Hi Akiko here! I'm shy and sweet.I LOVE ANIME! I mean who doesn't. My Favorite anime is Inuyasha! I can be really random and outgoing to my friends! I watch lot of animes but not everything! So see if I watch it! Just ask! I love to talk to people and makin new friends! And most of all I LOVE INUYASHA!!!
Mal family:
Kisa28(little sister):
Marina16(little sister):
Chelleh(big sister):
Gaaragirl(little sis):
Animeblader(big brother):
Kaito-(little brother):
-ltachi (little sister):
Soulmaiden (big sister):
Lifes_nightmare (big sister):
Zadkiel_Requiem(big brother):
1) She walks away from u mad *follow her*
2)she stares at ur lips *kiss her*
3) when she pushes u or hits u *grab her and pull her closer*
4) when she brushes ur hand *grab hers*
5)if shes cold *give her ur jacket*
6)if she dont talk to u first *go talk to her*
1)if he pokes u *get closer*
2)if he wants a guys night out * dont complain*
3)if he doesnt txt back *dont jump to conclusions*
4)if he doesnt say anythin *dont think he does not care*
5)if he is ticklish *hes a keeper*
6)if he lets u wear his clothing *he likes u in his stuff*
A Girl And A Guy Were Speeding Over 100 MPH On A Motorcycle
Slow down, I'm scared.
No, this is fun.
No it's not, please, it's so scary.
Then tell me that
you love me.
I love you, slow down.
Now give me a big hug.
*She gave him a big
Can you take my helmet
off & put it on yourself,
It's really bothering me.
The next
day in the newspaper:
"A motorcycle crashed into a
building due to brake failure.
Two people were in the crash, but only one
The truth was that
halfway down the road the guy
realized that the breaks weren't working,
but he didn't want the girl to know.
Instead, he had her hug him
and tell him she loves him
one last time.
Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die.
If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your
╔═╦══╦═╗ Put this on your
║╩╣║║║║║ page if you
╚═╩╩╩╩═╝ support emo
║╚╝╠══╦╦══╦═╗add to your page if you well... do i really need to
║╔╗║╔╗║║║║║╩╣say it?
________*/• ________
_______*(•_ )________
___(##(_,|•|,_)))___ add u love rock
___###/ |•|/&&/_
____ ######## //_
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