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that's sad but i kinda get it, most people use this place as a tracking tool rather than a place for communication, i hope she replies to u eventually!!
oh that's nice!!! bilingual gang 🤝 as for your question, yeah, they teach us english from age 6 up until uni in some cases, but my knowledge doesn't come from these classes bc they're usually really slow and basic, I learnt on my own by playing games and watching shows/videos of my interest, i think the one that started it all was undertale, the spanish version came a while after release but i wanted to play it as soon as possible so i just started translating every word i didn't understand lmao and after that my vocabulary got better and i started learning new words just by context, unfortunately i don't speak english at all, as in, talking to other people using my voice, so my pronunciation is pretty subpar, listening and writing though I think I've got a pretty good skill level
yeahhh, some chase sequences last more than 1 or more episodes and I can only sigh and laugh at how absurd the padding is
LMAO true oda published a guide on how he draws women and it's literally 2 circles and an x
don't worry about rambling!! i like reading ur thoughts and i agree that the writing was weaker?? especially for the antagonists, i think most fans agrees that this arc is one of the worst when it comes to one piece as a whole also not a huge fan of shirahoshi i won't lie
i really like this scene from the arc though
do you mean this opening?? I haven't reached that arc but it sounds really nice, the animation is top tier too
yeah i figured, no other anime (well, there are but they're usually episodic and with a very simplistic animation)is long enough to have to watch 40 episodes a day to catch up LMAO, i didn't care much for thriller bark other than persona and the introduction of brook.. the art style from that era was really nice on my opinion though
yea i have a severe case of procastination😭 but i usually work fine with extreme deadlines, i need a bit of pressure to start working on something
like i said i can't pick just 1, but i'll mention my top 4: ooe, a visual novel, tower of hanoi a rpg maker game, cell of empireo, also rpgmaker, and mamiya, another vn, these 4 titles are pretty unknown though, and 2 of these don't even have english translations out😭😭 so you probably haven't heard of any of these, i am pretty hyped for the hundred line coming out in less than a month, i'm sure it will become one of my favorite games oat
so you prefer open world/adventure/exploring games?? it's a great pick!! i haven't played it personally but i've heard good things about it and from pictures alone it seems like a great experience
vns are visual novels yeah,, reading 40 hours of text with a png that changes slightly is a pretty nice hobby (the stories are usually crazy good, but there is 0 gameplay involved)
and rpg maker games are games made on an engine of the same name, usually small scale projects made by creators who don't have a lot of knowdledge in programming but that still want to get their stories out in the world, there are a LOT of gems in there and it's the niche of games i'm most invested in (192 rpg maker games played so far)
ohh so you dont usually play games outside of team? thats fair
looking forward to ur one piece take!!
ooh!! I also thought of Canada but chose the us because it's. Bigger lmao, that's so cool, do u speak the language of your mother country then? Or did you move when you were really really young?
There aren't a lot of things I dislike about one piece other than the most common complaints such as the endless padding, and another one could be the sexualization or anatomy change that the strawhats when through post timeskip,, especially nami and robin, I miss the bodytypes and clothing they wore during the early seasons the most, they felt more natural, as for pros I like what it's able to do with its extended runtime, soooo many good arcs and characters, the animation in some arcs is reaally good (though it has some downs like the fishmand island arc) the ost is also very memorable and does a really good job setting the tone of each scene, some openings and endings are also very memorable to me, memories specially since I listened to that one on tv when i was a kid and they always bring it back at crucial moments and it makes the scene hit so much harder
40 episodes oh my god😭 I'm surprised you didn't get burnt out in the middle of watching and quit altogether, that's so many hours of sitting and only focusing on one thing oouuuh
Yeah it takes me a loot of time to focus on a solid activity even the smallest ones such as watching anime or starting a new game, or in academics too, it could take me 5 hours to start doing an assignment only to finish it in 30 minutes, my mind is a prison
Actually i was a year younger when i signed in for MAL because i joined anime-planet a year after
I'm reaaally bad at picking a definitive favorite so I can't answer that question :( if you asked me the same question but for games, shows, music, food or any other subject i would answer you the same thing😭 wbu though???
And yes!! But i usually lean towards a very niche side (rpg maker games, and a specific genre of vns) so I very rarely play big titles, I am more drawn towards characters and storytelling rather than gameplay mechanics so the closer the game is to a book the better I guess, I am also terrible at action games or anything fps related so i stay away from those i use backloggd to track my games btw!! Do you use any websites to track your other hobbies or do you only use MAL?
Yes Shiratorizawa was insane!!! but the match with the twins is even worse (and better!!) I started now reading the manga – the art style change still reaaallllllyyyyyy bothers me – and the manga is also insaaaaaneeee. I miss the animation of the matches, but the manga includes a lot little moments between characters, and I find that rly precious as well. Perhaps one day I give the "To the Top" anime another chance, but right now I am happy with the manga.
I am almost finished with the game against the twins, and Nekoma already won their game (my godddd!!! to get new Kenma content after so many years🥰❤️🔥🥰 what a blessing!!!!! he's just the bestest chracter 💖 I just love him so so much 😍 heheheh)
The manga is also soooooo suspenseful, despite knowing who's winning the current Karasuno match, it made my stomach tie in a knot from excitement (you know that feeing of nervousness and excitement when you feel it in ur body??)
anyway, super excited to continue reading that one... tho im sooooo scared for Karasuno vs. Nekoma bc. they're both my favorites 😭 and I'll definitely be happy and sad by the end of it :)
Other than that, ur definitely right when it comes to finding an anime that actually has a satisfying ending, it is super super difficult to get that. What are some anime that you wished would have gotten another season or a full runtime?? Somehow I'm most upset about the Ouran High School Host Club anime, bc. that was hilarious and I got rly invested in it at the end of the season, but I don't wanna read the manga 'cause I rly dont like the art style??.... so that's personally upsetting. However, I still somehow hope it one day receives the same treatment as Fruits Basket, which some years ago got an adaptation of the entire manga.
And yeah, you're right Persona 5 Royal is suuuuuuper long, my first attempt took 200h, and my second one about 130h... so it's a time sink rly, but I think it's good immediately, and not one of those games that take a while for you to get into. If you have a Playstation you can also play that game there (persona games are always playstation exclusive for 5+ years) so it's a lot cheaper there (that's where I played it as well, on my PS4).
Can I ask why you retired from shooter games? Is it no longer appealing or fun to you? Did you simply play too much and it became repetitive or another reason??
Cyberpunk 2077 is the game which made me buy my gaming pc!!!!!!!!!! Tho thankfully that was already half a year after its release so I could actually play it 🙈 I also love Ghost of Tsushima (was just recently thinking of it again) and BOTW (as you already noticed).
I love the setting for Ghost of Tsushima (one of the reasons I tried Sekiro, but I eventually gave up on that bc. it was too infuriating (and I didn't enjoy myself. Tho "Lies of P" (which came out 2 years ago) is one of my favorite games and that's also a Souls-Like game, so I'm fine with some of the super difficult video games, but Sekiro was simply too frustrating for me (for several reasons which are too long for typing rn))...
Other than that, I also rly LLOOOOOVVEEE OMORI, which is this JRPG-inspired horror-ish game about trauma, Nier Automata, Lies of P (as I mentioned), the new Animal Crossing game, the persona and Pokemon franchise, Danganronpa still has a fond place in my heart....and probably many other games I'm forgetting rn.
If you want you can add me on Steam, my user name is literally the same as it is here:)
oooh idk actually, somewhere in the US?? also no i was born here and i haven't moved to anywhere else since, no money for such things LMAO
yeahh the pacing was terrible but it had some really good scenes so i just block the endless padding from my brain and focus on what made the saga good
lmaoo yes that scene felt good to watch, thank you luffy for getting rid of that feeling of powerlessness on a single action🙏🙏
Actually I don't know,, I usually don't go over 6 episodes a day now but back then i think 20 was my limit
yeah like, this is an anime tracking site get off your high horse and follow back you are not a celebrity 😭😭😭 i think so yes i had a lot of conversations with mutual followers, also woah i was 13 back then now I'm deathly curious about what I was talking about with other users but I can't access to any of it
same! thank u for always replying so enthusiastically
The actual name of my career is computer engineering so it's basically engineering level math, I'm really really bad at it, I've already failed math course before (different uni) so I'm not looking forward to it at all😭
where are u from btw????
I really liked water 7, marineford and wci, there are too many scenes i love tbh I'm usually drawn to the emotional scenes like
aot season 1 was 25 episodes right?? I could neverr, you must have been really hooked, i respect the dedication 🙏🙏
I think i stayed on anime-planet for about 1 or 2 years only, i wasn't as active as i was here though, i didn't like how the forums and customization worked, also it has a follower system instead of a friend system and i don't like the clouty vibe that comes with it
Happy to hear that!!^^
you also reply pretty fast i hope im not making u feel pressured to do so!!, please answer at the time u feel most comfortable
correct!! it's 4 years, so i'm halfway there, im scared of the upcoming math courses ngl
unless shonen jump/sueisha gets tired of one piece (which i really doubt because the ip must be quite profitable) i'm sure oda will give a nice closing arc to each strawhat and their respective upgrade
yep, it was airing on a channel called etctv and after that i decided to search the rest of the episodes online also mg country is on my profile lol 🇨🇱 is chile
oooh i can see why it would get you into anime, the first season of snk was really impactful, i thought the concept back then was really original and even got nightmares from imagining something like that happening IRL lol (i was really young, like 9 or 10) season 1 aired when i was 8 years old so i didn't get to watch that one on release, but i did for the rest of the seasons, and I think either inuyasha or sailor moon were my first introductions to anime, which i also watched on tv, but i think the first anime i actively searched on the internet and became a fan of was sword art online,,, not a masterpiece by any means but it's still dear to me to this day)
LMAO yea ratings get a bit crazy on other sites, i think they should strike a balance between viewership/rating because something with 2 fans and 2 10 star ratings can easily get to top 1 despite another show having 10000 fans and 900 10 star ratings
same to you! did you have a nice weekend?
thank uuu, and it's my second year!
oooh well i still think i would enjoy it since i prefer plot over cool fights if executed well, poor usopp 😭😭with so many characters to handle in wano it's no surprise he got sidelined but i trust oda has a plan to make him shine again, and yes i sort of grew up with one piece but I only watched up until arabasta when I was really young and after that I set it aside and came back almost a decade later
snk is kind of a mix bag for me mainly because the ages where i watched each season varied greatly and that def influenced my opinion on some, if i wanted to give it a fair rating i would have to rewatch the entire show from the beginning, also i didn't watch the last 2 seasons, it's on my backlog of things to do (but probably won't do it anytime soon there are too many things i want to play/watch before) and if u ask me what i didn't like about season 2 i genuinely don't remember LOL I barely recall anything that went down during that season
i think my old profile was called areareare, there were many other names but that one was the one i used during my most active years(had to go to my email to check old archived mentions), i even have a layout saved from that time lmao
anime-planet is also a place to track anime/manga with a forum section,, but i think unless you're a huge manhwa/manhua fan myanimelist or anilist are better options
I just finished Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa and I am hyped af!!!!!!!!! Hehehehehehhee *-* *-*
I knew they'd win (since I watched it before), but I'm just so happy still!!!!! I know these boys so well know, I feel like a part of the team. Like an honorary manager that just watches and cheers them on (and thankfully doesn't have to do annoying manager responsibilities like attend morning practice?!)
Despite my love for Kenma, I think Karasuno is still my favorite team (probably because we know most about them)!!
So you rly like Brotherhood? I actually wanna rewatch it since it's been almost 10 years probably. I remember I liked it a whole lot, but I've forgotten mostly everything?? Except the very basics of the show, like how they wanted to get their mother back through alchemy and how that failed. And that weird fucked up episode where that girl turned into a dog?? or something super messed up...??? thats still floating around in my head??
I think brotherhood is more..."rounded" of a show, like everything ties together somehow, whereas HxH is rly focussed on Arcs.... though I think nothing I've seen in Shounen anime has ever reached Chimera Ant Arc, tbh...that was just some insane shit, and Togashi rly punched me in the stomach repeatedly throughout, I was crying so darn hard.....*sigh* tho I'll forgive him for the mental scaring lol
I've pretty much given up on the manga ever finishing, which is something I've come to accept now...I think its somehow sad to probably not see the real ending, but I'm very thankful for the story he has written thus far:)
Regarding video games now:...
I personally think the Persona games are absolutely worth it!!! They're probably my favorite game franchise:) Especially their stories are always a 10/10. Persona 5 Royal is my favorite (as well as the most people's favorite) and they recently also released it for PC. though it's probably still quite expensive. but I'd suggest this one the most:) Maybe if you ever wanna try it out, put it on your Wishlist and wait for a discount??? If you play on steam? Which I think since you played Phasmophobia (tho idk if they released that on console)?? or buy it used on eBay?? if you wanna give it a shot. tho it's a long ass game, tho, but rly rly good. The characters rly feel like you're friends at one point <3
Yes the new game is called Silent Hill f....they have weird names tbh, they don't make any sense, hehehe. Like it was Silent Hill 1-3, then Silent Hill 4 The Room and then they just added a bunch of weird shit after the Silent Hill name. *shrugs*
I mostly play single player games, as I'm sorta scared of the gamer community tbh.... ??? idk if that makes sense to you?? tho the few times I've played online multiplayer games I did have a good time, I'm just scared of voice chat or super competitive shooter games 'cause I feel like people there will insult you?? Idkkk??
What kind of games do you usually play? do you have some favorite games????!!
anime burnout is so real, i don't think i ever got out of it? i reached 100 days of anime in like 2018 and i've barely made progress since then, and don't worry the ending of rakugo s2 is great too!, it's just a reaaaally small detail, your reaction to the reveal will depend on how open minded you are
i've only heard really vague spoilers about what's going on in the latest episodes of one piece so i can't give my opinion on that, someday I'll get the motivation to pick up the anime again orz, so it's as exciting as marineford?? that's reassuring
i hope you have fun watching re;zero once u decide to pick it up!! it's a bit of a rough start but maybe if you think of it as an investment you'll be able to push through the first awkward episodes LMAO, Subaru is one of my favorite MC's from anime but mentioning the reasons why would be spoiler territory, but I hope you grow to like him too
Jobless reincarnation... I only watched season 1 when it was airing and the setting and visuals were amazing but Rudeus is genuinely a disgusting character to the point I don't even want to see him redeemed so I didn't give the later seasons/novel a try, definitely a hard watch, it had so much potential though 💔 pervert isekai fans must be having a field trip with it
I was under the impression snk was a seinen too especially the later seasons but the manga publishing company is shonen focused, goes to show that sometimes anime doesn't always fit the stereotype from the genre it comes from
waaa an usopp fan, really good pick!! he's the goat, I understand he is supposed to be more "normal" than the other crew members when it comes to their crazy abilities but he really needs a power up i agree, personally I'm a sanji fan, despite him being a bit questionable at times I've loved him ever since i was a kid (there's this latam anime focused channel that used to air one piece back in 2014? maybe earlier (can you tell that my memory is a mess) and they still air it even today)
i deleted my account because I got quite obsessed with forum/profile interactions, and also watching anime for the sake of making my watch count bigger without actually enjoying anything and it was really impacting my mental health, specially at an age as impressionable as 13, so for the sake of my sanity i took a break (technically, i only moved to anime-planet where the same thing ended up happening and only after that did i seriously quit using sites like these altogether)
LMAO sorry they're on my dislikes section for a reason😭 there's so many nasty people on the internet that can take out the enjoyment of almost any activity, discourse over not watching certain shows is very silly LOL i hope things have gotten better nowadays
nice to meet u too kenji!!!
i'll send u the code through a private message, it's really messy though so beware,, also bbcode is not really something that is taught in schools at all but i guess the logic is similar? it's easy to use but at the same time very frustrating, i have a front end developer class this semester and I hope i can learn to make even prettier things!!
thank you so much for reading my ramblings, i'm glad you understand what i'm trying to say
you haven't watched the second season of rakugo?? please lmk i'm not very clear on that aspect so i'd rather avoid talking about specifics if you haven't to avoid any spoilers but i think it was extremely good, the way it handles themes of loss and aging are actually something i've only seen in this show so it left a huge impression on me, the only thing that sours my experience is the ending LOL it actually held me back from putting it as my favorite when i finished watching it, but other than that it's just as good as the first season
congrats on catching up with one piece!!! I ventured into the same journey and made it to the episode that was currently airing at the time (but I kind of lost interest waiting weekly for an episode so i must be almost 100 episodes behind by now)
what are your thoughts on the current arc?? I heard there is some crazy stuff going on from an irl friend that likes one piece
I understand your stance on isekais, the only isekai I like (or remember liking lol, there must be another one but it doesn't come to mind atm) is Re:Zero, and i actually despised it at my first attempt watching it, I only gave it a go with an open mind around when season 2 was airing, and i fell in love with it (Subaru's character development is really really good)
And I think I share your stance on shonen, there are shows i like but none that really sticks out to me or feels special, after the initial hype is gone, i don't really think back on these shows at all, one piece might be an exception since i stuck around for 990 episodes the strawhats almost feel like family by now, are there any characters that are special to you from one piece?
thank u for reading my carrd omg😭 and hmmm i've seen mal elitists for sure, especially when i was active on forums back in 2018ish? but with an account i deleted of my own accord, but I don't really mind them, if anything casuals piss me off more in modern times, the people that used to bully others now what stuff like jujutsu kaisen or dandandan and it really weirds me out LOL, i tend to find the shows they like a bit boring but i respect their taste regardless, the message is moreso aimed at jirai kei elitists (basically 0 fun allowed ever if you break a single rule from their fashion or culture they will make sure everyone and their mothers know and publicly shame you for it, not to mention they're extremely classist and overall shitty people but it's a very niche subculture overall so i won't bore u with the details,, the other group are visual novel elitits, that call you a poser unless you've read the exact 3x3 set of vns and they are usually very misogynistic and also massive weirdos, i think anime elitism is very tame in that regard)
as for the last question either angel or ashe is fine i like both of these names so use whichever you wish
as for the layout question i took inspiration from another user (their account is linked on my profile) but other than that i've been messing with bbcode since 2017 so i have a decent knowledge on how to use it!!
my memories from 2021 are really blurry but i think i spotted oddtaxi while searching for seasonal anime on this website and it caught my interest, i don't even remember what else was being aired during that year
mmm most of my favorites are there because they bring me comfort, there is this very specific feeling i got when i watched mushishi, natsume yuujinchou, xxxholic, and shinsekai yori, and when i look back on these those feelings come right back and it almost transports me to the places i was when i watched them, they all have a sort of gloomy vibe to them? almost? but it's really nice feeling, sorry if i'm rambling!!!!! as for showa rakugo it doesn't fit this category but i really really loved the storytelling and characters and animation and pretty much everything i'd be lying if i said it hooked me right away, i tried watching it around 2022 i believe? and i was uninterested (mostly because i was watching too many things at once) but when i decided to give it another go i binge watched the entire thing, i'm a bit iffy about the ending reveal from the second season but i could almost call it a masterpiece
your faves are pretty interesting too, i see a lot of cult classics such as cowboy bepop, vagabond, berserk, uchuu senkan yamato, and many others,, i've considered getting into many of these but they seem pretty heavy to get into (i don't mean this in a negative way, it just takes a looot of time for me to get invested on serious shows despite what my favorites might make you think 😭, i'm not a fan of isekai and shonen slop with a few exceptions but i am also pretty immature with my taste)
and yes, i watched oddtaxi back when it was airing, it was pretty fun to see how an anime overlooked by pretty much anyone gained traction for the quality of the writing and story, there were even video essays being made about it, i hope more shows like this come out in the future...
Now that I think about it I'm not sure what other long games I've played aside from Life is Strange. But based on BG3 and Life is Strange, I would say I don't mind them.
Yes haha, I love to call myself a gamer. I own an Xbox One, Switch, Xbox 360 and a laptop that I game on. The PS5 I play BG3 on belongs to my brother. Yepp I for sure can get pretty competitive, I love playing board games as well.
- I think I played one game of TF2 in 2016, but I don't remember anything about that one game.
- Dungeon Defenders is like a 3D tower defense. Your character can run around and shoot at the monsters along side the towers.
- I have around 400 hours on Stardew maybe. Split between two farms, one where I'm in year 2 and married to Sebastian and one where I just got to year 3 and married to Harvey. I always practically speed run getting married.
- Wuthering Waves and HSR are both Chinese games. Wuthering Waves is more of an open world like Genshin, but HSR is turn based.
- Minecraft is always so much fun to go back to, especially with friends.
- lol Roblox for kids and teens... pretty much. I've been having fun playing random horror games with a friend of mine, but most of them aren't too well made. Oh and sometimes we just get on and play Bingo while chatting.
JJBA has a fun and unique power system. All the Stands are musical references. I think that's pretty cool.
Ah that's a nice blurb for HxH :)
Looks interesting and I do love playing games with a friend. How far into the game have you gotten?
also yess!! i watched odd taxi when it was airing and it felt so unique to me, good taste 🤝🤝🤝🤝