed, if a little battle crazy, captain. Mikey was in fact drooling at the sight of the grand prize. Mikey bolted through the hallway, guaranteed 1st place, but the speed at which he arrived at the finish line was so great, the force of his bike as it stopped hit the door to the teachers bathroom swinging it right open. In it were officer Tachibana, surrounded by firefighters, who were sawing open the toilet, their math teacher, his arm in the toilet. Apparently he'd gotten his arm stuck in the toilet after dropping his rolex in it while wiping and was desperately trying to fish it out
9) The Cafeteria Rumor
Did you hear about the food in the cafeteria today? NO! Absolutely DO NOT EAT IT!! It's cookery class week, and todays meals were tasked to class 1D, yes, THAT class 1D. Decided todays menu would be tempura, shouldn't be too complicated, if Boar-boy could tell the difference between panko and sawdust! If Kamado didn't think frying it in car oil was no different than corn oil!! Don't even get me started on Agatsuma, he's still trying to find the prawns' boobs (yeah spoiler alert, prawns aren't mammals). Needless to say, the teachers did not have a voracious apetite at the sight of their meal, well, all exept mr. Rengoku, who couldn't resist devouring his favorite food, stuffed himeself with at least 30 prawns, let me tell you, he is not having a fun time in the toilet right now!
10) The Life-size Skeleton Model In The Science Room Rumor
Have you heard, the life-size skeleton model in the science room is cursed? It's no surprise, it was after all donated to the school by the Beika police station, and rumor has it, it's not just life-size, it's real bones! Apparently the now skeletal body was discovered by detective Takagi one Halloween night, and now, every Halloween, the skeleton comes back to life in search of his finder!! ... Oh no, he doesn't want to murder him or anything, it's more a sense of gratitude, like he wants to spend that special day with the man that freed his soul, but judging by the ghastly screams we hear every year it doesn't seem detective Takagi has figured that out yet
I'm really enjoying it! Yato's probably my favorite character so far, but I can't wait to learn about the other characters too, especially Yukine
Glad you enjoying it :)
Brings back some memories, Noragami was one of the first things i watched when getting back into anime, and Yukine's responsible for teaching me how to say "shit" in japanese 😂💩
No looking up, i've already had the experience of accidently spoiling stuff for myself 😖 i stay far away from wikis and stuff untill i complete things now
All Comments (48) Comments
There are the links for the 2022 and 2023 games
Brought to you straight from MALoween mansion's Toilet Of Wishes And Rumors 🚽
Please vote for your favorite rumor and feel free to comment on as many as you like :) (prior anime knowledge makes for a premium experiance)
Hope you had a good easter
Sorry but i had the shittiest easter possible...
Glad you enjoying it :)
Brings back some memories, Noragami was one of the first things i watched when getting back into anime, and Yukine's responsible for teaching me how to say "shit" in japanese 😂💩
Will definitely let you know 👍
Good luck with your One Piece journey :D
I'm trying to reach episode 500 of Detective Conan before the end of the year