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Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 2nd Season
Mar 6, 2020 1:51 AM
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Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
Mar 6, 2020 1:51 AM
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been so long since the last time.
How was the concert?? :)
Haha yeah, I am not good with the reaction part either. I mean, I can only say thanks and smile right? xD
Yeahhh I know how you feel lol, I just got my student loan, so I am okay now, but before I was scraping the barrel lol. Though like 70% of my student loan goes straight to rent xD.
Well you should be fine :p, especially in urban areas and especially in Tokyo!
Hmm not that much, I've studied a bit because I wanted to be back into the student mood and be ready for the course, but I still feel a little behind on kanji writing... aha. Apart from that, I just met friends etc.
Yeah! I hope you can also:), it is a really good experience! I am not entirely sure yet, as we will be having year abroad meetings as a part of this semester. But I am thinking of Tsukuba university (about 1 hour away from Tokyo) or Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka :D
Oh haha, thanks! :p, which band are you going to see? Yeahh, I actually dislike that part of the celebrations lol, buying gifts for people is nice, but it is too hard to figure out what people actually want, also it destroys your bank account lol.
Exactly:), just even being a class helps you learn so quickly, even if you don't put loads of effort into studying it outside of class (obviously to learn better and for higher grades you should though). :D
Me too:), I just moved into my new place last Thursday, so been back in Oxford 1 week, but lessons start on Monday. Student Loan+Bursary= many pizzas xD. Oh really? Sounds like a nice holiday! I will be in Japan for my year abroad then! Sep 2019-Sep 2020. If you are in the area, I'll show you around :P
How are you?
Haha yeah! Halloween is great, though it is the day after my birthday, so people are normally busy on my birthday ;( *cri eveytim*. Christmas can be fun too! Though it is always a pain to think of a suitable gift for friends and family lol.. I don't mind spending the money, but having to think of a meaningful gift is difficult... lol.
I understand :(. When I was trying to learn online, I made very little progress also. Having a teacher, a class and a set course book really helps you to learn. The guidance and comardarie of other students :)
Oh okay, so we are in the same boat. I am in the my second year starting in September too :D.
Try and get a placement in Japan? aha.
Though I suppose that would be very difficult..
Oh haha. I just hate the warmth, I like cold days and the rain ahah :D.
Learning a language is difficult yes, but it is also very rewarding!:). I have been to Japan a few times on holiday and it is really useful and fun to talk to people in Japanese, even with my limited ability.
Sounds really good! I've always been more into history and humanties rather than sciences. How long do you have left of university? 2, 3 years?:)
Well we learnt about minorities in Japan, religion, art (painting, music, you name it), social aspects and children growing up etc. A lot of things really :).
Yeah! From September 2019-2020 I have one year abroad as part of my course. I am looking forward to it :)
Yeah, I know how you feel. I long for summer. Where I can play video games, watch anime, movies and go out with friends without needing to do assignments. Though I know I'll need to study my Japanese everyday ;(
OH nice :D. How is that course? I'd assume it was quite difficult to get on. I am studying Japanese language and culture at Oxford Brookes University :). In Oxford.. ;p