The five most important events...

For an event to be labeled as "most important" it has to be a watershed event, meaning that things before that event were much different than things after that event. More or less this is what I came up with...

1- 10,000 BCE...Neolithic Revolution

2- 324...Constantine I declares himself a Christian.

3- 1492...Christopher Colmbus "discovers" the New World

4- 18th/19th Centuries...Industrial Revolution

5- August 6 and 9 1945...Nuclear Bombs dopped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If you google Barbara Streisand's tour schedule for the last 30 years, you'll see the dates of the most important world events coincide. I'm serious, I think she is mind controlled covert black ops.
01-20-09 - The last day that George W. Bush poisons the USA as it's president.


i dont remember the date, but how about when jesse owens won those gold medals in the berlin games? or when joe louis beat the hell out of that nazi boxer?

Though I'm inclined to forgive you I think I'll wait and see what Beck's thinks about your revisionist list ;)
and christmas is also on january 6th.for armenians. like i said, prove it. :hatsoff:

Armenians note January 6th as Christ's birthday based on the Julian Calendar. However, they celebrate Christmas on December 25th as well.

Christ's birthday would not be nearly as significant had Christanity not been adopted by the Roman Emperror, Constantine, in 324. The date 324 is more important as well as more legitimate than any date historians try to asign as the birthdate of Jesus Christ.